Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Fiftieth Anniversary of Ringo Starr

Girls on Surf Boards - - Boys in Bikinis

First of all Happy Fiftieth anniversary of Ringo Starr’s joining the Beatles at the Cavern Club on Saturday August eighteenth.  They filmed the event for British TV, and it’s probably the first time countrymen ever heard of this band called the Beatles.  The song they were playing was “Some other Guy”, aptly named.  The tape itself is warped out and there are some odd key changes in the song, except for the version I have, which was recorded later.  My version is rockier.  Today or tomorrow is Bill Clinton’s birthday, and it’s also Kathy’s mother’s birthday from the old apartment.  The moon, and I may be wrong, but I think it was just over a half moon with the left half illuminated.  But how would I know this unless I were a twelve year old boy riding in my family’s car at some ungodly hour of the night starring up at it in the starry sky, as we rode through mountainous terrain.  (?)  Some songs actually hitting the pop charts about this time of year in 1962 were Surfin Safari by the Beach Boys, of course, also “Busted Surfboards” by the Tornadoes, and “Surf Beat” or something by Dick Dale.  Also “Rinkidink” by David Baby Cortez I heard for the first time.  There was also the “Monster Mash”, which is a musical parody of an established hit by the Orlons, “Wah-tucy”.  And of course there was “Tellstar”, a song everybody agrees “is right out of the future”.  But that’s not what I wanted to talk about.  I want to talk a little more about the “karmic graviton” alluded to in the last posting.  One to coin a phrase might say that FACING THE PROSPECT OF SIN IS THE PRICE WE ALL PAY FOR OUR EXISTANCE.  Just meditate on the truth of that.  You see there is a graviton or “God particle” of material substance.  But the Soul or “Awareness” itself has to consist of Something- - and that “Something” must have some kind of what we call “gravitational properties”.  But rather than the gravity existing in itself- - the Universe as a whole exerts a Mass Consciousness Awareness and in that Awareness is a sink hole of sin we are all “Universally” exposed to.  We have spoken of Matter as having a common perception.  For instance if I say “blueberries”, we all who are not mentally abberated or have organic brain sidrone, know what “blueberryness’ is.  And then we have Form and Function.  The Form answers the HOW we were Created- - or our basic divine blueprint, and of everything else, too.  The Function goes into WHY we were created.  So we not only want to know “What is it Made of- - “ but also “What does it Do?”  Capish?  Good.  Sometimes that which is out of fashion has been “Out’ for so long that now it’s back In again.  So is the scientific world of Marcus Arelius.  And so we by popular request we have brought back the “Event Horizon”.  Einstein may not allow for it, but everybody else says it’s an ongoing reality.  Also the notion of Hyperspace being a “place we can get to” is a belief I have held since Star Wars days.  But we are doing away with Hyperspace.  “You can’t get there from here”.  There is no “sound berrier” in space you are in danger of brieching if you travel too fast.  On the other hand some objects just seem to “disappear from our Universe”.  They are still there, of course, (ontological existence) but we from our vantage point have no way of proving whether or not they do exist because they have just “blipped” out of our Universe.

At the Iowa State fair politicians classically discuss farm problems with the local voters, but Paul Ryan in breaking tradition,  extressly said he didn’t want to do that.  I’ve heard he doesn’t even support this latest drought bill.  The lady on KTLK today accused the Obama people of not insisting that the US Senate bill act on the act before the August- - - First recess, which was nearly three weeks ago.  I don’t think this bill is that old.  Of course this lady wants us to infer that somehow the Democrats are against their Own Bill.  Of course Paul Ryan is using his mother as a stage prop in Florida, much as Mitt Romney may be unnecessarily exploiting the generosity of his wife to appear at campaigns.  I only wonder whether Paul Ryan’s mother’s comments will be as scripted.  Judy says that “old people in Florida are more afraid of Obamacare than they are of Paul Ryan’s plan and the older they are the more apt they are to feel this way”.  Frankly I don’t believe that.   I’m just getting sick and tired of the negative, spiteful campaign the Republicans have been running.  Who wants to listen to all this sniping and carping? Even if you should agree with it?  There is now one week before the Republican Convention and I strongly suggest that someone other than Gov Christie of NY do it.

