Saturday, January 24, 2015

Here Comes That Clown Car Again

Ted Cruise was among those speaking at Steven King’s Iowa Freedom convention and he started off with light humor.  He says “I’ve spent several days in Washington and I just got back and let me tell you – it’s great to be back in America!”  He then spoke of meeting a man in the halls of congress with a screwdriver to change the sign on Harry Reid’s door, the one that says “Majority Leader” no doubt.  He then spoke of the death of Winston Churchill fifty years ago today.  I vaguely remember that in things like Life magazine.  Apparently one of President Obama’s first acts as president was to ship back the big bust of Churchill, as though he would have no need for it, presumably because he is disowning Churchill’s principles.  He then spoke of his two little girls 4, and 6 and how he fears for the sort of future they are facing.  Then he got to his main topic of “re-igniting America”.   The first way to make that happen is to kick this new class of senators out of Congress that have been elected since 2010.  That would work wonders right there.  Then we have to undo the damage the tea party has caused since their inception in 2009.   I thought I heard him say that Citizen’s United was partially responsible for putting on today’s event.  His next points about human rights coming not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God - - was stolen from John Kennedy.  But in one of the versions of the “Now’s the Time” song, “When these people speak of Freedom - - they mean the freedom to take your rights away - - be it voting or dealing with law enforcement or in the legal system, only they call it “Tort reform”.  Any time these people say ”reform” think “destruction”.  He then went into a thing about the unparrelleled “upward mobility” of America as a nation, and no doubt this used to be the case.  But now America is lagging way behind in this area while countries we used to look down on, have increased economic opportunities now.   Do you want to know what the kiss of death is for this six year economy?  It’s having these tea party people start believing it, too.  Because the minute that happens- - weight gets shifted and suddenly the teeter totter flips the other way and stock holders are standing there asking themselves, “Why?”  When he talks about "American exxceptionalism" I assume he knows that word is a euphamism for "Mentally Retarded".  (Selah)


I was brushing my teeth around one and decided to call Paul and check up for later when we’d be going to see Mom’s new place.  Paul was just going to call me to tell me that particular trip was off because Mom just had another TMI, or transient, ischemic, attack.   I always thought ischemic started with an E anyhow.  It’s like a mini stroke and it’s what kicked this whole sad scenario off in late June of last year.  The only place Mom was destined to go today was Keiser hospital, and she doesn’t like it there because they treat her like a criminal and won’t let her get out of bed for anything.  Your relation as a patient is with the hospital, and the doctors work for the hospital and do what they’re told to, as far as what treatments to do and not do.   To my way of thinking this is not always in the patient’s best interest.  But it’s kind of, as Paul says, “Like having the government telling you what to do”.  I got into a conversation about Obama’s speech last Tuesday.  Paul hadn’t seen it and therefore did not have any specific opinions about it – one way or the other.  Of course we’re all praying for Mom and I told Nancy and she’s praying for Mom.  But I didn’t want to make the trip all the way down there- - especially in a Nicotine deficit condition.  Now if you told me that the hospital had free cigarettes, snacks and coffee it would be a whole different story.  (That sounds awfully mercenary to put it like that)  It would be a lot of waiting around to, in my mind, have tests that maybe could be done in three hours if they put their minds to it, so she could get back home the same day- - to taking three days, as drawn out and depressing as that is- - for Mom herself, and even me thinking about it gets depressed.  I went and sat in the front room a while with the sun shining in the window.  But oddly it was the coolest room in the building.

So I stayed here and had that chicken fried steak, which was made right.  We had mashed potatoes and gravy and the usual over-cooked broccoli.  We had applesauce for desert.  I roamed around out back and had two puffs on John’s cigarette and then Marsha gave me a long butt.  I talked with Glen two different times.  He let it slip it was OK for me to get instant coffee so I got it and the sun is still shining.  No time like the present.  This computer sound makes various noises when it does certain things.  Even in executing a BASIC program it changes noise

And now because you asked for it, here is more about "The State of the Union" according to Washington's Blog.  The air pollution levels are dangerously high for almost half of the U.S. population, putting Americans at greater risk of premature death, aggravated asthma, difficulty breathing and future cardiovascular problems.  Despite outlandish amounts of money being spent on the nation’s “infrastructure,” there are more than 63,000 bridges—one out of every 10 bridges in the country—in urgent need of repair. Some of these bridges are used 250 million times a day by trucks, school buses, passenger cars and other vehicles.

