Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today John Edwards endorsed Berock Obama for President breaking his long silence on the subject. Hopefully and presumably this means the race really is over because now Edwards' deligates will be released to go for Obama on the first ballot, but I haven't heard this for a fact. But the democrats aren't home free. I was just reading my own material on the Democratic convention hoping to get something inspiring to pass along. Well, if you thought my endorsement of the Republicans at their convention was less than sizzeling, I was downright put off by the democratic convention. Media coverage of conventions pretty much sucks these days anyhow, and I wasn't on the internet back then. So often it was just commentators flapping their gums reinterperating everything that went on anyhow. But I was pissed at Kerry because I regarded him as a liar. I believed the swift boat people. Not that I believed all their political commentary that went along with their charges but I believed the substance of what they said. Next I didn't like and don't as a rule like conventions of the democrats being a parade of special interest cases like people with AIDS or gay activists or anything smacking of that. I also don't much go for any speech made that sounds like their putting on a parade of whiners and mal-contents. Neither did I much like that psudo military stuff like "John Kerry reporting for duty" as if he were "Just as macho as George Bush. Neither did I like that "Send me" speech, done along the same vein. Not to quote dead people but Stewart Sutcliffe announced he would vote for Ralph Nader in the fall. Of course Stewart is more of a government "activist" than I am approving of things like the nutrition police and it's the government's duty to promote the health of it's citizens- - and all that stuff about how employees can't even smoke in their own homes, to get employee insurance rates down. John Lennon didn't like Kerry either, regarding his speeches as too hawkish for his blood. The thing that Kerry did all throughout the campaign was to say how he's really for the war and all. Nobody except Howard Dean was advocating the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in those days. I saw the race of 2004 as a choice between someone who basically is in control and knows what they are doing and has had success both domestically and abroad- - - verses the other party that can't seem to find their asshole with a high powered telescope. In short the democrats the whole time ran as a party that just expected to lose. Hillary not running in 2004 was signal enough to many people that the Democrats' chances this year of 2004 were pretty much doomed from the git go.

So what do the democrats have to do to win? First of all they can't do what Hillary has been doing and that is trying to placate the inveterate (and confederate) racists of West Virginia. As long as you see the ignorant and the prejudice setting the tone and framing the debate, you will never win. You have to do something brave; you have to Ignore them! West Virginia is just not relavent for the 21st. Century. Neither would I court Hillary to be a major part of the campaign. Rather than beg her for her support if there is any begging to be done it should be done by Hillary promicing to "behave" if she's allowed any part in the campaign. There is no way she should be considered for Vice President. To many having a woman AND a black is just perceived as a "loser ticket" and the democrats need to shed the tag of loser. There is no way Hillary deserves to be Vice President, not that she would even want the job. Obama needs to signal a clear break with the past and there is no better way to do that than make a clear break with Hillary. I think having a lot of debates will help Obama because it will emphasize Mc Cain's age the way the Kennedy - Nixon debates highlighted all of Nixon's physical shortcomings. Obama needs to campaign in areas where he's done well in the primaries like the northern plains states and in the middle Atlantic and places like Virginia and North Carolina where he did well. He needs to do the intellectual Thom Hartman approach to provide Americans with an adacademic education of what our problems are in this country and how they can be solved. I would declare all out war on the medical insurance companies. I would also declare all out war on the secretive policies of the Bush adminestration of unauthorized wire taps and torture policies and denial of detainees their Civil Rights. Obama has not enphisized this strongly enough in the past. I would also do a full court press on Mc Cain's economic plans for the nation, while trying to say as little about my own plans as I can get away with. People need to see Mc Cain as lost and alone without any support for any of his ideas. I would suggest talking fast and firing a lot of questions at him and make him appear old and dottering when he is slow to answer. I would certainly keep using this phrase of "The third term of the Bush adminestration". I would also highlight ethics reform in congress and do an all out attack on lobbyests. These are some of my ideas. I would also do frequent private survays for my eyes only to get a pulse on where the public's head is at and which speeches are resonating and which speeches aren't. In terms of moral issues such as gay marriage and abortion, I wish Obama would say as little as possible about this. I don't think the American Public is "pro abortion" and I don't think they're anti marriage.


