Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beware the Sicari (Dagger Men) of Philosophy

Marcus Arelius on Rosh Hashana 2012:  "Jesus! - - You've come back!  You're returned for us here on this planet.  What can I say?  I'm surprised- - but Delighted!

Jesus:  Did you really think that I world not return for my Children as promised in scripture?

Marcus: "Well- - - I never thought you'd ever leave me in the first place, to obviously I wasn't thinking too clearly to begin with".

Nobody likes a Judas.  Many conscientious people in Pennsylvania are horrified at this latest judge's ruling that purging of the voter rolls of Black and poor and old people in Pennsylvania - - that ruling was upheld, something many people thought even a legal biased Magestrate would never do because it is such a blatent violation of civil rights.  The Judge, Robin Simpson ruled not on the so called "fairness" of the decision to urge the rolls but simply on whether it was "legal" to do so.  Judge Robin Simpson heard that voter registration offices were being closed down in minority districts and making it hard to register.  As Lyndon Johnson said long ago.  "Too often Black people are told that the day is wrong, or the hour is late, or that the man in charge is not chere".  This is in the face of people who instituted the voter purge ruling saying "We are doing this not because we know of any cases of actual Voter fraud but merely because we want to deliver this state into the Romney win collum on election day in November.  Apparently testimony was given that such voter regulations WERE NOT legal under the State Constitution.  In Texas there was a case of Metabolate (?) or whatever was responsible for a woman becoming a mental vegetable.  "These judges are like Karl Rove in a black robe" according to the commentator heard on KPOJ in the morning, Mike Papentonio.  Of course Republican leadership is likely to feel a little "stabbed in the back" at their selection of Paul Ryan for Vice President.  Stephanie Miller describes Paul Ryan as "Sarah Palin with a penis".  As it turns out Paul Ryan hasn't helped republican poll numbers one bit that Romney has actually LOST ground in the latest Presidential polls.  The selection of Paul Ryan was a total dud.  He was apparently picked because he was 'hot with the women's vote", even though those in the know describe as Politician handsome but not Hollywood handsome.  Any woman worth her overies knows that Paul Ryan is the worst thing that could happen to their gender, politically.  All I can say is that Paul Ryan may be good with math, but the rest of his political house is in utter disarray.  As you know I got tat example about the "housewife good with math but a horrible housekeeper" was taken from the Naomi character on 'Mama's Family" who didn't exactly have the same warm and fuzy in-law relation as that other Naomi we talked about.  I'll be frank.  I'd rather see Dick Chaney back as Vice President than Paul Ryan.  I still think Dick Chaney is smarter.  Paul Ryan has made so many ludicris statements like saying that a furtelized blastisis has the rights of a citizen or "person-hood".  Rush Limbaugh says "animals don't have rights, in actulity".  Why should a blastisis have for instance voting rights that black people and the elderly and the poor are denied.  When did those people lose their rights of 'person-hood", that's what I want to know.  If you heard the Mike Meloy stuff last night there are things that would curl your hair.  It seems in the twilight days of the Bush Chaney crime family ruling the White House there was a massive move twords "Civil Service status" and for us history buff who studied the Grand administration they threw out the doctrine of "To the victors go the spoils" and now if you had Civil Service status as a government employee your job was ssecure.  Hence, you have all of those Bush-Chaney "moles" in the Obama administration still trolling about making binding decisions that affect us all in the justice department, and we have seen some of those.  President Obama himself is a bit of a dagger-man in that he has betrayed the confidence of those who voted for him who thought there would be some major purge of Wall Street corruption and these FISA violations and keeping Guantanamo Bay open and all the other promises candidate Obama made about "bringing about a change in Washington".  It seems President Obama signed into some law to make it a lot tougher on Whistle blowers in government, or that's what I heard.  And of course all of these Bush - Chaney "moles" may be the ones responsible for all these pentagon leaks, to embarrass the Obama Administration.  There isn't a dime's worth of difference between the Bush and Obama foreign policies, except that President Obama has stepped up Drone killings and political assasenations abroad.

