Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pray for Stephanie Miller's Strep Throat

Talk show host Stephanie Miller was absent this morning from her show due to coming down with strep throat, which changed her voice.  Now she sounds like Loretta Hill or something.  Here's a joke. "I was looking for the best man I could find to sing baritone in our choir and I naturally thought of Loretta Hill, because I've heard her sing".  They had Stephanie do that line I think was uttered in a movie by Lauren Bacoll or something in a movie "We people in the show business community don't go for your kind.  We don't go for booze - - and dope".  We all want Stephanie to return quickly as that happy, clappy liberal we all know and love.  I remember when I came down with strep throat in September of 1993 about the time of the fall equinox.  But then it gradually evolved into hepatitus B with all those liver problems.  I had problems on and off with "feeling sick" up through the following June of 1994.  Of course Angie moved in apartment 25 down below about the same time and she lived there till the end of April.  I'm not saying there is any connection; I'm just stating facts.  Actually I'm most inclined to blame my dentist for hepatitus B because I was having a lot of root canals in the 'nineties and they're supposed to give you an anti-biotic, but sometimes they forget.  I'm not a bit worried about "all these minorities that work in fast food places".  I've never gotten sick from food at Carl's, or George's, or Taco Bell or any of the other many fast food places I frequented in those days.  Besides you can only get Hepatitus A from those places, like my Uncle got.  Hepatitus B can only be spread through "bodily fluid transfer".

The New York Stock Exchange is closed down for two days in a row and this is the first time since 1888 that this has happened.  You would watch these old black and white movies as a kid on TV and often there would be some old person in them that remarks, "This is the worst storm to hit since the great blizzard of eighty eight".  Of course the Johnstown flood in PA was around 1891, and that thing was like one giant apocralipse.  I've seen a lengthly documentary on that flood and believe me you could make a first rate TV movie disaster movie- - possibly with theatrical potential- - from the many events that occurred in those few hours and days hard upon each other.  Some say it's the Greenland ice cap melting that's the problem.  Many rightly have described the storm as kind of a spinning vortex that sucks cold air from the Front into the vortex of the storm and it gets cycled around.  There are times here with a stationary low that the same front will get completely cycled around and hit us twice.  Also today is October 30th, which means the Space Shuttle exhibit should be opening up in the Los Angeles museum of Science in Exposition Park today.  They promise to have a whole lot more in the way of demonstrations and exhibits than just the shuttle.  It's actually an activity perhaps Sarah could organize for getting a group to go from here, if we can scrape up the money next month when we get our November government deposits.

I guess the Cleveland Plain Dealer has run a story that is NOT a spoof, though it sounds like it but Randi Rhodes assures us is not.  It seems Michael Brown, Bush's FEMA director, "old Brownie" today said that "President Obama is responding too QUICKLY to this present storm crisis on the East Coast, as though a storm hitting that's hundreds of miles across is not reason enough for a crisiss.  Of course if we privitized FEMA the way Mitt Romney wants- - then if your house was being swept away you would call 911 and be put on a Menu "If this is a drowning case, press one.  If this is a tornado, press B, etcetra".  It was all the way back in June of 2011 that Mitt Romney was asked a question whether he would agree that FEMA should be turned over to private hands.  Mitt Romney responded, "That's a very good idea.  Any time we can roll over a federal program off onto the states, we should do it.  And if we can privitize the thing alltogether, so much the better".  Of course people are criticizing Obama in a strange way making cracks like "Well, at least this storm will give him an oppertunity to act Presidential".  Both my Dad and Pete Richards have made remarks about a crisis I was in in the past that were just about as odd.  But we are told even when these people offer help, it's a bad joke, like Paul Ryan literally breaking into a soup kitchen to wash dishes that had already been washed just to get a photo op.  Some wonder whether Mitt Romney's actions to get a photo opp might block needed roads.  (OK we won't borrow trouble.  THAT hasn't happened- - yet)  But now Mittens is getting people in Wisconsin to donate goods to the Red Cross or what not.  But people from the Red Cross say "Just donate money and not goods" because there is a logistical problem of transporting the goods, and if it's food it might go bad, or the thing may need to be cleaned up.  And also if you donate money- you can spend that money in the local coommunity there to buy goods that will help business.  They say that if Mitt had spent so much as a day in a "Relief 101" class he would know all this, let along somehow being governor of a major state for four years and NOT knowing it.  Speaking of money, now Bill Clinton is getting on Mitt Romney's case for spreading more lies about General Motors and Crysler.  Romney has accused Chrysler of shipping US jobs off to China because of the Obama bail out.  On the contrary Chrysler responded intignently saying that jobs created building Jeeps in this recovery are in fact up till now entirely US jobs, and only now, after prospering here in the United States to they have the Capital to expand their markets into China. Bill Clinton says that he never owned a car of his own till he was thirty and that was a Jeep.  Apparently the latest Romney add got Four Pinichos - which is the highest "lie" rating they give.  I saw my first political add almost for President talking about this idea of "The New Normal" and the ad saying "You don't have to get used to this economy as the new normal and it wouldn't be if Romney was President".

Gosh, I have no idea what made me say you were self obsessed.  Why, that' s as crazy is saying that the sun rises in the East. - - - Oh, wait a minute, the sun DOES rise in the East"

-Raphael, not the artist

Of course people overreact when they come accross an individual they've had a particularly bad experiance with in the past, like Marlena and Christine Di Mira.  The lady says, "Doctor, youve never reacted so hostile tword any one before like that." Marlena responded, "It's not every day I've met someone who has tried to kill me in the past".  Good point.  This David Reuben guy says he had a dream about his ex wife where she wanted to kiss him.  And then she turned into this worm like something out of the Wrath of Khan only on a gigantic scale.  A giant worm-thing with pussy, oozing skin dripping blood, with piercing glowing eyes and long, sharp teeth.  I was thinking "That sounds like the Holy Spirit".  It's funny how something can turn around on a dime like that, but I don't deny it happens.  I guess this Reuben guy would say "It's our subcontious trying to tell us something".  Some people talk about "being posessed of a feminine spirit".  Sometimes God like Christine (as in the Stephen King movie) is seemingly a posessive feminine spirit, who gets antsy when he sees a man actually being fulfilled by a woman.  Lynne showed us this rorshock picture of a skull, which contains this woman looking at herself in a vanity mirror.  Isn't this just like God?  You know, like that female voice in the cocaine commercial.  "Will you Die for me- - I Knew you would".  I tend to get more bizzare, paranoid thoughts when I haven't had a cigarette.  I got tired of borrowing cigarettes yesterday.  Last night after going two and a half hours without a cigarette I was finally promised butts from Larry Barton, which I got, and then I went to bed and slept through the night.  I'd had a fear if I had absolutely no nicotine in my system I'd wake up in the night craving a cigarette.  That didn't happen.  So today after breakfast I went in my drawer and looked for and found the remaining two dollar bill I had in a small billfold in the corner of a drawer, and figured I had better spend it before it got stolen, because housekeeping would be in there alone today.  So I went and bought John Black grape, my current favorite, for what I can afford.

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