Monday, December 14, 2009



President Obama looked for all the world like just another Poser last night on his Sixty Minutes interview, that lasted only twenty minutes, although they said you could see more on the internet. They promoted his macho “get tough” line with the big wig Wall Street bankers, and yet after firing off his little 4th. of July flair, he had nothing else to say on the subject. There were no teeth to Obama’s words. Of course today the President will actually be meeting face to face with these same bankers, so we'll see if he still "talks tough" then. Personally I think he'll melt like cotton candy in a blizzard. And he will mostly be kissing ass when he meets those bankers and investment people today. After all he is supporting the reappointment of Federal Reserve head Ben Vernanke. By the way I thought Allan Greenspen was the "least irrational" of all those economic big whigs on Meet the Press yesterday. If President Obama wants to show off his education, he can proved that he's really learned something about what really drives this economy, which is jobs, wages, and demand. But you'd never know Obama ran as a radical by the choices he's made as president. And he still has Larry Summers and Timothy Geitner in his administration. Nobody is talkiing of undoing the effects of all those measures that repeal investment laws that had been put in place in the 1930's that were undone in the Clinton administration in the late 1990's under a Republican congress and turned Wall Street into a gambling casino. If the President were really mad at this “giant sucking sound” we hear, this vacuum cleaner that sucks up any extra money, not for spending in this languid economy but rather for fat cat bonuses of ECO officers, then the president would do something he’s chicken to actually do. He would get radical and get to the root of our money problems by firing them all and putting in people who can be trusted and who care about expanding this depressed economy. People are scared shitless about somehow “re-igniting the fires of inflation”, which is almost as unlikely as my winning the state lottery tomorrow. This whole phoney macho attitude was carried over into Afghanistan. He loves to point the finger at Al Qaeda and yet we with our CIA help, aided and abetted the growth of this Wahabiest movement that came out of Saudi Arabia in the late ‘seventies. This is the extremist faction of Islam that had made all of the headlines in the past ten years or so. President Obama is still trapped in this Viet Nam mindset talking about “the enemy” and “our side” and how “our side needs to train troops to take over the fighting”. We are all so sick of these same tired lines from our President that it’s nauseating. When it comes to health care, Joe Lieberman may well have been speaking for the President yesterday on Face the Nation when he said, “Actually this isn’t such a bad health care bill, if we can just get rid of any last vestige of a Public Option, as well as scrap the idea of lowering the Medi-Care age to 55.” Like the President, Lieberman says “If we could do this we would have a good bill we could all get behind including many Republicans”. However I think the best bet for the democrats now if they want ANYTHING passed is to invoke the “nuclear option” and change the rules so that it only takes a majority of the Senate to get anything passed. The Republicans scared us all endlessly with this threat back in 2005 or so, and it’s time that we democrats learn a lesson from our adversaries. I think the President needs to have al altogether more radical mindset on all of these issues to get to the root of the problem.

Annise Parker was elected Houston's first openly gay mayor last Saturday. This is a real break through for such a supposedly conservative city as Houston, which has now grown to America's fourth largest city passing up Detroit and Philadelphia in the past few years. This is the largest US city to have an openly gay mayor since- - well I'm thinking of George Musconey and Harvey Milk who were gunned down, but only Milk was a homosexual. Apparently sexual identi is not an issue American's consider relivant any more when it comes to electing a person to high office, so I supposed you could say we've progressed as a society.

They may soon be growing body organs comercially, much as they grow hot house orchids and they raise salmon and other fish on "fish farms". Apparently they use stem cells and they use some kind of mold for the body organ, such as a bladder or kidney or lung or heart valve, and somehow the cells know what they are supposed to grow into. That doesn't even make sense as an explanation so I am certain that it has to be a whole lot more complicated than that. The point is, they are already doing it. They had this topic on Sixty Minutes last night. Some people say they are not bothered by the idea of rich people being able to live till 120 or something and they just get a new organ when an old one wears out. But I'm thinking that in terms of allocation of monitary resources, it will take a lot more financing to give rich people these exotic services, than to provide basic health care to a whole lot of poor people.

People flatter me now as some kind of a mathematical whiz or something. But if I were really that intelligent I'd have several girlfriends, not to mention a whole lot of job prospects. Dr. Levy was so over the top in his flatter of me at last Saturday's Christmas party calling me the star of the class, I thought they were fixing to name a whole sing of the building after me. I say things not to be recognized as "intelligent" but to make whatever point it is I'm trying to make that I regard as important. If I were really as good at communacating as people say I am, I would not have all of the personal problems that I do.

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