We have last night when I heard a preacher on a tape, which I guess James was playing and Steve Carone and I were listening to out on the patio last evening.  At first I thought the guy was brilliant and had a badly needed "message' to the church.  I was trying to think of way of getting the contents of the tape out to my readers.  But as I continued to listen I realized I was having some Judas number worked on me.  Here is what the guy talked about.  He quoted an Austrailian mockingly saying that "I'm a child of Adam and Eve, the first Mongrals".  He said that mongral races were the most Godly, because Adam and Eve were the original human pair of- - mongrals.  The idea of a pure bread dog is a human abstraction and the "evolutionary choice" is made not by God but by Man, and like so much else Man does his logic is flawed.  Because you "bred out" various genes and chromosones that dogs need to adopt in the world in case of disease or climate change or what not.  So you get your great big Great Danes and your little toy puddles or Mexican taco dog.  Because certain genes are selected out, so what you have are not pure breads but genetic freaks.  Race is a distinction made by Man and not by God.  In the food world we have lost most of the numerous species of fruits and vegetables and grains, and the nutrititional content of our food has suffered greately for it.  Once certain essential genes are bred out of a product, you can never get them back.  Don't mess with God's perfection.  This genetic engineering of food (and the idea of patenting not only seeds, but herbs and even naturally occurring bodily compounds)  is only the latest example of the abuse of nature.  Of course Margeret Sanger was the original femi-nazi, who believed in euthanizing Blacks and other mental defectives because she wanted to set up Clinics in poor areas to "relieve these unfortunate souls of their miserable existance.   And there was talk about how Science in England and America was the model of Nazi philosophy and eugenics and "racial hygene".  And the guy reminded the people it all goes back to Noah talking about Black people having the curse of Ham.  But in reality it wasn't the curse of Noah's son Ham, but rather his grandson Caanen.  And the prophecy of "being a servant to other races" setting up the whole slave thing- - proved to be in error anyhow because schollars agree that the Caanenites were the Pheonecians, who invented the first alphabet and were leading west semetic traders with the world in ancient times.  They never grew into "servents".  This idea of being the conquered comes from the genocidal stuff in the Bible where God orders the total slaughter of man, woman, and child, when they took over the Promised Land.  So far this guy was right on.

But as Jimi Hendrix said in Track 13 of "Smash Hits" - - - "That was the good part- - now here's the rest".    My own view of life is like that quotation at the end of a Criminal Minds episode.   Now here comes the bad part"  I  am not racist.  I believe a true, enlightened thought is valid, no matter who said it.  And I believe in Justice - - no matter who it's for.  And I also believe that any good question is valid- - no matter who asks it.  Capish?   .But then he began getting a little off the track.  First of all he brings up this old chestnut that Black people in times gone by had two parent families - which they don't today, according to this guy.  He points out that many things are cultural rather than racial, and in this he was correct.  But he says it's "liberal philosophy" rather than poverty that causes one parent Black families and broken marriages, and how Rap music isn't from African culture at all but- - you'll love this- - drunken white Iriah mauraders who roamed the badlands of America in places like eastern Kentucky and Arkansas and West Virginia.  And Black people hung out with these Hillbillies- - and then were taught the White man's ways and became Enculturated with "bad stuff".  This view of history is really up the butt.  There are no more freedom loving people anywhere than the Irish.  No. It was the Religious people of the day. It was the good Christian "cultured" and "educated" people that lived in places like Charleston, SC and Savannah GA and New Orleans that slavery was the most prolific.  It was these Blacks that worked for white cultured gents who had sex with their wives twice to year to procreate kids and the rest of the time enjoyed the sexual pleasures of Black women.  And it's the descendants of these people that dare condemn inter-racial marriage, which in 1967 was still illegal in seventeen states till Loving vs Virginia came down, and even then seventy percent of Americans said they were against inter racial marriage.  But then this guy says that the science in Europe was because protestents discovered the Bible and began reading it.  So it's the Reformation which popularized the Bible, which is such a Scientific document, that made Western science possible, according to this speaker.  Because people made the "discovery" (or Divine revelation) that Scientific principles were valid and that God's laws of nature were unchanging.  And so it was this view that nature was Unchanging that enabled the scientists of the day to get on with their many marvelous inventions and discoveries.  Let's get our facts straight, shall we?.  Higher science pervailed in the tenth century or so in other parts of the world while Europe was still in the Dark Ages.  We got our math and numbers from Arabecs and the Mideastern area where many Moslems and spiritual Hindus were exchanging culture.  This was the time when mystic religions that believed in direct contact with God, remember him, were popular.  Thom Hartman has said many times that we need to get back to "True mystic spirituality and direct contact with God".  These people believed in that.  They cast aside theology books and opted for the real thing.  You had your Sieks, and Sufis and your Kabala Jews.  These people did not rely on theology, which is like a genetically engeneered artificial selected- - "human evolution" of man and not God taking the whole counsil of God and then "breeding out" certain genes so you get this dry, refined, pithy theology.  So even in religious theology we have man putting their fingers in the pie and messing up the oroginal plan of God.  Stewart Mc Bernie often quoted Vladimir Lennon as saying "We will sell the Westerners the rope they use to hang themselves with".  This guy on tape is thus hoisted on his own pittard.  He sets out a sound philosophy at the outset of the tape, and then gets ensnared by his Own Logic later on, when he talks about how much better it is for man to have this Centuries old handed down theology stuff.  Of course the Catholics used to have these Theological conclaves every few years till Emperor Justinian put a stop to them in the sixth century and from then on the Catholic Church just Froze in time for nine hundred years.  The Catholic Church distrusted people who were inovative like the Knights Templer or "Christian Zionists" or the Masons, who were the geniouses behind all their marvelous thedrals.  A college of men in red robes didn't come up with that.  Then of course there is the whole John the Baptist cult and the skull and crossbones stuff and all that.  Tarrot Carts- - had a Pope figure on them but he had another name because though Tarrot cards were invented in France, they were done so by people who didn't trust the Pope.  We now come to Gutenburg and the Printing Press.  The guy has a major cause and effect peoplem because it's because of the pre existant Invention of the Printing Press in the mid fourteen hundreds that the Bible even poliferated to begin with.  Also- - Columbus - - Cortez, Magellen, who circumnavigated the globe, Vasco De Gama who rounded the Cape of Good Hope- - - all of these people were litterally going around the earth before Protestentism got its Boots on, which wasn't untill 1519 or something at its very inception.  This is not to even get to the idea that we got gum powder from the Chines when Marco Polo made his visits there.  And it's also where the Italians got pasts. It was gun powder that caused the Victory of the Moslems over the Byzantines in the defeate of Constanople in the mid 1400's. Are you getting the picture? The Church as a whole suffered a major loss in status. And by the way Luther himself was no angel in that his words abounded with anti semetic utterances.  We know about the Big Three of Luther, Calvin and Knox, and the three main branches of Protentism or the German, and the Reform, and the whole Anglican thing by you-know-who in England.  You had your Divine Right of Kings.  But you want to know a Secret.  Science REALLY took off after the thirty years war when Religion and the whole Divine Right of Kings saw a sudden loss in Status.  There was the English bill of rights in 1648 or something during the War.  And after these "Common Law rights" we charish in this country- - you see the Age of Reason really get going.  You have your Kant, your Isac Newton, your James Watt, your John Lock, your David Hume, your composers that wrote all of our wonderful Classical music.  You didn't have all this in 1520.  You had a country like England with rapidly flowing stremes leading to water power for milling and other uses.  You had your coal in abondant supply.  It wasn't because someone opened up a Bible and found all this stuff there.

