Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Genetic Sabotage Once Again

Those of us living in California have been inundated with No on Prop 37 TV ads, with narrators moaning about how unfair and unreasonable it is for us to know exactly what we are eating. This writer urges you to vote yes on Prop 37.
There is a short article on the biology of why we should all have GMO food labeling in California and elsewhere here. There is a much longer article on the farming, ecology and human rights (legal) aspects of this complicated issue here.
In California, many TV ads are urging us to take the sides of "farmers" and "doctors"" But farmers and doctors are not buying expensive prime time TV ad spots. Who exactly is buying the TV time for prop 37? The top 6-7 companies financing No on Prop 37 are pesticide companies and Genetically Modified crop seed companies. Unlike the "doctors' and "farmers' in the deceptive prop 37 ads, these pesticide/GMO companies literally poison 289,000 people per year with pesticides. Their deceptive ads are written as if they are helping you; actually these six big agrotechs cause far in excess of 289,000 cancer cases per year (chronic exposure to pesticides). These companies expect to be able to do literally anything at all to food, and have you buy and eat food with no labeling telling you what they did to your food.
Each year, around 2.5 million tons (2,500,000 tons = 5 billion pounds) of pesticide is dumped on the planet's crops. In 2002, an estimated 69,000 children were poisoned by pesticides in the US The World Health Organization reports 220,000 people die every year worldwide because of pesticide poisoning. Are you surprised pesticide companies do not want you to know what is in your food?
No on Prop 37 Financiers:
MONSANTO COMPANY $7,100,500.00. Monsanto was and still is a pesticide company, which also sells BT crop seeds; foods you end up eating that contain pesticides and man-made genetics. So, it is not farmers or doctors telling you the GMO food labels are unfair and unreasonable, the main financier of the ads is a pesticide-Franken foods company.
Monsanto earns billions of dollars from Asgrow, Genuity, Ready 2 Yield, Roundup Ready and BT crop seeds. France and Poland outlawed these seeds, Poland recently and France years ago. French people have far less diabetes and obesity, largely because they do not eat frankenfoods.
E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO. $4,900,000.00 is also a pesticide company who genetically alters foods. Like Monsanto, DuPont does there own "safety testing' and the American public just takes their word for it that the bacteria and algae genes spliced into food genes are "safe'. These so-called biotech companies have checkered pasts.
BASF PLANT SCIENCE $2,000,000.00 BASF's pesticide division supplies agricultural products and chemicals. The company produces fungicides, herbicides and insecticides including F500 (pyraclostrobin), epoxiconazole, pendimethalin, boscalid, fipronil, and seed treatment products.   The company also researches Nutrigenomics. BASF is neither poor California family farmer nor a woman pediatric doctor; this is a poison company that does not want you to know what you are eating.
BAYER CROPSCIENCE $2,000,000.00 Bayer's Gaucho insecticide is killing the world's bees, which could cause about 1/3 of the Earth's people to starve. Profits before bees or humans.
DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC $2,000,000.00 Dow is another pesticide company that makes genetically modified frankenfoods.
PEPSICO, INC. $1,716,300.00 Quaker Oats states that it is an "all-natural" product. But Quaker Oats (a unit of PepsiCo) manages a processing plant that emits roughly 19,000 pounds of sulfuryl fluoride yearly. Sulfuryl fluoride is a toxic greenhouse gas used to treat crops like oats in storage.
GMO Sodas (GMO corn syrup)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pray for Stephanie Miller's Strep Throat

Talk show host Stephanie Miller was absent this morning from her show due to coming down with strep throat, which changed her voice.  Now she sounds like Loretta Hill or something.  Here's a joke. "I was looking for the best man I could find to sing baritone in our choir and I naturally thought of Loretta Hill, because I've heard her sing".  They had Stephanie do that line I think was uttered in a movie by Lauren Bacoll or something in a movie "We people in the show business community don't go for your kind.  We don't go for booze - - and dope".  We all want Stephanie to return quickly as that happy, clappy liberal we all know and love.  I remember when I came down with strep throat in September of 1993 about the time of the fall equinox.  But then it gradually evolved into hepatitus B with all those liver problems.  I had problems on and off with "feeling sick" up through the following June of 1994.  Of course Angie moved in apartment 25 down below about the same time and she lived there till the end of April.  I'm not saying there is any connection; I'm just stating facts.  Actually I'm most inclined to blame my dentist for hepatitus B because I was having a lot of root canals in the 'nineties and they're supposed to give you an anti-biotic, but sometimes they forget.  I'm not a bit worried about "all these minorities that work in fast food places".  I've never gotten sick from food at Carl's, or George's, or Taco Bell or any of the other many fast food places I frequented in those days.  Besides you can only get Hepatitus A from those places, like my Uncle got.  Hepatitus B can only be spread through "bodily fluid transfer".

