Sunday, October 05, 2014

Why Is Pat Buchannon a "Red" Sympathiser Noww?

I watched the Mc Laughlin report.  The thing on Hong Kong infuriated me because now Pat Buchannon not only kiddies up to Putin but also this Chinese leader peddling the same paranoid crap about how the US should mussel its free speech about Hong Kong, even if we are COMPLETELY right and justified in our feelings like the agreement of 1997 was grievously violated.   They don’t care.  They think they can get away with it and pull off another Tienimin Square and once again get away with it in world opinion.  There was also a thing on the Indian economy.  Pat was sounding a little “Red” in that segment too saying that we should not pursue an alliance with India and have no reason to, but should rather go with tried and true nations we can trust such as Red China and the Soviet Union.  There was a middle segment on the secret service.  That “elevator incident” is disturbing indeed.  (Selah)   Oh, and I changed the calendar page to October and Yom Kuppur is today, which explains something.   Let me also say that I told James on the back benches afterward when it had gotten dark, that if Pat Buchannon were any member of my Cabinet I would fire him if he'd made statements to the media that he made on the Mc Laughlin group.  Nobody likes a defeatist, who is a propagandist for the other side!

I'm Puzzled and a little troubled about the secretiveness of President Obama's meeting with Governor Quinn of Illinois.  I've heard from the ads on WCPT that Rouner, the Republican is really bad and would be a disaster for the state.  It's strange that in 2012 that Governor Christie and Obama were so public about being seen together - a real love fest- - but I'm wondering who in the media made the decision to play down the visit?  And it seems that Obama- - is behaving much like Christie during the Romney campaign - - in that he'd much rather talk about Himself than the man he's supposed to be campaigning for.  Perhaps instead of watching Greg Laurie on TV at churches, we should all hold a Prayer Rally for Governor Quinn.

Last night on line I watched that George Washington’s blog video put out by that Occupy Wall Street guy, and this is the person who wrote the book “The Economics of Resolution” but I dispute his fantastic figures about how wealthy the rich really are saying the rich have stored away assets in excess of fifty million and that each American could get a guaranteed annual check of $72,000 with no problem.  America as an agrigate has never been richer but vast numbers of consumers are slated to join the ranks of the “broke” because if se weren’t living on vast amounts of personal debts- - a lot more would be poor and unable to maintain their middle class life style.  I understand better now why people like Judy were so freaked out by the “Occupy Wall Street” people, because the economic politics is radical.  But before this I had Free Speech TV and Mike Papentonio was talking about just about the same thing.  There is some quote of a 1930’s economist saying “The media is the message and creates this major pathology of group think.  We are a brainwashed society”.  As I have said applying to Christianity “The media teaches us what questions NEVER to ask ourselves”.  Norman Goldman would have us all, and particularly Blacks, to believe it’s merely a question of “bitterness” as though- - it’s somehow “all in the past” and if we can just take some drug to make us forget about how completely BAD the electoral outlook out there and how the Republicans with citizen’s united and all have a lock on the thing with all the politicians in place – under their direct control - - and that basically - - it’s a question of “just be a good citizen and get involved and vote”.   That’s like telling a person with a mouth full of rotting teeth “Oh just change your brand of toothpaste”.   No.  The Black, the poor, the students, the elderly - - have basically three choices.  They can retreat into a shell or just “hide from the world” or move to Costa Rica like Randy Rhodes did.  This is the “running away” option.  Or they can pray to God or some outside entity with more POWER than they have to somehow appeal to this Entity to “bail them out”.  The other choice is to Fight by any means- up to and not excluding violence, like Nelson Mandella believed and successfully put into practice to liberate South Africa.

