Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I get a little exasperated with the news because it all seems to point to the same thing. The Democratic congress is never going to get any successful investigations and Bush is going to leave office just as powerful and with an iron lock on all "Truth" as he currently is. He'll just hand off power to his dictator in waiting, Rudolph Giuliani, and we'll continue out till 2019 the same way we have been going. Look at the Alberto Gonsolez investigation. If this were thirty years ago Alberto would be GONE by now. Look at how fast John Mitchel was fired as Watergate was starting to raise its head. There were no massive media fights to keep John Mitchel on. Say what you want to about Nixon he has more of a sense of "ought" than George Bush has. Now there is this woman White House leazon who is taking the fifth amendment when she testifies. The stupidest thing you could do now is to give her Immunity from prosecution. They did that with Oliver North but I've got news for you; you don't grant immunity to a pathological liar so he can continue to propigate his lies. And if you're out to impeach a president you don't think about pardons because the Constitution plainly says that after a president is Impeached he is nonetheless liable for any and all prosecution. It would be argued that what Gerald Ford did in pardoning Nixon was unconstitutional. Clearly as you look at Bush's activities we are already well into impeachment territory. As Thom Hartman stated yesterday- - the question of firing honorable government office holders without good cause was discussed in the very first congress in 1789 and Madison said that the unauthorized removal of any duly constituted prosecutors would be grounds for impeachment. Some would argue that the "government can't be frozen" or "wrapped up" or "have its time occupied" by impeachment. Well guess what? This congress isn't going to pass any other bill that the President is going to sign because the democratic lead isn't that great in the House to begin with and the lead is paper thin in the Senate. For all practical purposes, government is paralyzed. The Clinton adminestration happily worked with Republicans in the nineties. But this Bush adminestration shows no such bi-partisan inclinations. We are still letting the Republicans define all the terms of the argument. The media no longer sees the democratic cause as a noble cause to crusade for as the media did fourty years ago with the War in Vietnam. Today no reporter will leak any hard news or good story because they are so buddy buddy with all of their White House sources. I remember back a year ago last winter (early 2006) all the impeachment charges were being laid out then and people were saying "Just wait untill we democrats get into power. Then you'll see things begin to happen". But we haven't seen anything happen. No matter how blatent the abuses of power are with this Presidency there is always Tony Snow or someone whom the media listens to to explain it all away.

In terms of these attacks on Katie Curic leveled by Mr KABC or whoever he is- - I would only say that it's good that she asked all the hard questions and the Edwards' responded to them boldly. Mr. KABC has been known to "turn" on people be they callers or even guests for no reason at all and yesterday's show on 1150 was clearly a "get Katie" show. The phrase "some people say - - " is less inflamitory than other expressions she might have used like "It's a given that- - " or "It's comon knowledge that- - - " or "Every body knows- - ". If it were me they were talking about these broader tar brush expressions would be used. I think Katie had a job to do and she did it well. It's true that Katie pursued her own carrerr earning million dollar income with her husband dying of colon cancer but guess what? She wouldn't be the first hypocrite, and she isn't the last one. Let's just say that Mr. and Mrs. Edwards won that verbal duel Sunday night on Sixty Minutes and everybody should be glad of that. I would have to say at this point that Edwards is best on the issues of any of the three leading democratic candidates. I think he sees the situation in America most clearly now of the three top candidates. I've found O Bama disturbingly lacking in substance the more I hear him and the more I read his material. Hillary's problem is she cares more about one ups manship and politics than she does doing what is morally right. Hillary isn't really a crusader for good causes but rather is a political "triangulater" like her husband was, playing one group off against another and hoping to come up a winner. On the war she's afraid to say what the rest of us are thinking and feeling but instead scared spitless she may say something to "offend" the Giuliani campaign in the fall of 2008. She's the ultimate "me, too" candidate.

This computer just crapped out on me. My internet connection was broke. I still had what was in the cache and so transferred the file and got it back but if I didn't know better I'd say there was something conspiritorial at work. We'll continue now.