The New York Stock Exchange is closed down for two days in a row and this is the first time since 1888 that this has happened.  You would watch these old black and white movies as a kid on TV and often there would be some old person in them that remarks, "This is the worst storm to hit since the great blizzard of eighty eight".  Of course the Johnstown flood in PA was around 1891, and that thing was like one giant apocralipse.  I've seen a lengthly documentary on that flood and believe me you could make a first rate TV movie disaster movie- - possibly with theatrical potential- - from the many events that occurred in those few hours and days hard upon each other.  Some say it's the Greenland ice cap melting that's the problem.  Many rightly have described the storm as kind of a spinning vortex that sucks cold air from the Front into the vortex of the storm and it gets cycled around.  There are times here with a stationary low that the same front will get completely cycled around and hit us twice.  Also today is October 30th, which means the Space Shuttle exhibit should be opening up in the Los Angeles museum of Science in Exposition Park today.  They promise to have a whole lot more in the way of demonstrations and exhibits than just the shuttle.  It's actually an activity perhaps Sarah could organize for getting a group to go from here, if we can scrape up the money next month when we get our November government deposits.

I guess the Cleveland Plain Dealer has run a story that is NOT a spoof, though it sounds like it but Randi Rhodes assures us is not.  It seems Michael Brown, Bush's FEMA director, "old Brownie" today said that "President Obama is responding too QUICKLY to this present storm crisis on the East Coast, as though a storm hitting that's hundreds of miles across is not reason enough for a crisiss.  Of course if we privitized FEMA the way Mitt Romney wants- - then if your house was being swept away you would call 911 and be put on a Menu "If this is a drowning case, press one.  If this is a tornado, press B, etcetra".  It was all the way back in June of 2011 that Mitt Romney was asked a question whether he would agree that FEMA should be turned over to private hands.  Mitt Romney responded, "That's a very good idea.  Any time we can roll over a federal program off onto the states, we should do it.  And if we can privitize the thing alltogether, so much the better".  Of course people are criticizing Obama in a strange way making cracks like "Well, at least this storm will give him an oppertunity to act Presidential".  Both my Dad and Pete Richards have made remarks about a crisis I was in in the past that were just about as odd.  But we are told even when these people offer help, it's a bad joke, like Paul Ryan literally breaking into a soup kitchen to wash dishes that had already been washed just to get a photo op.  Some wonder whether Mitt Romney's actions to get a photo opp might block needed roads.  (OK we won't borrow trouble.  THAT hasn't happened- - yet)  But now Mittens is getting people in Wisconsin to donate goods to the Red Cross or what not.  But people from the Red Cross say "Just donate money and not goods" because there is a logistical problem of transporting the goods, and if it's food it might go bad, or the thing may need to be cleaned up.  And also if you donate money- you can spend that money in the local coommunity there to buy goods that will help business.  They say that if Mitt had spent so much as a day in a "Relief 101" class he would know all this, let along somehow being governor of a major state for four years and NOT knowing it.  Speaking of money, now Bill Clinton is getting on Mitt Romney's case for spreading more lies about General Motors and Crysler.  Romney has accused Chrysler of shipping US jobs off to China because of the Obama bail out.  On the contrary Chrysler responded intignently saying that jobs created building Jeeps in this recovery are in fact up till now entirely US jobs, and only now, after prospering here in the United States to they have the Capital to expand their markets into China. Bill Clinton says that he never owned a car of his own till he was thirty and that was a Jeep.  Apparently the latest Romney add got Four Pinichos - which is the highest "lie" rating they give.  I saw my first political add almost for President talking about this idea of "The New Normal" and the ad saying "You don't have to get used to this economy as the new normal and it wouldn't be if Romney was President".

