Saturday, October 27, 2012

"I Did That. - - - Not Your Supposed god"

Mitt Romney is refusing to speak to any of the press.  Apparently the same strategy worked for Richard Nixon in 1968 and it served Romney well in the primaries.  But Mitt Romney is like a team that’s playing a prevent defense- - when he’s behind.  He’s the guy that’s conducting a Rose Garden strategy like Mc Kinley or somebody, when he’s not in the Rose Garden.  People are still talking about the Romney Surge at the beginning of the month.  And even now Romney is leading in the national polling.  Why?  He has assembled the tackiest team around him like Michael Steel, and Donald Trump and John Sununu.  Sununu in particular has made a lot of tacky comments.  Romney will not say word one against any of the extreme nut-cases who have been doing his leg work for him.  It’s really a case of dog whistle speech.  You can’t attack the President’s record, or even that he has been a liberal.  So what do they go after?  His race of course.  Just like the last time and Rush Limbaugh’s comment “It’s ALL about Race” when Collin Powel endorsed Obama then, now the racial allusions are coming out again.  And there is the Archy Bunkeresque line of “Obama is just not a regular American like you and me”.  And even if they won’t call him a Nigger (usually) there is the Donald Trump birtherism, and the idea that his birth certificate is bogus.  The tea party right with such “dog whistle speech doesn’t particularly care which ONE of the misimpressions you latch on to.  Is it the Manchurian Candidate thing and his secrecy- - or that he’s secretly a Moslem, or that he’s not an American but a Kenyan.  All that need be established is that “He’s just not - - One of us”.

I am not discounting by any means the value of one's elected chosen being "One of us".  Take the story of Joseph in the Bible.  If you were a Jew could you truely say he was "One of us".  Technically no.  Joseph was not a Jew.  Federation loore tells how Joseph endeavored to recruit slaves for the Egyptian nation among the Israelites, and how patriots arose and slew him, shed his blood, and left him in a pit to die.  Tea party people say Joseph was a bad man because he levied a twenty percent tax on everybody, when Herman Kane would have you pay only nine percent.  Romney pays fourteen. If Pat Buchannon is right in that "We had Saddam Hussein in a box" and now is saying that Assad of Syria "is in a box" and "the problem is taken care of with no further action needed".  So Joseph could be said to have put the Israelites "in a box", the same "coffin" referred to metaphorically, at the end of the book of Genisis.  As far as I know Joseph never prayed to God, nor tried to witness to his so called "Egyptian captors" that "our god is better than yours".  The book of Genisis honors out Joseph for a singular kind of praise the same way that the New Testament and Acts in particular, singles out Saul, who became St. Paul, for a unique praise.  He is a man who "doesn't lose arguments' like Captain Queeg, so to speak.  It's a little ironic that the Jews develop a worship of a god who delivered from something which historically, so far as we know, never existed, and for which there is no evidence.  Politicians love to create a Boogy Man who is the source of All their problems, and having defined the problem have "what you need to deliver yourself from it" all for a Fee, of course.  Suddenly there is talk now how Democracy in today's Mideast is a bad thing and to be feared because "the wrong people" will take over.  So Pat Buchannon is now defending Assad of Syria the same way that he defended Qadafi and Mubarek.  The Federation defended Qadafi and Mubarek, but have recomended the elimination of Assad as a threat to Peace, particularly in Turkey.  So I guess the big question is, just to tie all these thoughts up in a big bow- - - is - - - Is Democracy the new "bogus deliverance" of our time that is seen as a cure all for the ills of the Mideast but in the end - leads Nowhere?  Is the Moslem Brotherhood destined to supplant Al Qaeda in terms of the regions next major Threat- - as people on the right maintain?  I guess it's a question of "is there anything worse than the Slave Master we have now? Again, Federation loore teaches that Joseph was this "snake oil salesman" who told the Israelites, who were in bondage all right, to Rehoboam, one of their own.  And Joseph entreated them "Come to Egypt and relocate there where they have Irrigation and pleasant climate, and you can "sit beside the flesh pots" and gorge yourself with every manner of delight, as you listen to the whispering ripplings of the Nile River."  You know what we say about "whisperings".  Maybe Neil is right "God whispers to you in your pleasures" but in time we say that "The Devil scrams at you later on trying to knock some sense into you for your folly".  (Selah)

The East Coast, notably the Middle Atlantic states, are battoning down the hatches in readiness for Hurricane Sandy.  It’s going to be one of those Super Storms or “Perfect Storms” where a Hurricane collides with the prevailing Jet Stream and cold air masses from the Midwest, and it was predicted that the temperature in Tiger Stadium would be 37 degrees, and that was revised to the mid forties.  Anyhow they say the same thing happened last Halloween with Hurricane Irene.  My memory is shot.  I don’t recall.  But there were reports of these blizzard type conditions on Halloween making it hard times for trick or treaters.  (No way should the word “treaters” be red-lined like that)  Many people say they are going to ignore the warnings because they’ve gotten away with it in the past.  Apparently the combination of high wind combined with frigid temperatures and show fall should make it one of the major blizzards of the coming season.  More flookish storms like this are forecast as a symptom of Global Warming.

