Sunday, March 13, 2011

I’ll call the following paragraphs “BLOWING OFF STEAM”.

You know I’m getting really pissed off at President Obama as well as people like Monica and Pat Buchannon on the Mc Laughlin group. Obama is kind of like a guy standing in the middle of the road in danger of being hit by both sides. He ventured out on a limb far enough in the Wisconsin thing for people like Pat and Monica to label him as a meddler who lost- - and was beaten “by a possible vict presidential candidate”. I only wish Scott Walker would run for Vice President. That would be his fastest road to political obscurity and it would sure get him out of Wisconsin. But like a poor golfer the President didn’t “follow through” and actually do enough to take a stand for Unions, which he had the power and prestige to do, to actually get the political victory. I’m also getting pretty pissed at this doctrine first voiced by Larry Elder that the United States only goes to War for “National Security” reasons, which is a code word for we need the oil. If Iraq was famous for growing broccoli there would never have been any conflict there. Instead of such obsolete reasons such as freedom and liberty and humanitarian intervention to stop a mad man from oppressing his people- - today’s Patriotic Right only sees war as a way to maximize profits by building armlements and making these not so secret deals with Blackwater and Haliburten. Lisa Marcauski can talk about oil drilling all day long but the stark fact is that the United States uses 25% of the world’s oil supply, but we only have two percent of the reserves. Our supplies are so depleted that even though prices are seven times what they were twenty years ago, it still doesn’t make sense to uncap and re-open old wells. And of course now someone is running adds that Franklin Roosevelt and George Meany never favored Labor Unions for government employees. I sure never heard them say that. The only person I’ve even heard broach THAT subject was Ken Galliger during a brief time when he had his own show on KFI. His show was noted for such pressing topics as people using telephones in cars, and not turning on the bathroom fan after they use the toilet. And now you have adds with John Kovel hammering people for choosing to ride a bicycle to work instead of driving a car. You know, if someone started the roomer that John and Ken were really gay lovers, they could sell a lot of books.

Now some Jewish pilgrims got nabbed for having these phalacteries on their wrists where they keep pieces of the Torah. They were labeled a security risk. You know even Eleanor Clift said “Well- we can’t say whether the United States will intervene in Libya. After all things could get really bad there and we’d have to”. My response to that is two words, Bull and Shit. You don’t tell the US they “have to do” anything. Just like you don’t tell God what he “has to do”. People say this “Bulsh” such as “if things get really bad in your life God will intervene”. I’m sure the Jews in Eastern Europe thought the same thing during the 1940’s. I am confident that the biggest Lie in the entire “Oh God” movie is the line “Remember- - I work best under pressure”. That’s when God completely falls apart. I know from personal experience. What ever happened to the adage “A stitch in time saves nine?”. Don’t you think we might reincorporate that one into our US foreign policy?

Well Chuck Shumer still believes Nuclear reactors are safe. You know I think it’s worth at least thinking about going nuclear- - at least for a while- - maybe twenty or thirty years, until we have perfected these pipe dreams like solar panels on the roof or cold hydrogen fusion. The 8.9 earthquake on Friday morning was the largest Japan had ever had and one and all agree that their safety measures worked admirably, for what they were designed to do. Around here people are talking anew about December 21st 2012 when the Mayan calendar ends and caticlismic thingts begin happening in the world. But I think both Christian and otherwise alike have to bear in mind that “certain things you just can’t plan for”. You have to take them as they come. As such, such an apocraliptic event would be the great equalizer, like a well executed intelligence test. People will have to rise or fall on their whits alone. Thus the adage "you can't take it with you" takes on new meaning because there are events so big you have no basis of comparison to draw upon.

Well, we’re headed for coffee break in a few minutes and we still have a little radio air time to fill. Maybe I’ll pull out my Mister Roberts lucky charm that Dr. Levy gave me to insure that we don’t all get hit head-on by some passing intra-galactic battle ship. In the morning on KLOS Beatles they said that “Cry Baby Cry” contains the word “breakfast”. I never thought the word “breakfast” occurred in those lyrics. Of course as you know in late February of 1968 according to Federation lore, John Lennon said to me “I want my life back” and so I had to leave. But later he must have changed his mind because according to Federation lore again, “Denise De Lovely” is responsible for the authorship of at least two Beatle songs, “Bungalo Bill” and “Cry Baby Cry”. This later one may have been spawned because Denise’ mother kept cranking out one kid after another and Denise had three younger siblings (and two older ones) and by the time of the third kid going through the crying, whiny stage, Denise sighed “Will this ever end”. Remember you heard it here first.

This posting will be added to, at least a little- - - later.

OK I hope you all enjoyed your 48 hour shore leave. If you name is called you will respond, and for anyone who didn't make it back in time, the appropiate action will be taken. And somebody better tell Lady Ga-ga that "blanket parties" are not sleepovers with a girlfriend.

I actually researched the history of some of these occupation last names.

Abbot Archer Baker Barber Barker (as in carnival) Bartlet Bender Bishop Bailor Boxer (as in packing?) Butler Bowman (confirmed) Cantor (singer) Carpenter Chancellor Carver (sculptor?) Chandler (candle maker) Clark (clerk) Cleaver (butcher) Cobbler (shoe maker) Cook Cooper (barrel maker) Duke Dryer Earl Fisher Forman Forrester Gardener Hunter Hooker Jagger (surgeon) King, Knight Lord Mailer Majors Mason (stone or brick) Marshal Masters Miller Muler Minor Page Parker (?) Pickler Planer (wood worker?) Planter Potter Priest Praitor (Roman officer) Queen Ranger Roper Shamus Shepherd Skillman Stainer Sergeant Singer Skinner Spinner Smith Stoner (mason?) Striker Tanner Taylor Tinker (inventer) Trapper Walker Weaver Wrangler

The Joys of Yiddish


Caput (“broken down” “inoperative”)

Goot Shavas (“Have a good Sabbath”)

Heist (major theft of valuables)

Kabosh (“hex”)

Kosher (“trustworthy” or “legitimate”)

Leheim (“to life!”)

Mench (“stand up guy”)

Mishoognah (“crazy’)

Mozzletov (‘good luck”)


Schlep (“lift” or “carry”)

Schmuck (“hood ornament”)

Sheister (“confidence man”)

Shnook (“sucker” or “patsy”)


Tookus (‘ass”)

Yenta (“matchmaker”)


And now for the anti-Semitic bigots guide to spotting a Jewish name:

Look for any name that ends in a

–man, -baum, -burg, -stein, -witz or –feld

Also look for Biblical names such as Levi, Solomon, Benjamin, Reuben, Isachs, or Jacobs. Or any name with “gold” in it. Also other names that are giveaways such as Getz, Sachs, Kofax, Koehn, Fiedler, Wiesonthol, or Roth. But this won’t work with Jews who actually live in Israel.

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