Gosh, I have no idea what made me say you were self obsessed.  Why, that' s as crazy is saying that the sun rises in the East. - - - Oh, wait a minute, the sun DOES rise in the East"

-Raphael, not the artist

Of course people overreact when they come accross an individual they've had a particularly bad experiance with in the past, like Marlena and Christine Di Mira.  The lady says, "Doctor, youve never reacted so hostile tword any one before like that." Marlena responded, "It's not every day I've met someone who has tried to kill me in the past".  Good point.  This David Reuben guy says he had a dream about his ex wife where she wanted to kiss him.  And then she turned into this worm like something out of the Wrath of Khan only on a gigantic scale.  A giant worm-thing with pussy, oozing skin dripping blood, with piercing glowing eyes and long, sharp teeth.  I was thinking "That sounds like the Holy Spirit".  It's funny how something can turn around on a dime like that, but I don't deny it happens.  I guess this Reuben guy would say "It's our subcontious trying to tell us something".  Some people talk about "being posessed of a feminine spirit".  Sometimes God like Christine (as in the Stephen King movie) is seemingly a posessive feminine spirit, who gets antsy when he sees a man actually being fulfilled by a woman.  Lynne showed us this rorshock picture of a skull, which contains this woman looking at herself in a vanity mirror.  Isn't this just like God?  You know, like that female voice in the cocaine commercial.  "Will you Die for me- - I Knew you would".  I tend to get more bizzare, paranoid thoughts when I haven't had a cigarette.  I got tired of borrowing cigarettes yesterday.  Last night after going two and a half hours without a cigarette I was finally promised butts from Larry Barton, which I got, and then I went to bed and slept through the night.  I'd had a fear if I had absolutely no nicotine in my system I'd wake up in the night craving a cigarette.  That didn't happen.  So today after breakfast I went in my drawer and looked for and found the remaining two dollar bill I had in a small billfold in the corner of a drawer, and figured I had better spend it before it got stolen, because housekeeping would be in there alone today.  So I went and bought John Black grape, my current favorite, for what I can afford.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Makes Landfall in Atlantic City

Hurricane Sandy has hit landfall in Atlantic City, where the eye hit tonight a few hours ago.  The moon will be rising in New York soon heralding the peak high tide and that should be at 5:15 our time.  In general it doesn’t seem to be as bad as they predicted.  The barometer is at 28 inches even.  Wind gusts have been as high as 85 mph.  But blizzard warnings are going up in West Virginia tonight.  Of course all the schools and subways and stock exchanges have been closed today and will probably be closed tomorrow.  They say there has never been a Presidential election in our history that has been postponed, either by weather or anything else.  So far as I remember the requirement for this particular date is actually in the constitution.  Check.  They are having a half hour extension of ABC network news.  My ankles still itch.

Monday morning at breakfast I noticed Larry Cramer had a device that was heftier than your usual cell phone.  It was a programmable calculator.  He said you can enter as many as 999 lines of code.  That floored me.  Ten lines of command code would be wonderful for a calculator.  I had only asked "Does it do itteration loops"?  Larry told me he didn't know that STOP was a relatively obscure command in BASIC.  I almost never use it.  If you have command lines you can do x and y paired equations like you can with using the second equation as a search peramater in an information search sweep to solve the problem.  He said he'd read up more about it since he just got it, and then he'd get back to me.  This paragraph is being added the next day.  I hope you all like the template for this blog now.  And as usual I recommend that you read my older stuff because it too is quite informative. You're reading this one, and that's good.