OK if I'm going to be as smart as Thom Hartman who was doing all this advanced math in grammar school I'd better get on the stick as far as additive velocities in the theory of relativity. I have the correct formula now done in Excel. It's, =(H49+I49)/(1+(H49*I49) I'll explain. H49 is the velocity of the first space ship or whatever and I 49 is the velocity of the missile or rocket that is launched from it going forward, OK? What you do is add these together and then divide the whole thing by one plus the product of those same two velocities, provided those velocities are some varient of the speed of light. If they are not, simply factor in the speed of light to these numbers below the fraction line. This formula was tested for accurecy trying it out with 2/3 and 2/3 as velocities and the answer is supposed to be 12/13. However I was a tad off in the thousandths collum or a few tenths of a percent. I'm not certain whether this error is tollerable. At any rate the speed of light does not come to a grinding halt. You know, it doesn't really matter. The speed of light is so infinetessible compared to the size of the Universe, if it's only expanding at this slow rate it will take forever. You will note that as of late they are saying that the edge of the universe is accelerating faster than they'd dared imagine. What they also say is that in the outer reaches of the universe "space" itself is in motion. This cannot be true unless you subscribe to the Ether theory, that space as we know it "moves" and it can only be said to move if it had some sort of substance to it, so- - you decide. You can plug any two fractions of a number into this formula in places H 49 and I 49 and this formula will generate an answer.

While I have you here I might as well repeat that we all know the future and not because of any "revelations from the Other Side". No, we know the future because after the theory of relativity hits infinity it doubles back on itself, which means our own Self or soul doubles back on itself so that we are living life both forward and backwards. We already know the future because we've already lived it. (Selah) People talk about God consciousness. For Calvin or a determinist such as Einstein, we can absolutely know God by one way, and that is by what happens in our world. Of course the theory of relativity is a bit nonsensical in one way in that it says that two simotanious events when observed by a third party do NOT happen simotaniously. To me this violates all sense of what reality consists of but proponets have their reasons, I guess. In religion what too often is most important is belief for belief's sake. In science we base things on facts. When Fred Price talks about belief, oddly by his definition you cannot Believe something if it's actually true, but only if it's unknown or false. As such if one postulates that you are saved by belief- - ipso facto it has to be belief in something that is either unknown or false, because if it turns out to be true, if you're Fred you have to use some other verb. Scientists see things as they are. They are believers in what IS and not as some might dream them to be.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well this Clinton victory tonight over Obama has to be the most pyric victories of all time. People like Randi Rhodes have been talking about "the math" since February. It's a little sickening that Hillary seems not to be repelled by people such as Rush Limbaugh. Even worse that Hillary should make statements that "she's appealing to the good white working-class people". And of course now there is this "block" of states Hillary had won or will win in that part of the country. Nothing Hillary has done in months seems to be in the interest of either the party or unifying this tired nation. It's a victory for racism and poverty and ignorance. These of course are the fruits of eight years of Republican adminestration most manifest in West Virginia. West Virginia is 48th. or 50th. in several key catigories involving income and education. It's pointed out that West Virginia is one of our most rural states and not near any big metropolitin areas even if you venture into neighboring states such as Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, or Virginia. West Virginia is only three percent Black and I doubt even that many voted. I imagine little of the state is connected up to the internet which means they have to rely on the right wing media for their information. I guess some right wing news outlet was interviewing voters and one democrat age 67 said he would vote for Mc Cain in the fall if Obama was the candidate. And a 24 year old said he wanted to vote for a "full blooded American" like Mc Cain over someone like Obama. There were roomers that Hillary would drop out of the race after West Virginia. There is not even any guarentee that she'll get out of the race eight days from now after Oregon and Kentucky. I guess if this race is a learning experiance for Obama it's to avoid states like West Virginia and Kentucky in the fall as hopeless bastions of prejudice and ignorance. Still it's nice to have a state like West Virginia where you can step into a time-warp and be transported back fifty years. Actually, a hundred years is more like it. You can expect to see 1908 in a lot of callendars there going back to an era where people called everyone else "cousin" and you had to ask the father for the daughter's hand in marriage and the two-step was the latest dance.

Fifty years ago none of us thought of ourselves as living in a "backward age". Indeed you had shows like Space Explorers on TV, which was a cartoon series about man going to Mars in 1978, twenty years hence, which at the time seemed like a perfectly reasonable proposition. The US government had gotten into the space race with Echo I or something. I think the Nautelus, the first nuclear powered submarine was launched in 1958. In 1959 the St. Laurance Seaway opened up and we were admitting new states and expanding our Frontiers as a nation. And also in 1959 Disneyland got its monorail. We weren't so backward; they had even just come out with stereo records, and the word "stereophonic" was on our lips. The democrats made huge gains in congress in the election of 1958. I think the democrats picked up 48 house seats or something which set up a lopsided majority that would go on for twenty years or more. The people were more progressive than the President and "liberal" was seen as an enlightened word in those days. Back then the John Birch society was considered far right. Today it's platform has pretty much become main stream for the right wing media. We thought of ourselves as a scientific nation. But of course in those days, and for decades to come the National Media was liberal. They were our conscience. And of course the Supreme Court was progressive in those days.

