Thursday, October 02, 2014

Lies My FOX News Mentors Told Me

It’s strange the way governor Rick Perry has played this whole Ebola outbreak in his state.  If the same thing had happened here in California you know well that the ads would be all over the place how ‘Jerry Brown’s leadership has failed- and now there is Ebola in California”.  But of course there is this “red state donut hole” where if you make above a certain amount with a crappy job- - which is all you can get in Texas these days-  - a $7.50 hour job - - then you are too rich to get one kind of medic-aid.  Of course 25% of the good people of Texas have no medical insurance at all.  But you can’t afford anything connected with Obama Care assuming these red state governors would even allow that.  Now they are going the term of E-bama-bola” or some such thing.  They are saying “This Ebola virus comes from Obama’s African roots” even though Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ghana - - aren’t anywhere near Kenya, if that’s what they’re driving at.  These people on FOX news aren’t even TRYING to make sense these days- - but are almost entirely driven by the political cliché and catch phrase, as though the audience were already conditioned in Pavlovian fashion how to emotionally respond. 

A health and disease expert on the Sean Hannity show states that this Ebola virus outbreak now is NOT the horrible Ebola we first heard about thirty years ago.  That one was a death sentence because it was an airborne virus and also “turned your whole body to Jell-O within two days.  It sounds like a horrible way to go.  But you just bleed our of every orifice and undergo massive hemorrhaging all within the body.   This virus is the Marstin virus- - or maybe it’s Marvins or something.  You can’t truly even call it a “strain” of Ebola.  But the doctor reminds us that these viruses mutate constantly within days and are an imminent threat.  Sean let the other two male and two females of his staff weigh in with their opinions on this.  Sean also praised Howard Stern- - who is such a vile, disgusting individual on so many levels.

 Last night I looked up the Carter and Reagan Presidential debate, which didn’t happen till late October of 1980.  What is adverse about that is that Jimmy Carter was reluctant to debate at all that year, and his poll numbers were only two or three down before the debate, but of course after this lone debate it was a Reagan landslide.  But outright lies were told by Ronald Reagan this night daring to claim that he’s “always been for medicare” and yet there is enough document film to fill the Smithsonian of Ronald Reagan going on at length about “all the bills they’ve tried to get through” and how Ronald Reagan opposed every one of them and repeatedly referred to the whole concept as “Socialized Medicine”.   But we have another case on TV ads as a case of outright lying.  This pertains to Proposition 45.  As you know we have been deluged with these No on 45 ads and all of them say “Don’t let one politician being able to overrule insurance regulation in the state of California” and they also add in that “This leader is heavily influenced by political contributions”.  Nobody wants a cook to overrule government regulations of insurance.  Well then I hear Jackie on Stephanie’s show this morning saying that all of the progressives were for Yes on 45.  It seems it’s health insurance regulation of a similar kind to what was done with auto insurance rates with the old Prop 103.  In that election there was a proposition 100 supported by Law Enforcement- - and me, but that one didn’t pass.  But apparently there are no regulations against telling outright lies in these Ads.

They ought to re-designate the letters G O P to stand for Greed, Obstruction, and Plutocracy.   We all await the end of the 34 year end of the Reign of Terror of Reagonomics.  I was looking at the various parties running for President in 1980.  The Communist Party put up Gus Hall and Angela Davis for Vice President, which was a nice touch.  The Libertarian party ran Ed Clark and David Koch.  And you had John Anderson - - and apparently in a debate between Reagan and Anderson nobody watched - - where they were intending to have an empty chair there for Carter's absence- - Anderson spent more time criticizing Carter than the man who was accross the stage from him, Mr Reagan.  Thom Hartman has spoken of the inherent dangers in low tax rates.  In the first place George Washington's Blog points out that economic crashes are preceded by periods of NOT - - high debt and taxes, but just the opposite.  The crash of 1929 was preceded by a few years by lowered corporate income taxes and a sound fiscal policy.  The right wing will never admit this.  These right wingers speak endlessly of "families having to cut back on spending in tough times".   In the first place this is now the Seventh Year of "Tough Times" but wives at some point will tell their husbands to "bring some revenue into the home" at a certain point.  But since when was the last time multi Billionaires ever had to remotely think of "cutting back on spending"?   That's the best they can come up with.  The cure for an economic recession is to cut back on personal spending???   But Thom Hartman says that the show is quite on the other foot.  It's the rich who in times of low taxes- - have consistently throughout history- - gotten CARELESS with their endless supplies of money.  It "burns a hole in their pocket" and they have this itchy impulse to spend it "something" even if it's completely stupid, and make risky investments.  But the trouble is that these risky investments by the rich in the time of "extreme plutocracy" affects us all- - when their folly blows up in their face- - and we get a major market crash like September of 2008.   As this author has stated before- - many times you can get a bottom line "sugar rush" or something- - by doing some accounting guimick.  But you can only do them ONCE.  You can shift only so many accounting numbers and then they are "Shifted".  Or you cut back employees - - but NOW you can't do that any more.  You can delay expenditure in infrastructure.  But you can't do THAT forever, either.  So these rich pluticrats are engineering the very economic CRASH they profess to be so afraid of.

Let’s at this time straighten out some confusion and lack of information to you blog readers out there.  We have alluded to that third Mc Cartney best of CD called “Blowing It in the Seventies”.   This compilation came out around March 23rd of 2013, which is longer ago than I thought- - and I have it in “Record Store” or For the Record.  It may look confusing because it’s in “two acts”, but it isn’t two CD’s or two vinyl sides- - but it’s all on one CD - - but is just stated in “Acts” and there is a reference to Act III being performed in a rehab clinic.  That famous ‘Blue Album” of outs, a reworking of the White Album is even older, from January 8th of 2013.   But I lucked into finding that “Better Fantasy” album I’ve referred to often.  This one is from January of 2014, and not “last year” as I had recently stated.   There is also an interesting Governor Christie parody thing of a fantasy speech that he might give- in this same posting.  In my stuff it’s “Escape from Egypt” or the same blog I am currently working on.   In terms of that bucket list “individual favorite recordings” long compilation in green font- - this one is not a Federation production, and if you will notice, it contains songs not by the Beatles in the line-up. 

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