Nicole Sandler was in for Randy Rhodes.  In soap land the highlight of the day is Lucas pounding on the door while his son, Will, and Sonny are in bed together making out.  Lucas wasn’t happy.  Caroline is going off to this retreat in Northern California which makes no sense for an Alzheimer’s patient.  Think about it.  You are surrounded by strangers in a strange place, so how would you even know if you were being cured.  Mike Deletore gave me a cigarette when I went to his blue room.  Then I decided to go to the Senior topics class.  I didn’t attend last week.  They were talking about words that began with “H” when I got there.  Then she began talking about Houdini, the magition, whom the teacher says she admires.  Houdini did not believe in the supernatural.  So people misinterperated his words.  He told his wife, “I don’t believe in contact with the dead but if anybody can do it, I can”.  He would delay coming out to the crowd after the water tank trick just to creat suspense for over a whole minute after he had freed himself.  He was able to dislocate certain bones and joints.  They say he had a high voice because his brother aimed X ray cameras at his genitals, so he was unable to have children.  He died from being slugged in the stomach, which was a stunt he often did, but he wasn’t ready yet.  He had chronic appendicitis, and died of general peratenitus.  Remember that Beverly Hillbillies episode where Granny was told that Cousin Marcus died of “general peratenitus, who Granny thought was an Army doctor brought in.  Then it was the topic of eating gross foods like bugs and other things.  But the teacher never broke for coffee and Sarah didn’t come in the room.  Another time they were out of coffee by the time they cane in here.  So I already found the line “She always brings the cart in here’ as dubious- - since it was already 2:20 when me and others left the classroom to go out and check, and she was long gone.  She talked about very expensive resturants serving exotic foods.  She talked about this one restaurant called Opaques where you eat food in total darkness.  She told this story about a friend of her daughter who had her purse with a hundred and fifty dollars cash stolen – and it’s unusual for her to be carrying cash but she got it from having sold some jewelry - and a camera stolen, and the crook erased all the photos on the drive except for one she took of herself, making faces.  The cops didn’t even want to prosecute the case.  They’re a bunch of lazy bums, even though they know who she is.  She said that the “doldrums” was a low pressure area around the equator of the earth.  I never heard that before.  Someone asked her about her background and she did volunteer the information that she personally picks all of the topics discussed in class, of interest to her.

This is after dinner.  We had meatloaf tonight with scalloped potatoes I used salt on, and green beans, with bread pudding for desert.  We haven’t had that in some time and I’m not sure we’ve even had it when Irvin was here.  But the big news of the night was the very generous seconds.  We were given an additional large piece of meat loaf and some of another, amounting to a whole lot of meat, and seconds were easily double the first portion, if not more, and also more potatoes.  I got the afternoon cigarette from one of the new guys around here.  We’ve been having more somewhat younger new men, which should make the women happy.   Actually the gender bias tword more men is even more obvious now than it used to be.  We talked about baseball.  I ran the coffee grounds through again and managed to get coffee out of it.  Bill had Eye Witness on.  Mitt Romney and President Obama have both cancled speeches they were planning to make in Virginia today.   Right now it is a quarter to six.  Gasoline prices are at $4.16 in Orange County now.  Invariably the prices rise in twenty cent intervals and fall in two cent intervals.  I went out on the patio just now where I got another cigarette from Mike Deletore, and he was talking with that other Richard about international affairs.    We turn back the clocks this weekend.

David Cruise talked about teachers who help their students in class cheat on achievement tests.  I think we can agree that “No Child Left Behind” was a bogus concept.  One caller likened such instituted cheating as “stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family” claiming that teachers don’t get paid enough money.  The two are completely unrelated.  But of course college students hire other people to write their Term papers for them.  This is just one instance where Capitalism run amuk will ill serve mankind.  One wonders how "Doctor" Gene Scott got his degree, because he sure isn't very smart, and if he's an example of the sort of student that Colleges turn out, I can do better.  Gene is so dumb he once claimed that the "Genitive" case of pronouns- - referred to being the biological progenitor or something, which is bullshit, of course.  Its like Gene Scott doesn't know that the term "worthy" no matter how it's used- - always refers back to the state of the Noun.  Here's a grammar question.  What's the difference between the words "rigerous" and "strenuous".  The first refers to the type of work or exercise, and the second refers to its effect on the human body.  I picked that one up from the Romulans.  Gene had the pet saying of 'I never bet except on a sure thing".  Another word for that is "Theft" and he wouldn't last long in a Las Vegas casino because the pit bosses would throw him out if they ever suspected he had a "sure thing".  If Man tests God - - it's to learn information about him he didn't know before.  He learns something.  When God tests Man - - it's called "a waste of time" when both instigator and subject pretty much know the outcome ahead of time - - so what's the point?  When you test a student the primary reason for doing for is NOT so that the student can "get a good score".  The primary reason of testing a student is to find out what he's learned in your class and how his achievement level has increased.  Any sort of cheating engaged in by either student or student defeats the whole purpose of tests and is a waste of everybody's time.  Judy is upset about bogus printing press money flooding our economy.  Well, there are also a lot of bogus grades and even bogus degrees out there.  But there are also bogus emotions.  Christians are a master at these, then act surprise when everyone who is the recipient of their counterfeit emotions feels slighted, if not cheated.  (Selah)  .  I think we can agree that “No Child Left Behind” was a bogus concept.  One caller likened such instituted cheating as “stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family” claiming that teachers don’t get paid enough money.  The two are completely unrelated.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