Today I guess the Christian Church has been reduced from political and social involvement, which proved too much for it to bear. (Christians don't like thinking too hard) Instead I suppose now the best thing they can do in the light of an earthquake in China, a Typhoon in Burma, and tornadoes in the midwest and South, is to pass out religious tracts saying Jesus is coming back in five years. People who get their purpose for life from belief in the Supernatural really get off on natural disasters. It gives them an opening. Sylvia Browne said almost a year ago that weather would be in the news. If you wait long enough anything is likely to come to pass. Even Browne is saying stuff like "We only have twenty years left". You know when it comes to space travel, we are living in a new Flat Earth era. From things I read and watch, we aren't going to accomplish squat in the next century or so. It will take us till 2020 to get back to the moon, and beyond 2030 for our first manned excoursion to Mars. And when (and if) we do, who is to say some nay sayers won't come along to scuttle the program after a few flights. It would seem that the medical profession is having much better luck with "inner space" than we are with outer space. Why is it that almost any government program runs BEHIND schedule. Why not have something actually get done AHEAD of schedule for once? That would blow all our minds. Remember it was Kennedy who said, "We are not going to the moon because it's Easy; on the contrary we are going there because it's Hard". You know that dolly that says "Math is hard" when you pull the string or whatever- - if it were easy you wouldn't be expanding your cognitive capacities. We as a people need to "enlarge our capacities". We need a more intellectual climate in this country. We need to make being a redneck newly Unfashionable. (Selah)