There was a substitute in for Sean Hannity.  He ties in the rising economy of the second half of last year to the dip in gasoline prices late in the year and early this year.  They’ll strain at logic, which tells you that NO cut in any tax rate can cut the price of a given commodity in half.   If what he claims is true, which it isn’t, then we should see a real explosion if gasoline prices continue low this entire first quarter.  He claims the idea of cutting taxes to boost revenue is a proven fact.  It’s not only not proven, it is an emphatically Dis-proven fact.  It isn’t true and we’ve seen it over and over.  Stephanie’s show featured endless joking about balls.  “Once I pull out my balls - - nobody touches my balls - - nobody squeezes my balls - - - my balls are perfect!”  Victor had one of Clyde’s goons arrested as a preemptive measure to prevent violence, probably on himself.

Leo Le Port states that there are still more people using Windows XP than there are Windows 8.   There are three different versions of Windows eight in operation that are all mutually imcompatable.  For Windows 10 what they will do is to be all inclusive but the operating system itself will determine what sort of a device you are using and make adjustments accordingly.  They have a Google phone system now that translates your spoken words from English to French, and then gets the waiter’s French response and turns it back into English.  Maybe it’s, “You fool, of course I know English!”    If there is a street sign in Polish saying “This way to the Dog Races” Google Glass will give you the English translation in the identical font as the sign.   Leo of course is in a continuing crusade to purge any Java or Flash from your system.
Most people I thought would regard ceramics as primarily things made out of clay and such that are molded and shaped and then fired.   Melinda Lee this morning spoke of ceramic covered cast iron pots, which puzzled me because I thought the differences in specific heat and elasticity would cause such a substance to crack off.  They claimed that enamel in the industrial sense is powdered glass or a mixture of powdered metal and glass.   I looked up enamel paints.   The term porcelain - - is classed as a ceramic though one usually associates it with sinks and toilets.   The word ceramic had a whole lot of broad application, and there was talk about how the atomic structure interacts.  To return to cooking for a bit, Mom always used stainless steel, and I always cooked with stainless steel whether living alone or with others.  I never worried about “hot spots”.  Melinda Lee points to the reduced conductivity of stainless steel as opposed to cast Iron, no doubt to the presence of carbon and chromium in the substance.   She says that the best thing to cook with is stainless steel with a center of copper or aluminum, preferably copper.  Of course cast iron objects are traditionally heavy meaning that they hold heat well and are good for stews and pot roasts and such.   Certain cookware that I would call “ceramic” (as in “China”) is obviously restricted to oven use and not on the stove.
I watched the highlights of Thursday and Friday for the Chris Matthews show.  It was uneventful and I dozed off for some of it.  I left here about a quarter to ten and went outside where a strong Santa Ana wind was now blowing.  I borrowed a cigarette from Nancy Bell because Paul turned me down.  Then in the courtyard I got two cups of coffee and one piece of chocolate cake from Rico.  He had cake left over but is saving it for the two o clock hour.   I was near the office but afraid of Federico’s reaction if I brought up the dentist again.  I’ll just have to be surprised.  Scott Walker right now is speaking live at the Iowa Freedom conference hosted by that Clown Car ring master Steven King.  Governor Christy and Mario Rubio and the usual suspects will be attending but notably absent are Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.   Walker is claiming now that the “Occupy” movement actually began in Wisconsin in 2010.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Nation of Ungodly Principles