I have Face the Nation on right now a few minutes later and Netenyahoo is speaking now.  Pat Buchannon’s rather dismissive views on the Israeli Prime Minister are- interesting.  All of us want to know what the “threatened” nation of Israel plans to do about ISIS themselves.  But he went into his Darth Vader mode when asked about ISIS saying “There are things we don’t discuss on TV, even on Face the Nation”.  Netenyahoo says that Iran is far more dangerous because they have a lot more spendable “assets” to keep any war going. He thinks the current leader of Iran is “smooth talking” but there are too many centrifuges ready to start up again.  As upsetting as it is to Sean Hannity, Netenyahoo says he has a “good working relationship with President Obama”.  Of course we know Israel resented the flight restrictions into Israel during the crisis of last summer.  But Sean Hannity says “I flew into Israel during that period and I felt quite safe”.  Did Sean hear what he just said?  He said that during the height of the so called “terror” Sean Hannity didn’t feel threatened, nor apparently did he think ANY American should have felt threatened to the Gaza Hamas bombings.  Capish?  They spent several segments on the Ebola crisis kind of minimizing it- - in my opinion.  The new leader of Afghanistan says he’s going to have a balanced government, where the opposition gets a fair voice in the affairs of state.  Apparently the newly elected leader is India is a “promising political figure”.

The name of this file is commitment.   On the Jesus Christ show- - the topic of today was “reliability”.   “Behold I give you a new commandment – that you preach the Faith only to those with a proven reliability track record- that the word be reliably passed on to others.  Like all that stuff with its incessant music hype- the topic was a major joke.  Once Fred Price complained that when your boss promises you a raise, you go around telling your friends, “I got the raise” but when a Preacher preaches scripture- - now you suddenly have all sorts of problems with believing him.  Why is that?” Pastor Price asks.  Why indeed?   But once again we have a problem.  Jesus referred to his producer Neil in the third person.  That is a lie.  And we are to presume that Jesus watches movies in his spare time.  Also in all my years of Bible study I have never before heard that we restrict our “good news” to those who are “reliable”.  Of course John Mac Arthur as you know has criticized “seeker friendly Churches” as though a “good” church was NOT “seeker friendly”.   I’m wondering “Is that a RELIABLE spreading of God’s word?  In terms of taking oaths- there is a simple reason for it.  It’s the same reason why barbers have licenses or that you be asked about your financial equity when you go in for a lone.  It’s not that we doubt your honesty- - but it’s to “keep you honest” you know- - like a vaccination is a precaution against a disease, not that you’re going to get it.  It’s like the financial regulations we used to have on Wall Street.  I would rather have someone state a promise to me- - with some sort of track record or proof to back it up - - some “surety” if you will- - than do what a lot of people to is that when they’re lying they double down on the big promises- - and then come the accusations of  “how dare you not believe me?”  I guess an evangelist wouldn’t know anything about that- - would he?   Otherwise I got up before five thirty and took a long shower.  I’d had these rather paranoid dreams I’d rather not go into.  Then I went out back and ran into Paul who gave me a white cigarette and I told him all about this stopping smoking saga.  Then I went to the back TV room and watched this movie about this leader in Africa and this young, bright boy - - and of course lots of ads.  Right now KNBC is on- and it’s getting light outside.

There are a few things on a personal note I'd like to mention.   First of all we are at the 72 hour mark of when I made my decision not to buy any more cigarettes, and I have stuck with that.  For perspective I had about ten in the pack at the time and was slated to give Glen four for instant coffee you make up in the sink with dubious hot water.   Since then I haven't bought any cigarettes.  So I have stuck with my commitment.   The Rapture is scheduled to take place in six days.  October 9th is the Jewish holiday of Sukkoth, which refers to the Harvest, and it's also John Lennon's birthday.  And of course there is a Harvest crusade going on at this moment (this is a little before five) and Churches can see it on a Live video feed.  And then there is a remake and release of the movie "Left Behind" the Tim Lehey project.  Or as they say in Springfield, "Left Below".   The weather cooled to tollerable today, which we are grateful for.  It's usually about day five that I run into "internal resistance" and give up on my anti smoking campaigns.  So far I'm basically on track, but I'm wary enough to know that the biggest psychological hurdle is a couple of days out, irrespective of what it says in the "You Can Quit Cold Turkey" anti smoking books.

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