You may remember that Next Generation episode where Beverly Crusher was trapped inside her own universe. She asked the computer a question she said "The computer should not be able to answer" , which was to state the size of the universe. When the computer actually Answered this question she knew "something was wrong". Well excuse me- - but there are certain deductions that can be made from Einstein's theory of relativity people haven't thought about. From simple cauculus computations one should quite easily be able to deduce the size of our universe. Let me explain. Back before I even knew him, Mark Campbell was saying things to people (like Pete Richards) that the Universe was like an air bubble floating inside a bottle of green Prell shampoo. I bet this dates back to 1977. Anyhow, the key is that it is a static bubble and not a growing one. People don't know it but according to the theory of relativity itself the speed of light slows down to a stop if you go far enough out. Let me prove it to you with a simple illustration. Suppose you're going 9/10th. the speed of light. If you want to do the Physics thing and square that number you come up with 81/100th. or roughly four fifths. Let's say that when you are nine tenths the speed of light that time slows down by four fifths. Let's also stipulate that space in that direction also shrinks by four fifths. Together you have not a compensating but a compounding effect or multiply five by five and get 25. So that in reality you are only going one /25th. the speed of light. Keep in mind that a keystone of Einsteins theory states that whatever speed you are you'll never see the speed of light vary. If you shrink time any significant ammount and space a similar ammount, pretty soon light has got to slow down. Least you think I'm talking out of my ass, I've seen things like if you go 2/3 the speed of light and send out a light beam going forward- - the result is measured in thirteenths or something. I think you take thirds and fourths and get not twelths but thirteenths is based on the same theory that if you see five X on one side and one X on the other- - you may well wind up before you're done measuring things in multiples of six. In like matter when you speak of a four to one ratio- - youre going to end up measuring things in fifths. Basically the Universe is analogus to a soap bubble with most of the "substance" on the surface (edge) and not in the center. For purposes of argument let's throw out my Ether theory, which makes a hell of a lot more sense to begin with but we'll do things Albert's way. Remember when we talked about accelerat-ING matter verses accelera-TED matter. Einstein himself said (like Newton) there is no absolute stationary point. If this is true then we have to go with accelerat-ING matter. Wherever you are in this bubble universe you can never reach the edge of it and go beyond to the "Sea of Green" as Mark Campbell originally said it was. You can use sheer calculus logic to show that you're talking about there being a fixed, stationary point "out there" you cannot go beyond. Matter and mass shrink into nothingness. But here is Einstein's "out". Nobody knows where the CENTER of this universe is and everyone who is NOT ACCELERATING at the moment believes he is IN the center of our Universe. So it can be said "Everyone has his own center". There is a center here and a center over there. No matter how "close" you think you are to the "Edge" of the universe there is still two down and Infinity to go. So according to Einstein not only is everything that happens in this universe determinate, or predestined- - but there is a fixed "Volume" the universe has with infinity as the edge. Again, simple calculus should be able to reveal this number. I don't know what it is. Perhaps we can get Max Brady on D. L. to help out.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Well, we’ve heard it now from Thom Hartmann. What we have in America today is classism rather than racism. This is pretty much true. But it’s even more pernicious. People in the Civil War were all haughty about slavery and yet we are all “slave holders” when you look at how many slave labor and child labor goods we import in this country and there are people like Larry Elder who seem to want a permanent under-class in America in ways that even the KKK would balk at. After all even the KKK would balk at a landowner having sex with his Black slave subject. Now the ultimate insult is delivered by calling Obama “elite”. This is just another take-off on the “uppity Nigger” phrase you used to hear from Southerners. No doubt Hillary will continue to pander to this racist and prejudiced view of America. Perhaps it is true. Rush Limbaugh has a secret crush on Hillary Clinton. Other than my writings nowhere else where you hear Hillary’s campaign tacticts extolled. Rush wonders why Blacks vote for Blacks. Well if we were suddenly taken over by Extraterriestrial aliens, and we had a chance to vote on a government officer, don’t you think earthlings would naturally vote for the human? Rush doesn’t know the difference between racism and self preservation. It all comes down to credibility and let’s face it: a black is just more “credible” when he says his aim is to advance the Black man, than is a white candidate. If Obama gets the nomination I will happily admit I was wrong. After all I predicted the Bears would defeate the Colts in Super-bowl 2007. I still can’t believe that one. Some may say when I talk of things that “never happened” that “well, perhaps those events are due now”. There are things I didn’t put on that list. I have never seen the movie “Let it Be”, I have never been held at gunpoint on the street and robbed of my watch, my wallet, or any jewelry, I have never been homosexually gang raped in prison. I have never been in a live earthquake where the shaking was so strong that glass was breaking and furniture was toppling over. I guess the question arises whether such fortune is chance or whether certain events are being cosmically prevented by some Cosmic Hand. The Jews back in the era of the Prophets thought “We will always have Jerusalem” when Ezekiel preached against them. Jesus’ role on earth seems to have been to euphemistically “remind the Jews that they were fallible” as a people. I don’t need to be reminded that I’m fallible. Some on the right say this same Cosmic Hand will somehow “protect” us should we get into ecological trouble due to global warming and/or pollution. It could be that God clicks off certain events, or rather events that were prevented from happening. And he says “You have this many chances to put things right and them I’m going to “let the forces of nature loose” and you’ll see what it’s like to live in the real world”. As I’ve often said, “Grace” is not a girl’s name, grace is not a blank checkbook with God’s signature on every page. “Grace” is a test each time it occurs, for us to pass or fail. Sometimes I myself am tempted to deny the reality of “All things must pass” but there are some in positions of power, and you know who you are, that dare not forget this axiom. If you’ve led a sinful life and are now an old widow, you can’t buy atonement for your sins by donating your children’s inheritance of pricess heirlooms to a money grubbing Col. Parker type Pastor who whispers sweet promises in your ear. In like manner we cannot cut taxes on the rich and deny that we as a nation are robbing from our Children by running up the deficit sky high. I don’t know how that Hebrew King was allowed to “see into the spirit world” but if there is a world out there beyond the four dimensions we know of- - we should at least check out what is going on there. “Don’t look at the people who were fired from their jobs by Bush, look at the ones who kept their job”. Don’t look at the anomalies, look at the overall pattern of corruption. You know if the Bible says anything about Jehovah, it’s that he doesn’t like to be bull-shitted. Jehovah has been known to retract forgiveness for individuals like Shimiai for one- - and later decided to come after him. Let’s talk about Col. Parker, as long as his name has come up. I bet he never thought he’d ever get his come-uppance, but he surely did, and now his name is a by-word and accursed forever more. I guess the question is whether the national politic will get worse before it gets better. Some may look and say there is no hope for the future of America, and I have been one of these at times. Sometimes it seems as if the forces of Darkness have a perpetual hammerlock on our economy and our political dialog. Now they are interviewing that Governor Don Siegalman guy from Alabama who was wrongly charged and convicted and abused in other ways. Certain sins are committed against whole races such as the native tribes here in America. Since these people are long dead, how shall their name be avenged? I don’t know. Sometimes “history gets things wrong” for a long time. What will the history books in our grandchildren and great grandchildren’s day say, for instance, about Karl Rove or Scudder Libby or Dick Chaney? Some, including myself, would ask, “Are there any guarantees that indeed All Things Must Pass”? Suppose a criminal when he was on the verge of being caught or whatever, had the option merely to kill himself and know that his soul would leap into another body and have a whole new identity? I have thought of things like this. I have said that at least in my case and perhaps the nation’s case, too- - that Evil does not come from individual people but from Supernatural Entities of one sort or another operating as karmic forces. As I have said before- - karma goes out into the Universe and congiels in a spheroid around an object where it’s energy has recursion power that cycles the same negative energy over and over. Perhaps Sylvia Browne should be asked about the origins of such Evil. I guess maybe that Apache tribe Thom Hartmann had the right idea rather than arbitrarily punish one for a deed to somehow “undo the deed” like Scientology seeks to do with eradicating engrams. And some if not most curses are just meant to run along their pre set course.

If we had prosecuted World War II against Germany as poorly as God has “courted” me into the Christian Faith, we would be fighting World War seventeen by now because nothing would ever get solved and resentments would only grow and fester. So why is it that Christians count themselves as exempt from the third commandment?