This is Thursday January 22, 2015 the 42nd anniversary of Roe verses Wade, and the holocaust of forty million unborn babies, many who would have reached the age of forty now.  The problem with speeches today is that everything is just unchristian, as opposed to left or right.  It’s pro gay, pro breaking an agreement - - in case of pensions and the disabled Social Security cut, and it’s pro early termination of life.  There is a new bill introduced in California that wants to make “end of life” measures easier to do.  There is the thing about if you have been diagnosed you have less than six months to live you can choose to off yourself any time.   Norman Goldman is discussing Roe verses Wade right now.   Thom Hartman takes exception to the specificity of the ruling dividing the pregnancy term into these trimester things.  The whole ruling is stupid and the sooner it’s overturned, the better.  I don’t see what’s stopping them from overturning it this year.  They have the votes, “Don’t you think?”    The word “penumbral” is misused by everybody because the word “penumbra” is a partial shadow, meaning - - as with an eclipse - - it’s partial sunlight and partial shadow- - - so the word would imply a “vague” right, as I read it.  The idea of fetal viability is not the way to go with abortion rulings.  Because if you throw a full term baby in the trash can in the cold, he or she will die, and the person who threw that baby in the trash can will be charged.  So let’s throw ‘viability” in the trash.  Mike Huckibee let a future mass killer out of prison because he found “Jee-sus”.  In El Salvador this one woman was throw in jail serving seven years of a thirty year sentence so far.  What was her crime.  Having a miscarriage.   And apparently she had drugs in her system and went to a rehab center because she was pregnant, but the people at the rehab center reported her to the police.  I hope I have that story right.  I’m not in favor of any draconian and vindictive measures against women involved in questionable pregnencies that are terminated one way or the other.  I guess Republicans want women to report any miscarriages to the police because the fetus is a person.  The Republicans just today tried to pass a twenty week limit on having abortions.  I would disagree with that only to the extent that if they’re going to pass a law like that it should be twelve weeks.   But the Republicans themselves pulled the bill because Republican women didn’t like the provision that says that you need to report a rape to the police so that there is a public record of it.  You wouldn’t even need exceptions for rape or incest in this case because twelve weeks is almost three months and that’s plenty of time to have found out about the pregnancy and go out and do something about it in that time limit.  Norman Goldman says the Republicans have given up on gay marriage, and they are in the process of giving up on marijuana control, and now the battleground has moved to end of life legislation.  There is a growing trend here and that is - - democrats only have successes on arguably matters that good Christians would be against.   In other words we are running headlong into a completely ungodly set of laws that promote greed and corruption - - - but hey- - if you’re depressed about that - - go get stoned!

There are vague hints that officer Darren Wilson may be charged with violating Michael Brown's civil rights.  But they say "The bar is set really high because the officer has to be consciously aware at the time of his action that he is intensionally intending to violate Michael Brown's civil rights.  When they charge you for anything else such as speeding or reckless driving, they don't ask you if you INTENDED to drive dangerously, they just assume you WERE because they SAW you driving that way.  So the whole reasoning is ludicris here.  The last I'd heard was that the Obama Administration intended to take no action at all in the Ferguson shooting.  Gun violence and police killings found no place in the President's state of the union message.   Voting rights was one of the few things in the whole speech I agreed with the President should be brought up, and he spent precious little time ON voting rights.

The important stuff is in the next paragraph below but meanwhile - - .  There was a thing on Bill and Melinda Gates and philanthropy.  There is also a sizable asteroid passing by earth 750,000 miles away on January 26th.    In terms of Mom’s prospective new place Paul wrote out much of the basic information he conveyed by phone.  I think there is a link to click.  In terms of stocks, today the DJI was up 250 points and if you’d gotten out of the market last Thursday you’d have lost about two percent today.  But I said at the time, “You don’t want to try and call the peak exactly but you’re going to be off a few percent”.   They say that some of these late 1950’s cars that are being driven in Cuba today could fetch up to sixty thousand on the market if they are in good condition.  Things really do go up in value if they’re old enough.  I’m sure all of my vinyl record albums at Dr Levy’s house have gone up tremendously in value over the past ten years.   People are worth more than objects, but objects are worth more than- - an invitation to be saved, because those are a dime a dozen.  And one criteria of whether an object is worth a lot is the uniqueness and replacability of the object.   Speaking of that- - if Mom does make the move to just three miles down the road- - - maybe I’ll get her old computer because it would be in a lot better condition than mine is. 

“As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.” ― Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

No matter what the politicians say about how great America is and how we, as a people, will always triumph, the fact is that the nation seems to be imploding.

Despite the dire state of our nation, however, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to plague our lives and undermine our freedoms will be addressed by our so-called elected representatives in any credible, helpful way, and certainly not during a State of the Union address.

Consider the following facts:

Our government is massively in debt. Currently, the national debt is somewhere in the vicinity of $18 trillion. More than a third of our debt is owned by foreign countries, namely China and Japan.

Our education system is abysmal. Despite the fact that we spend more than most of the world on education ($115,000 per student), we rank 36th in the world when it comes to math, reading and science, far below most of our Asian counterparts. Even so, we continue to insist on standardized programs such as Common Core, which teach students to be test-takers rather than thinkers.

