Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Chargers Move to Los Angeles

 The big story we learned on EWN was that the Chargers decided to move to Los Angeles after all.  I know they had sought to get city assistance for funding a new stadium.  I thought they had a plan.  When that failed I thought the owners of the team were going to fund it themselves but they were too many million short.  So the Chargers will now be playing in Carson or something and not the coliseum.  This stadium only holds thirty thousand people.   They had been in San Diego for 56 or their 57 years in existence.  They realized the first year that they could not compete in the same market as the LA Rams.  I wonder what happened to change their minds.  I had heard that the vast majority of people in both cities wanted the Chargers to stay in San Diego.  There is news that the Chargers have changed their basic logo or something.  So many teams like to make drastic changes in their uniforms and all.

 The FBI will be investigating itself or something to find out why Chief Comey “leaked” or put out that Hillary was again under suspicion with the new found E mails in October.  Actually the office investigating is the Inspector General, a post that was created by Congress in the post Watergate era.  The Inspector General has no power to prosecute in himself.  Comey sent that letter to congress but decided to just “sit on” the dirt that he had about Donald Trump.  This shows clear bias.  Of course this little stunt was among three major things that lost the election for Hillary.  The other two were Russian meddeling and needless to say all of the voter suppression that took place in critical states.  Meanwhile yesterday Marco Rubio spent considerable time grilling Tillison.  Stick a fork in him, he’s done, at least in my opinion.  If the republicans themselves don’t trust him why should I?  Now they are even running an ad in prime time TV against Tillison.  That’s a bit unusual.  I thought I heard Ben Carson up for HUD say that government could actually be a good thing.  All of the hearings are still going on with prospective members of Trump’s cabinet including Secretary of Defense and CIA chief.

Sometimes Washington’s blog goes off the rails and starts heaping praises on Donald Trump, undeservedly.  They say things like “Trump will shake up the aristocracy” and be more progressive in foreign policy than was Barock Obama.  I have a feeling Trump isn’t going to do anything that Sheldon Addelson or any of the moneyed republicans want him to do. 

This is Thursday January 12, 2017 and it’s been raining steadily since about one thirty in the morning.  Today’s rain has exceeded yesterday.  I have Stephanie Miller on and I harken back to the phrase of “You never notice the corn growing till one day it’s over your head”.  Donald Trump has so cheapened the discourse in this country you need to step back occasionally and just notice how much things have changed over the past thirty years.  Stephanie has been talking about the lies told and general chaos of yesterday’s so called press conference by Donald Trump.  Of course each step is not exactly “incremental’ because often each new development is a major jolt in our sensabilities.  I could make the same claim of my Christian faith over the past thirty years.  I can think of a lot of things that weren't exactly "incremental" but shocking jolts.  I"m surprised everybody hasn't lost their "faith" in the so called Moral Majority seeing they are neither moral nor a majority right now.  They are a very well organized media savy minority who know how to work the system, and that includes the strings of government.  Learning that William Casey, Reagan’s campaign chairman and future CIA chief sabotaged the promised ‘October surprise” itself was a jolt but it’s the thing that kicked off the Reagan administration.  It explains subsequent odd behavior of the Reagan administration.  It was the strangest thing in 1987 when I learned that congress wasn't even considering filing impeachment charges against Reagan.  The difference between then and now is that at least back then they criminally charged and convicted people for wrong doing.  Sometimes they were pardoned but often they did hard time.  Why doesn't President Obama pardon Don Siegleman?  But it sure is something the way the Republicans call the agenda.  Of course nobody is talking about Hillary’s E mails anymore because that propaganda has served its purpose and William Comey has had his revenge against Hillary or whatever. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Re-litigating "Settled Issues"

We are all fixated by the axiom of "starie destasis" or "settled law" in Supreme Court rulings.  But clearly what we regard as moral and acceptable behavior today hasn't always been regarded as moral and acceptable, and visa versa.  Think about it.  Norman was having fun with the Obama line of “Put yourself in their shoes”.  He’s talking about being an 1830 plantation owner.  He stresses the importance of sometimes having to “re-litigate” controversial issues such as slavery verses the abolitionists.  To that 1830 plantation owner his "whole way of life" is threatened by the rising tide of this new abolitionist movement.  Many issues are being “re-litigated” such as the abortion ruling of 1973 or some say inter racial marriage, or gay relations, or how about “separate but equal?”   Many want to re-litigate the prayer in school issue.  Hence Norman says there is inherently nothing wrong with wanting to “re-litigate” a controversial issue because it goes on all the time.  Apparently the most important thing Barbra Boxer learned in her 24 years in the US senate was that “No issue is ever settled permanently”.  We progressives should take some comfort in this because you know conservatives would like to “institutionalize” and make permanent and entrenched a lot of these pipe dreams they have that are the fondest fulfillment of the 1980 platform of the Libertarian Party with David Koch.  A part of me wishes would re-litigate the importance of things like a quazi state religion we have now, or opening every meeting of congress with a Prayer, which is utterly useless.  I mean THIS congress praying at all is almost like “taking the Lord’s name in vain”.

