Wednesday, March 02, 2011



Today the supreme court ruled that people don't even to have the right to privacy even at a tragic, personal time like a funeral. In this case it's the funeral of a fallen vetteran of the Iraq war. In this case some Baptist Church organized a mean spirited protest just a few hundred feet from where they were conducting the funeral. This so called church insists that God is punishing America for allowing gays in the army and that if gays die they deserve to die for their sun, and moreover God is cursing America for her sins and if it weren't for our allowing gay culture to poliferate in society, then Al Qaeda would be no threat to America. A lower court had a sensable ruling and ruled that the berieved family was entitled to damages. But the ruling was appealed. The Supreme Court didn't have to take the case but they did and ruled eight to one in favor of the "God Hates Fags" protestors. Thom Hartman says it's really a typo. It should be "God hates figs". The lone dissenter on the Court ironically was Allito who rightly concluded that these were not garden variety protestors but deliberately sought to cause the funeral party further grief. I don't see how you could arrive at any other conclusion. They have papperatzi laws, and also laws against harrassment, and you can obtain restraining orders. Unfortunately not in this case. More and more it seems that this Bush Court has lost its moral compus.

You know the sheer greed of the rich knows no satiation point. You remember Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life" and people saying "Why does he penny pinch the poor. He can't possibly spend all the money that he has. And Peter Baily said, "The man is sick in his mind and sick in his soul". You know that Ebonezer Scrooge said "Why do they have to pick the people's pockets once a year every December 25th? Of course there are some who say that wanting the uber rich to pay 39% is "stealing from the rich" and violating the tenth commandment. And so today we hear these cries anew about "stealing from the taxpayers" to pay for frivelous services like police, fire, and paramedics. But it isn't the "taxpayers" who object to proper public use of their money, but rather the ultra rich who won't be happy untill their tax rate is zero, and indeed the tax rates of many of the biggest US corporations is zero. We are forever pelted with nonesense such as "You know that public jobs programs take away the money the private sector needs to generate jobs". Please explain how doing a job nobody else is doing is "taking funds away". Thom Hartman says if we raised the income tax rate back to seventy percent then we'd not only run surplusses, but we could actually resume building the infrastructure of this country and investing in the future and making America strong. But instead today we have these absurd Republican governors who 86'd a high speed rain line accross Florida from Orlando to Tampa. These people say "We don't need federal money" even if it would generate a lot of jobs.

In Wisconsin we have this joker, Scott "Wanker" as he's known in our circles- - where he slashed the rate the richest people of Wisconsin pay- - and of course now there is a deficet and hence an "emergency". I am looking for the day when state and local governments no longer have to make NEW cuts in their program with EACH successive year. Of course you know that he wants to steal pension funds of employees that they are entitled to every penny of because they agreed in advance to contribute part of their salaries. This is not "tax payer's money" but it belongs to the employees who earned it. I've talked about some of these points before in prior postings, but they bear repeating. Now governor Wanker wants to say you don't have to have a teaching credential to teach. he wants to eliminate means testing for handing out private school vouchers. And he also wants to eliminate Math, Science, and technical education. The esteemed governor is also shooting for a four day school week, which is every kid's fantasy.

You know many Christians like me used to pray "Send a revival to America". Even in the earliest couple years of the Bush Administration I prayed this prayer. I don't pray it any more. I realized around 2005 when Justices Roberts and Allito were confirmed that "The price of getting a judge who will overturn Roe vs Wade is just too high, because he'll be screwy as hell on all the other issues. We had undisputed rule of Christianity in Europe for a thousand years. As Dr. Phil would say, "How did that work out for you?" You know when I came here and got on medication, stuff like the after-life just no longer made sense to me. The seemingly firm primises I thought were in the Bible turned to sand upon closser examination. Later on about 2004 I began listening to Neil Savedra on the radio. I realized something because this man on KFI "put the pieces together for me" and I at last saw Christianity for the pathetic religion it was. I saw this "commonality of things that I didn't like". And the final blow to my faith, assuming it wasn't already gone, was this whole Tea Party madness that was launched by Sarah Palin in 2008. I realized that Christians themselves had been infected with this madness, swallowing each and every talking point. We need a candidate for president in 2012 who is willing to draw lines in the sand and say what are and are not acceptable ways of thinking. We have lost our moral compass. If the dead could talk I'm sure the Founding Fathers would be horrified at what the tea party people have done to their constitution.

In California our snow pack is 125% of normal. They are just about ready to admit we are no longer in a drought. However they say farmers are still having problems with water allocation. And people are suggesting that Jerry Brown just go on an pretend we are still in a drought. The more Jerry Brown morphs into the woman he ran against and beat in the last election, the higher he rises in the approval polls. I don't know how it happened that this "hippy generation" of ours has morphed into people running the government today who are more conservative, by a long shot, then their progenitors.

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