Saturday, March 17, 2007


There can be little doubt whom fate has destined to be the next president of the United States at this date of March 17th. 2007 and that is ex New York mayor Rudolph Guiliani. Giuliani has been mounting an increasing lead in all the Republican polls and in about all the cross party polls, Guiliani beats any democrat. The media has been carefully building up Giuliani ever since nine - - eleven, and the Wickipedia's article focuses primarily on his activities as may or and post mayor activities. Giuliani has spent the past six years doing nothing but running for President and has courted all the right money sources. People may ask, "Well what Giuliani's relations with minorities and all those stories of police abuse?" Are you kidding? It doesn't matter. The "John and Ken" element is alive and strong in America today. This is the segment of the population that still has unreasoned fears of minorities and believes they have to hide behind locked doors. They still view minorities in general as "the bad guys" and strongly endource race based profilint both for Blacks and Arabs. They don't care about his three marriages or his messy divorce. They certainly don't care what his kids think of him. "You know how kids are" is the opperative line there. Giuliani to his supporters is like Superman. He "gets the job done" and they don't care if it's by smashing a few heads. If the public were really upset with Republicans they'd be calling for the impeachment of Bush, and Rove, and Gonsolez, and Chaney now. But they aren't. They don't consider it important whether Bush's abuses are ever prosecuted and they don't care about Guilanis abuses are ever looked into. They are looking for a man of strength and Giuliani is it. Once again the media has methodically been building Giuliani up for six years like they have no other candidate. When it comes to facing Hillary Giuliani has no problem. People want an Executive for the job and not a member of the legeslative branch. A lot of people still regard congress as a bunch of whiners and regards constitutional questions as "petty concerns". Curtess Slewah or the Guardian Angels has said what the Republicans need is a strong anti terrorist leader who is not beholding to the right wing on social issues such as marital fadelity or gays, guns, or abortion. I think we all basically "know" Giuliani is going to be our next President the way they "knew" Bill Clinton would be our next President on Superbowl night in January 1992 when he went on Sixty Minutes and Hillary did her "stand by her man" routine. The fact that there was a taped phone conversation of Slick Willy and Jennifer Flowere talking openly about their affair and how best to lie about it when it becomes public- - - didn't bother the voters. They saw "secret tape = bad" and Bill and Hillary = "good guys who are gossipped against. The fact that all the "gossip" was true is immiterial to these people just as it will be in Giuliani's case. People have decided "sex doesn't matter". What they want to know is if you're good with a police baton giving those "wood shampoos" as Curtess talks about so fondly. It doesn't matter how many other candidates the Republicans field now because they all have to share a percentage of the vote minus the portion that a priori goes to Giuliani, which is about 40% off the top. The more Republican candidates that enter the better Giuliani will look. John Mc Cain was the most serious threat but now he nas been neuteralized because people have linked Mc Cain with the Iraq War. The fact is that Rudy-baby wont's do a thing different from Mc Cain is immaterial to these supporters. Every other candidate has liabilities the media will tear apart. The media won't attack Giuliani because they like him and approve of him and are actively supporting him. I have no doubts but that Giuliani will further violate our civil liberties but he will have been elected by then for four years, so it won't matter what we think untill at least 2012 and who knows what will happen by then.

People want Alberto Gonsolez to resign but it's doubtful that he will. People think Valerie Wilson is getting and has gotten a raw deal, and she did. But people don't care. People view Valerie is just some glamour queen bimbo out to feather her own nest and out for publicity. They don't care about the real truth or the constitutional implications. There are few real fighters among the democratic candidates. I've been reading O Bama's book and what I sense is that he's a lot more obcessed with himself rather than America's problems or what specific measures to take to address them. I always thought Joe Byden would make a good candidate but every time he opens his mouth the media tears him apart. As for John Edwards the thing wrong with him is that he's not only a Loser, but a Loser to a Loser. I think parodies of him will be all to easy to do. Come February 5th. when America votes and picks the candidate they want to be President next year- - Edwards will probably come in a distant third in the polling. As to Hillary, she will win. But afterwards the Republicans will successful harness all of the pent up hatred and resentment tword her all these years. Remember Hillary almost uniquely among the candidates has a hard 45% of the people who will never vote for her regardless. A lot of us have long memories and remember her words about the "Vast right wing conspiricy". And when it comes to looking at Prosecutors the President or Rove or Harriet Mayers may have gotten fired- - all someone has to do is point to Bill Clinton's record with firing prosecutors and the issue is defused. From a standpoint of moral credability and the ability to run an agressive, assirtive campaign against Giuliani, Hillery is the worst candidate they could pick. But it won't matter. They will pick her anyhow. They'd rather pick Hillary and lose than pick anyone else who'll campaign on the real issues and have a good chance, therefore of winning.

There is apparently an anti war rally at the pentagon even as we speak. One wishes the protestors success. But deep down people can't stand protestors. It was the 1968 protests in Chicago that gave the 1968 presidential election to Richard Nixon. You will remember that about 57% of the people were for either Wallace or Nixon in that election. Had George Wallace not been running that election would have been a major landslide for Nixon. We have elected only one "liberal democrat" in the past fifty years and that was Jimmy Carter. I didn't vote for Carter either time but I still don't believe the bum rap he's gotten in the history books.

Finally I'd like to tell a little story. See if you recognize the source. One time Jesus Christ was going to stage the "Wedding feast of the lamb" with the Church as his bride in heaven. But the church over the period of waiting for the wedding became rather unfaithful and whorish, such that she became known as Babylon the Whore. Some people refer to Babylon as Rome, and perhaps first Peter supports this. Others say Babylon is New York. Perhaps. In the mean time there was another suitor for Babylon the Whore and that was Satan. Satan and Babylon the Whore were about to get married. But a girlfriend of Babylon the Whore named Maroni learned that Jesus Christ had a secret. Jesus had supernatural powers. Maroni wondered whether she should tell Babylon the Whore about this. What she didn't know was that Babylon the Whore was hiding in the corner of the room and knew Jesus's secret. But Satan's father, Jehovah laid down the law to Satan telling Satan if he wants to win his bride, Babylon the Whore, he has to play rough. So Jehovah intervened on his son's behalf and told Babylon about Zachary alias Radioactive Man. Radioactive Man loved to dine on Radon and breathed Radon gas to get energy. But Jesus was sensitive to radioactive stuff and too much of it would kill him. So Zachery knew how to kill Jesus. In a contest between Jesus and Radioactive man, the latter would be undisputed victor and the former, Jesus, would end up dead. So Babylon the Whore had no choice but to abandon plans to mary Jesus and instead marry Satan, who would then realize his plans to set up a world wide Empire of Darkness here on Planet Earth.

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