Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have in my writings spoken of soap opera characters having a "moral melt-down". As you know melt-downs are chain reactions and they don't stop till the whole reactor is destroyed. In the case of a soap opera character, it is an individual, usually of the female persuasion, who has some pecadillo she is guilty of, often it's to cover up some other lie. But she lets this moral weakness, this "thing" take over and dominate her whole life so her whole personality melts down. Today and this week, Joe Lieberman is the dog de jour. What he hinted at on Face the Nation last Sunday became a reality and he says he's going to join the Republican fillibuster to stop this health bill from going through with the "insurance exchange" or the Medi-Care elligability at age 55. And to heighten this outrage a video has surface where Lieberman just over three months ago said he would support Medi-Care at age 55 as part of a health bill. Some paranoid ones among us say "He just wants to spread the misery and when he sees liberals so happy over a development, he just has to be the grinch whole stole Christmas". I don't know if I'm prepared to go that far, but it's funny how certain people such as Tammy Bruce and Laura Schleshenger, for example, once they begin their "drift to the right" it seems to have an unstoppable momentum and soon they're off the political radar screen. Of course Joe's wife, Hedassa, works for Smith Klein and other drug companies and is basically a lobbiest for the drug companies. Now of course there is no reasoning with Joe. Liberman is like a spouse that knows the marriage is over and smashes the furniture on the way out. Now they are saying that Lieberman will run as a Republican, that is if he's even electable any more. 56% of the people in his own state don't like his policies. Unlike what Thom Hartman says, I highly doubt any amount of pressure from his constituants flooding his office with phone calls will sway this Senator in the least. He's already pretty much decided he'll leave politics and go where the real money is - being a lobbyist. They say that President Obama met with all sixty caucus democrats and that included Lieberman and Sanders. Were it me I'd have made it a real kick ass speech where I cranked up the pressure and said things like "If you fail on this vote you will be letting a country down. This is the time for real men to show what they are made of even if it means standing up to their wives". And oh yes, after the speech was done I'd be sure to see that it was leaked to the internet. I don't think even someone as subborn as Joe wants to be seen as a man who let down his President. Of course Obama has a growing gonad problem himself. (wait a minute- - no I'll let it stand) Obama never had the stones to demand single payer in the first place as a starting negotiation for a health care bill, just as Marsha Clark never had the "ovaries" to demand the death penalty in the OJ Simpson's case. Had both things occurred history might well be different today. Now we have a Health Care bill that's a big, wet sloppy kiss to the insurance companies. Joe Lieberman has taken over a million dollars from insurance companies since 1998. Yes they have to provide coverage to everybody but no, they don't have any rate restrictions on these people in either the house or the senate bills. In fact as I look over the past eighteen months of the Obama administration it's been one long nightmare for liberals. And many Black people still haven't gotten over his throwing his Chicago Pastor that he'd known for twenty years under the bus. And it only gets worse. He's not going to prosecute for war crimes of the Bush administration. At least I don't know of anybody yet. If a President Mc Cain had won the peace prize and given the identical speech lauding war, there would have been howels of protests among the liberals. There is the illegal wire tapping that the President goes along with. And in so many other ways I have talked about till I'm blue in the face, the Obama administration is like a third term of President Bush. Meanwhile back in Congress the Health Bill is stalled again and even the democrats are fighting among themselves. The insurance companies will make out like bandits. They can charge more for insurance coverage, and they will get a lot new federally mandated customers. As long as people including liberals don't see the "banksters" and insurance and drug companies as the problem, we'll get nowhere. I'm beginning to think perhaps we should ban corporations from donating money to political campaigns. It's clear that this money is a "clear and present threat to democracy". I don't see how it can continue to be allowed. I would hope that the Supreme Court would deal with this issue and do what they know is morally right. Corporations don't have first amendment rights! The massive amounts of money involved are staggering. It can be said that buying a politician is the best "investment" that a corporation will ever make. They invest millions and get back billions!

Roy E Disney, son of Roy O Disney died today at age 79. He was born in 1930 and is credited with "Keeping the Disney legacy alive". But he never attained the state of leadership he wanted because Walt Disney had this idea that his brother, the elder Roy, should be squeezed out of the business little by little, just as Henry Ford seemed to have a personal vendetta against his own son, and once took a literal sledge hammer to one of his son's design cars produced as an update to the model T. Walt Disney is said to have been very tempermental. He would rap with his fingers on the table when he was in the "creation process". Supposedly when the creative juices were flowing, both hands would rap in unicen, but when he had a mental block, the hands would rap alternately. Personally I like Hanna Barbera or Warner Brothers cartoons a lot better. I always thought the Disney plots were a little on the "didactic" side, meaning he would try to cram the "moral of the story" down your throat. Of course this only increases the appeal of Disney movies among born again Christians. I think that now the Disney corporation has enough momentum to go on forever, no matter what they turn out from now on.

Oral Roberts is dead. Of course if you wan't a prophecy, "All of these Born Again Christian evangelists are going to die". I imagine that Billy Graham will go next. All of these people are getting a little long in the tooth. First there was Walter Martin, then Gene Scott, then Jerry Folwell. One can invision a time when others such as Chuck Smith, James Dobson, and Chuck Swentoll will be breathing their last. And the thing is we are taught by people like Jesus of KFI that heaven is such a wonderful, intoxicating place, that these people won't even care what happens to their ministries when they're gone. In fact if we believe Jesus, your dearest loved ones will suddenly become "unimportant" and you will just stop thinking about them. In short, dying for a Christian is like receiving a massive dose of Prozac or some other anti-depressent.

Now there is a brain chemical they have isolated called Leptin, that keeps brains from shriveling in old age and prevents the elderly from getting Alsheimers. As you know if you're a GNLD fan is that the brain is a fatty organ and fatty acids are essential to brain function. And if you tend to be a little over-weight you are engaging in activity which may have the effect of helping you stay younger, longer. I think you've seen a lot of older people who have lost a lot of weight suddenly and far from making them appear more fit, their frame takes on a much more frail, haggered appearence. They had another study out last week that said that consumers of large quanties of coffee and caffeine products will make you less likely to come down with diabetes. This is welcome news indeed. I'm still waiting for the survey that shows that second hand smoke is good for you. I can think of one good thing. If an old folks home smells of tobacco, that may help cover up some of the other unpleasant smells that are associated with old age. The whole emphasis on "old age" and products for those of advancing years, would make me real nervous if I were a young person. I thank God I was young during a time when it was fashionable for advertisers to appeal to the youth market and discount old age.

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