ABC didn’t have their network news early at five thirty as I figured they would.  The sound system wasn’t working too well on the early part of Obama’s farewell speech in Chicago.  He made a big thing out of it being in his home town where he got his start and he was drowned out by applause all through the early part of his remarks.  The sound got better and he preached on three topics.  One was American excellence and how the United States doesn’t go to war except for a just cause and talked about our brave fighting men throughout history.  He talked about the onward push toward social progress throughout our history.  He talked about how the US won’t go into a country to fight without also enforcing our humanitarian principles.  Then he talked at length of the many things that are better now than eight years ago.  One of them apparently is not tax revenue to California.  Jerry Brown states that he’s going to have to make cuts in the budget so that it will be balanced.  Apparently he doesn’t want to dip into that growing “rainy day fund” to fund “unexpected dips in revenue” like he claims we are having right now.  On the other hand Donald Trump claims to be doing wonders for this economy and he’s not even president for nine more days.  President Obama said the improvements in life in the United States and the “rise in imcomes” is greater than anyone would have imagined eight years ago.  The third thing the President talked about was this political rhetoric and respect for our fellow citizens and how the quality of discourse had dropped dramatically in this country. I think this is the most important topic the President touched on.  Finally he gave accolades to his wife, Michelle, and his two daughters and Vice President Joe Biden, and his White House staff and how we hold the most important position we have in this country and that is of private citizen.  He says “The thing is that I didn’t say I would make the changes in this country but you the citizen has to make the vital changes”.  He said he wasn’t comfortable with the phrase “Post racial America” because we aren’t there yet but we have made lots of progress.  I would say we have retrogressed dramatically over the past eight years on race matters.  The speech over all probably took about fifty minutes.  It ended about four minutes to seven and I went out to smoke a cigarette and when I was back here Jeopardy was on.  So apparently there was very little if any post speech commentary by the media, and perhaps that is all for the best.

This is Wednesday morning January 11, 2017 and it rained last night and early this morning.  Trump finally held his press conference today but little was learned.  I turned on the TV and at first there was no picture at all.  The screen didn’t even light up.  I turned it off and on again and now it came in fine.  I had the TV on before eight.  But Donald Trump was late and the reporters had to review all of the issue.  But first Trump was introduced by a guy who attacked buzz-feed and CNN for propagation of a false intelligence report.  But I’m at a loss to find out what was false about it.  TH says buzz-feed was talking about Trump’s strange relations with women in other countries.  After this Mike Pence spoke.  Then Donald Trump came on with his lengthly critique of the reporting profession liking some and not others.  But then this other lady comes on and virtually takes over the thing for twenty minutes or something talking about Donald Trump’s divestment procedures and why a Blind Trust or just selling off the assets would cause more harm than good creating chaos or raising more questions than it solves.  At seven minutes to nine I went out for a cigarette.  The news conference went on till seventeen after nine and then Stephanopolis continued commentary till nine thirty.   The observation can be made that Trump still seems in campaign mode criticizing Hillary and talking about building the border wall and making Mexico paying for it.  Trump wants to get started with construction right away.  Now Trump appears to say that if the Russians did the hacking it’s because the democrats didn’t have good defenses against it, like the Republicans have.  Trump said he had no connections with overseas deals and he claimed that he doesn’t know whether Russia will be an ally of ours or not.  Trump did not deal (except perhaps to deny) with the question about Putin learning things about Trump so he could blackmail him.  There was no boring in to a particular topic until you got a satisfactory answer.  That kind of reporting is a thing of the past.  At one point he froze out a rather vocal reporter saying he wasn’t going to take questions from his organization.  There was a loud clamoring to ask questions but Trump’s dealings with the actual reporters took maybe a half hour if not less of that hour and fifteen minutes. 

Rhapsody in black is doing January of 1965 and they have played “Quicksand” just now and “I Think I’m Going Out of my Head”, “How Sweet it Is”, and “The Jerk”. They also played “The Name Game”, “How Sweet It Is” and “Yes You Will” by Joe Tex and “There’s a Change that’s gona Come” by Sam Cooke. Later on they played “Walking in the Rain” by the Ronettes and “Saturday Night at the Movies” by the Drifters. The Raiders are losing to the Texans in Houston. They say the Texans could be the very first team to play the Super Bowl in their own stadium. Glenda still hasn’t gotten a cigarette from her daughter and I’m expecting a white one.

