Thursday, December 10, 2009


Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot about it. How elementry schools will often reward students for basically nothing just because they "want students to feel good about themselves". Some schools have alledgedly even thrown out the grading system because of this and have substituted other words for description such as "emerging" and "developing". But one time-honored prize was the Nobel Peace Prize. We used to know what that was for. It was for bringing about peace. The award is clearly intended for achievements of accomplish. Now they are giving this award to President Obama who had two wars currently on his hands. Iraq is by no means "peaceful" right now since we still have troops then and the deadlines for withdrawal may not be achieved. Now the President is sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Peace is a wonderful thing, just as forgiveness is a wonderful thing. But you can't have forgiveness at the point of a gun, as I often remind Christians and family members. Forgiveness is a positive symptum of a state of being that is now recognized. Forgiveness should not be used as a way of procuring favor or brownie points from somebody. Yes the other side wants peace. They are seeking the peace of the graveyard, when there is no enemy left to vanquish. Surely the President's ego is not so shallow that it has to be puffed up by such a bogus honor of achieving something he has not achieved. They might as well give the aware to two warring street gangs in south central Los Angeles.

I have been speaking of how you can't "find God" on your own. We proved with mathematical logic that in order to achieve some "spiritual plane of existance" it takes some sort of super-natural transformation (and I use that word in its generic sense) from some Power outside this time-space continuoum we call the physical universe. We know that there is evil in the world and evil is not Sin per se. Sin in the generic sense is "error". People can make a "mental error" or a "judgement error" any time. But I would classify evil for instance as that restroom scene from The Shining where the attendant tells Jack Nichelson "You know, your son is trying to bring an outsider into this situation". In other words "Good" is seeking help and THAT must be prevented. This is not sin; this is deliberate, purposful action. You "deal with good" in one of two ways. Either you destroy the good that would help. Or you block the good from reaching the point of need, or in the case in my life, you "co cpt it". For instance I haven't talked about Bill Gunderson much lately, because several weeks ago he was "co opted" by my family. This means he became "One of Them". (the Enemy) He was "turned". It isn't paranoid to admit to a reality that is in fact true, as I told Dr. Levy in my last letter. Bill Gunderson has been a friend of mine and has known Pete Richards a long time. But never before recently has he been "co opted". Henry is another individual who was "co opted" by my mother, decades ago. The question arises whether those Dead ones who are trapped in the "lowest circles of Hell" close to this earth are in fact the most evil. I'm highly inclined to answer in the affirmative. Yet for instance in latter 1973 I had "Romulan friends" who were from Stanton, and other "Romulan friends" from northern Santa Ana. I certainly don't regard any of these people as Evil. Can a person "volentarily" descend through his karmic funnel to touch those of us here on this plane of existance? We know that various ghosts (spirits) tend to be confined to localities. Yet I don't regard all of them as evil, either. Neither does Sylvia Brown. But it could be that they are uninformed. A person who volitionally swims to the bottom of a swimming pool - - most always has it within his power to re-ascend and rise to the top. But if you are a bottom dwelling fish you don't do this. I don't know what happens to the really evil people. Maybe their "funnel" or locality is no longer on this planet and that's why you don't see them around.

Iran has stated yesterday that if Israel attempts to take out it's nuclear facility, that Iran will respond by taking out Israels nukes. I wonder if they have the power. I only mention this because it shows that hostilities between these two countries is still there. This is indeed an "Evil" that has not yet been "Dealt With" by the Good. As such it is a dangerous and rising danger, untill it is dealt with. My prediction was, is, and will continue to be that Iran will be dominating the news in the very near future and will rise to the level of number one problem in the world. And you and I know that Iran and Israel are not going to arrive at any peace accords tomorrow. They ignored Hitler too, till the time came when nobody could ignore him. A term used by Randy Rhodes was "mono-causality". This is the attributing of all evil in the world to just one thing. Christians say this thing is "Sin". Some Catholics might say "It's all the Jews" whereas a communist would say "all evil resides in Capitalism". Such mono-causeality reasoning is seldom the whole picture, and people who resort to it are usually invaribly Paranoid.

I would like to answer your questions about "Why do light images warp out when it's assume that light travels very slowly- - like maybe a hundred miles an hour?" Some would ask "I can understand a delay in the image but why the mis-shaping?" The answer is because when you are dealing with a relatively flat image, for instance watching fireworks at a distance or something, then the whole image comes late. But when you have a mixture of short and long intervals of light then you have the oppertunity for misshaping. You ask, "But why do things in approach mode seem smaller and farther away and things going away appear closser?" The answer comes from the ammount of "verticality" of the light. If you have ever looked at a swimming pool when it was drained, as I had the oppertunity to do in August of 1992, and you compare the same pool to when there is water in it, the pool appears markedly deeper when it is empty. This is because water travels more perpendicular or vertical, in water than in air. When light travels faster in reference to the object you see- - -as in the case of objects going away, the light "makes up for lost time" and has increased verticality, so things lose depth. On the other hand approaching objects feature light being "slowed up". When an object is approaching - - - not only distance but time is affected. So when two space ships are headed head on twords one another the distances are stretched and time on both vessels is slower - - so that the light travels slower - - so you never exceed light speed. The light has less "verticality" and as such things appear deeper and more cavernous than they would otherwise.

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