Saturday, March 17, 2007


Today We're going to review a few basic facts we've learned

"If you had the luck of the Irish
You would wish you was English instead"
-John Lennon

You know, I should write a thing on ‘The Science of Unreality”. Jeff Lyons was complaining about this tired movie plot where a woman has a preminission her husband will die and then the next day she dies and then she’s back to before he died with her husband still alive, almost as if she’s being toyed with by the Gods to try and come up with some way of cheating fate. At two they had Stargate. This show of course is about the “Auri” who have a religion where they achieve immortality and they gain power according to the young boy by indoctrinating others because belief by others in them drains others of energy. The young boy could be an analogy of Zachery for you Z A C fans. They said his brain was so saturated with knowledge of the Auri it would explode or something. Apparently he used to be immortal but was fourced (?) to come back as a mortal and his memory wasn’t wiped and now he’s trying to impart all he knows to others while he still remembers it. Then at three we have Smallville. In this episode Superman dies via a gunshot wound. Apparently he had voluntarily given up his powers, which he later admits was a mistake. There seems to be some fource compelling Clark Kent not to reveal that he has powers. He was given back his powers by his father and left the hospital room where he had been pronounced dead, to go and chase after a missile to disarm the warhead before it hit the target. Apparently someone’s else life had to be sacrificed so that he could continue to live but I didn’t watch that part. There is no question writers’ imaginations work overtime to come up with these scenarios. I happened to pick up a New Testiment and read in the book of Mark that Jesus “came to” Galilee to start his minestry. Since Nazereth is a part of Galilee that opens the question of where he was before. Sometime people let things slip when they least intend to. Of course there is that new book called “The Secret”. This book puts forth the old Michal Benner idea that the mind is something that “attracts things to either good or bad thoughts” as if your own imaginings have the power to altar present reality around you. This is a silly notion. It’s one that very young children have. That’s why children enjoy playing “Peek-a-boo” so much. They think if they don’t see something that it vanished. This is why children close their eyes when they’re really afraid. The sad part is why adults are being infused with these notions. There was that guy on channel 28 one day who said “When you change the way you look at things- - the things you look at – change”. No they don’t. Thinking doesn’t make it so. There is resolve and planning and concentration, but the mind has no mystical power to altar what IS. If it were so I would not have been so continually burned by such Christians as “The asshole from El Paso”. Bad things happen to you because you DON’T expect them and not because you DO, because if you do expect them, you can plan for them in advanced. I used to be continually surprised by the way Christianity let me down. Larry Norman even had a saying “- - Like a moth drawn to the flame - -here am I talking about Jesus just the same”. But books sell of course and I don’t begrudge anybody their exercise in stupidity. Of course we at the Federation have talked about Fifth dimensional reality or Twilight Zone Reality. Some people may think of “your possible future paths” but according to the Federation this isn’t so because there is no NOW. NOW is an illusion. Let me give you one example. Chuck Smith used to talk about Christianity or “Belief” as going through a door. Once you’ve gone through the door you look back at the door and the sign says “You didn’t choose me; I chose you”. But Chuck isn’t even consistent with him self. Picture a planet or society perhaps like the Moslems where the highest state in the religion can be had by being murdered. Not killing others but by being murdered. But certain people are more likely to be murdered thus “Saved” or “Ascended” to use the Auri term- - than others. Why, those who are murdered for the gold in their teeth naturally. So it’s nothing you did or believed but merely someone knew you had gold in your teeth. Jesus once said the Kingdom of Heaven was like buying a field upon news that there was a treasure in the field. Whether it was honist not to tell the owner what his land was really worth- - we’ll save that issue for another day. Chuck says the treasure is the Believers. Well, the treasure was there before Jesus bought the land. After buying the land Jesus owned ALL of the land including the worthless rocks next to the treasure. You see (we have said this before) the non believers aren’t “sold to the devil when they die”. When you die whether you believe or not you are owned by Jesus. It’s just that Jesus doesn’t want you if your name isn’t among the Elect on a list somewhere. Think of it this way. For the elect, Jesus is “The God who refuses to accept No for an answer”. For the non elect Jesus is “The God who refuses to accept Yes for an answer”. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the Devil is that anytime I question his supremacy over God, he’s ready and willing to “teach me another lesson”. One day I asked that Pastor in March of 1992, you know the Asshole from El Paso an open ended question. He refused to answer any of my other questions and I got a ton of insults. So I decided I’d see how he responded when I asked “What IS Christian Faith”. His answer was out of Hebrews, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The conviction of things not seen”. I quiveled with him about the Greek meaning but in the end I think his answer was pretty clear. It’s this kind of genie in a bottle “Faith” that the book The Secret perports to offer. But anytime one exercises this so-called Christian Faith, or rather Attempts to, it opens some sort of portal in the psychic dimension that opens yourself up for Satan’s machinations lest his authority be disputed. I like Luther say of my belief system, “Here I stand, for I can do no other”. It’s pretty much just that simple. It could be in some altered fifth dimensional reality you are saved in that dimension, just not this one. It just now occurred to me. If it’s true when you die you “get all the knowledge in the universe” that knowledge will be pretty much Worthless is you get ALL the knowledge, including that in the non real fifth dimension. But the Federation people say they can prove the fifth dimension actually exists by various mathmetical formulas and therums. The Federation just says “THIS reality, like the term NOW has the ILLUSION of being reality. As we have said the Fifth Dimension has a different Future and a different Past but only one point in time does it intersect with the here and now. But that realm is not provable in this four-dimensional Universe construct. But some will say to you that your future is a mystic “decision” that you make at a key time in your life. You can have a feeling or preminission about the future but don’t put the cart before the horse. The premonition or belief didn’t PRODUCE the reality; rather the future Reality PRODUCED the preminission. So far nobody is telling us how to change fate and the most scientifically informed among us say that it is Impossible. (Selah) It’s like that old adage, “You can’t get there from here”. George Burnes said “The reason why there is Evil is because if there is a Top there has to be a bottom”. I disagree with this because the analogy there is of a playing card or something. The “substance” of that reality is, let’s face it, mostly cardboard paper. “Tops” and “Bottoms” are just says of LOOKING AT various psychic and karmic realities. Mankind has had in its belief system for melinia that EVIL WAS NOT NECESSARY. Indeed this is the corner stone of most if not all religion. So in this sense I suppose you can call me a Religious person. (Selah)