Congress is one group that’s actually allowed to buy and sell corporate as well as commodity stocks on insider information and make a pile of money and not be accountable. Now we finally know how come they all become so rich.

They say the peace sign is fifty years old first used in England in 1958. I thought it dated back to the 1930’s and all the “ban the bomb” stuff a little later on. They say the symbol is derived from the semaphore letters N and D for nuclear disarmlement.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"- - - and what is Truth?"

"Welcome to The World Beyond, Marcus
Outer Space is Where We Live- -
- It's where You Die!"

Well, what's it going to be?
Hillary's "We Fight On!" or
Obama's "Game Over!"

The last time I checked - the only
one with an EXIT STRATEGY for
Life was - Jack Kavorkian

"Today We Fight!"
-from "300"

In a real fight, each side
shares the same number
of dimensions
whether they want to or not

"I don't want you to die for your country
I want you to make the other
son of a bitch die for His!
-General Patton

What number does each of the following events have in common? The number of locks in the Suez Canal * The number of mutinies in the US Navy as of 1954 * The number of times Quantas Airlines has crashed as of cerca 1990 * The number of power failures I’ve experienced while using a computer. * The number of times I have “passed out” from too much alcohol either in a public situation or outside. * The number of times I’ve been playing with that “Game Boy” thing on my radio and had all three numbers come up the same. * The number of times any Christian authority has retracted or apologized to me for giving false doctrine or counsel. * The number of divorces where I was the one filing for it. * The number of US Presidential elections in this country that have been suspended (not held) The number of each of these is zero. There are certain things that have never happened. It’s not to say that they won’t but the odds grow of their never happening grows each day. How many times have we nominated a Black presidential candidate in a major party? If you’re playing the numbers game you have to say the odds are against it simply for the reason it’s never happened. People have told Hillary “You can’t win” and to get out of the race. If they weren’t so doubtful about their statements they’d keep their mouths shut and Hillary would be “Doing all the talking” by actually taking steps to get out- - so their words would not even be necessary. You know in that “Lion” CS Lewis movie last Saturday that little girl wanted people to believe her that she had been to this “place” called Narnia. When her older brother, who had been with her, denied he had been there, she started to cry because nobody believed her. Why should she cry? Either she was there or she wasn’t and if he’s lying- - why should she feel threatened by that? This smacks too much of Christians and their “testimonies” where it seems to matter less whether what they say is Real but rather- - who believes them? (Selah) People are trying to “talk” their way into an Obama nomination using mathematics and any other “logic” that occurs to them. I will have absolutely no problem if I’m proven wrong. My problems in confronting Christians is that I never seem to be proven wrong on my major statements and doubts and questions. Why is that? What’s bizarre is that people feel threatened when you announce you don’t doctrinally agree with them, almost as if you had insulted them. Once again too much of religion seems to center on “saving face” rather than seeking after Truth. Some liberals have said “The trouble with Christians is that they value Love over Truth”. My position is that you can’t have love worth having without Truth, but if you have Truth without love, the rest will sort itself in time. Do you remember what Moses said to Nephretiri in “The Ten Commandments”? He said, “Love can’t drown Truth”. People who accuse me of “infidelity” to the Gospel- - too often appeal to “realities” and other things that don’t exist here on this earth- - Now - - and may never exist. C S Lewis was “Surprised by Joy”. We later learn Joy is the name of his wife. The problem is his wife isn’t God and I’m sure C S Lewis isn’t advocating that I begin worship of her. Why is it that Bob Dylan only “found Jesus” after he divorced his long time wife, Sarah? Why is it that when Christians are “at their best” (or perhaps worst) they get an attack of the I, Me, Mines? I often feel that people would label me a “Doubting Thomas” with the implication that even if true, this disqualifies me from the Faith. (A common trick of Christians is to turn scripture 180 degrees around from what the text actually says) But they one and all fail to come up with so much as once incident where “If you had only believed this or that at a certain time your life would have taken another course”. This is not to say that such events don’t exist, only that they have never been pointed out. I have this feeling often that I am “estranged” from some ideal life I’m “supposed” to have, if only- - - . In other words I’m raising that old Nixon anti-impeachment argument of “Specificity”.

We had chicken fried steak for dinner with rice, and just peaches for desert. I had seconds on the meat and rice. I went to the bakery for a large coffee that was almost as hot as it’s supposed to be. The entire day has been heavy overcast. The housekeeper was by before dinner to change the linins and give us new blue bed spreads. Before this I was on the computer looking at and We have moved a ship off the coast or Iran. I also re-watched that thing on the Vice Presidential mansion I was distracted this morning when it was on. Silver lake in Hollywood is being filled up again. It’s been dry since January. The old water had bromate in it. It’s medication time.

