Saturday, March 05, 2011


Mike Huckibee this past week has pretty much shredded any credentials he had as a Christian. I had hoped that being a Christian he would judge people on their merits and not roomer and imuendo and prejudice - not to mention stuff that's outright made up. Huckibee said this past week that Obama was influenced by his father and grandfather growing up as a youth in Kenya and that the President has an unnatural (and un American!) anti Colonial bias. He says this is because President Obama romantacized the Mao Mao gangs in Kenya that rebelled against Britain a century or whatever ago. The only association I have with the "Mao Maos" is some gang in a Pat Boone evangelical movie. But obviously the far right is really up on these kinds of things. I think Mike Huckibee has blown whatever slim chance he might have had of becomming the Republican nominee for President. All of these people seem to self destruct sooner or later. I just wish Obama would pick his battles more carefully. He won't take on the whole secretive policy of our foreign policy with its back room deals. He still wants to cut all the WRONG things in the federal budget and ignore the elephant (or elephants) in the room. But he picks this time to say he is now against the defense of marriage act, which he was for in the 2008 Campaign. Why raise this issue at this time? If you're going to draw a line in the sand, shouldn't you make on an important issue that affects all Americans? I don't regard personal morality as a left verses right issue.. I believe you can stand on the high moral ground and also be a strong, effective progressive. But I'm still picking up an aimless, directionless vibe from this President. Just because the other side is self destructing, doesn't mean we have to do the same.

Well, Chad from "Days of our Lives" was talking about getting used to being a Pisces because his mother lied about his birthday. The thing is there is evidence my mother lied about my birthday. There is evidence in my baby book that strongly suggests I was actually born on February 25th. and not December 31st. There are other details I'd rather not relate at this time. Sometimes you see photos and notations that appear to have dates changed. Some photos are inconsistent with other photos of the "same time". There is also that related remark of my Great Aunt who alledgedly said at Christmas time to my mother at dinner "What are you going to give birth too, a mouse?" because she didn't look that pregnent. And yet supposidly I was born with full birth weight, but even that is under dispute because there is a note of "hypoplasia" on one document in my baby book. Someone thought I had a defective brain at one time, even though now my cap size is larger than average, so go figure. I think the hospital mixed up some documents. Of course I gave that book back to my parents and that in addition to a couple of long letters I had written to them mysteriously disappeared when my Mom moved out of the house.

The unemployment rate has now dropped to 8.9%, which is the lowest it's been since April of 2009, or several months AFTER Obama book office. In California the rate is down to 12.4%. They say 192,000 jobs were added last month in a broad spectrum of economic sectors. Someone said the greatest job losses now are not from construction or anything, but that governmental jobs themselves are in a recession. Of course gasoline prices are only $3.35 in the majority of the country but they are almost four dollars here. That's what people tell me. I haven't gotten around to stations myself lately. This will put a definate dent in the economic recovery and they say each penny in price rise takes a billion dollars out of the economy or something. The Republicans are still pushing this mantra that cutting governmental spending equals new private sector jobs, which makes absolutely no sense at all. They keep talking about "freeing up" and "unshackling" this economy. I know this. The bottom of the 1982 recession occurred around December first. But by July of 1984 the economy was back and "America was back". Well, we are about the same approximate period from the bottom in 2009 in the summer time, and we are in no way out of this recession, and the end of it isn't in sight.

In Libya, Kadaffi is counter-attacking. This is not going to be an easy thing like it was in Egypt and Tunesia, but we could see a protracted civil war in Libya. Even in the east now which used to be considered "in rebel hands" Kadaffi is again attacking. The world seems content to let this whole thing play out without interference. Of course people in the media extol the virtues of having a strong man like Kadaffi or Saddam Hussein in power because it unites the nation and surpresses rivalry between warring tribes. I never thought of Libya as a divided nation. This whole situation may soon become "background noise" in the media as the people become tired of the story, kind of like the BP oil spill, which seemed to go on intermedibly.

People continue to believe that God "respects mans Free Will" and won't interfere with it. Of course anybody who doesn't subscribe to the theology of Neil Savedra is going to spend eternity in hell. And of course they say "God doesn't send us there. We go there of our own free will because we reject Salvation". I was thinking of this whole Free Will farce and how silly it is in light of the fact that the destiny of civilization was mapped out "before the foundation of the earth" as it says in Revelations. It reminds me of an answer to a question Gene Scott gave. When someone asked Gene if God could make a rock too big for Him to lift, Gene says, "Yes he could, but he's not dumb enough to do it". Well apparently God IS too dumb to know Free Will is a farce if he's pre programmed the destiny of the planet in advance. Many hope that world peace is somewhere in the script. But keep in mind that "God's ways are not our ways". God is functionally A-Moral, which means his motives and actions cannot be questioned or judged. So pray for peace if you want to, but in response to the saying "there are no Atheists in fox holes" I would say that perhaps an Atheist is the best person to turn to in times of crisis, because his mind will be in touch with reality and not be clouded by the drug of false hope.

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