Monday, January 09, 2017

The California Drought is a Thing of the Past

This is Monday January 9, 2017 and we can safely say the California drought is a thing of the past.  It’s been raining and snowing heavily in northern California.  Yosemite National Park has been closed.  I’m assuming the Sierra snow pack is way ahead of last year.  Of course we've had the polar vortex back east and it's been around ten or less above zero in both Pittsburgh and Green Bay.  We around here in the past month have had the most rain since the year I got my Cannon Power Shot camera in December of 2010.   Just by way of trivia the first shot from that camera used as a blog photo was the one of the front door with shrubbery around that which isn’t there anymore.  All of the grass out back in the traffic island is a verdant green after being brown in vast portions.  All of the resavaurs in northern California are filled to capacity and they even have to release water.  All of these water conservation laws will become irrelevant.  That year it was raining heavily in December and early January and then it stopped early in 2011 and after that was the start of the drought, so it’s been nearly six years.  It was raining last night.  [material edited out here] It’s been raining this morning.  I made myself instant coffee.  I had Stephanie Miller on.  It was raining when I went out to the liquor store for a dollar coffee and I brought it into the dining room.  We had Cheerios and me and Judy crossed the room to the cart to get our own milk and juice.  Later Josie gave me a second orange juice.  We got scrambled eggs and a whole English muffin and butter and jelly.  It was coffee in a small cup.  I got a second whole English muffin from Paul Evans.

Stephanie Miller says Trump told 560 documented falsehoods during the campaign.  Yesterday the Bobsey twins, John Mc Cain and Lindsey Graham, were on Meet the Press.  They both were saying that yes Russia is guilty of computer hacking and trying to sabotage our way of life holding a free election, but that one shouldn’t infer from this activity that Russia had anything to do with the outcome of the election, but whether they did or not the issue should be investigated by Congress.  Stephanie thinks it silly to maintain that Russia had no influence on our election.  This is a no brainer.  Absolutely the Russian actions affected the outcome of the election.  Let’s see.  You have 77,000 votes among three rust belt states.  You have admitted sabotaging by a foreign power motivated by a goal of reversing the election results.  And furthermore if Bernie Sanders had been the nominee to begin with, then these three rust belt states may well have voted for Bernie over Trump.  And no, we shouldn’t have to “Just get over it”.  This is not a normal situation and if we ever think it is, we’ve lost something precious. 

Yesterday I had the computer on for Face the Nation in the afternoon.  Mitch Mc Connell and Reinz Priebus and Cory Booker were on.  Mc Connell has the gift of inconsistency.  He said when Obama was appointing his cabinet eight years ago that all of the candidates for the posts needed to be thoroughly vetted and we need to go slowly.  Now of course the shoe is on the other foot and Mc Connell wants to fast track all of the appointments so that “President Trump has a national security team ready to go on day one”.   They are going to ramrod these appointments through despite the questionable backgrounds of so many of these cabinet choices.  Clearly all of these candidates are so rich with so many foreign entanglements it should take longer th approve them rather than less time.  Of course Mc Connell is also inconsistent on Supreme Court appointments.  Now he’s all eager to fill the empty seat.   Normally these hearings for a new Justice take months and we’ll have to see how the process is speeded up this time.

 Sixty Minutes raised the ongoing moral issue as to whether the United States should work to get hostages out of foreign countries.  Say what you want to about Jimmy Carter.  Not one Iranian hostage lost his life.  All of them ended up getting released.  In 2014 when ISIS was getting going- - citizens from other nations were taken hostage in Europe and such.  But these counties bought ISIS off with a few million.  They’d pay the money and not admit it.  So why couldn’t the United States pay the money and not admit it?  It would seem to me that the propaganda value of all these beheadings we saw night after night on our TV were worth a lot more to ISIS for recruiting purposes- - then buying them off with a few million dollars.  There is a saying that is in use of “Where there’s life, there’s hope”.  How much value to you place on a human life.  Will paying off ISIS “finance their terrorism for future hostage taking”?  I guess they’ve run a study and the answer appears to be “No”.  But it does farther than that because it's government's policy to actually Prosecute private citizens who raise their OWN money to get hostages of ISIS released.  It's bad enough that Obama is not more "pro life" when it comes to droning Muslims, but don't throw our own people in jail for simply "exercising self defense".  

I dozed off during the second segment and roused just after seven thirty.  I went down for medication from April.  The line was short but the few people took a long time.  For the first time in weeks we got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I was glad of that.  I returned to the room and they were talking about decertifying Pluto as a planet.  This guy’s eleven year old daughter had a father who “killed Pluto”.    We all know there are constants in life.  Beethoven wrote nine symphonies and there are nine planets in the solar system, not eight.  But now in 2006 the whole question was “If we allow Pluto to remain a planet then what about all of these other planets we’ve discovered out beyond Pluto”.  But I’m unsure what planets they are talking about.  They say now that due to irregularity of orbits of the outer planets the existence of a big new planet out beyond Pluto is beyond question.  It’s a simple matter with a few mathematical formulas to determine first the location of this planet now.  Then they can calculate changes in the position of this planet over the past ten years.  From there it’s possible to extrapolate an orbital path and to a degree you can peg distance and size of the new planet.  If you were to assume a circular orbit then it matters almost not at all the size of the new planet.  This is because you can figure out the size after you have deduced the distance from the sun.  If you are able to calculate the length of time of its orbit from there you can go on to deduce the distance from the sun.  Besides you have the Hubble telescope out there and you’d think all of that space would have been scanned exhaustively for new heavenly bodies.  

