Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Makes Landfall in Atlantic City

Hurricane Sandy has hit landfall in Atlantic City, where the eye hit tonight a few hours ago.  The moon will be rising in New York soon heralding the peak high tide and that should be at 5:15 our time.  In general it doesn’t seem to be as bad as they predicted.  The barometer is at 28 inches even.  Wind gusts have been as high as 85 mph.  But blizzard warnings are going up in West Virginia tonight.  Of course all the schools and subways and stock exchanges have been closed today and will probably be closed tomorrow.  They say there has never been a Presidential election in our history that has been postponed, either by weather or anything else.  So far as I remember the requirement for this particular date is actually in the constitution.  Check.  They are having a half hour extension of ABC network news.  My ankles still itch.

Monday morning at breakfast I noticed Larry Cramer had a device that was heftier than your usual cell phone.  It was a programmable calculator.  He said you can enter as many as 999 lines of code.  That floored me.  Ten lines of command code would be wonderful for a calculator.  I had only asked "Does it do itteration loops"?  Larry told me he didn't know that STOP was a relatively obscure command in BASIC.  I almost never use it.  If you have command lines you can do x and y paired equations like you can with using the second equation as a search peramater in an information search sweep to solve the problem.  He said he'd read up more about it since he just got it, and then he'd get back to me.  This paragraph is being added the next day.  I hope you all like the template for this blog now.  And as usual I recommend that you read my older stuff because it too is quite informative. You're reading this one, and that's good.

Nicole Sandler was in for Randy Rhodes.  In soap land the highlight of the day is Lucas pounding on the door while his son, Will, and Sonny are in bed together making out.  Lucas wasn’t happy.  Caroline is going off to this retreat in Northern California which makes no sense for an Alzheimer’s patient.  Think about it.  You are surrounded by strangers in a strange place, so how would you even know if you were being cured.  Mike Deletore gave me a cigarette when I went to his blue room.  Then I decided to go to the Senior topics class.  I didn’t attend last week.  They were talking about words that began with “H” when I got there.  Then she began talking about Houdini, the magition, whom the teacher says she admires.  Houdini did not believe in the supernatural.  So people misinterperated his words.  He told his wife, “I don’t believe in contact with the dead but if anybody can do it, I can”.  He would delay coming out to the crowd after the water tank trick just to creat suspense for over a whole minute after he had freed himself.  He was able to dislocate certain bones and joints.  They say he had a high voice because his brother aimed X ray cameras at his genitals, so he was unable to have children.  He died from being slugged in the stomach, which was a stunt he often did, but he wasn’t ready yet.  He had chronic appendicitis, and died of general peratenitus.  Remember that Beverly Hillbillies episode where Granny was told that Cousin Marcus died of “general peratenitus, who Granny thought was an Army doctor brought in.  Then it was the topic of eating gross foods like bugs and other things.  But the teacher never broke for coffee and Sarah didn’t come in the room.  Another time they were out of coffee by the time they cane in here.  So I already found the line “She always brings the cart in here’ as dubious- - since it was already 2:20 when me and others left the classroom to go out and check, and she was long gone.  She talked about very expensive resturants serving exotic foods.  She talked about this one restaurant called Opaques where you eat food in total darkness.  She told this story about a friend of her daughter who had her purse with a hundred and fifty dollars cash stolen – and it’s unusual for her to be carrying cash but she got it from having sold some jewelry - and a camera stolen, and the crook erased all the photos on the drive except for one she took of herself, making faces.  The cops didn’t even want to prosecute the case.  They’re a bunch of lazy bums, even though they know who she is.  She said that the “doldrums” was a low pressure area around the equator of the earth.  I never heard that before.  Someone asked her about her background and she did volunteer the information that she personally picks all of the topics discussed in class, of interest to her.

This is after dinner.  We had meatloaf tonight with scalloped potatoes I used salt on, and green beans, with bread pudding for desert.  We haven’t had that in some time and I’m not sure we’ve even had it when Irvin was here.  But the big news of the night was the very generous seconds.  We were given an additional large piece of meat loaf and some of another, amounting to a whole lot of meat, and seconds were easily double the first portion, if not more, and also more potatoes.  I got the afternoon cigarette from one of the new guys around here.  We’ve been having more somewhat younger new men, which should make the women happy.   Actually the gender bias tword more men is even more obvious now than it used to be.  We talked about baseball.  I ran the coffee grounds through again and managed to get coffee out of it.  Bill had Eye Witness on.  Mitt Romney and President Obama have both cancled speeches they were planning to make in Virginia today.   Right now it is a quarter to six.  Gasoline prices are at $4.16 in Orange County now.  Invariably the prices rise in twenty cent intervals and fall in two cent intervals.  I went out on the patio just now where I got another cigarette from Mike Deletore, and he was talking with that other Richard about international affairs.    We turn back the clocks this weekend.

David Cruise talked about teachers who help their students in class cheat on achievement tests.  I think we can agree that “No Child Left Behind” was a bogus concept.  One caller likened such instituted cheating as “stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family” claiming that teachers don’t get paid enough money.  The two are completely unrelated.  But of course college students hire other people to write their Term papers for them.  This is just one instance where Capitalism run amuk will ill serve mankind.  One wonders how "Doctor" Gene Scott got his degree, because he sure isn't very smart, and if he's an example of the sort of student that Colleges turn out, I can do better.  Gene is so dumb he once claimed that the "Genitive" case of pronouns- - referred to being the biological progenitor or something, which is bullshit, of course.  Its like Gene Scott doesn't know that the term "worthy" no matter how it's used- - always refers back to the state of the Noun.  Here's a grammar question.  What's the difference between the words "rigerous" and "strenuous".  The first refers to the type of work or exercise, and the second refers to its effect on the human body.  I picked that one up from the Romulans.  Gene had the pet saying of 'I never bet except on a sure thing".  Another word for that is "Theft" and he wouldn't last long in a Las Vegas casino because the pit bosses would throw him out if they ever suspected he had a "sure thing".  If Man tests God - - it's to learn information about him he didn't know before.  He learns something.  When God tests Man - - it's called "a waste of time" when both instigator and subject pretty much know the outcome ahead of time - - so what's the point?  When you test a student the primary reason for doing for is NOT so that the student can "get a good score".  The primary reason of testing a student is to find out what he's learned in your class and how his achievement level has increased.  Any sort of cheating engaged in by either student or student defeats the whole purpose of tests and is a waste of everybody's time.  Judy is upset about bogus printing press money flooding our economy.  Well, there are also a lot of bogus grades and even bogus degrees out there.  But there are also bogus emotions.  Christians are a master at these, then act surprise when everyone who is the recipient of their counterfeit emotions feels slighted, if not cheated.  (Selah)  .  I think we can agree that “No Child Left Behind” was a bogus concept.  One caller likened such instituted cheating as “stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family” claiming that teachers don’t get paid enough money.  The two are completely unrelated.

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