SF Giants Win Series In Four Straight

The San Francisco Giants showed an amazing bit of stamina.  They won their last seven games in a row, three play-off games and took the World Series four straight.  They won tonight 4 to 3 in the tenth inning when Cabrera was struck out.  They won it on the road in Tiger Stadium in a "driving mist".  It was a sea-saw lead all night.  SF was up one to nothing.  Then Detroit got two on a home run where the ball was caught up in a sudden gust of win and blew out to right.  Then the Giants scored a home run and got two making it 3 to 2 Giants.  Then Detroit tied it up and they went into extra innings.  At the top of the tenth San Francisco made it four to three.  They won it at about ten to nine.  Sometimes you wonder whether they schedule these things for s Sunday night when the ratings would be higher than on a Monday.  This is the Giants second time for taking it all since they moved to the West Coast in 1958.  Their other win was in 2010 two years ago.  Just to slip in a little cosmic stuff, they had both Andromadan and Romulan support, because the Romulans would rout for any team that would beat the Tigers.  Thus the 2012 baseball season comes to a close.

One might wonder whether we are in a recession from the ads you see on TV.  They of course feature these programs of multi million dollar homes, as if you were window shopping for that. And of course there are all these Gambling Casinos like Pachanga, they act as if everyone should be spending their weekends at.  Of course they are advertizing more of these up scale dining places at least by my standards such as Chilis, Applebees, Fridays, Red Lobster, and Outback.  People are "eating better" and eating out more than they used to, it would seem, and they are getting pickier about the sort of food delights they dine on.  Of course you would doubt we are in a recession when you see all of the electronic gizmos they put on new cars these days.  And then there is all the electronic stuff.  You have all this computer syncing to all your devices from A T & T with their zillions of "family entertainment options".  You have Windows 8 out now where you, too, can experiance the joys of finger painting on a computer screen.  I hope you don't have to pay too much extra for that.  Then there is the mini I pad out now, which presumably is expensive.  People talk about how this time of the year they get their 2013 Phone books and they are immediately consigned to the paper recycling center.  I think just the fees people pay now for cell phones is astronomical, and how they want to make sure all their kids have one so they can keep in instant contact with their kids.  But if you watched Sixty Minutes tonight you'd think the whole world was one giant Romney commercial because there were 17 million production jobs and now there are only 12 million just a few years later.  Their slogan on Sixty Minutes was "thousands of jobs are lost - - but only a few hundred are created.  To hear Sixty Minutes put it, the whole of Middle America is shutting down for lack of business with whole downtowns becoming ghost towns.  But they interviewed someone who thinks both Romney and Obama make idle campaign promises they have no intension of keeping.  James Fisher this morning asked (or stated) "What has President Obama done for us these past four years?"  I told him if he really wanted to know the answer to that question I'd be happy to tell him.  But many people are hypontized and beguiled by some mindless Tea Party slogan that's a Lie to begin with.  And them embrace these ideas and hold them fast.  And these tea party ideas close off their minds to any Real new information that might be out there.  So at this time I can't say that Mitt Romney will not be our next President.  Because the polls are sure trending in that direction, with Romney making steady gains even in areas where Obama had dominated.  They are now saying that the President's giant lead here in California has been cut in half, and if present trends continue, California might be "in play".  They we'd at last start seeing a few of those ads the battle ground states have been bombarded with.