The anti terriff people use the red hearing of the Smoot Holly bill of 1930 because back then it may have helped fuel the great depression.  Thom Hartman says that Smoot Holly had less than a three percent adverse impact on US Trade.  This caller on Thom Hartman says terriffs don't work and so therefore we should go hog wild with any trade deal like the TPP which emcompasses a whole lot more than free trade. This caller uses the line of Judy that "a terriff is just another tax".   Of course the caller was a spokesman for "The Club for Growth" which is one of these libertarian tea party organizations. Thom Hartman favors "picking winners and losers" and goes on to day "- - - and I want the United States to be the winner".  (Selah) 

Friday, January 06, 2017

The Inside Dope On Russian Hacking of the D N C


It's A Long Way to the Top  (AC DC)
Teenage Lobotomy (The Ramones)
Wang, Dang, Sweet Poontang (Ted Nugent)
Flashing Lights (Jimmy Page)
Well, All Right (Blind Faith)
Bitter Creek (Eagles)
Misfire (Queen)
The Great Smoke-off (Shell Silverstein) *
Xanado (Rush) 15 min approx
Rejoice (Jefferson Airplane) **
God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols)

Originally Released on Romulan Christmas January 7, 2017. This is the next day so wake up this Sunday morning and smell the Budweiser.  The dreaded Seattle Sea Hawks have defeated the Detroit Lions, or as Tweety Bird would say, "The Detwoit Wyons" by a score of 26 to 6.  You'll need more than sedation to get through these hard news times, you'll need a lobotomy, or just knock yourself in the head with a big rock and be unconscious all day- whichever is cheaper.  It's the King's birthday and I don't mean King Hussein of Jordan, but if you've been dead a couple of decades you won't know the difference.  The front photo is of Nancy Pelosi at a recent news conference. Title letters are yellow. This is a motley collections of songs, some which were on a November 2012 mini compilation. Basically it’s things that slipped through the cracks. “Misfire” takes on more relevance now because of yesterday’s shooting rampage.  *  This track kind of assumes that weed is legal so it's ahead of its time.  This track with the asterisk can actually also be found on one of our "Free Bonus Albums" that's a good one, too.  I ought to know because Tommy Ramone personally had a hand in selecting these songs.  It can be found in early August 2014 in "Rocca Rolla" down a few segments from the top.  Management decided to "bring this track forward", as it's referred to.  ** This Grace Slick penned song is an "add back" from the "Radar Screen" era and stylistically it's way ahead of the learning curve.  In late news the Raiders went down to defeat before the Houston Texans 27 to 14.  The Raiders looked horrible and they have fallen apart the past couple of games.  It's a sad ending for a season which up till lately seemed so promising.

  The Intelligence Community on Friday published its hotly anticipated report documenting its probe into Russian interference in the U.S. election.

The crux: Intelligence officials have assessed that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a sweeping, multifaceted campaign geared at helping Donald Trump attain the White House.

The fallout was swift, with Democrats claiming the document proves that the Kremlin was able to damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign — perhaps fatally — and Republicans insisting that there was no impact on the final vote count in November.

The report is unlikely to resolve the roiling controversy surrounding the IC’s assessment. A declassified version of a more granular document provided to President Obama and some lawmakers, it is primarily made up of already public information and provides no “smoking gun” or detailed technical evidence.

Here are some key findings from the report:

Russia wanted to help Trump win

What began as an influence campaign to undermine trust in the U.S. election results became an explicit attempt to help Trump, officials found.

“Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” the report reads.

“We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

There is some level of minor disagreement among intelligence agencies as to the strength of its judgment that Russia intended to help Trump.

The CIA and FBI have high confidence in the judgment, while the National Security Agency has moderate confidence, the report acknowledges.

Putin, top officials were behind the operation

The order to conduct the campaign came from the highest echelons of the Kremlin, the report concludes.

“We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election,” officials wrote.

According to the document, Putin most likely wanted to discredit Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, because “he has publicly blamed her since 2011 for inciting mass protests against his regime in late 2011 and early 2012, and because he holds a grudge for comments he almost certainly saw as disparaging him.”

But the former KGB agent saw Trump, on the other hand, as having “Russia-friendly positions on Syria and Ukraine” and approved of his stated policy to work with Russia.

Moscow also reportedly saw the election of Trump as “a way to achieve an international counterterrorism coalition” against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Russia had sustained access to the DNC’s system

The report found that Russian hackers maintained access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) systems for nearly a year from July 2015 to June 2016.

That largely tracks with previous reporting. According to an exhaustive New York Times investigation published in December, the FBI first attempted to notify the DNC of the intrusion in September 2015 — two months after the Russians are believed to have gained access.

