Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Fingertips (Little Stevie Wonder)
Got My Mind Made Up To Love You (Marvyn Gaye)
Gimme Gimme Good Livin' (1909 artist)
Hot Buttered Popcorn (1969 artist)
Pictures of Home (Deep Purple)
Sock It To Me (Isley Brothers)
You Just Don't Care (Santana)
Shining Star (mid '70's disco group)
Get It On In the Morning (Bill Chase)
Thick as a Brick (Jethro Tull) Pts. 1 & 2

Now laying in that final tier of bricks. "Marvyn Gaye" and "Isley" are two songs similar to the selections used in "Soul Parade" in the Opera blog. The "popcorn" thing might be the name of the group, I'm not sure. "Gimme" is a Paul Revere & the Raiders sound alike group. The Santana is a former Reigellian B side. The Deep Purple track is track three of "Machine Head" and I wish I were able to positively confirm it. It's the song with the fast tripplicates. But Napster no longer let me use their product as is but insisted that I update it. "Brick" is kind of meant to be listened to with the pause in the middle. I don't think we have any repeats here.

LATE NOTE: "All the Young Girls Love Alice" had to be deleted for lack of space on a conventional CD. However there is a plug for the Elton John album on the back of the album as well as a plug for the Reigellian movie (Neir Reigel) "For What It's Worth" about the rapture on earth coming in November 1973, where a portion of the song "Good-bye Yellow Brick Road" appears. Also on the back of the album is the circled callendar date of November 23rd 1966 and November 23rd. 2008. This is more of that mystery stuff which may not mean anything.

We're like the Beatles. If we don't like reality as it is, we make up our own. In that spirit I have some recent day or two old news from the Federation. This whole tight money liquidity crisis we are in now is according to what the Federation says now, orchestrated by the Sutterans. They saqy "this crisis might have happened on its own but in this case it didn't. It was orchestrated by forces beyond earth control. The goal is (and here it gets weird) to put a man in office who will control the United States who will end up getting us in a war with Iran. This is because though the Sutterans and Alcyonne (who controls Iran) have gotten along till now, a major rift is developing between these powers behind the powers. So that the U S will get sucked into a nuclear war with Iran we will end up winning (or at least not wiped out) but that life and liberty not to mention spiritual life as we know it in America will be destroyed and come to an end.

Meanwhile back in the funny papers, they held a debate last night between the two principals of this campaign that was all sound and fury signifying nothing. I almost fell asleep during this debate. None of the hot button issues were even touched. Nobody accused Obama of being a traiter by talking to that Ayres guy. And Obama never brought up the Keating Five and that video now making the rounds showing that Mc Cain's hands are dirty. Mc Cain's age and his health were not brought up. Even the things they DID talk about we are no wiser for the hearing of it. We know both candidates have health plans, but if I had to explain the difference between the two plans or why one is better than the other, I couldn't do it. All I know is Obama says people happy with their medical insurence plan now can keep it. Energy was discussed but I heard no plans for effient auto engines or ethanol or hydrogen or most other sources. I believe Mc Cain did put in a plug for nuclear. But there was no Plan on the table from either side as far as I could see. The threat of both social security and medicare going bankrupt in twenty years was not discussed. We know Obama wants to invade Pakistan and Mc Cain doesn't. Basically what I heard was a lot of flapping of the lips but neither side was saying anything.

Last Saturday I was discussing politics with family members. The topic of the day was some secret law that was passed to enable nurses to euthanize patients, ie. kill them, and the patients would have no legal recourse. The medical care my late father received was discussed but nobody discussed the elephant in the room, ie. suing the hospital. We talked a lot about the wonder of creation and how unique each of us are, as created by God. We talked about what a crime abortion is, and how could anyone vote for a candidate so virently in favor of abortion as Obama is. A lot of people don't blame Mc Cain for the financial mess our country and now the world is in now. Because Mc Cain has people so confused some people think he's the big hero in all of this. There was a lot of talk about individual responsability. As of now I'm still voting for Obama but I'm doing it with a lot less conviction than I did a week ago. I like to think of myself as a moral, God fearing and responsible person. Obama needs to do a better selling job for the notion that you can still be a "Good American" and vote democratic.

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