This following paragraph is just a heads up on all the Nut Jobs out there on the radio, and how people's lack of critical thinking skills will betray them when they need it the most.  It doesn't matter one bit that these people make countless self-referencial phallocies.  Here's the paragraph:  So I finally got up at twenty to five and took a leisurely hot shower to get warm since it was now so cold in the room.  I made coffee and had a smoke.  Oddly Neil S wasn’t the most insane program on KFI this morning though I did listen to the first segment of that.  It was the guy on before six that had this guest on named David Reuben with a web site.  His beliefs are positively Orwelian.  What’s imaginary to us is real to him and what is real to the rest of us he claims doesn’t exist.  His slogan seems to be that Death if Life and Life is death, and there is a demon under every bush.  More importantly we are being watched by legions of demons all the time.  He says that dreams are our closest connection to true “reality”.  He believes in Jesus Christ and all that.  He says there is power in uttering the name. He says that nobody is truly an Atheist but “You know we’re all part of it”.  He also babbled stuff about “People have this thing in them they don’t know they have that can give them Power.  He says we all “choose” to live with our problems.  (Yeah, one of those people)  He says “People are free to receive love freely any time they want and if they can’t do this it’s because they were denied love as a child”.  That bullshit line is right out of the Bill Halliday lexicon.  He also says “I love to rescue people and run to disasters”.  I guess that makes him an “ambulance chaser”.  Judy is a control freak, too, and likes to fancy herself as some big rescuer of people.  But I would not even subject my blog readers to be exposed to all of this crap, because I’d have to share it with them to even refute it.

"God, if you agree with my opinion about everything - give me no sign.  Thank you"
-Courtessy Homer Simpson

I watched Meet the Press and then it was the Proposition 39 debate at nine for ten minutes.  Of course the anti 39 people say the proposition will only “drive business away from California”.  People fight common sense but they won’t tell you the real reason for their stance.  It’s like the people who are anti 37 saying “You can’t support this because one doctor who supports it is against vaccinations and women getting mammograms” as if the measure were some crack pot legislation.  The very idea of Prop 37 costing shoppers four hundred dollars per year is preposterous.  We have everything labeled including the calories on everything at Mac Donalds.  And it didn’t raise the price $400.00.  I’ll tell you what proposition 39 will do. It will keep California’s jobs in this state. I switched on Breakfast with the Beatles.  They played a full blown version of that George Harrison song on Anthology, “You Know What to Do” and it kind of uses Carl Perkins type guitar playing similar to “I’ll Cry Instead”.  I also heard a fragment of a song called “Scared”, which they said was off “Walls and Bridges”, an album I’ve never heard aired on the Seventh Day all these 35 years.  They played “Devil’s Radio” by George and “Snookeroo” by Ringo in honor, probably of Halloween.  We are having our party Wednesday as you know.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"I Did That. - - - Not Your Supposed god"

Mitt Romney is refusing to speak to any of the press.  Apparently the same strategy worked for Richard Nixon in 1968 and it served Romney well in the primaries.  But Mitt Romney is like a team that’s playing a prevent defense- - when he’s behind.  He’s the guy that’s conducting a Rose Garden strategy like Mc Kinley or somebody, when he’s not in the Rose Garden.  People are still talking about the Romney Surge at the beginning of the month.  And even now Romney is leading in the national polling.  Why?  He has assembled the tackiest team around him like Michael Steel, and Donald Trump and John Sununu.  Sununu in particular has made a lot of tacky comments.  Romney will not say word one against any of the extreme nut-cases who have been doing his leg work for him.  It’s really a case of dog whistle speech.  You can’t attack the President’s record, or even that he has been a liberal.  So what do they go after?  His race of course.  Just like the last time and Rush Limbaugh’s comment “It’s ALL about Race” when Collin Powel endorsed Obama then, now the racial allusions are coming out again.  And there is the Archy Bunkeresque line of “Obama is just not a regular American like you and me”.  And even if they won’t call him a Nigger (usually) there is the Donald Trump birtherism, and the idea that his birth certificate is bogus.  The tea party right with such “dog whistle speech doesn’t particularly care which ONE of the misimpressions you latch on to.  Is it the Manchurian Candidate thing and his secrecy- - or that he’s secretly a Moslem, or that he’s not an American but a Kenyan.  All that need be established is that “He’s just not - - One of us”.