The Times found that the FBI tried several times in the following months to warn the DNC about the intrusion, and in November alerted a tech staffer there that information from the headquarters was being transmitted to Russia in what appeared to be a state-sponsored attack.

The report also states that Russia’s operation to interfere with the election began in March 2016, and hackers had stolen mass troves of emails from Democratic officials by May, which is when WikiLeaks first began publishing the DNC messages.

While Russian hackers never tampered with vote tallying systems, they did breach multiple aspects of state and local electoral boards, the report said. Russian intelligence has been studying the U.S. election process and technology since 2014.

Russian intel had a web of ways to make the documents public

The Russian operation used a variety of outlets to leak the documents that they stole to undermine Clinton and the Democratic Party.

“We assess with high confidence that the [Russian intelligence agency] GRU used the Guccifer 2.0 persona,, and WikiLeaks to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets,” the report reads.

Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, has denied that his organization’s documents originated from Russian sources.

“Moscow most likely chose WikiLeaks because of its self-proclaimed reputation for authenticity,” the report says.

Guccifer 2.0, a hacker or group of hackers that also released Democratic documents, claimed in communications with various journalists to not be from Russia.

In an interview with Vice, the individual claimed to be from Romania, but could not converse in Romanian.

“Guccifer 2.0, who claimed to be an independent Romanian hacker, made multiple contradictory statements and false claims about his likely Russian identity throughout the election,” reads the report. “Press reporting suggests more than one person claiming to be Guccifer 2.0 interacted with journalists.”

Propaganda machine went after Clinton

The Kremlin used its powerful propaganda machine — including domestic media companies and publications like RT and Sputnik that target overseas audiences — to delegitimize the Clinton campaign.

They pushed out English-language videos like one headlined “Clinton and ISIS Funded with the Same Money” and promoted the idea that WikiLeaks was in possession of an email that would “put Clinton in Prison.”

“In August, Kremlin-linked political analysts suggested avenging negative Western reports on Putin by airing segments devoted to Secretary Clinton’s alleged health problems,” said the report, which describes Clinton’s health as a focal point of Russia’s efforts.

The Kremlin also leveraged an army of social media “trolls,” allowing it to amplify the reach of negative stories and fake news about Clinton. Such online users also amplified the role of WikiLeaks in the election.

If Clinton had won, Russian bloggers and trolls were ready to work to undermine her election, including a prepared hashtag: #Democracy RIP.

Shooting Rampage at Ft Lauderdale Airport

There was a mass shooting in Ft Lauderdale Airport today.  It's Estaban Santiago and he's 26 and apparently was wearing a Star Wars shirt.  He's a veteran of the Iraq War and apparently he had recently undergone mental health evaluation.   Apparently he even told the FBI he heard voices.  They were showing a lot of cell phone videos taken on the spot.  I heard about it this morning briefly and then heard more coverage on the Gary and Shannon show on KFI.  Since the shooting was in the baggage area now airports all over the country are stepping up their security procedures, and maybe there is too much “public area” that isn’t screened.  Then NBC had visual coverage from one to one thirty and then they went back to the soap opera.  The TV picture came right on today.  These shootings normally evoke a response from President Obama but according to Shawn Hannity,  the President and Rick Scott of Florida aren’t speaking to each other but Rick Scott went out of the say to say he was chummy with Donald Trump and Mike Pence.  There was this guy who is a Puerto Rican national.  He’s a legal American who was born in New Jersey.  His name is Estaban Santiago and they aren't officially calling this a "terrorist act" because he's not associated with ISIS (so the Republicans can't exploit that issue).  This morning he took a flight from Alaska (I can't help think of Sarah Palin being a gun nut) and flew first to Miniapolis and then to Ft Lauderdale.  There he took his gun that was legally in the storage section of the airplane and took it out of its hard shell locked case- - and went on a shooting rampage killing five people in wounding eight.  This was in the baggage section.  We don’t know his motive or his mental state but his web site says he was a devout Christian. 

Should the Supreme Court refer to its own past decisions as support of constitutional law?  Can’t congress of its own will void such questionable decisions under legislative power given to it by the Constitution.  “Court powers stripping” is specified in the constitution.   “The following cases are barred from citation as support for their own decisions”.   There is a provision in the US Constitution that stipulates that congress shall spell out the parameters of Supreme Court jouristiction.  Perhaps it's time they made use of that power.

There are 33,000 gun deaths per year in this country.  I thought it was a lot higher.  This one conservative gun afficianado on the Norman Goldman show says that a lot of those gun deaths are actually suicides.  We also have to wonder about the number of suicides that contribute to the war deaths in this country.  Norman does the deaths in service of the Empire for each week and there have been no military deaths in either December or the first week of this year.  Today’s airport rampage only highlights the need for new gun regulations. 