Our homes provide little protection against government intrusions. Police agencies, already empowered to crash through your door if they suspect you’re up to no good, now have radars that allow them to “see” through the walls of your home.

Our prisons, housing the largest number of inmates in the world and still growing, have become money-making enterprises for private corporations that rely on the inmates for cheap labor.

We are no longer a representative republic. The U.S. has become a corporate oligarchy. As a recent survey indicates, our elected officials, especially those in the nation’s capital, represent the interests of the rich and powerful rather than the average citizen.

We’ve got the most expensive, least effective health care system in the world compared to other western, industrialized nations.

Nearly one out of every three American children live in poverty, ranking us among the worst in the developed world.

Patrolled by police, our schools have become little more than quasi-prisons in which kids as young as age 4 are being handcuffed for “acting up,” subjected to body searches and lockdowns, and suspended for childish behavior.

We’re no longer innocent until proven guilty. In our present surveillance state, that burden of proof has now been shifted so that we are all suspects to be spied on, searched, scanned, frisked, monitored, tracked and treated as if we’re potentially guilty of some wrongdoing or other.

Parents, no longer viewed as having an inherent right to raise their children as they see fit, are increasingly being arrested for letting their kids walk to the playground alone, or play outside alone. Similarly, parents who challenge a doctor’s finding or request a second opinion regarding their children’s health care needs are being charged with medical child abuse and, in a growing number of cases, losing custody of their children to the government.

Private property means little at a time when SWAT teams and other government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, wound or kill you, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family. Likewise, if government officials can fine and arrest you for growing vegetables in your front yard, praying with friends in your living room, installing solar panels on your roof, and raising chickens in your backyard, you’re no longer the owner of your propert

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

President Obama's Speech Lost Touch with Reality

The President’s state of the Union speech pretty much completely lost touch with reality.  The speech could roughly be divided into quarters.  The speech began at 6:12 and ended right at 7:12 and the tempo of the speech was fast and furious as the President ran down this long wish list of items appallingly lacking in specifics.  The first part of the speech was a real pep rally touting his great accomplishments with the economy over the past six years.  Never mind the republicans rightly point out gigantic flaws in these statistics.  Then the wish list started.  He spoke of “tax hikes for the wealthy” but didn’t give a figure, or what type of tax he wants raised and why he picked the number he did.  I thought the unearned income rate was fifteen percent but some people have said it was raised to twenty-three percent, which seems high enough to me if true.  The President wants the unearned income figure to be at 28% which is where it was under Ronald Reagan in 1986 but the President never pointed this out.  But there was endless talk about health care and paid time for sick leave and free junior college education for all- no matter what it costs.  He kept unveiling new program after new program.  Apparently the President wants free child care accross America.  That's completely absurd.  What does he think this is- - Sweden?  Then he got on to foreign policy at a quarter to seven.  He spent more time on relations with foreign countries than usual saying pretty much what everybody wanted to hear.  But there were no substantitive changes announced.  I guess he’s happy with the past six years.  He kept talking about “turning the page” but I have not seen any “pages” turn, or any indication personally that the past six and a half years are a thing of the past.  The final minutes of the speech were for personal insights and kind of philosophizing, and kind of a “can’t we all just get along” moment.   ABC news pretty much ripped into the president’s speech.  Then Joanie Earnst spoke starting about fifteen minutes after the President finished.  She obviously read from a teleprompter and kept up that big smile and the flashy hairdo and really was better at connecting with the American people.  She kept using the phrase “This new republican congress that you elected- - cares about the problems of average Americans”.   I think for the “Average American” this approach was more in touch with reality then the dizzying wish list of the President.  Keep in mind not one time did the President ever mention the fact that his party lost big in November, but carried on with the speech as though the democrats had won everything.  And I will say the applause was spirited.

