Wednesday, October 01, 2014

More Squirrels Coming Down Out of the Trees

Today is Wednesday October 1, 2014 and you know who turns sixty today. This is the 65th anniversary of when mainland China went communist.  Yesterday and today there have been massive protests in Hong Kong, which the communist government now runs, and they want less “vetting” of political candidates by the government, and have threatened to occupy government buildings of their demands aren’t met by Thursday.  The government promised them in 1997 that the people of Hong Kong would have autonomy, and apparently not kept their promise.   This is yet another dangerous flash point in the world today.  I did not post yesterday.

That lady secret service agent resigned today.  But yesterday congress interrupted their eight week vacation to come back for a grilling of this SS leader, and she has the “grill marks” to prove it.  The accusations were caustic and over the top.  Norman Goldman knows a lot about medicine because he worked on a lot of medical cases while he was a practicing attorney.   But there are other “security problems” today is you ask Rick Perry.  You see the first outbreak of Ebola officially occurred in Texas yesterday, and Perry is upset.  But he says he has the best skills of any of the states to deal with this sort of thing.  Michal Savage was featured on the Thom Hartman show this morning.  This guy’s rant was so vitriolic he made Sean Hannity look like the junior varsity team of the hate school.  Savage raged on about South Africa being taken over by negroes and how the place used to be clean and shiny (and White) and well run, and now the entire country has turned into one massive slum, as has the city of Detroit, he just had to add.  Of course we know Detroit has a whole lot of Blacks in it.  Savage also raged about securing the borders because people with Ebola could be flooding across the borders right now.  Thom Hartman reminded us viewers that Guatamala, where so many of those children were from, actually has government health care and is way superior to Texas, which has one of the worst health care and lowest health insurance rates in the country.  Don’t confuse people with the facts.  There was also this caller on Rush who claimed that the Ebola outbreak was some “planned conspiracy” either to gain power for the government, or intimidate people from going to the polls on election day.  All I can say is that the right wing has gone from whacky to outright psychotic.  Now we hear that in the past month or two we’ve gotten the Mexican government to crack down in a major way because they have all but stopped the flood of kids from the Guatamala border of people riding on the tops of railroad cars and the like.  Now the “latest breaking news” is that CBS says yes the president will issue major new immigration regulations.  Talk, talk, talk.

Rush and Sean Hannity are still raving about how President Obama “single handedly pulled every last troop out of Iraq” and going on, “He bragged about it- - but he had to do it as part of a campaign promise to his base in 2008 and to keep his vast democratic supply of campaign donors happy”.   Apparently there was some new revelation how Meliki approved of the status of forces agreement but- - the Parleament of Iraq would not approve it.  And so Rush states that President Obama should have gotten an illegal agreement with “Meliki’s personal assurance there wouldn’t be a problem” as if he wouldn’t lie.  But the kicker is Rush states that this deal was offered the President- - - Three Years Ago.  Well- three years ago all of the US Troops were already completely OUT of Iraq, so what the hell is Rush talking about?   But of course we do have a Status of Forces treaty with Afghanistan to leave forces in that country for the next ten years, and these are combat ready troops that are ready to engage at any time.  Now liberals are newly concerned that congress is fast on its way to being irrelivent.  It would seem that this would be a universal, non political truth.  Because the Roman Senate in the old days was made weaker and weaker by giving up power- - until the Senate became completely unnecessary because the Emperor was dictator.   All the nuts are coming out of the trees.

I had Mike Papentonio on this morning because they had a new show up.  It’s apparently an excellent idea to tell your doctor that if you have a choice between two drugs to accomplish the same thing, to chose the older of the two drugs, one with a proven track record.  Of course now they are trying to change some pharmacy rules so that the manufacturer’s hype about the drug can be substitute from legitimate medical studies of the drug, so that there would seem to be a conspiracy to peddle drugs that will kill you- - and the vendors have no conscience about it.  Airline stocks dropped today out of fear of all this Ebola stuff.  But now of course they have that other new flu like virus children get, where muscle weakness and paralysis is a result for a few.  Also “Ring of Fire” had a segment on how many of these people on news panels in the media, are paid shills for the defense industry, and they don’t bother to inform the viewers of that.  I would just note that you just don’t hear any of the “talking heads” say that going to war is any other than a good thing.  It’s as of nobody sees any “down side” to major War.

The Rapture isn't canceled- yet.  Remember that the date John Lennon told me was like around midnight of October 11th into Sunday the 12th of October.  The event is supposed to be the 34th anniversary of when the "October surprise" DIDN'T happen in 1980, or as little Ricky Nelson was fond of saying "This sitting around waiting to be surprised really gets to you".   Personally the upheavel of the past week or so of my life seems to be sorting itself out.  I learned today that the drop in Resperidol I had complained to Dr Messina about cutting the ammount of Resperidol in half in early 2012, and this was never dealt with, and I have only been taking HALF the dosage I thought I was- for these past two and a half years.  Maybe that explains why I have never been so depressed as I have been these past two and a half years.  This 2nd weekend in October was the date I had touted for- - the past year or something.  I only changed it to sooner- - partially out of impatience to "get it on" and "Scotty, beam me up!"

[From Yesterday] That fence jumper who got in the front door of the White House got a lot farther than that.  He made it all the way to the East Room where he was apprehended without lethal force.  I guess they didn’t want to shoot up the White House china or riddle the walls of the White House with bullet holes if they didn’t have to.  It seems some aids to the Secret Service turned off the main alarm because he or they found them annoying, and that this is common practice.  Now they have a thing installed that automatically keeps the front door locked.  I see no problem with the republicans investigating this one.  We all want answers.  In term of President Obama- - some are still bewildered by the strange detachment of the President on the Sixty Minutes interview where he blamed not acting on ISIS months ago as an “intelligence failure”.  It seems the President was given “granular details” on the movements of ISIS for months.  But the president only attends 452% of his White House daily security briefings.  Sean Hannity is mystified by this.  Apparently the President’s approval rating has fallen to a new low of 35%.  If I were in his shoes needless to say I would resign immediately.  I couldn’t take the avalanche of criticism from all directions, left, right, and center.  Personally I would secretly relish the idea of Joe Byden becoming President because the right wing has always been so deathly afraid of him, and now their worst nightmare would come true.  The Ebola virus continues to be in the news casting its shadow of doom and gloom. 

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