Wednesday, December 09, 2009


I like to think I’m a thorough reader but I missed the fact that among congress’s actions yesterday was the extending of Medicare to age 55, which would cover me. This is good news assuming I’m qualified and I guess I am. It would enable some services I currently don’t get around here. It’s strange, though. This virtually doubles the size of the Medicare recipient population and now Randy and others are saying it’s a good thing because more healthy people will pay premiums into the thing, so that this move just might save it from insolvency. It would seem that Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartman and Randy Rhodes are all strangely happy about yesterday’s Senate decisions. They say that this new non profit insurance exchange will be “just as good as the public option” because ninety percent of the premiums actually have to go for services of the insured. If this is true perhaps it’s not so bad. Naturally I’m interested in how it impacts me.

Randy Rhodes wants to clarify the issues concerning this global warming fuss. It seems that the E mails in question are actually ten years old. I didn’t know that. Also I didn’t know that they were debating whether to release a certain report when in the end they actually made the report public. Also as to the idea of a “cooling trend” it was pointed out that 1998 was a spike hot year, but in general, smoothing out the spikes, we are still in an uptrend. The ‘ought’s have been hotter than the ‘ninties. Also Randy wants us to know that when it comes to photographs of Arctic ice and glaciers, they have been melting steadily for forty years. And 40% of Arctic ice is now gone. Also when they do these ice sheet tests that go back tens of thousands of years- - obviously in an ice pack melts this wipes out ice that has been there perhaps a hundred thousand years. This is no small thing. But given all this I still don’t feel a carbon tax is the way to go at this time because this recession has slowed development more than any conservation measures could now. But we don’t have the choice according to Randy.. Because the Bush court in 2007 ruled five to four that edicts of the EPA must be followed, even when George Bush didn’t want to follow them. And in 2007 there were already laws on the books regulating the use of carbon dioxide. So I guess we are all at the mercy of the machinations of the government whether we like it or not.

Sean Hannity interviewed Dick Chaney on his program today. Of course this gave Dick Chaney an opportunity to “go off” on the idea of holding a criminal trial in civilian court for the architect of 9 – 11. Now Dick says this trial would help Al Qaeda and “give aid and comfort to the enemy”. He’s gone further to say that President Obama is actually guilty of treason. Dick Chaney says that the idea of Eric Holder prosecuting Bush Administration officials as “a losing proposition for them”. Dick thinks that “we did a lot of wonderful things” to prevent terrorism this decade.

You know, it’s important for a teacher to “know his shit” when he gets up to speak before a class. It’s certainly true of a math teacher. It’s true of me if I am ever going to successfully impart to you my knowledge of higher math and science. It is true of the Christians. This is one area where Henry Drummond in the movie “Inheret the Wind” got the better of Matthew Harrison Brady in the “Keats trial” on Evolution back in the twenties. For instance Drummond got his opponent to admit “that a sponge has the right to think”. He also got him to say that “sexual intercourse is original sin”. Also he gave that remark about “Where did Cain get his wife?” responding “I leave the agnostics to hunt for her!” Also in the matter of Joshua stopping the sun- - nobody is saying that God did it instantaneously. The earth spins one thousand miles per hour. I see nothing wrong like perhaps God took an hour or so to stop the earth and than another hour to start the earth spinning again. This would not cause nearly as much harm to the environment. When you pitch any case to someone it’s important to have all of your bases covered and know your subject backwards, forward, and sideways- - and be able to field any and all questions no matter where they come from- - even the real curve balls.

Being thussly forwarned, let us now tread again into the deep waters of Albert Einstein. You know, that posting in its original version back in “Psychic Balance” ventured farther into speculative conclusions than I felt comfortable at the time going public with to you people, and so I changed the text. But there are four axioms about Einstein’s special theory of relativity I want you to meditate on today.

When you see an event Sooner, it means speeds are slower

When you see an event Later, it means speeds are faster

This is because apologists of the Theory

Jerry rig the speeds of light to match the theory.

Remember: Addition means smaller numbers

With Subtraction you get bigger numbers

When you are running away from something

You get bigger and faster

When you are pursuing something

You get smaller and slower

Above all remember this:

Things are just what they look like

And not as logic would dictate

What you see is what you get

I’ll be the first to admit that all of these are counter-intuitive. But you have to enter that Alice in Wonderland arena of mind altering perception, with or without a chemical assist to your brain. Picture that scene I said you would see outside your fleeting space shop- - things smaller in the front and bigger behind you- - and all of that. What if things didn’t just SEEM that way they really WERE that way. And I’ll add something not mentioned before. Suppose things to the sides of you were curved lines. Like “space being bent” or something? Some may say “Don’t some of your ideas validate established physics?” Well they violate Newtonian physics, that’s for sure, but we’ve left that behind. Here is another illustration that may help you relate, though it is an imperfect analogy. You remember the “circirama” movie in the round that Disneyland used to have? Now if they were showing a straight street, if you were off to one side of the theater, you would perceive this street as curved. It would be curved away from you so that you would be on the outside of the curve. I would go further and talk about an “Ether Wind” that would blow you off course if you went sideways. You may say to me that “OK, but suppose you were standing still and the Star Trek Enterprise goes past youi and you watch it go from left to right?” Allright. I would tell you that this ship would approach the median quickly and then slow way down once it got “past you”. But saying just when it went “past you” is the problem. Because as you watched the ship it would zoom in quickly across the sky but once it got past the media it would slow way down and crawl out of the scene. But if you interviewed Scotty on board he would tell you that the ship kept a steady keel the whole time. So what of it? You ask “Why would you see a straight line as a curve?” I’ll tell you. Normally if you throw things out the window on both sides of the car, it makes sort of a “V” pattern out the sides. The shallowness or sharpness of the “V” is obviously dependant on how hard the wind is blowing and how hard you throw the object. But the line gets rounded because of our old friend trigonometry. You see you have the reciprocal cosine function to deal with. Because you are either looking DOWN or UP at a curved surface. If you put the curve at eye level it would form just a line, as far as a photographic image on your retina. Normally you are either looking Up or Down at something and this introduces a whole other direction. I hope I explained it. I hope further that my reasoning is sound. I have already gone into edit once and I may do it again.

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