There is one rumor that the congressional budgeting office rules have been changed.  Now they are no longer to tell us the financial ramifications to any bill this Republican congress should pass.  Specifically if the bill will balloon the deficet they are forbidden to mention that.  Hartmann or someone brought up the "Two Santa Clause" theory of Jude Juanisky again that the Republicans will explode the deficet and then try and blame the democrats for it later.  Of course we already know that the government is forbidden to mention the psycholigical (or physical or sociological) damage done by gun proliferation.  

There is more news on this Facebook live streaming of a torture of a mentally disabeled eighteen year old white man by four Blacks.  There were two males and two females.  The eighteen year old was dropped off by his parents or something to spend the night on Newyears Eve or something with this supposed Black friend of his.  But instead things went bad and he was driven around a lot and tortured for several days and held hostage so to speak.  But FBI statistics according to Norman Goldman suggest that hate crimes of White on Black outnumber Black on White hate crimes by a ratio of three or four to one.  And I maintain that there is much more of a downright loonie element in the White race than there is in the Black race.  Legally Facebook is not liable because it’s technically a “Bulletin Board” and not any kind of an editor of what goes up on the site.  Facebook has taken this particular video down but they admit there is no way to control it because there is just so much “stuff” of many natures being posted.  

The unemployment numbers were out for December and I guess it’s good news.  The unemployment rate nation-wide is 4.7% and 156,000 jobs were added.  They were expecting 175,000 new jobs so the economy is showing some signs in slowing, particularly in manufacturing, which added the fewest jobs.  Yesterday there were massive store closings in Sears and K Mart and also Macy’s department stores.  I guess it’s because of the on-line sales competition.   Department store sales were town twelve percent but on-line sales were only up eleven percent so in general you could say this season’s sales figures were disappointing.  The biggest increases in the economy came from food services and health care.

The government issued their official report today about Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee.  I haven’t read all the details but they’re all pretty sure about it.  Unfortunately some people on the right keep mental “points” and all Trump has to do is make some bombastic statement like “I don’t believe anything our intelligence agencies say” and automatically that scores 85 points with those on the right “keeping score”.  And naturally their “score” is kept lopsided in Trump’s favor.  Norman Goldman has this theory, and he is probably correct.   Shawn Hannity in the segment of his show between two and three that I watch had two “experts” on talking about computer hacking and how it isn’t the Russians who did it.  Many on the right insist that many bright fourteen year olds could have done this hacking.  They said that Democratic security was deliberately lax in a “blame the victim” move.  They say it’s like leaving your car unlocked with the keys in the ignition.  But I need to read all the gory details of this government report.  It used to be that our several intelligence agencies garnered a little respect of the public because these people daily risk their lives to keep America safe.  

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Taking Back Power for the People

Thom Hartman says that Hobbs and others believe the only reason why we don’t routinely murder each other all the time is because we fear the death penalty, otherwise we’d do it.  So if a person had terminal cancer he, by this theory would be in grave danger of going on a homicidal rampage.  Also because Hobbs sees man is basically bad, unless he is rich, therefore he can’t be trusted with money he didn’t earn from the government.  But of course rich people who inheret their wealth like George W Bush and Donald Trump can be trusted with their wealth because they were born into money and so the elect of God.  Hartman’s theory was that the way we determine who should govern us is to see who is blessed of God.    While the Calvary Chapel people don’t talk about wealth, or didn’t use to,  that saying to someone “I see you have the blessing of God” isn’t a simple observation but a moral evaluation of this person being a “worthy” person, unlike someone like me who isn’t “blessed of God”.   Shawn Hannity was talking about Statism in today’s show.  He’s always accusing the left of statism when in truth the shoe is on the other foot.  It’s liberals who believe in “power of the people” and democracy and local control.  The right doesn’t want too much local control if they pass the wrong kind of laws like on pollution or gun control.  Think abo ut it.   For the Neo Cons it’s not about hating this thing called “government” or “the state” but rather it’s all about a love of power and wealth.  The Church is like the State, which has been pushing its nose into people’s business for a long time.  They have this saying among themselves, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”.  The average person might say “so what?” to that.  But the Church won’t let you get off that easily.  Naturally they have a “salvation” remedy for that.  And even if it means you have to be burned at the stake to enforce their “rule of law”, then the Church is going to do that.  Calvin can talk about free will, but his actions belie another more fatalistic philosophy. 

Donald Trump is replacing James Clapper who is head of the Director of National Intelligence.  Former Indiana senator Dan Coats will be a new director of National Intelligence.  The buzz now is that the new guy is really going to shake up and dismantle things.  Right now Clapper heads up all sixteen government intelligence agencies.  Today Clapper testified before congress supporting the view that all sixteen intelligences agree that Russia is responsible for the hacking.  It’s kind of funny that after 9 – 11 we ballooned the beaurocracy and now have the Homeland Security Department.  As Thom Hartman points out this term of “homeland” is Germanic in origen.  It used to be an alien term to US ears.