Lady caller to Davis Cruise show paraphrased:  "I'm tired of the foreign press saying we Nazis aren't being fair when we intern the Jews among us in relocation camps.  We all have to make choices.  The Jews had a choice, and now there are justly suffering the consequences for their choice.  It's called responsibility".  It would be unfair for the rest of us good Germans to accomidate our own high values to conform to some racial misfits"

I had seconds on the pasta soup, which had some strange ingredient in it I drowned out with salt and pepper.  They advertized turkey sandwiches but as with the past couple of months, every time they do, they serve bologna.  At least they could do salami.  I listened to Randy Rhodes and watched the soap opera.  Ian admitted to being the one who shot and killed Stephano, but he did it in a fit of anger against Kate because she had overheard him stabbing her in the back, professing his undying love to Madison.  Now Madison is dead.  Kate Roberts gets an A for decorum because she did exactly what I would have done, right to throwing the drink in his face.  Ian is nothing but a slimy little rat-bastard.  The trouble is now after his confession, her life is in jeopardy.  If I got out of the room alive the first thing I’d do is call Roman and ask for police protection, and also finger the little slime-ball who shot my husband, and then called both him in myself a lot of names.  If Kate were a man, Ian would be beaten to a pulp by now.  He’d be the one worried about being next into the line of the morgue.  Oh-  today we found out in addition to Madison dying, that Jack died.  Of course Jack is one of those people who keeps coming back to life.  Well I’ll say this - - Sammy’s instincts were right on.  Elvis is truly innocent.  Not that I doubted it- - but for a while I just really wasn’t sure.
Joe made the announcement today, “Well, they gave all the illegal aliens amnesty today”.  I endeavored to correct him.  That lady on the David Cruise show irritated me today talking about “Making choices” the same way Dad used to talk about “making choices”.  It’s a big bucket of bullshit.  They were supposed to have had such well honed precognition that they somehow ELECTED to be born to a family that had just illegally crossed the border.  Give me a break!   These people ARE trying to “do the responsible thing” by securing a college education to get themselves a decent job.  From our own point of view, we don’t need the brain drain to foreign countries such as India- - where people get an education here and then return to their native countries- - to make THEM rich.  These people who say “Obama couldn’t have announced it at a worse time- - just before an election.  You know what I think?  I think all these right wingers are just jealous because they didn’t think of it first.  Maybe.
In other news I did go down for coffee break both in the morning and in the afternoon in the courtyard and both times got two cups from Dora.  I listened to the rest of Randy Rhodes and then caught David Cruise.  In other news - - they had a Primary in both Florida and Minnisota yesterday.  President Obama would win in a land slide according to one USA today poll or something but the problem is voter registration.  Unregistered voters tend to be heavily biased in favor of Obama.  That’s why Rick Scott is renewing his efforts to purge them from the rolls.  I don’t even think what he’s doing is legal because I heard there was a ninety day statute of limitations before the election, or whatever.  I wish Eric Holder would step up the justice dept efforts to stop them.  Rick Scott perpetrated the greatest Insurance fraud that Medicare has ever seen and had to pay over a Billion dollars.  I don’t see what’s to stop our side from reregistering all those voters who were kicked off the rolls in Florida.  Certainly people are free to register up till about October first, aren’t they.  Yet Obama people act as though such registration won’t happen.

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