I am not discounting by any means the value of one's elected chosen being "One of us".  Take the story of Joseph in the Bible.  If you were a Jew could you truely say he was "One of us".  Technically no.  Joseph was not a Jew.  Federation loore tells how Joseph endeavored to recruit slaves for the Egyptian nation among the Israelites, and how patriots arose and slew him, shed his blood, and left him in a pit to die.  Tea party people say Joseph was a bad man because he levied a twenty percent tax on everybody, when Herman Kane would have you pay only nine percent.  Romney pays fourteen. If Pat Buchannon is right in that "We had Saddam Hussein in a box" and now is saying that Assad of Syria "is in a box" and "the problem is taken care of with no further action needed".  So Joseph could be said to have put the Israelites "in a box", the same "coffin" referred to metaphorically, at the end of the book of Genisis.  As far as I know Joseph never prayed to God, nor tried to witness to his so called "Egyptian captors" that "our god is better than yours".  The book of Genisis honors out Joseph for a singular kind of praise the same way that the New Testament and Acts in particular, singles out Saul, who became St. Paul, for a unique praise.  He is a man who "doesn't lose arguments' like Captain Queeg, so to speak.  It's a little ironic that the Jews develop a worship of a god who delivered from something which historically, so far as we know, never existed, and for which there is no evidence.  Politicians love to create a Boogy Man who is the source of All their problems, and having defined the problem have "what you need to deliver yourself from it" all for a Fee, of course.  Suddenly there is talk now how Democracy in today's Mideast is a bad thing and to be feared because "the wrong people" will take over.  So Pat Buchannon is now defending Assad of Syria the same way that he defended Qadafi and Mubarek.  The Federation defended Qadafi and Mubarek, but have recomended the elimination of Assad as a threat to Peace, particularly in Turkey.  So I guess the big question is, just to tie all these thoughts up in a big bow- - - is - - - Is Democracy the new "bogus deliverance" of our time that is seen as a cure all for the ills of the Mideast but in the end - leads Nowhere?  Is the Moslem Brotherhood destined to supplant Al Qaeda in terms of the regions next major Threat- - as people on the right maintain?  I guess it's a question of "is there anything worse than the Slave Master we have now? Again, Federation loore teaches that Joseph was this "snake oil salesman" who told the Israelites, who were in bondage all right, to Rehoboam, one of their own.  And Joseph entreated them "Come to Egypt and relocate there where they have Irrigation and pleasant climate, and you can "sit beside the flesh pots" and gorge yourself with every manner of delight, as you listen to the whispering ripplings of the Nile River."  You know what we say about "whisperings".  Maybe Neil is right "God whispers to you in your pleasures" but in time we say that "The Devil scrams at you later on trying to knock some sense into you for your folly".  (Selah)

The East Coast, notably the Middle Atlantic states, are battoning down the hatches in readiness for Hurricane Sandy.  It’s going to be one of those Super Storms or “Perfect Storms” where a Hurricane collides with the prevailing Jet Stream and cold air masses from the Midwest, and it was predicted that the temperature in Tiger Stadium would be 37 degrees, and that was revised to the mid forties.  Anyhow they say the same thing happened last Halloween with Hurricane Irene.  My memory is shot.  I don’t recall.  But there were reports of these blizzard type conditions on Halloween making it hard times for trick or treaters.  (No way should the word “treaters” be red-lined like that)  Many people say they are going to ignore the warnings because they’ve gotten away with it in the past.  Apparently the combination of high wind combined with frigid temperatures and show fall should make it one of the major blizzards of the coming season.  More flookish storms like this are forecast as a symptom of Global Warming.

In keeping with the example we shared with you earlier I’d like to now launch a line of accusation against Christians and Christianity I have never broached before in 35 years of snail mailings or otherwise.  It goes like this.  People like Neil of KFI say that somehow, some way that Christianity gives you the strength and stamina to endure the “slings and arrows and outrageous fortunes of life”.  Mike Deletore was talking about this this morning when he lent me a cigarette.  I told him I believed in God allright, except for all the personal stuff about praying to him or getting some transcendent sense of Peace or new purpose.  Suppose I were to tell you that the thing that kept me from going nuts in the Bosc house in the post divorce era from mid 1985 to early 1988 was the fact that I was communing with Mal Evans, Jim Morrison and all those other dead people.  People like Neil if they’re not carefull could fall into the trap of saying “I have no doubt that but you WERE sustained by – SOMETHING.  But have you stopped to think that maybe God himself brought about that “something” to help you in your time of need.  So that in the end it’s God you owe after all”.  Well, let’s look at an example in The Ten Commandments.  There was one time where Nephretiri intervened on Moses’ behalf to save him from a serious jam that could have cost him his life.  She then turns to Moses “I did that.  Your God didn’t do that as a response to some sort of prayer”.  It’s like the Pilgrims and Thankagiving and all.  Do you really “cut the Indians out of the gratitude loop like that?  These “savages” whom you looked down on so and thought they had nothing to teach you?  Let me go back to the specific cigarette example earlier.  If someone loans you money for cigarettes because you say “I’m out of cigarettes and would like to have some”, does it then make sense for all of your credetors to come out of the woodwork and say, “You’ve got smokes. I want mine”.  They might be the same people who refused to loan to me because I told them they wouldn’t get paid till Thursday.  Now they are trying to horn in on someone’s personal kindness to me.  Yeah I know all about the adage of “sharing the wealth” but if they had their way I wouldn’t even have any left to share.  Of course you know that the Jews learned so much of what they know from the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Phoenecians, the Persians, and the Greeks.  They were so awed by the amount of “knowledge’ these other races had, that in few Bible passage is “knowledge” per see even called a good thing.  “Knowledge” is at best this neutral thing they are afraid of.

