Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time and Space and Karma

You say you've planned out the economy
But your big package didn't stimulate me

Guantanamo's eluded you so far
Just take the prisoners and strap them to Romney's car

Your Victory made me so happy back then
But your results are like the story of the little red hen
"huh?" Elvis exclaimed

Mitt Romney knows nothing of astronomy
And his dog's a candidate for taxonomy
-Burt Lombard

"Elvis, to you know what Ruth said to her mother in law Naomi in Naomi's moment of despair?
Frankly, my dear, I don't.  I haven't read the Book of Mormon
-said E J Di Mira

Catholic Vicar:  Lucas, do you believe in free will?
Lucas: Frankly, Will has been acting so downright screwey lately I think he ought to be locked up?
Vicar: "Huh?"

Priest:  Tell me, child.  Do you find in the life of poverty you've been forced to lead, any oppertunity for gaiety - - you know, being gay?
Penitent: Father- - I've been depraved now for so long I can't conceive of any other kind of life

No Marcus- - you're thinking the matter in our Universe is what's different
But actually it's just the Time that accounts for all the uniqueness

You just told me that Time is an illusion
Well I say to you, "Why can't Space be just an illusion"
-Stewart Sutcliffe

I think the latest song we have on any of our many rock compilations on line is "Time and Space" by Rush out in 1996.  There are times when I'd like to turn the clock to that year - "do a re-wind" in other words.  But then a more common sense part of me says "Why the hell would you chose to do that?  You've already been through it all once, do you want to do it all again?"  Good point.  We've going to talk about something besides politics in the second half of this posting because the signs have become a little adverse.  For instance I just saw an encounter where Paul Ryan "cleaned Obama's clock" in a head to head debate on health care, and believe me I was watching body language and listening to the vocal inflections.  Obama has his shit down pat.  There's no arguing about that.  First of all Ryan's plan does help out the poor with larger subsedies than the rich.  And all the evidence seems to point to there being NO change in recipients over age fifty-five.  But more significant is that Paul Ryan still retains "the public option" to to speak in that you can opt for government medicare if you want it.  Ryan's plan encourages competetion among insurance companies, and also rewards people who shop effectively with a cash rebate from the government.  There has long been talk about "funny accounting" on the Obama team, and President Obama was pretty much left speechless.  Obama's plan double counts at least two different alledged areas of government savings and also uses ten years of taxes to pay for six years of coverage.  Of course then there is the song "The Obama that I used to Know" which is a video gone viral.  You will be interested to know that the Sirius A people are playing the original video with Romulan subtitles only, so the people hear it in English.  However the Federation has redone the Video to go "The Mitt Romney that I used to Know" and that was largely Burt Lombard's idea.  The portrayers in that video look distinctly Bajoran, and I'm told there is no significance in that.  "They're just the people who did it and saw no reason to desguise their identity".  But they sing it in the Dardanian language.  But the President is in big trouble in another way.  Despite all this talk about job creation it seems to this date, the President still has "negative job growth numbers for the length of his administration".  His is the worst job growth record of any post war President.  It seems Bill Clinton comes in first, with Ronald Reagan coming in as runner up and I think Johnson is number three.  Both if the Bushes, you will be consoled to know, do very poorly on this roster, but Obama is the worst.  "Where's the jobs?" could prove to be as haunting a slogan as "Where's the Beef?" was for Gary Hart.