There beith a roomer that the in the next two weeks the Federation is taking a "snap shot" of the earth and that many possible Future Judgements will be based on the following two weeks. On the other hand, this message may have gotten garbled in the translation.

The following songs and album concept were actually "in the pipeline" already. I may think fast on my feet but not That fast. For the most part, these are songs that were bumped when we decided to take our show on the internet. So here we go with our Alternatives to whatever KNBC is offering this evening. OK we are changing the album. There is a date and day disagreement anyhow but the Federation won't adapt this version of the album till after Sunday April first. The astrisk * denotes an addition from yesterday. The double astrisk ** denotes the two songs that have not been used on a compilation in the past three years before.

LOVE OR CONFUSION (rel. March 18th. 2007)

One Mint Julip (Clovers)

Sweets for My Sweet (Drifters)

Little Darling (Diamonds)

Tean Beat (Sandy Nelson)

He's A Rebel (The Crystals with Darlene Love)

The Stripper (David Rose & his Orchestra)

Wipeout (Safaris)

Nadeine (Chuck Berry)

Dead Man's Curve (Jan & Dean)

Pretty Woman (Roy Orbeson)

Come a Little Bit Closser (Jay & the Americans)*

The Game of Love (Wayne Fontanna)

They're Coming to Take Me Away (Nepolian XIV)

Somebody To Love (Jefferson Airplane)

Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison & Them)

Love Or Confusion (Jimi Hendrix Experiance)**

When the Music's Over (The Doors)**

- - - - - - - - -

[The Sunday Night Masacre (April 1st. 2007) 15:21] dropped

This track opens with lynchings in the south in the fifties, and some of the early freedom rider stuff with Martin Luther king and protests in the early 1960's and LBJ signing the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, moves on to the bridge at Selma, Alabama, and the Pentagon protest of October 1967 and then the King and Kennedy assasenations and then the Chicago riots, Kent State shootings, and early Watergate news ending with the Saturday Night masacre of October 1973 but I want all this done in rappid colloge overlapping and coming in oposit channels and occasionally moving accross the screen kind of giving a "Revolution no. 9 feel to it" - - - before segwaying into today's news where Gonsolez and Chaney and Karl Rove are all fired ("asked to hand in their resignations", i. e.) by George Bush on a Sunday Evening in response to the protests of so many and to clear the air so that government can function, but at the same time the dark clouds don't disappear from the Horizon with news that the troop surge is now thirty thousand and protests there won't be listened to.

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