But I think it’s time to discuss “What was left out of the biscuits”.   This is an Everett Dirkson term for a response to one of Lyndon Johnson’s speech, where Dirkson points out all the relevant matters that were left OUT of the speech.  In fact there were SO many items left OUT of the President’s speech entirely last night, it’s doubtful I’ll get to all of them in this paragraph. First of all the President skirted around the issue of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement.  He says “Well, these agreements haven’t worked out so good before but trust me on this one”.   He never even used the phrase “Trans pacific partnership” because he knows what a red flag it is for congress.  The president said nothing about drug companies and now the FDA is drug pusher in chief working with doctors to poeddle new drugs.  He never mentioned negotiating down prices for medication like the VA has.  I personally would have said that Americans are way over-medicated to begin with.  The President never said a thing about Wall Street corruptions.  And for all his talk about personal debt he never proposed that average Americans should once again as prior to 1986 be able to deduct the interest they pay in their 18% to 24% credit card fees, or reducing the interest burden from six percent to three percent for student loans.  Most importantly the President never said a thing about gun proliferation.  And the President never came out squarely and said he would veto the Keystone XL Pipeline.  And frankly a few reminders of the damage oil pollution has done to America’s heartland- - wouldn’t be at all out of place here.  The President never attacked the whole money thing of political donations or lobbyists in congress.  And the President never talked about a favorite Johnson topic of - - urban renewal- - - or speak of the financial screwing over cities like Detroit have gotten.  And there’s another obvious thing the President never discussed and that is the impending twenty percent cut in disability benefits for the poor.  And while he was at it- - I would have mentioned the Post Office- - and how it got screwed over by the congress of ten years ago saying the Post Office had to be funded 75 years in advance.  I never heard any specific recommendation that the $115,000 cap on FICA be lifted to fix the long term problem with Social Security.  

 I listened to Rush Limbaugh.  His words on the President’s speech were prophetic.  Rush said that the President would disregard reality and stick to his liberal agenda because that’s “all he knows how to do”.   And Rush rather mockingly played all of these drive by media references to the President’s speech being a foundation for Hillary’s run for President next year.  Rush thinks this idea is nonsense.  After listening to the President’s speech, I think the drive by media may have a point.   I'm wondering if these are all FOX news stations.  There was one line about the economy about "This year the Easter bunny won't have the same spring in his step" that was picked up by about fifteen different news outlets- - and one late night comedian played them all.  Now you have proof that some central script writers writes all the so called "local news".  People think liberals want a disstant centralized government.  Not me.  I think cities should do what cities do best and States (Hello, Governor Snyder) should not interfere with them.  States should do what states do best on matters such as gay marriage and abortion, and the Federal government should just keep its hands out.  In terms of President Obama wanting a high speed European style internet- - that's ten times faster and subsedized by the government - - some states have specific laws barring such a public internet.  The first thing we need to do is just to make sure we have internet neutrality and leave it at that.  Yes the internet is a common carrier.  But the government's place is to function as traffic cop, and not Uncle Sugar.  Eveybody doesn't need to have 300 megahertz internet speed. 

 The Patriots have this under inflated football scandal now.   There was an Indy Colt that intercepted a ball and it felt soft to him so he had the coach look at it.  And they did an investigation and eleven out of the twelve footballs used in this play-off game were under inflated by at least two pounds.   But of course it won't neccetate the re "litigation" of the football game itself.  The results of the game stand.  The Federation had no stake on the AFC outcome anyhow.  At this point we would rather Seattle facing New England than we would be the Colts.  The Federation regards the tone of President Obama's speech delivery as a major victory.  To them it doesn't matter whether anything will get passed or not.  To them it's victory enough that the Republicans just have to sit politely and listen to it all.   In soap news- - Victor Kiriacus needs to grow a pair fast because Clyde Weston has done an amazing job at emasculating this industry titan.  Maybe Victor should visit Stephanie's gynocologist to see if his gonads are capable of producing anything other than dust balls. The previous conversation was bad enough- - but nobody talks to Victor Kiriacus the way Clyde Weston did yesterday without wearing cement shoes at the bottom of the river.  I think Maggie as a mafia wife needs to learn certain truths really quickly.  This guy can't be allowed to get away with the bullshit he's been pulling either on the Di Miras or Titan Industries.  Somebody needs to put this Poppler Bluff hillbilly in his place- - fast.