Sometimes when I get mad at the world I start to think of myself as perfect. Or rather I feel “OK I’m not perfect, but you’re so messed up you’ll never find my flaws”. Some say I have a “faith problem”. It’s funny what is actually IN the Bible verses what these people CLAIM is in the Bible. I know of no story in the Bible where a person is told or gets the notion “If I just BELIEVE strongly enough- - things will begin to change for the better in my life”. In most cases involving God and man in the Bible, guess what? God is actually THERE. There is no QUESTION about it. Some may speak of the book of Esther where these God and man (or woman) dialogs are lacking. This is a book where having the guts of a river boat gambler are praised. In history nations have shown great courage on occasion. Like we allowed that Coventry church to be bombed rather than let on we had broken the German codes. In the battle of Midway the whole battle depended on what our side believed A F meant. I will openly admit that when it comes to things like looking for a job- - I have fallen down badly. You can call me lazy. You can even rightly accuse me with “fear of failure”. I guess it was Howard Stern (forgive me if I have the wrong person) who said once that making marriage decisions was simple: He just married the first girl who would “put out” for him. I think there are a lot of Born Again Christians- - grabbing the first thing that comes along, in whatever field, be it choice of wife, employment, or church. I myself have never reasoned like this. Alas, the “first thing” that “came along” for me after I got out of R O P in February 1992 was going on welfare. This is not a victory but instead a wholesale collapse in pride and in work ethic. There is a song in 1967 by Eric Burden that goes, “- - and I was so much older then- - when I was young”. How true! Some people like Gene Scott under went a whole scale melt-down in personality in his later years- - and congratulated himself for it. There are some things I haven’t done to help myself, like Computer Dating, because these are things only “desperate” people do. My disbelief in a successful outcome at the current time is too strong. I don’t want to be just another middle-aged man searching out some menopausal woman to “share my life with” like Abraham Simpson. I’ve heard some of the dialog old people have on dates and believe me, it’s a turn-off. The reason why I don’t show up at computer chat rooms is because if I don’t “fit in” then I’ll feel even more out of it. People don’t gain confidence as they get older. I don’t know what these Christians are talking about. You LEARN cowardice. There seems to be some Cosmic Hand out there constantly raising the bar. And as some point, even though you’re a trained seal you refuse to jump and look for a chance to go AWOL. If I had real balls I would risk negative feedback even if it’s sure to come. Remember that Buena Park Hospital group that Gail invited me to go to? I went three just three days before I was told I was no longer (never was) qualified to attend. But even at the end of that three day period I was beginning to feel walled out of conversations, even ones led by therapists. That was a “cliquey” group. Even in a dog kennel I’m a smart enough dog to realize when the food is being yanked away from me and given to other dogs. But the other dogs are not the problem. To me it isn’t people who are the problem but that Cosmic Hand that appears to be manipulating my life. I’m only got one life, and a dog’s life isn’t fun”, to paraphrase John Lennon. So- - who do I contact? Sylvia Browne? Don’t tempt me; I’m thinking about it. “I think we need to know the truth about Marcus Arelius”.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

S P L I T - D E C I S I O N

Well, Hillary's own early polling in Indiana had her down eight points. Obama predicted he would win Indiana by seven. It turns out that Hillary won the state 52% to 48% unless there are newer numbers I haven't seen. Obama book North Carolina 57% to 43% and those percentages were shrinking. Some would call it an Obama victory because they say that Hillary had to win both states to stay in the race. But if you watched the victory speeches of both candidates, it was Hillary who clearly had the more enthusiastic crowd. And once again Hillary like in that last debate was able to say more - using fewer words. I liked what Obama had to say but Hillary had more feeling in her speech. There was a long hour break between the two speeches on CNN.

