Monday, March 19, 2007


Today the Swallows return to Capistrano signaling the onset of spring. Today is also the fourth anniversary of the Iraq War in the Mideast. Protests have occurred all over the nation and in countries all around the world. Basicly it's Mr. Bush against the whole world. The whole world is watching. Perhaps they were watching Sixty Minutes last night. They had this squad or marines that wasted nineteen people in Iraq and they were all unarmed civilians. Five were gunned down when told to "halt" and they didn't so they were shot. The others were wasted in a house to house search where they would roll in a granade to a house and what the explosion didn't kill they would go in and kill. According to the guy on TV last night they were just acting according to instructions and procedures they were taught. They were taught to be killers. Like a lot of cops if they rightly or more likely, wrongly, perceive their lives in danger they will just start firing away untill they have killed everybody. In Dateline on Saturday night on KNBC they had this "mean old man" as I refer to him as who killed this younger but balding guy. He claims he just met him on a hiking trail and the guy threatened to kill him though the victim proved to be unarmed. Then the old man fired three times at him with hallow tipped "cop killer" bullets and killed him. He was found guilty by an Arizona jury but now they're going to change the law so that you don't have to "prove" you were acting in self defence. Now any old paranoid delusion will do. Neadless to say I think the new law is dangerous.

I just want to say at this point I’m pissed at Blogger first for calling my blogs Spam and secondly by not even including letters that I was supposed to be copying. I guess they expect me to be psychic, too. Maybe I’m just too intelligent for these people. Maybe I’ll stop blogging. It’s hard to say whether anybody really follows them.

We've learned a bit more on a forty year old incident in or near the Orion Federation. Remember I said that the planet Aldeberan IX was blown up by Alcyonne "Just to prove they could do it". Apparently though peaceful in population, the buzz was that Aldeberan IX was an important psychic link in the chain of command rebelling against Alcyonne, and this is why the planet was picked to be destroyed. If you're wondering what if any manifestation destruction of said planet had on planet Earth the answer is within a little over a year you saw a decline in the psychedellic movement both artisticly, musically, and chemicly and intellectually. I don't think it's possible to overstate the impact the assasenations of Dr. King and Robert Kennedy had on the left wing community. These two losses decimated it and caused it to lose direction. The idea of a President of the United States declaring war on the Left did not occur untill that "great silent majority" speech given by Spiro Agnew in November of 1969.

Some may ask what the Psychic Realm or some would say the Federation realm has to do with events on planet earth. Let's back up and talk about all six dimensions for a bit. There are the three spacial dimensions of length, heighth and width. Then there are two interractional dimensions of Time and "lateral time" or alternatives we think Didn't Happen, but their existance in an abstract sense is just as real. In the I Ching the triagrams of fire over heaven has the meaning of "Posession in great measure". You should read some lines from "Chapter 14" I believe. In this hexigram there is one dark line and that is in fifth place. Some may ask if you can't "switch time-lines" in mid stream. The experts say you can't. Some may say that if you did some sort of witch's incantation or superstititious act you could change the future at least for yourself even if it means "crossing to another intersecting time-line". The reason why according to the Federation is (a) everything is predestined including your decision to change your future and Any Act you do in an attempt to change your future as well as any change in the future that Actually Seems to Take Place. It's all been predistined. (b) The reason why you can't "swap time-lines and have an different future" is because your karmic past determines your future and whatever time line you are on goes in a straight line, like inertia.

Let's talk about the sixth dimension. Perhaps the most obvious manifestation of this dimension is the phenominum of space folding. Just picture a sheet like a map being rippled up so that two former distant places are now ajoining. When this "link" happens it's as if you're transported to another place or connected to another mind. You may wonder what my position is on the subject of ether waves is. They still have not disproved the existance of "ether" in the universe and as an electronic medium of travel it proved out scientifically to act in a mathmatically proscribed way. As a medium for brain waves the federation has long stated that this is not how psychic linkage works. Sometimes it seems as if we can be warned or informed of things by distant relatives. But scientists have pretty much proven that no brain waves, notibly the kinds in an electro encephlograph are involved. Many people enjoy invisining "spiritual warfare" or "psychic warfare" as some sort of giant football field, or perhaps a chess board. Much of the goal is "controling the board" or paths of squares on the board and sometimes individual squares. When "your square" comes under favorible influence and favorible information comes through the psychic portal, you become aware of it and the course of your life will turn for the better now that your psychic obsticles have been eliminated. Christians are fond of the notion that some little thing I do here can influence the "spiritual warfare in heaven" to my favor. I am not going to dispute that. I don't even know if you're aware of the passage of time in the psychic dimension or what conscienciousness there is like. Christians like to assume it's sort of a "shaddow universe" that's just like here only everything is bright and shiny. I can neither confirm nor dispute this. The psychic real is the sixth or top dimension. Basically you have three physical space dimensions, two interractional dimensions, time and "the twilight zone" and you have the psychic dimension, called the telestial dimension. Logically if you folded space you would arrive at your destination with everything backwards. Were this to happen with time that would explain backwards talking in Satanism. As I have said before the only time you get a time shift with space folding is when there is "gravimetric interfearance". I would take this to mean a very strong gravity field, though it may refer to something more specific.

You know people ask “after you die what comes next?” Well there may not BE a “next” as one normally thinks of it. But the funny thing people talk about reincarnation but if you think about it “time is meaningless”. What’s to prevent one soul occupying two different body as the same time? But neither half would know the other existed and if they met neither would recognize that it was the same soul as the other. It would only depend on which conscience you perceived that you were. But even forgetting that strange scenario for the moment, I don’t see why you would logically remember anything from a previous incarnation if there were no “linear” progression of the soul. There might not even be any en-grams. In all probability this is the only life that you will remember as being “you”. Anyone else is someone else, even though it’s your soul.

We have talked about the big bang. However there is another explanation as to why the universe at its "edges" appears to be rappidly receeding from us "at an increasing rate". Have you ever thought that our entire universe is just a black hole in a bigger universe? It would explain a lot of the methematical mystories puzzling science. We have previously said that black holes weren't really "black" when you were sucked into them but just highly warped space. So why not? Space can shrink and expand and bend according to Einstein. They say that galaxies on the edge of the universe are "less evolved" and this proves we are looking back in time. I am not entirely convinced of this, ie. that there was a "starting point". If they say there was I won't argue with them. But I think scientists need to consider alternate explanations for some of these puzzling methematical formulas. They say time slows down when an object travels fast but it could just be the doppler effect, which would cause the same phenominum. Objects getting heavier when sped up? Centrifical fource. But I'm not going to argue about it. I'm just saying if this were a black hole in a larger universe we'd still have to go faster than light to travel there. As we said in "Dangerous Event Horizon" people DO travel faster than the speed of light when sucked into a black hole. They don't "become too heavy to move" as I'm seen in one illustrative drawing. I think many mystories are really less "mysterious" than Einstein portrays them. Like I say I don't think they pursue alternative explanations for the mathmatical equations involved. That's just my oppinion, of course.

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