Judy said there is more fresh Bengazi killing stuff out.  I still need to examine this material.  At the time of this posting during the Notre Dame and Oklahoma game, I still haven't done that.  Our CIA and other groups were all set to go in and start shooting to protect our people, but the Obama administration stopped them, and she has a video I’ll look at.  Judy says it’s because our government has secret agreements with the Moslem Brotherhood or “whoever was responsible” and I said I wasn’t quite ready to adopt all that conspiracy stuff- - yet.  But I’m perswadable, if there is enough compelling new evidence.  I told her that they say Al Qaeda did NOT do the deed but another Islamic group we haven't entirely identified.  She mentioned that they had a power outage at their house for one hour yesterday and that Judy again has an irregular heart beat.  (Here where I live we had a power outage that lasted virtually the entire day making any of my appliances unusable)  She said that Andy’s wife is now divorcing him - -to add to his list of woes after extensive health problems the past few months.  I said I would keep everybody in prayer.  She again complained about taxes and beaurocracy.  There is a site, and I don't believe it's one Judy let me to but one I found myself in which I read that President Obama was in fact NOT responsable for the killing of Osama Bin Laden.  But rather President Obama refused to sign off on the plan.  So that the next day higher ups in the military took the initiative and executed the plan without the President's authorization.  And next morning the President was shooting nine holes on the golf course on a Sunday morning when staffers found him and told him Bin Laden had been taken out.  The President was reportedly stunned.  And in that speech, I believe on a Sunday night- - naturally he refused to Crow or be that Proud of himself for what he had done- as if he were describing actions that had gone on that he had nothing to do with.  Of course brother Al told me years ago he believes this President is in fear for his life or being blackmailed by the Pentagon or something into doing things and not doing others.  Does it really make sense that such a left leaning Chicago legeslator would suddenly become "George Bush on Steroids" when it comes to foreign policy?  A lot of people on the right - - and otherwise- - just don't believe it.  Would it not be better to put in office a man who puts principle ahead of pragmatism?  I would say so - - and Americans dead in their graves from ages of glory past- - think so.  I believe this.  At least I could vote the Green Party is not for Ron Paul, as just in my own way contributing to political moral sanity, in lot letting this pure sell-out of a man continue in the White House.

At ten to three I turned off Randy Rhodes but rather than go out to smoke I sought to watch the Carter – Reagan long debate.  They said it was October 28th, which is awfully close to the election.  In the poll graph Carter naturally started off way ahead but dramatically plummeted for the first half of the year, much more than Reagan rose.  But Carter had a summer surge and Reagan sent into a slump.  It was about the first of September 1980 that there was a reversal of fortune and rather than the lines crossing once again with Carter ahead of Reagan for good, progress on both lines suddenly stopped with Reagan’s line ahead.  And it kind of stayed that way.  You Tube had but two excerpts.  The “There you go again” line is a dud.  It was in response to Ronald Reagan saying he was against Johnson’s Health Care program because he favored “another program”.  Yeah, just like Bette Davis told that nurse in “Baby Jane” that Joan Crawford was seeing “another doctor”.  What “other program”?  In 1964 Ronald Reagan spared no hyperbola to say he was against “any form of socialized medicine”.  I saw a couple of sites, perhaps more, with a transcript of the debate.  This proved boring reading with stuff about the security of the Pursian Gulf.  A lot of the speaking was your standard political platitude.  Reagan as a conservative was a whole lot more electable and - - “reasonable” than the tea party madness today.  Why can’t the people see this?