If we've used this photograph before, well now we're using it again.  Dimensions fall into four basic venues, those of things, those of space, those of time, and those of karma.  Stewart came to share with me that Federation song.  He said some were saying "Mal Evans wanted someone to write a more 'politically correct song" to counter-balance the runaway Sirius A video.  I asked Stewart "I have been wondering why is gravity has its own dimension under the broad category of Karmic awareness, why isn't there a regular physical gravity dimension?  Stewart then said "The substance, which is a dimension of Things - - covers that.  Gravity is part and parcel of mass.  Gravity is a field of mass."  I then asked Stewart "But when I hear the world Field- - I get the conotation of a field occupying Space" and Stewart says "Well, there you go".  It was when I was talking about "I'm not sure whether Time is even a dimension to be perfectly frank about it.  What if Time is just an illusion that some turn into a created Thing and give it the status of dimension".  This is when Stewart said to me "Well, what if Space is just an illusion".  I kind of mumbled something like "I'll have to think about that one" and really didn't have a come-back for him.  But I got to thinking about it later and I had one of those mental light bulb moments.  "OK now I get it.  Stewart wasn't denying that Space was real.  But he was saying that Space is just as REAL as time is, because Time itself is real.  OK"   The whole idea about "Mass or the content of Matter determines the nature of the space that surrounds it" is one of those sayings I've heard from a million place.  That Mike guy who was here for a while also said it.  But it's not usually one of the attributes of the God particle.  But if you think about it- - - I have spoken of the "optical illusion of Einstein's special theory of relativity, and said that it wasn't the way things really were.  Stewart in our conversation that said "You assume that somehow Space has some ontological reality apart from what we see and perceive.  But neither you nor I can prove that".  That line got me to thinking.  It's like how do you disprove something that- - - your unable to disprove, like UFO's?  or stated more commonly 'How do you prove a negative"  (more properly a "null")  The other topic we discussed a little was this whole notion of "Down tuning".  This is the most "recent' metaphysical concept I have covered in my postings, and I have Toni Iommi to thank for that.  This is the idea of "buying karma on credit".  In my writings I have discussed exegetic reading, isogetic reading, and endogetic reading.  By progression each is less reliable than the previous one, and in turn each method requires less effort and study than the previous one.  You also have exothermic, isothermic, and endothermic chemical reaction.  So we really need a term for karms- - and Stewart suggested "exo-karmic" reaction."  I thought that a moment and said "Oh,m why not?"  As you know- the metaphor comes from loosening a guitar string.  The note becomes lower pitched and bassier- - as though the sound were coming from a larger instrument than it in fact is.  Long waves have more energy, in this case, karmic energy, than shorter waves.  As in the guitar analogy there are limits as to what extent you can do this.  If you "make yourself bigger" (to impress a mountain lion in Griffith Park) then you will have more throw weight and influence than you otherwise would.  We discussed this all in detail before.  You know in the logarithmic "funny math" of music that a twelth, plus a twelth, plus a twelth, does not equal a quarter, as you'd think.  So trying to gauge a wave length conversion formula is harder than it would seem at first blush.  Stewart went on to say, "In Astrology- - the God gives Free Grace- - doctrine is alive and well".  Stewart went on to explain that astrological good fortune is free and costs you nothing- - of an exo-karmic nature.  Your own "Karma bank" is not being raided by favorable stars, but this is all part of the Will of God.  In like manner - - adverse stars are not giving you "karmic brownie points" due to adversity.  It's just another case of "Life Happens"  (Selah)  But of course we are all judged by how we react in the environment we find ourselves in and the opportunities that we have.  But being poor, contrary to Jesus' words in the Bible, are no automatic ticket to paradise.  Rich people are not to be dispariaged as villians just because they happen to be rich.  Also- - Mental Retards can be real jerks, and their retardation is no excuse.  But someone like Paul Ryan might be less dangerous because he IS intelligent and therefore CAN be reasoned with.  Intelligence is the fruit of good karma.  You people need to know this as you go through the course of your life and in your Evaluations of people that you encounter.  (Selah)

Today I got paid- - - and a lot of people who never experienced it before just got Laid - - - out on a coroners table, because they have never been dead before, as least so far as they can remember.  I got paid the fifteen I asked for.  I have a reputation of not over-dipping into my account, and last week I stood in line and yelled at Loretta Hill for taking too long- - only to inform her that I would be withdrawing no cash today but was just dropping off my check and confirming the ammount in my account.  One thing Stewart never tipped me off on was just how you can rig the game table to work in your favor- - or exo-karmic manifestation.  The whole idea of "Down tuning" and karmic mass increase- - would seem something that a "Satanic" band like Black Sabbath would first experiment with.  But Stewart did tell me that- - though the stars have no direct effect on Karma one way or the other- - that of course people can be helped or hindered by spirits from dimensions with which others around them are unaware.  One might therefore infer (though I never heard Stu quite say the words) that if one were able to negotiate in the psychic dimension, would could maneuver things advantageously.

"Well it's Saturday Night and I just got Paid - - - Laid"
-Elvis Presley Dec 1956 in Memphis

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