Tony Snow's colon cancer has now spread to his liver. I guess the media is getting us all confortable with the idea that all our lives are finite and if we're under a medical death sentense of a few months it's no big thing any more. If this were a soap opera like Passions if we were given six months to live we would spend that entire time puking our brains out in the hospital from chemotherapy watching our hair fall out so we could have eight or nine months to live in that state instead of of the six months we'd other wise have getting on with life. I guess it used to be that being under a medical death sentense like Tony Snow and Elizabeth Edwards are meant your employment prospects would be severely compromized and nobody would want to hire you. Perhaps times are changing. One person raised the issue of whether Tony Snow would do a death bed "Mia copa" like Lee Atwater did just before he died in which he admitted that all those political dirty tricks he did were wrong. My oppinion was that Lee Atwater was astrologically compromized in that his death was just an event in the overall scheme of things and the rise of Bush's enemies and the decline of Bush's astrological fortunes.

Life is a soap opera. Like Days of our Lives or Passions, once you know the "Ways" of the author events become quite predictable. My philosophy is "knock off the person who's been writing all those bad political scenarios and get someone on our side in the position, and all of our problems will be solved. Some people say that if we could tap into the Psychic dimension we could control all that stuff. This seems to be the dimension where the chessboard of events is being determined. This dimension is like two opposing authors battling on who gets to write the scripts for world affairs depending on who controls what on the chessboard. As I look at the future I don't feel confident. Of course sometimes "feelings" are inaccurate, but most often "first impressions" turn out to be a lot more accurate than you think they are. In the I Ching you go by the first toss of the coins, not the ninth or tenth that you do "to get a better reading". It's even adversely referred to as "importunity". "Importunity" really doesn't work with prayers either. God would help us all out if he'd just give us a green arrow or a red one to let us know if he's with us or against us and let us plan our lives accordingly from there. Don't work yourself up through positive confession into some "State" where you think "everything is going to work out fine" only to find that in the end nothing at all has changed.

The news now is that the US is going to invade Iran on April 15th. 16th. and 17th. Of course we won the War in Iran in the first three weeks but we just don't know it. We took out their government and wiped out their military and devistated their country bombing all of those expensive pallaces that may have had historical value for art collectors or something. But the truth is that Iraq's military was weak before we invaded and Saddam was compliant letting UN investigators search for weapons of Mass Destruction anywhere they wanted to. And they didn't find any. Of course the media led by the conservatives was apparently lying to us the whole time about all of this. Now Iran can look at what they did to neighbor Iraq when they were compliant. And then can turn and look at North Korea, who are bulligerant and Kim Jung Ill is bulligerant saying he's boing to bomb the West back to the stone age, and we make DEALS with him. Obviously Iran is watching this and thinking "We can win if we just up the bidding price a little. A little more bulligerancy on our part and we'll get a better deal". As I said in the last blog I don't think an invasion of Iran will happen at all. We'll have to see who is right. A caller on the Thom Hartman show today, or the Astrological indicators. To me it just doesn't make sense for Bush to invade Iran. It's a larger country, with twice the population and bigger than that in land area. And Iran's military is intact. They have men and planes and ships that have not been devistated by war. There was a woman caller today who said something some of you pro Draft people (and I'm not talking about beer) should think about. And that is the one thing limiting Bush now is not congress or popular oppinion. The one thing limiting President Bush's widening the war in the Mideast and ramping up the casualties is that we have no draft. Just think of all the young people Bush could lead to their deaths if we had a draft? Should we give an obsessed man everything he wants? I say before we institute a Draft we had first better get ourselves another President. One who thinks before he leaps.

In terms of the whole en-grams thing we talked about, I should have said "compatable" engrams rather than "homogenious" engrams when I was talking about souls criss crossing into other peoples' bodies. They have to have "compatable" engrams in terms of agreement to do something. There are also "hostile takeovers". In fact the whole thing with the Centaurians is that they are people from another Realm out to take over the bodies of earthlings. But even in this case you need compatable en-grams. Just like a computer virus has to "speak the same language" before it can take over your computer or a virus in your body has to replicate your DNA in order to get access to any organisum. But right now I believe I've said enough on this topic only to say that with engrams - - distance really doesn't matter. You don't have to do a valcan mind meld routine to enter another body. Engrams work with different physics.

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