In the news four Black guys attacked, beat up a white mentally disabeled guy and said they hated white guys and accused him of being a Donald Trump lover.  The repeated lie is spread among people like Shawn Hannity that somehow the liberals of this country turn a blind eye to such crimes of “reverse racism” because it doesn’t fit their statist political agenda.  They don’t even like the term “reverse racism” because they say “there is only one kind of racism” or something.  In point of fact it’s accurate and proper to call these “hate crimes” and acts of bigotry against another race.  After all they say they attacked him for being white and not mentally disabeled.  But I would maintain there is a clear distinction between a “hate crime”, which is one localized act, rather than racism per se because racism is basically endemic in society today.  It’s been institutionalized.  Liberals point out that it’s just not physically for whites to suffer this same form of institutionalized racism as Black people have.   It’s also more than absurd to say that President Obama has espoused racism in his administration. 

Donald Trump and the Republicans in congress now want to pull all of the funding for Planned Parenthood because they say “If so much as one penny falls into the hands of abortionists than it’s blood money or something”.  Christian radio makes much of the notion that money is “fungable” and that a dollar given for health services for women in general could just as well be spent for abortion, and the only way we can be sure it isn’t is not to give Planned Parenthood one red cent.  We’ve had the Hyde amendment for thirty years now.  We’ve managed to work around it all these years.  Conservatives say that government is the enemy but this an absurd statement.   The Declaration of Independence itself states that “Governments are instituted among men”.  So we NEED government.  Government provides a necessary function and to claim otherwise is to be some absurd libertarian.  It’s a little strange that when Ronald Reagan was elected he began to implement the party platform of David Koch and the libertarians.  Basically this is their dream platform whether they admit it or not.  Only three or four percent of the money spent by Planned Parenthood goes for abortions.  I think we who are against abortion can live with that.  It might be called a necessary evil to promote the greater good.  This is government’s job to serve the people.  Republicans forget this.  They see government as the sort of “Economic Royalists” FDR talks about in a 1936 campaign speech.  Hobbs believed in the divine right of Kings.  This is their starting point.   You have no rights and you only get “grace” if the King looks at your wallet or breeding or something and thinks you deserve it.   I thought Americans believed in rights and something called liberty under law.  After all the motto of police departments is to Protect and Serve.  I see very little protecting or serving of any kind in a Trump administration.  Thom Hartman claims that John Dean said that about twenty percent of the population believes in authoritarianism.  If it’s true somehow that twenty percent managed to win the last election- - and all of us have to live with the results.  

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Julian Assange Is Full of Hot Air

This Julian Assange story is a big bust.  I tuned in Shawn Hannity at ten after two (I missed snack period) and Hannity had these two “experts” and one of them was even from Israel, and they both said that Assange said that he can’t confirm he knew the leaker was Russia.  Shawn Hannity had Assange on his show last night and will have him on again tonight and none of the time did anyone ask Assange “Well then who was the source of these leaks of inside information from the Democratic national committee last year?”  I’m looked for references in the news.  Norman Goldman’s show had almost nothing to say about it.  We’re supposed to believe that this outlaw who lives in the Equadorian embassy in London that somehow this man who’ll be arrested if he returns to US soil,  this man has the “secrets to the Universe” or at least the secret to somehow justifying Donald Trump’s insane attitude about these CIA leaks.  They are real leaks.  We’re not dreaming them.  And someone did them.  Fifteen US agencies have concluded with extensive research that it was Russia.  Of course some would say “Well why doesn’t President Obama just tell us everything he knows and then we’ll believe him”.  You know the President of the United States can’t do that for national security reasons.  But Assange can.  He can put an end to this self generated mystery.  Maybe he’s being paid off by the Hannity forces for money to move to another country or something.  I don’t know.  I’m not going to trust a guy implicitly who is basically a fugitive from justice, and it makes Shawn just look stupid. 

Congress has only been in session two days but it guarentees to be an ongoing soap opera that will make only slightly more sense than “Days of our Lives”.    Chuck Schummer has stated that he would just assume that the democrats didn’t approve a single Supreme Court Justice to the high court.   Mitch Mc Connell jumped all over him for that pointing to the Bush administration when supposedly the democrats also said they wouldn’t approve a single Supreme Court justice in the last eighteen months of the Bush administration.  I believe that one is a lie and it’s been investigated and it was more than six months and it was only a threat by a few democrats anyhow.  (see previous references)  But Harry Reid preserved the power of the US Senate to filibuster Supreme Court justices even as he opened the floodgates for approval of lower court judges on a simple majority vote.  The other big issue is the repeal of Obama Care and the Senate voted today on a straw vote 51 to 48 to repeal Obama Care.  But the Republicans will have to get sixty votes on this one because the rule of filibuster was renewed by Mc Connell for this congress.  So they can’t legislate the Affordable Care Act out of existence but they can “gut the bill” according to Norman Goldman.  I watched the first hour of his show from three to four today.   What they will do is the process of budget “reconciliation”, which seems like a strange term.  This process was invented in 1974 according to Goldman.  They used it to help pass the Affordable Care Act to begin with in March of 2010.  The process is simple.  They will just de-fund the thing.  They won’t vote money for its implementation.  The thing will collapse like a carcus with no guts to hold it together.   Vice President Mike Pence visited Congress today to support his side.  President Obama also paid them a visit to rally the democrats.  Of course the Republicans have no replacement for Obama Care, but that’s the whole idea to begin with.  Now Eye Witness news wants a liberal style “tea party” of bussing recipiants of Obama Care to go around to City Halls and testify of what a great thing the Affordable Care Act is.  

