Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It used to be said many long years ago that people didn't get serious about a Presidential campaign untill the World Series was over with. Right now the World Series has not yet started (it will in a few minutes) but it seems the "decisive" phase of this campaign is over and past. All three debates have concluded (Obama won all three of them) and people have basically made up their minds already. We wish Randi Rhodes luck in voting tomorrow. Apparently she couldn't vote today because the lines were too long in Florida. Certain things are becomming clearer all the time. NBC had a poll on the news saying that Obama had made fantastic inroads with two key segments of the population that Mc Cain was badly counting on - independant voters and older people. Older people now see Obama in terms of being "safe" and "stable". He had passed the threshhold of acceptability for the office in their minds. Mc Cain had a decision to make a couple months back. He could go for the independant voters, which everyone was expecting, or he could shore up the republican base. How ironic it is that Al Qaeda means "The Base" in Arabec. What a twist it is that Al Qaida should prove to be Mc Cain's undoing. Mc Cain was betrayed in his own mind by clinging to "Al Qaeda" at all costs. And he has cost him a great deal of respectability. One caller today was saying that he didn't know his mother had racist leanings untill she joined the Mc Cain campaign. And now Obama is up eleven points both in the NBC poll this morning and the Newsweek (?) poll I just heard this afternoon. There is no other indication but what this eleven point margin will continue to increase as people see the issues more clearly. They don't want to be told that Obama is a Socialist. They know better. How ironic it is that one of the best stump speeches I heard today for the democrats was given by none other than Ronald Reagan. They played that old speech from 1948 of Ronald Reagan stumping for the democrats saying the Republican congress passed laws that were bad for American workers and that now your wages aren't keeping up with the rising inflation. If you want you can hear speeches of Eisenhaur warning of the dangers of an excessively milliteristic society. Franklin Rosevelt made speeches against the industrial barrons of his time saying they want Power and to hang on to their power they will attack anyone who opposes them as Unamerican. No older person wants to vote for a candidate he deems to be running against Franklin Rosevelt. These people worship the ground Rosevelt walks on. If we are to believe Thom Hartman, they don't have this problem in European countries of being accused of being against their native country. The equalivance of "Un-American" is unknown over there. Unfortunately Christianity too has been dragged through the mud because many people see Mc Cain's people and Christianity as one and the same people. It's so petty to accuse someone os "stealing" or "coveting" when they want taxes on the rich raised. If this is true then John Mc Cain is guilty of the same sin of "coveting what the rich have" because he used to be against the George Bush tax cuts. Everyone always reguarded these tax cuts as temporary. But now to see them "expire" evokes howells of protests from the right. In the same way that poor southern whites voted with the conservatives because he believed it was all "Sambo's fault" for the state he was in economically, so people today live in this fantasy world of "I don't earn $250.000 a year but if I did I wouldn't want the government taking my hard earned money away". There is no doubt about it- - Thom Hartman believes obscene, excessive wealth is bad for the interests of America. I suppose the worst you could say is that Obama is "Hartman light". A more pragmatic truth is that the government is short on money and will raise it from wherever it can get it. This is a cold, hard reality but if I were running for President I'd remind the voters of this truth.

They say that Sarah Palin's Saturday Night Live performance actually hurt her as a respectable candidate. Now apparently she is traging her kids around like props or defense baracades or something- - even to places where her kids were not invited and she's putting it on the taxpayer's tab. By the way I've heard one third of corporations don't pay any income tax at all, or maybe the figure is even higher. We must make corporations pay their just and fair share. As to the notion of the 'eighties and the past eight years driving wages down- - Tom Hartman had a painful but perhaps correct statement to make. If you pull down five hundred dollars a week and you're taxed at twenty percent, the Boss knows that you'll work for four hundred. If they cut the income tax rate to ten percent you won't get $450.00. You've already shown the boss that you'll work for $400.00 so he'll cut your gross salary to $450.00. In like manner one would expect if you had a ten percent sales tax and they cut it to five percent, venders would hike the price of the goods and pocket the ammount because you've already shown what you're willing to pay for the product. We've heard outright lies in this campaign like Michelle Obama ordering lobster and Pursian cavier at a hotel where they were holding a charity event. And later it turns out that Michelle was never even at that hotel. Conservatives miss the big picture and fixate on things like flag lapels. How ironic it would be if Obama actually did "Fat" out of the federal budget. It would be the last thing the Right expected. They don't care if we run up a big deficet and make their kids pay for it, just as long as poor people don't get any of that money.

If you people took my advice and bought stocks a week or two ago, don't worry about today's low prices. Consider it a "Sale" that has been extended. It's an oppertunity to avail yourself of buying even more. Now you won't buy stocks, but a year from now when stock prices are up by 25% then you all will be clamoring that you can't wait to buy stocks. Today I was yelling at my TV screen for this lady on "Deal or No Deal" to get out of the game at $43,000. One look at the board told the story. But like all the rest she stayed in far too long and settled for twelve hundred. You know Jesus talked a lot about sowing treasure in heaven. If there is a hereafter, I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of a Mc Cain supporter with all their monitary and racial petty proclivities. The thing about karma is that it's what you do when you think nobody is looking- that counts. It's the things you do without an audience that carries the most weight, for good or for bad. And if you followed my oil advice, it's time to cover those naked shorts. Winter is coming and it's time to take your profits and squerrel away resources for later on.

There are a lot of petty things in the law. Slaves aren't slaves but "other persons". And if your grandfather was a slave it means you can't do certain things. On a game show today they had a man and a woman competing to answer questions and advance to the next round. I think it was the man who got "the wrong kind of question" that randomly was selected and therefore he was "unqualified" to even venture an answer to the question and lost by default. In voting they have their caging techniques. And they want to make sure your name is identical, and that your drivers license number was transcribed perfectly. I've never seen election officials behave in such a biased manner as the stuff I've heard about this year in terms of misplacing or losing ballots or not counting provisional ballots or else lying to people who are qualified saying they are not because per chance they defaulted on their mortgage payments or something. If nothing else Black people need to get smarter. You know, about the first letter I ever wrote to the media was in 1974 expressing my belief that the Symbionese Liberation Army was some kind of a stealth organization organized by the FBI with its one tokin Black, Donald De Freeze. Some people today are trying to rekindle this paranoia about connecting Black people with extremist organizations in people's minds. I'll say this. The Black Panthers got support from communities because they did "community service" and had those free breakfasts for children and all, much as terrorist organizations in the mideast to charity for the poor. Christians used to practice charity but somewhere along the way some bright person stood up and said "Charity is not an essential element of Christianity" and everyone stood up and applauded. We all need to "reach out and touch somebody" like the slogan says. John Lennon says in a song, "A million heads are better than one". This is true on so many levels. There is wisdom in numbers. (Selah) If it works on Wheel of Fortune with just two people, it will easily work with a hundred million.

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