Now I'd like to get a bit more esoteric. Let's just say that as of late I have consulted "the powers that Be" on this subject and I have disserned that Hillary is going to win the nomination regardless of what the mathmeticians say. There was just too much dirt uncovered about Obama and his weaknesses are too apparent for all to see. It seems that no matter how loyal the Black vote is, Obama is never going to get certain older, white working stiffs known in the trade as "Reagan Democrats", of which the country is saturated with. Thom Hartman talked of a coalition that Bobby Kennedy was building at the time of his death, and how that if that coalition had been allowed to come to fruition then it would have signaled a new day in America. But it didn't. There are some things that if you look down from the perspective of God himself, that you view differently. God knows that certain things are never going to happen. Christians talk about things that are never going to happen like the Rapture of themselves and how "everything will unfold to justify them and to hell with the rest of the world. Many today have said of the conflict in Iraq that "What is Iran invades Iraq; what will we do?" Hillary trudged out Kennedy's M A D or mutually assured destruction doctrine. She promises "massive retaliation" on Iran if they should threaten Israel or any ally of ours in the Mideast. This is assuming of course that Israel does not "take out" Iran's nuclear capabilities on their own, which they have proven in the past they are able to do. Worrying about an invasion that never will happen is pointless. Worrying about anything you feel "might happen" but God knows never will Be - is pointless. Many times Christians throw a "what if" phrase at you while witnessing to you. For instance, "suppose they should archologically prove Christ lived and rose from the dead?" The theory goes that should that happen we should have a Republican like Mc Cain as president at that time so that our country will reep its reward for "keeping the faith". The difference between democrats and republicans is that democrats embrace the real world as it is today. Today has problems unto itself without the "whit if's" posed by religious preachers. Particularly under Hillary religion will take a back seat. The right wing will take a back seat and some people like Johnny Wendell say this process of "withdrawal" has already begun. Jesus said "consider the lillies of the field". OK, I'll do that. Once a lilly blooms, it is a full fledged flower with petals and everything. But once a flower sheds its petals can it get them back? So it is with the Christian right and political influence. There was a time when they "weren't ready" to share their political clout with the world. They hadn't "flowered" yet. Now Johnny Wendell brings us the news that the bloom is off the rose of the right wing. Christianity no longer has the strength to look outside itself to the world, but like in its germanation period, finds keeping its ideas to itself more prudent. To summarize, we may well be seeing the dogmas and notions of the Christian right "withering on the vine" as the left gains ascendancy. I would like to think, and do believe, that whether it is Obama or Hillary the ideas of the liberals will grow and become dominent as they haven't been in forty years. It could well be that some of the horrors the Right wing describes in World Net Daily may indeed come to pass. I guess our job is to "get used to this". As the country comes to embrace Thom Hartman's ideas about "the comons" and what the true role of government should be, or idea of what a good President will grow and evolve, along with our values. The job of a Born Again Christians is not to shrink from the future, but welcome it.

In terms of spiritual powers and all that E T I stuff we talk about- - I don't know for a fact that there is life or intelligences on other planets. I don't know for a fact whether or not we survive death. But assuming any of my "revelations" are on the money- - we can look at things such as Hillary is supported by members of the Pliades star group. We know the Pliades symbolize the idea of the Circle of Seven. They themselves refer to them being "The Axis around which the Universe revolves". We know in the I Ching there is a chapter called "limitation", which is a part of nature as anything else. Einstein embrases this ideas of circles in his view of the Universe. In his universe certain things CAN"T happen because they are being cosmically prevented. We have said that Bill Clinton is a sutteran, which they themselves referr to as "South bound" but the Romulans have a different, slightly obscene word for. We know that the Sutterans don't get along with the Pliades although they are co-genitors along with the branch of Cassiopians who tried to take over the propaganda division of the Federation in June of 1991. I want to get back to this notion of the circle- - as well as the color yellow. The Pliades wave a white flag, in race driver tradition, when they have but one lap to victory, and it's the yellow flag they wave or see their enemies wave when they desire to surrender. Michelangelo knew this bit about the yellow circle symbolizing the Jew. Circles contain things but they do it by turning an entities own karma against them in a curse. I say this not to be racist but because it's true. There is a game called "Defend Atlantis" or something where you have to draw circles around invading entities from space and they encase their enemies in bubbles that float off harmlessly into space. I guess you could say that Black Holes in Einstein's thinking- - A - don't exist because there is no way to prove their existance if they did and (B) we are protected by "the circle" so that we can never Know them. In like manner the Christian God, if he exists at all the way he claims, is something no one can ever know because he exists in a bubble and has floated off harmlessly into space. And now I would like to say a few more words that were written yesterday but I wasn't sure if I was going to use or not. The Federation had a thing about “giving the finger” to the Cassiopians who took them over back in 1991. Michelangelo had his yellow “Jew” circle. The Mal Evans sector of the Federation had the “yellow ribbon” that was changed in symbology to appeal to Alcyonne to help them in their fight against that Cassiopian group. As such all this stuff about "yellow ribbins" in 1991 here on earth was turned on its head by the Federation. If even your enemy is just, you may appeal to him for help against another enemy. The Federation claims to have put out that "Day in a Life" mash-up recording back in September of 1988. I figured out where I heard that “Radio Head” riff before- and on this planet. You know that haunting bass and piano and percussion riff underpinning the track. It’s from “Shangri-La” by Electric Light Orchestra- - the “trailing” section where the strings are doing all those arpeggios going up and down denoting waterfalls or fountains or something. I don’t want to overwhelm blog readers with too much Extra Terrestrial stuff on blogs.


Just to pick up on the last line, I did call Terry about going to the bank today and he suggested watching “Jason and the Argonauts”. First I had on “At the Movies” then Sixty Minutes” first two segments and I switched to channel 30 for a while, dialing away at 8:17 and watching the Simpson’s and the “Sundance Festival”, and then “King of the Hill” featuring forged items Hank Hill bought. I slept well.