In keeping with the example we shared with you earlier I’d like to now launch a line of accusation against Christians and Christianity I have never broached before in 35 years of snail mailings or otherwise.  It goes like this.  People like Neil of KFI say that somehow, some way that Christianity gives you the strength and stamina to endure the “slings and arrows and outrageous fortunes of life”.  Mike Deletore was talking about this this morning when he lent me a cigarette.  I told him I believed in God allright, except for all the personal stuff about praying to him or getting some transcendent sense of Peace or new purpose.  Suppose I were to tell you that the thing that kept me from going nuts in the Bosc house in the post divorce era from mid 1985 to early 1988 was the fact that I was communing with Mal Evans, Jim Morrison and all those other dead people.  People like Neil if they’re not carefull could fall into the trap of saying “I have no doubt that but you WERE sustained by – SOMETHING.  But have you stopped to think that maybe God himself brought about that “something” to help you in your time of need.  So that in the end it’s God you owe after all”.  Well, let’s look at an example in The Ten Commandments.  There was one time where Nephretiri intervened on Moses’ behalf to save him from a serious jam that could have cost him his life.  She then turns to Moses “I did that.  Your God didn’t do that as a response to some sort of prayer”.  It’s like the Pilgrims and Thankagiving and all.  Do you really “cut the Indians out of the gratitude loop like that?  These “savages” whom you looked down on so and thought they had nothing to teach you?  Let me go back to the specific cigarette example earlier.  If someone loans you money for cigarettes because you say “I’m out of cigarettes and would like to have some”, does it then make sense for all of your credetors to come out of the woodwork and say, “You’ve got smokes. I want mine”.  They might be the same people who refused to loan to me because I told them they wouldn’t get paid till Thursday.  Now they are trying to horn in on someone’s personal kindness to me.  Yeah I know all about the adage of “sharing the wealth” but if they had their way I wouldn’t even have any left to share.  Of course you know that the Jews learned so much of what they know from the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Phoenecians, the Persians, and the Greeks.  They were so awed by the amount of “knowledge’ these other races had, that in few Bible passage is “knowledge” per see even called a good thing.  “Knowledge” is at best this neutral thing they are afraid of.

Judy said there is more fresh Bengazi killing stuff out.  I still need to examine this material.  At the time of this posting during the Notre Dame and Oklahoma game, I still haven't done that.  Our CIA and other groups were all set to go in and start shooting to protect our people, but the Obama administration stopped them, and she has a video I’ll look at.  Judy says it’s because our government has secret agreements with the Moslem Brotherhood or “whoever was responsible” and I said I wasn’t quite ready to adopt all that conspiracy stuff- - yet.  But I’m perswadable, if there is enough compelling new evidence.  I told her that they say Al Qaeda did NOT do the deed but another Islamic group we haven't entirely identified.  She mentioned that they had a power outage at their house for one hour yesterday and that Judy again has an irregular heart beat.  (Here where I live we had a power outage that lasted virtually the entire day making any of my appliances unusable)  She said that Andy’s wife is now divorcing him - -to add to his list of woes after extensive health problems the past few months.  I said I would keep everybody in prayer.  She again complained about taxes and beaurocracy.  There is a site, and I don't believe it's one Judy let me to but one I found myself in which I read that President Obama was in fact NOT responsable for the killing of Osama Bin Laden.  But rather President Obama refused to sign off on the plan.  So that the next day higher ups in the military took the initiative and executed the plan without the President's authorization.  And next morning the President was shooting nine holes on the golf course on a Sunday morning when staffers found him and told him Bin Laden had been taken out.  The President was reportedly stunned.  And in that speech, I believe on a Sunday night- - naturally he refused to Crow or be that Proud of himself for what he had done- as if he were describing actions that had gone on that he had nothing to do with.  Of course brother Al told me years ago he believes this President is in fear for his life or being blackmailed by the Pentagon or something into doing things and not doing others.  Does it really make sense that such a left leaning Chicago legeslator would suddenly become "George Bush on Steroids" when it comes to foreign policy?  A lot of people on the right - - and otherwise- - just don't believe it.  Would it not be better to put in office a man who puts principle ahead of pragmatism?  I would say so - - and Americans dead in their graves from ages of glory past- - think so.  I believe this.  At least I could vote the Green Party is not for Ron Paul, as just in my own way contributing to political moral sanity, in lot letting this pure sell-out of a man continue in the White House.

At ten to three I turned off Randy Rhodes but rather than go out to smoke I sought to watch the Carter – Reagan long debate.  They said it was October 28th, which is awfully close to the election.  In the poll graph Carter naturally started off way ahead but dramatically plummeted for the first half of the year, much more than Reagan rose.  But Carter had a summer surge and Reagan sent into a slump.  It was about the first of September 1980 that there was a reversal of fortune and rather than the lines crossing once again with Carter ahead of Reagan for good, progress on both lines suddenly stopped with Reagan’s line ahead.  And it kind of stayed that way.  You Tube had but two excerpts.  The “There you go again” line is a dud.  It was in response to Ronald Reagan saying he was against Johnson’s Health Care program because he favored “another program”.  Yeah, just like Bette Davis told that nurse in “Baby Jane” that Joan Crawford was seeing “another doctor”.  What “other program”?  In 1964 Ronald Reagan spared no hyperbola to say he was against “any form of socialized medicine”.  I saw a couple of sites, perhaps more, with a transcript of the debate.  This proved boring reading with stuff about the security of the Pursian Gulf.  A lot of the speaking was your standard political platitude.  Reagan as a conservative was a whole lot more electable and - - “reasonable” than the tea party madness today.  Why can’t the people see this?

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