Monday, October 13, 2008


We are approaching a political divide so serious in this country it's starting to rival the civil war. Of course "Todd" wants Alaska to secede from the United States so we're practically there. It's good to see Mc Cain at least trying to "put out the fires" of the worst discord in his own campaign by trying to allay the fears of the most extreme elements who think Obama's an Arab. Of course Mc Cain was actually booed one time he did this, in Minisota. The divide between my two other brothers is enormous right now. So perhaps it's best to take on some of the troubling issues and examine them. One charge that almost makes sense that has been made by the right wing is that Obama knows little to nothing about economics himself and that he has been getting bad advice, from his friend, Frank Rains, who is associated with Fanny Moe and Freddy Mac. I was amazed to learn on the Rachael Maddau show today that Fanny Mae does not write mortgages, it only buys other bad loans up and guarentees them. I further learned that the vast majority of the bad real estate mortgages are actually from parties not regulated by the rules established by Jimmy Carter, who was naturally concerned about red lining. This is the complete exclusion of certain neighborhoods from either getting loans or insurance. Clearly no other practice is as instrumental in promoting "Segregation" that all liberals profess to hate. Some on the left want to blame George Bush for trying to hype up Real Estate sales to convince people that we were really out of the recession of 2001. But it would seem that corporate greed rather than "misplaced generosicy to minorities" is to blame. This whole idea of buying and selling debt risk and debt guarentee swaps are such an obvious Ponsie scheme I'm surprised corporate executives were stupid enough to fall for it. Averice knows no bounds! Mc Cain has a pretty good idea in wanting to buy up the bad mortgages directly from the mortgage holders and renegotiate the price of the home and established more reasonable fixed rates. To me, anyone who would buy a flexible rate mortgage is a fool- - and I never saw the appeal of it. But now Obama is promicing his "New Economic Plan" that was supposed to be out today except that I haven't heard about it. One part of the Obama plan is to not penalize the destitute for pulling money early out of an IRA. It would seem that Obama also wants to buy up individual mortgages. But in his plan the bank is bypassed and the customer is dealt with directly.

We were saying we'd tell you when we hit the bottom of the stock market. Well, I can pretty safely say we've hit it. Some may want to "wait for a pull back" to buy. Well, you just might have a long wait. We have gone up about fifteen hundred DJI points since mid day Friday, and you really should have bought in the depths of despair on Friday. We may "test the bottom" again or perhaps even exceed it for a day or so, but basically if you don't buy up now everything you can get your hands on, you are not maximizing your money making oppertunity. Experts will tell you industry group selection is important at market tops but at market bottoms it really doesn't matter. If the fundamentals of a stock are good, then buy it immediately.

The right wing has appealed to many people's fears. There is this "Manifesto" put out by the Communist Party, alledgedly in 1963 with all these bogus "goals for America". Most of the items have to do with undermining our culture or respect for authority. But there are other salvos like appealing to racism. Some of the things sent to me backfire in this respect. There are readings from Obama's first book about his upbringing where relations between the races are gone into. Obama mentions how his white grandmother fears being attacked by a white man at a bus stop. And yet clearly it's black women who historically have been the ones raped and taken advantage of. In fact a good case can be made that the white man can't be trusted to deal fairly with minorities. Today is Columbus Day. Thom Hartman today told of the native people on Haiti where Columbus landed. The people who live there now are imports from Africa and not the native population which was wiped out. Columbus kidnapped thousands of the native population and shipped them back to Spain and made slaves out of them. The sex trade was enormous, and somehow Columbus being a Catholic had no scruples against exploiting young girls, sometimes as young as nine or ten. My guess is that smallpox was the thing that wiped out these native peoples. Apparently the population of Haiti went from 160,000 - - - to zero, in less than a century. Some would say the Puritans of this country are more ethical. This is true up to a point. But reading of the Pilgrems in the thing sent to me it kind of bugged me that the kindness the native Indian population showed the Pilgrims was chalked up to "the sovereignty of God". This to me is an ugly license for ingratitude to say "It wasn't you- - it was God". This slick logic works the other way too. If you go to a church and the pastor treats you like crap, and the other people can't always be relied upon- - they might say "It isn't they who let you down, but God showing his displeasure tword you, or he wants to "teach you a lesson". Dragging "God" into everything is usually more trouble than it's worth. How interesting that this might well the last time the white man and the red man were on socially civil terms, before our nation decided to start systematically wiping out every trace of their culture, without which, the Pilgrems couldn't have survived their first year here. It's a different way of looking at something.

Sixty Minutes or somebody had a thing on this cute little nine or ten year old girl taking up hunting and having the experiance of blowing an innocent animal's head off. I guess if Sarah Palin gets in, a lot of young girls will leave the Mall Shopping scene and take to the back woods.

Of course if you're going to infiltrate the Mafia, it's best to be an Italian food critic. It wouldn't hurt to have watched Jeff Smith all those years and learn all the lingo for various cheeses and meats that Italians use. This involves the taking down of the Gambino family. The other sixty minutes story was on the battle for Al Sotter City in Iraq, which took place earlier this year from March untill May. What we did was build a wall dividing the city much as the prophet Neiamiah built the walls of Jerusalem when the exiles returned there, with a trowel in one hand and a rifel in the other. It seems we used advanced unpiloted drone planes with lazer heat seeking divices. I guess what both these stories prove is that our government can actually accomplish something constructive once we put our mind to it. After Obama gets elected we're going to have to go about healing the divisions in this land, and that will take on psychological aspects, as we "counsil" our right wing friends among us that resisting the Obama government is futile. People talk about blacks rioting but they never talk about white people rioting. The vast majority of the American people may agree that our nation has "turned the corner" and we will soon again be on the road to economic prosperity and fiscle responsability as well as regaining the respect of our European brothers. But there will be that troublesome minority that just won't "let it go" and want to return us to some glorious state that never was to begin with, where conservative values trickle down in abondance. Let me close with this one thought. In the first place we HAD this for six or eight long years and Roe vs Wade was never overturned- - and somehow we managed to not overturn our charished civil liberties in that time. But as I said two years ago "The trouble is how many bad rulings from the Supreme Court would you have to have in order to get the court far right enough to overturn roe vs wade." The point is, it isn't worth taking that chance. If Obama gets elected there will be no more "mass abortions" than there were before. But if Mc Cain is elected our constitution is in direct peril from one more right wing judge being added. This indeed to my way of thinking is "a clear and present danger".

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