This morning I got up not too early so as not to have to borrow any more cigarettes than I needed to. This Black guy sat at our table and had breakfast along with us but he was obviously too articulate and intelligent to be a resident. It turns out he was a Mormon guy there to see Yvon, which he did -at lunch time. Even if I hadn’t heard he was a Mormon from someone else the choice of conversational topics would have given it away. I don’t know if Yvon has been going as long as Dianne or whether Dianne convirted her and in turn Yvon is in the process of converting Phyllis. We had Raison Bran and then toast and fried eggs for breakfast and beans and franks for lunch. We had rainbow sherbet for lunch, which was an unusual treat. Earlier he was talking with Manfred and me and I didn’t know if he was some government inspector or what.

Terry called to say he’d be early at about ten thirty and I happily was waiting in the parking lot out there. I asked him about the Pastor’s sougern into Africa and he said it was to Uganda. I asked about his mother’s health. I asked about his writing. He in turned asked how I liked his story and I kind of artfully changed the subject. I thanked him for the transportation and offered to remunerate him at a later date but not today. The line at the bank was longer than usual but lots of tellers were in action. I had no problem withdrawing a paultry $6.25 from my account. Terry says he’s seen “Iron Man” already and we talked about the Argonauts movie. Terry also doesn’t know whether or not we’ll get any of the Bush rebate. He says he needs to fix up his truck.

Matt Lauer was in Buenos Aires on Monday and Amsterdam on Tuesday and Istambul on Wednesday and Laos on Thursday and I think Friday must have been some remote island. Today they talked about how older siblings have all the advantages and achieve higher, a proposition I have always disagreed with on both counts.

John Black testified for Elvis at the immigration hearing saying he knew the subjects were more in love than either of them knows. We don’t know what Nicole said but she tried to get Sammy’s goat by saying “I hope E J will be happy visiting his son twice a year in London”. Kate apparently knows Mr. Vitalli quite well.

I bought Ace cigarettes and a black lighter this time at the liquor store. At two I went for a large coffee at the bakery that was actually hot. Bill has the usual afternoon TV fare on now. Randy Rhodes and Thom Hartman are keeping the fires of hope alive for Obama. Loyalty is a good thing. Randy was saying how the Right Wing crowd like the oil and defence contractors now know that Mc Cain will never be elected President and they have already fixed their sites on Hillary to make sure that she is in their back pocket. They see Obama as the only hope. I myself have chilled on Obama, and once the bloom is off the rose it’s just hard to bring it back. I like Hillary’s gasoline tax “scheme” to stick it to the oil companies. Neither Stewart Sutcliffe nor Mal Evans from the Federation is with me on this. Even if they aren’t my memory of proposition 13 is too vivid to fall for this crap about “Well if a corporation is taxed more they’ll just make it back in charges” or the equally false axiom “If a corporation has its taxes cut, they will pass the savings on to the consumers”. This is Larry Elder type talk, and I wish Randy Rhodes and Thom Hartman would realize this. Hillary has for once accurately fingered the problem and I think we should all applauder her. My only regret as a competitor of hers would be that I hadn’t thought of it first. If people will wait in long lines in New Jersey for a discount of a few pennies, what will they do for eighteen cents- - - per gallon. I’m old enough to realize we’re talking about sizable money here. They say that in terms of constant dollars, Ronald Reagan is still the master of the Deficit, hard as that is to believe, despite the fact that Bush has almost doubled the deficit while in office.

On Sixty Minutes they had Henry Wade on, who was the “Wade” of Roe vs. Wade. Now we know where “Texas justice” comes from. Dallas is the most fiercely prosecutorial city in the country. Wade served from 1951 to 1987 and now there are over two hundred suspected miscarriages of justice. The Black guy last night was the seventeenth guy to be released after investigation. He was accused of rape 23 years ago and new DNA evidence set him free. There was a line: “Today you are less getting justice than a long injustice if being corrected”. You know if God is just, he will be telling this to a lot of people when they enter the Pearly Gates after death. Their next segment was another one on Pat Tillman where we learned some new details. But we all knew the army just made up a story about how he died to get Bush’s poll numbers up. The question is how many deaths have taken place in Texas due to unethical prosecution where even though the law espressly states otherwise, evidence of an exculpatory nature was not taken into account or handed over to the defense. Prosecutors in order to get a conviction any way they can ignore leads that might point to the person who really did the crime. (It might even be a white person) I think one thing a President Obama or Hillary, either one, will do in office is to launch a nation wide look at these cases. I would imagine that the Supreme Court will lurch to the left with a President Hillary, for good or for bad. People will know that a new day has arrived. Religion in particular will find it much harder to go about their business under a President Hillary.

We’re going to go off blog now. “Hey- - - I said turn that camera off!”