Monday, August 13, 2012

It's Not A Question of Method - but Intent

Talk show host David Sheroda and myself have something in common.  Never of us likes to work off canned "talking points" that we repeat over and over like some holy mantra.  Both of us are investigators, journalists at heart.  We deal in facts - not idiology.  I did raise an eyebrow or two when Sheroda said there was little difference between the Democratic Presidential ticket and the Republican Presidential ticket.  I too have flirted with the idea that one should vote his conscience.  One should vote what he actually believes - rather than have to conformed to two process - modulated, and synthisized political packages, neither of which I feel represent my own beliefs.  A year ago Sherida might have been able to sell me on this notion of voting for some third party, but not today.  Back then I thought "Well if Obama stumbles- - I guess allowing Mitt Romney to become President wouldn't be so bad.  Romney seems like a rational, level-headed individual of demonstrated accomplishment and intelligence".  Well, that was a year ago.  No more.  This was before the tea party began micro directing every move the Republican designate makes.  First Sheldon Addelson supported Gingrich with his billions- - but when he stumbled he turned to Romney and said "Now you are my Stooge".  You are my figure head, my mouthpiece, my rubber stamp.  Like the Michael Jackson song says "Some people will do anything for money".  This goes to show a lot about the basic character of the Republican party as well as the tea party as well as Romney himself.  The idea of being "That guy" with "enough working digits to be able to sign the bills we place before him" is a role which a lot of people would degrade themselves into taking, no matter how much money they were offered.  But Mittens is the "Will Horton" of the political wold these days.  (I'm speaking of the soap opera character)  Clearly you have one party who picked the politician of their choice.  The headliner of the other political party was bought and paid for, and their people will be made to like it.  Clearly Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are two people devoid of character.

But now I'd like to address this idea of "It isn't method but Intent".  David Sheroda portrays the thing as simple as "One candidate wants to eliminate Medicare and Social Security as a fast rate, whereas the other wants to prune it back as a slower rate- - but both the Democrats and the Republicans are now pushing for the same thing and as such the whole issue of social security and medicare elimination - - takes on a bi-partisan quality it didn't have before.  I find this as highly dangerous thinking.  Let me give you another set of examples to illustrate.  Suppose there is a family with one member that used to be just find but increasingly he is showing odd behavior that is getting stranger and stranger and harder to explain to others and to rationalize.  At some point you are going to mentally start exploring possible solutions.  One of these causes may be mental illness, so you'll investigate that area all while showing all the love and concern you can for the affected family member.  Take another family member in another family.  And when some conflict comes up- - one family loudly proclaims that the member in question is a Paranoid Scitzofrenic.  At first she is either ignored or resisted in her claims.  But she keeps repeating them like a mantra.  She she will search out all aspects of his behavior- - trying so hard to glean some similarity with some example she read in a first semester psychology book on the chapter on abnormal psychology.  And when she convinces someone else to agree with her she is downright giddy over it- - and tries to draw in the rest of the members.  Do you see where I am headed with this?  One person will see taking care of the Elderly and infirm as an inherently good thing, but there are certain problems looming around the bend that will need tending to.  So you will explore various options into how to remedy the problem.  Perhaps it will be tweaking the FICA withholding rates.  Perhaps it will be a cut back in services.  Ditto for the deficet.  One person will look at the deficet and see a problem.  Either the economy is sluggish and not generating enough revenue, or the tax rates need to be raised on people who can afford it, or certain beaurocratic procedures need to be streamlined to cut out waste.  Paul Ryan however is a whole other type.  His plan will not reduce the deficet AT ALL but in fact will make it WORSE, as will Mitt Romney's plan.  Romney said he would sign Ryans bill into law if it came before his desk.  Ryan's bill reduces Romney's effective tax rate to nearly zero.  These people don't care about the deficet but they do hate the idea of supporting the poor, the infirm, and the elderly.  They resent these people in some social Darwinian sense.  As such they are as it were "lying in wait" waiting for an Opportunity to put their Plan into action- - that is to eliminate services to the poor.  We know they want to raid Union pension funds.  Mitt Romney stole the employee pension funds of those who paid into it.  It wasn't his money to take but he took it anyhow and used it for collateral in a bet he was almost Hoping to Lose.  So many spouses know of a lover who hocks the family silver to support their gambling habbit, so you people know exactly what I'm talking about.  The tea party is basically running the country now, except for the Chief Executive.  President Obama has done well in accomplishments of things he has control over.  But certain things are completely out of his hands, such as the tea party House, where funds are appropiated.