At 1:20 I began trolling the grounds for a cigarette and saw James and Janet on the patio.  I went down stairs and talked to Nancy and came back up when I remembered James owed me fifteen cents, and since I had eight pennies I thought we could deal for a cigarette.  I got the cigarette and James said to keep the eight pennies.  There goes Laura with the coffee call.  I’m rerunning the grounds through right now.  Little League was on ABC but I thought they just said the game was over.  Anyhow “I’m done’ whether they are or not.  Now let’s talk about “37 strawberries”.  This is not a Captain Queeg sequel but rather the Purity product that also features Billberries, Cranberries, Blueberries, Elderberries (as in the wine) and also pomigranates, which they say is good for your prostate.  And there are a  lot of other goodies in it, too.  They want us to know about glycation where sugar attaches to a protein molecule, making it inoperative, and gives you brown “age” spots on your skin, which I don’t have.  Then it was the program on “stress” and Cal-Max, with the Calcium and Magnesium, which was a rerun so at 8:40 I went to down stairs to the front room to wait for Dr. Levy and talked to Arleen.  But after ten minutes with no Dr. Levy I came back up after talking to people in the lobby a few moments.  At nine was the whole “Indiana Jones” of herbs.  Now Purity has a brand new product- - Rhodioli-Rose (?) Shazanda and Illuthro.  (I used to date Shazandra)  And I think they call Illutro- - Syberian ginseng.  It comes from north Asia and the ancient Chinese leaders highly sought it out.  This product will cure just about anything that ails you, apparently, from fatigue, to mental lethargy, to having energy, and also is good for stress, they say.  Purity calls it “Vital brilliance”.  They say it will increase the energy output of a “lazy person” by 28% which they label as “amazing”.  Well, will wonders never cease?  Then along about ten after nine,  or just after, Dr. Levy decides we all are worthy to show up for, so I let the coffee finish and continue to listen to this fascinating radio program, and Dr. Levy gets on the horn a couple of more times before I actually go down.  Well - - of the four things I guessed we might be doing in class today, we did none of them.  He was 0 for 4.  We didn’t watch video of the Italy trip.  We didn’t discuss those written pages from last week.  We didn’t discussed that barbecue at Seal Beach, promised in May.  And we didn’t discuss politics.  Yep.   I guess I’ll pour the coffee right now.  We had our check in – and I sided with Dr. Levy in correcting Bruce’s over-simplified version of physics.  I tried to get everything in in a short time.  I moved to the sofa after the fire drill, which interrupted the proceedings.  We obedient ones went all the way to the liquor store parking lot.  There were Brenda (who is looking old in the face) and Wally and muffin, and John Powell.  Then an actual fire truck showed up.  But then Augustine called us in saying it was a big mistake and Sarah thanked us for being so compliant. 

This is August 15, 2012 after dinner and the ABC network news is on now.  Let’s jump to the important news.  Today is Bill Gunderson’s birthday.  He would be 56 today and I told him maybe Paul and I would take him up on that barbecue invite sometime.  We had some kind of beef and rice stir fry for dinner with mixed vegetables and once again we had applesauce, and the Oriental lady gave me her applesauce.  I think she’s Nancy Warwick’s roommate.  I wasn’t at all sure whether or not I even wanted to ask Bill G for a favor but I made it clear I’d pay him a dollar and stressed that Wall Mart wasn’t as far as the bank, and I’d be a good way to get a little AC.  Oddly Bill did not have AC in his truck on.  We took kind of a circuitus rout – like a plumber’s wrench -through the parking lot going in the back way- - .  We went in through the garden enterence also involving a little doubling back.  But it’s really close to the coffee section on aisle seven.  I picked up the one blue can of Master Chef and then Bill wanted to stop in at the Pharmacy to inquire about the fungus on the nails on my right hand.  She could have said it was from masturbating too much and Id have to punch her in the mouth.  Anyhow a cure could be had for $19.95, which I made it clear I didn’t have.  We went to the east check-out and departed and I was amazed at how warm it still was.  “I thought it had cooled off more than this”.  As it turns out – it had.  It must be seven or eight degrees cooler here than it is in Buena Park.  Talk about micro-climates.  Bill talked about having a star cereal number on a bill being a collector’s item.  Joe says he sees those on bills all the time.  Bill Gunderson on the way home talked about his novel about a Penal Asteroid in space that Sherry is half the way through, and she liked it. I opened the can and made coffee and gave roommate Bill a cup. 

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