Wednesday, October 01, 2008


It's time to termanate the Termanater. Swartzenegger is really done it now. He had "deleted" any renters rebate payments retro-actively, and this isn't fair pool. This action of eliminating the renters rebate deprives the poorest segment of society, like myself, the use of about three hundred dollars that we would have any other year. At this point I'd be perfectly open to joining a recall movement of the Governor of California. I most certainly won't vote for him again. Up untill now I was on his side. But the Governor rejected a spending plan that had a one cent hike in the sales tax and also an increase in income tax withholding. Personally I wouldn't mind a bit paying an extra three or four cents per cigarette back, if I had three hundred dollars to go along with it. I imagine the Termanator will be getting a lot of hostile mail from this one. This story of the retroactive cancling of the renters tax rebate didn't even make the main news. I had to dig around for it.

It's Cold Turkey time in soap land. Of course anybody used to spending money in my economic state has to go through cold turkey, particularly if they're spending it on something addictive, such as cigarettes. Nicole Walker in Soapland has her own problems. She's such a severe alcoholic now that she's pregnent she can't keep anything down, including alcohol. She upchucks the very substance she needs to keep her going and prevent her from getting the D T's. No doubt her doctor will put her on a no alcohol diet. If I were in her shoes I'm contemplate abortion and get back to my first love that gives meaning to life- - - alcohol, but she's smarter than me. She knows the baby is a way to get an MRS degree, and perhaps a lot of money, even if she doesn't even want the brat.

Well, we all know Mc Cain refused to even look at Obama in the last debate. This shows a lack of style and civility. Apparently even while shaking Obama's hand he "gazed right past him" like he wasn't there. Of course Mc Cain was dismissive and contentious in his remarks to Obama. One might say he "over played his hand" considering that Mc Cain isn't that smart to begin with. I don't even think Mc Cain had any idea how he was going to vote last Friday as he rushed back to Washington. I sometimes doubt whether Mc Cain has the mental capacity to understand the issues he now so sure about, now that his handelers have told him what to say. But Mc Cain has other problems, health problems. Many believe Mc Cain has Belle's palsey or something because of his left eye staring off into space or something. One person said that Mc Cain had a really strange look on his face just before he tripped on a stage. One person today said Mc Cain had a one in four chance of not surviving his terms as president. I didagree only to this extent. On the Johnny Wendell show the other Saturday they said he had a one in five chance of not surviving his FIRST term. That right there peggs the odds of dying in eight years at two our of five, or almost half. But Presidents are generally less healthy in their 2nd. term than their first (for example, Reagan) and I dare say the odds of dying before the end of his second term are better than fifty-fifty. We should wish him a long life- - while we vote for Obama.

Sarah Palin will be in the debate with Joe Biden tomorrow night. One thing that troubles me is this idea of "Joe Biden won't look good if he does too well because he will be perceived as beating up on a girl". So let me get this straight. Obama is in trouble if as a Black man he tried to be to assertive in his debate because "people fear Black men that way". And yet in Biden's debate the bar is so lowered that if Sarah Palin gets through without falling down and babbeling incoherently and drewling, people will say that she won the debate because the bar is so low. Haven't you noticed that the media has been spending a lot of time lately telling us how to think. People in Palin's own party are losing faith in her and quietly hoping that somehow she will just drop out or be pushed out of the race, so they can get a real contender in there. Of course now the buzz with Sarah Palin is that she is such an air-head she can't name a single supreme court decision besides Roe verses Wade. But besides that she was asked what magizines she reads to get her news and she couldn't name any. She just said "Oh I read the ones that are out there". At least the Gardener guy in "Being there" had the savy to say "I watch television".

Herbert Hoover had a financial rescue plan out on October 8th. 1931 called the Financial Reconstruction Adminestration. It was to increase the liquidity of banks. How strange that as the stock market was dropping back then newspapers were peppered with articles just like today where "chief economists" and the experts said "Everything is fine. The economy is sound. Steps have been taken to insure that last Thursday's stock performance will not be repeated. Of course Thom Hartman has this theory that there is an actual conspiracy to wipe out the middle class because they are "a discontented rabble" and eliminating them from organizing or protesting would be a good idea. But of course Hoover's plan didn't work and this current plan won't work either. Last Monday you thought everything was settled because they had a fair vote and it failed by 23 votes. More republicans than democrats voted against it. But now they are sweetening the pot for the republicans. They are putting in new tax cuts for the rich and getting rid of the "minimum income tax". They're also hiking FDIC insurance levels from a hundred thousand to 250,000. The moderately rich should sleep better at night. But as far as I'm concerned it's kind of like sticking in a marshmellow in the middle of a cow pie. I don't know about you but I find it easier to get my marshmellows elsewhere. Both Obama and Mc Cain are now avidly for the bail-out plan. It's still a bad idea. Monday when the measure failed by a few votes in the house the stock market had a hissy fit and fell 777 points. It would have been an excellent time to buy and anyone with any brains should have known that. It's as predictable as Gene Scott glairing at the camera saying "I'm pulling the plug on my minestry if I don't get thirty thousand pledged in the next half hour". He never missed. Basically we haven't had a "stock market crash". We aren't even close. You'd never know that from listening to the news media. They love to scare you with talk like "The market is up today because they're all hopeful that congress will reconsider the bill". It's too much of a case of the secretary of the Treasury saying "Give me all your money or I'll blow my brains out". It used to be that calls to congressmen were running ten to one against the bail-out. Now the public is stampeeding congress to hurry up and get this thing passed. Such is the thorough job of media brainwashing and conditioning.

Many are wondering what psychological message I was trying to deliver with that last rock compilation. Who is to say the thing is my idea. I'll tell you this: I still feel really jinxed and don't know how to go about lifting or termanating it. But stay tuned- - .

OK the economic bail-out bill has just passed. 67 senators have voted in favor of the bill. I guess that answers all of our questions. What we're headed for is a new sort of fascistic economy where corporate and governmental are indistinguishable. Don't these people know they are only "buying a few months"? Just like Herbert Hoover attempted to "buy a few months". The stock market was actually up in 1032 before things fell apart and things got even worse. It's like the republicans have given up and want to stick Obama with as much economic heartache and fiscle bankrumptsy as possible. In the thirties we produced our own goods and our own energy and we were a creditor nation. None of these things is true today. We cannot escape having to pay the piper.

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