Sunday, October 28, 2012

SF Giants Win Series In Four Straight

The San Francisco Giants showed an amazing bit of stamina.  They won their last seven games in a row, three play-off games and took the World Series four straight.  They won tonight 4 to 3 in the tenth inning when Cabrera was struck out.  They won it on the road in Tiger Stadium in a "driving mist".  It was a sea-saw lead all night.  SF was up one to nothing.  Then Detroit got two on a home run where the ball was caught up in a sudden gust of win and blew out to right.  Then the Giants scored a home run and got two making it 3 to 2 Giants.  Then Detroit tied it up and they went into extra innings.  At the top of the tenth San Francisco made it four to three.  They won it at about ten to nine.  Sometimes you wonder whether they schedule these things for s Sunday night when the ratings would be higher than on a Monday.  This is the Giants second time for taking it all since they moved to the West Coast in 1958.  Their other win was in 2010 two years ago.  Just to slip in a little cosmic stuff, they had both Andromadan and Romulan support, because the Romulans would rout for any team that would beat the Tigers.  Thus the 2012 baseball season comes to a close.

One might wonder whether we are in a recession from the ads you see on TV.  They of course feature these programs of multi million dollar homes, as if you were window shopping for that. And of course there are all these Gambling Casinos like Pachanga, they act as if everyone should be spending their weekends at.  Of course they are advertizing more of these up scale dining places at least by my standards such as Chilis, Applebees, Fridays, Red Lobster, and Outback.  People are "eating better" and eating out more than they used to, it would seem, and they are getting pickier about the sort of food delights they dine on.  Of course you would doubt we are in a recession when you see all of the electronic gizmos they put on new cars these days.  And then there is all the electronic stuff.  You have all this computer syncing to all your devices from A T & T with their zillions of "family entertainment options".  You have Windows 8 out now where you, too, can experiance the joys of finger painting on a computer screen.  I hope you don't have to pay too much extra for that.  Then there is the mini I pad out now, which presumably is expensive.  People talk about how this time of the year they get their 2013 Phone books and they are immediately consigned to the paper recycling center.  I think just the fees people pay now for cell phones is astronomical, and how they want to make sure all their kids have one so they can keep in instant contact with their kids.  But if you watched Sixty Minutes tonight you'd think the whole world was one giant Romney commercial because there were 17 million production jobs and now there are only 12 million just a few years later.  Their slogan on Sixty Minutes was "thousands of jobs are lost - - but only a few hundred are created.  To hear Sixty Minutes put it, the whole of Middle America is shutting down for lack of business with whole downtowns becoming ghost towns.  But they interviewed someone who thinks both Romney and Obama make idle campaign promises they have no intension of keeping.  James Fisher this morning asked (or stated) "What has President Obama done for us these past four years?"  I told him if he really wanted to know the answer to that question I'd be happy to tell him.  But many people are hypontized and beguiled by some mindless Tea Party slogan that's a Lie to begin with.  And them embrace these ideas and hold them fast.  And these tea party ideas close off their minds to any Real new information that might be out there.  So at this time I can't say that Mitt Romney will not be our next President.  Because the polls are sure trending in that direction, with Romney making steady gains even in areas where Obama had dominated.  They are now saying that the President's giant lead here in California has been cut in half, and if present trends continue, California might be "in play".  They we'd at last start seeing a few of those ads the battle ground states have been bombarded with.

This following paragraph is just a heads up on all the Nut Jobs out there on the radio, and how people's lack of critical thinking skills will betray them when they need it the most.  It doesn't matter one bit that these people make countless self-referencial phallocies.  Here's the paragraph:  So I finally got up at twenty to five and took a leisurely hot shower to get warm since it was now so cold in the room.  I made coffee and had a smoke.  Oddly Neil S wasn’t the most insane program on KFI this morning though I did listen to the first segment of that.  It was the guy on before six that had this guest on named David Reuben with a web site.  His beliefs are positively Orwelian.  What’s imaginary to us is real to him and what is real to the rest of us he claims doesn’t exist.  His slogan seems to be that Death if Life and Life is death, and there is a demon under every bush.  More importantly we are being watched by legions of demons all the time.  He says that dreams are our closest connection to true “reality”.  He believes in Jesus Christ and all that.  He says there is power in uttering the name. He says that nobody is truly an Atheist but “You know we’re all part of it”.  He also babbled stuff about “People have this thing in them they don’t know they have that can give them Power.  He says we all “choose” to live with our problems.  (Yeah, one of those people)  He says “People are free to receive love freely any time they want and if they can’t do this it’s because they were denied love as a child”.  That bullshit line is right out of the Bill Halliday lexicon.  He also says “I love to rescue people and run to disasters”.  I guess that makes him an “ambulance chaser”.  Judy is a control freak, too, and likes to fancy herself as some big rescuer of people.  But I would not even subject my blog readers to be exposed to all of this crap, because I’d have to share it with them to even refute it.

"God, if you agree with my opinion about everything - give me no sign.  Thank you"
-Courtessy Homer Simpson

I watched Meet the Press and then it was the Proposition 39 debate at nine for ten minutes.  Of course the anti 39 people say the proposition will only “drive business away from California”.  People fight common sense but they won’t tell you the real reason for their stance.  It’s like the people who are anti 37 saying “You can’t support this because one doctor who supports it is against vaccinations and women getting mammograms” as if the measure were some crack pot legislation.  The very idea of Prop 37 costing shoppers four hundred dollars per year is preposterous.  We have everything labeled including the calories on everything at Mac Donalds.  And it didn’t raise the price $400.00.  I’ll tell you what proposition 39 will do. It will keep California’s jobs in this state. I switched on Breakfast with the Beatles.  They played a full blown version of that George Harrison song on Anthology, “You Know What to Do” and it kind of uses Carl Perkins type guitar playing similar to “I’ll Cry Instead”.  I also heard a fragment of a song called “Scared”, which they said was off “Walls and Bridges”, an album I’ve never heard aired on the Seventh Day all these 35 years.  They played “Devil’s Radio” by George and “Snookeroo” by Ringo in honor, probably of Halloween.  We are having our party Wednesday as you know.

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