We now come to the Sixty Minutes interview of Romney and Ryan.  I almost get the feeling that Bob Sheefer was duped big time.  I really thought he was smarter than that.  He let Ryan and Romney lie a blue streak to him and never challenged them.  They lie when they say they are for small government.  But as David Sheroda pointed out- - both Romney and Ryan are Big Government Republicans.  They love to use the full appertus of government to insure that the Status Quo of the rich is maintained.  I imagine they are also for big agri-business and their genetic altered seeds that are patented or something.  They'd love to drive the small farmers out of business.  It's the biggest whopper of all time to say that the Republicans are for small business.  To them small business is part of the problem, along with the energy inovators who are threatening to put the petrolium business out of business and make it obsolete.  They can't have that.  The FDA makes illegal anything that competes with the big drug companies.  I am somewhat of a libertarian.  Judy claims to be a libertarian but she's far too much of a control freak for that.  But the repeated Claim - - the repeated Lie- - is that the Democrats are for Big Government and the Republicans are for small givernment and "a minimum level of government involvement in our lives".  Nothing could be more untrue.  Of course they want to get into the bedroom chambers of America and see to it that no woman gets an abortion even if she's raped.  They want to investigate the genders of the two people in bed.  They want to pier at us through their camera and tap our phones, and check library records to see what books we have checked out.  They want to bail out Wall Street investors and bankers.  And they want to do the very thing Paul Ryan complained about.  They want to pick winners and losers and THEY and NOT the democrats who are the ones who are for "croney capitalism".  Ryan never told the truth the whole night.  Ryan was asked how come the rich pay a lower tax rate than the rest of us- - and how they get all the legal breaks.  Ryan just unleashed all the usual bullshit about Solindra- - - and the president hates hard work - - and the American spirit of inovation - - and all of that.  And of course the Republicans are big government when it comes to Defence and Military spending- - and palling up to various corporations and even, if possible "privatizing the military code of justice" the way they want to privatize the prison system, for the greater capital gain of all so that now Crime prosecution isn't justice but "just business".  Government wants to be virtually married to business in what ammounts to a Fasciest love fest.  And of course the government doesn't care about Deficets.  Larry Elder and so many on the right have said it till our ears ring that "Deficets don't matter" and believe me that slogan will be revived the minute Romney takes the White House.  You never hear anyone from our side using that expression.  Our side knows better.  And in the spirit of Big Government they want to make Voting more difficult and purge the voter rolls.  And only a Big Government would override state codes by letting five men in Black robes who the next President of the United States will be.  And they could do it again, if the voting machines continue to be rigged and the "red shift" continues to be manifest.

It's one thing to look at something from a different Aspect.  It's a whole other thing to view something from a whole other dimension- - one you never even knew about.  Christianity assumes unto itself this perogative.  They can't cop to the excuse of "I make mistakes" or "Even Christian leaders fall into sin" because they claim to have reached this whole Other Dimension they call God, which is the demension of the Spirit Real and the Holy Spirit of God, they claims bodily dwells within them transforming them into perfection.  It it's really true that "in the world of the Blind - the one eyed man is king" then it would follow that ANY person who had access to "other dimensions" denied to the rest of us would have an Enormous advantage over the rest of us.  You thus can glean that these people aren't what they claim, otherwise they wouldn't be so psychologically insecure and paranoid.  You have heard it said that "The deefinition of Insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result".  The thing not entirely right with this assertion is that no two acts on Earth are ever the same.  Circumstances change all the time in ways you may not have suspected, so often "the third try is the charm" to quote another adage.  But with God it's different.  I am fully entitled to say "God doesn't work".  Why?  Because God by His own words claims to be eternal and unchanging.  So waiting for him to "change his mind" is to wait for something that will never happen.  I know it says not to Condemn another individual as unredeemable.  But with someone like the Asshole from El Paso I have looked at the matter from every conceivable aspect, as I have Christianity itself. I have looked at the thing from My view- - the view of other Church members- - his OWN view, which is hard because one normally "Does the Christian thing" and assumes that the Other is basically a Good person - just like You are.  But should this assumption be wrong and he is NOT A Good Person - then any information you shall glean thussly will be in error.  And I must warn you that to get inside the head of a depraved person is inherently risky.  I have looked at it from Scriptural point of view- - I have prayed about it- - and all of these "aspects" point to the same thing.  That the man is an unredeemable scum bag that should be condemned and avoided.  And it would follow that one would examine tea party members, and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan using a similar yardstick.  But I will confess I am not aware of every CONCEIVABLE dimension that exists.  One needn't be excessively alarmed by this.  Because actually in most cases other dimensions should only amplify and expand on what you are already aware of.  But it's kind of like closed caption television.  Sometimes in seeing the words printed - it gets your brain to thinking and pondering more than you might otherwise.  Since I'm not (aware of these Other Dimensions) and I can't reach out to him.  If anyone is to reach out- - it has to be Christianity reaching Out to Me.  That's the only way it's ever going to get done and reconsiliation take place.  I do NOT have access to those other dimensions but THEY DO, because they have "access to God" which is an emormous advantage over me.

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