Some things are theory and some are fact.  The theory of evolution is still a theory.  Aside from some short term narrowly defined evolution like with dogs over the past ten thousand years, you can’t make a case even today for the grand sweep of evolution.  As to the theory of relativity this one has borne itself mathematically over the past century and scientists rely on it.  I think the whole thing is an optical illusion and I think I can get Heisenburg to agree with me on that.  But then we have the Big Bang theory.  This one is the Big Bang fact.  We know THAT it occurred even if we don’t know HOW.  It occurred about twelve to fifteen billion years ago.  It’s like first God created all the inert mass and then he struck a match to the thing and it all exploded with fierce energy, and that reaction has slowed down but the Universe is still expanding and will continue to expand.  I think Thom Hartman was the guy who proposed that Black Holes in their “next life” might be Big Bangs.  The trouble with this one is that Black Holes only occur in a tiny portion of the Universe and not ALL of the Universe.  As such you would soon run out of matter and this reproduction cycle of universes would grind to a halt.  We know from quantum physics that even a small portion of matter contains vast quantities of energy, if you can unlock it.  So the bottom line is that maybe this ENERGY could itself be called “God”.

Ned Flanders:  Don't you know there is a meteor headed this way to Springfield in a few hours that's going to burn up everything in sight.  Why aren't you headed to your shelterinis?
Moe:  Because the rest of us haven't got - "shelterinis".

The Simpson's have a knack for simplyfying complicated truths.  I wish I had that same ability.  There was a comet called Kahutek that was going to be so bright in late 1973 early 1974 it would be so bright you could see it in broad daylight.  It never materialized quite that way.  The stuff below is really a simple concept of conbining two single CD John Lennon compilations we've already "issued" to to speak.  One was from January of 2010, the "Late" solo carrier stuff and the other was from an album called "The Best of Greenie" from late March of 2015 of "John, the rocker" earlier material with the Beatles and to combine then into one package.  That was basically our goal here.  But only the "early" one is listed.  

Now to move to the absurd.  Today January 4th is the release of yet another compilation album called JOHN LENNON TWIN SPIN.  One CD disk is that "Last Hours of Ancient Religion" one we listed on Psychic Balance the next to the top posting as of this writing, if you want to look for us.  We never described the front cover, which is now the back cover of this two CD set.  It's of a primorial swamp but it's done mainly in a blue hue with accents of purple and pink.  It's eery.  The front cover is two drawings (based on photographs of somebody) supposedly two John Lennons.  They are sitting on a giant vinyl record disk with the label of Phoenix records on it.  The early one is John Lennon looking to the left (away from the spindle) the way he looked in 1961 when he first began wearing that Astrid styled hairdo.  The second photo of Lennon (on the other side of the spindle) looking to the right, was the way John Lennon looked in 1969.  On the inside is a booklet.  The front cover of the booklet is some stuff done in stylized print like Franklin Gothic or something white font on a black backdrop- - and a rambling thought.  In the fall of 1965 John Lennon changed his name to Johnny Rhythm.  Later on he changed his name to Winston O Boogie.  Roomer has it now he's changed his name to Bud Green, so this compilation might be called "The Best of Greenie" and below this is the original "Best of Greenie" album front cover.  (referenced by the words below)

Bad Boy
All I Gotta Do
You Really Got a Hold On Me
Mister Moonlight
You Can’t Do That
I’ll Cry Instead (US mono version)
I Call Your Name
Leave My Kitten Alone
When I Get Home
Slow Down (US version)
Baby’s In Black
Dizzy Miss Lizzy
Ticket To Ride
You're Gona Lose That Girl
Rain (original mono)
She Said She Said (Greenie’s last vocal)
We Can Work It Out
Day Tripper
The Word (KLOS "end" version)
Run For Your Life
Tomorrow Never Knows (mono version)

Front Cover is the “Something New” cover in a circle shape surrounded by that greenish “lines patters” that a photo of a nearby street we’ve posted is done in.  If you don't know what either photo is, perhaps you can make that a research project.  As you can see we made one minor change, but if you haven't seen this listing before you won't care.   I ALMOST FORGOT.    The Song Listings of this two CD compilation is on the back of this inner booklet.  On the inside pages are various excerpts John Lennon interviews from Rolling Stone articles.