Turkey and Greece have similar economies in that both rely on tourism to a large extent.  But the Turkish lira is a lot cheaper so that tourists would much rather spend their vacation money in Turkey where their dollar goes a lot farther than in Greece, which still uses the Euro because they are tied to the EEC.  Greece has been pretty messed over by the European Economic Community and if they went back to the Drachma, they would right their ship of their economy and get it going again.   President Netenyahoo has been personally invited by John Boehner to speak before congress.  The idea is to lobby the bill the Republicans are pushing- - to implement new economic sanctions against Iran.  I heard Obama mention these sanctions last night but apparently- - according to Thom Hartmann- - these new sanctions would torpedo the progress we have made getting Iran’s Nukes under control.  Hartman claims John Boehner wants to torpedo this whole “datente” with Iran as part of Boehner’s overall drive these past six years to destroy the Obama Presidency.    This move of John Boehner breaks long term protocol where only the President can invite a foreign dignitary to speak.  It was John Boehner who requested that Netenyahoo speak on the subject of Iranian Nukes.  Using a foreign dignitary to get a partisan bill passed is just beyond the pale.  We have Joanie Ernst- - and her “poor boy” act.  If that’s the case how did she get so rich now?  Her family has received $450,000 worth in farm subsedies by the United States government, so I don’t want to hear any of this talk about making due with plastic bags over your shoes on rainy days to keep out the water.   There is something extremely phoney about Joanie Ernst.   I would like to talk about this whole meme put forth by the Republicans about how 38% of the taxes in this country are paid by the top one percent.  First let’s correct the figure for federal income tax only.  The figure is “between 33% and 36%.   But this is only for Federal Income tax.   But most money held by the rich is in unearned income.  The rich “acquire” income, but it can hardly be said that they “earn” it.    I thought that the unearned income tax was still frozen at fifteen percent like Warren Buffet talked about.  If it had been raised to 23% like some liberals said, you’d think I’ve have heard about it because it would be real news. And if it had been raised we’d be pulling in a whole lot more tax money in now.  It’s a well known that John Boehner drinks Murlow.  The question is- - people saw some liquid in the old 1810 ink well at the speaker’s podium.  Was their vodka in it?

Monday, January 19, 2015

My Latest Five Point Constitutional Reform Plan

We need a constitutional amendment spelling out in no uncertain terms what the Federal Reserve can and cannot do.  

We need another constitutional amendment doing something about the US Senate and doing away with the electoral college.  Both have become achronistic in this day and age. 

We need another constitutional amendment striking down Citizen’s United and also funding political campaigns publicly.  You need the proper leageleze to spell this out properly to make it binding.

We need another constitutional amendment protecting whistle blowers.  We need major protections for whistle blowers and major sanctions for people who persecute them by way of retaliation.  

We need another constitutional amendment that says restates eminent domain rights more emphatically in favor of the land owners, strengthening their appeal rights, and making it a lot harder, or perhaps impossible, for private corporations to benefit from making use of this provision.  

These are jinxy times and due to the longness of this posting, I can't bore you with things in my personal life that have cropped up in all directions that have demonstrated this jinxiness.  Tomorrow is the State of the Union message and it's the President's time to shine and get the undivided attention of the American people for an hour and some-odd minutes once a year.  But something within me thinks that the Republicans are not going to just "let the president" give the speech he wants to with all of those goodies in it for the poor and disadvantaged without somehow making a spectical of themselves on national television just like they did with the 'You Lie!" remark.  They are going to do something off the wall and embarrassing.  I just don't know what it is yet.  Sometimes it's reassuring to go back to earlier times to look at how liberals and those crusading for human rights were able to achieve their successes of the past.  Thom Hartmann had this Black woman at nine with some very factual material about the civil rights movement.  She said the thing wrong with the “Mississippi Burning” movie was that it was too pro FBI.  The thing wrong with the “Lincoln” movie is obvious.  They say Lincoln wasn’t really that big on liberating the Black man but everything the President did (just like Obama) was for political experiancy. In this sense “Selma” is an authentic civil rights movement movie made by the people who were actually involved in the events unfolding in early 19065.   OK, she’s got my vote.  I learned from a Malcolm X source that Malcolm grew closer to Dr King late in his life and expressed "concordance" with his goals.  Dr King from his end of the deal agreed with Malcolm that his emphasis on Violence was understandable seeing the urban environment in which he grew up.  And another source said that Martin Luther King regarded Northerners in Chicago suburbs as MORE racist than they ever were in the South.  In stead of just a few hot heads in a coffee shop mouthing off, it would be tides of people running out and demonstrating to keep Martin Luther King out of their neighborhoods.  This thing on C-Span covered the Civil Rights movement from the death of Martin Luther King on up to about 1990.   It’s amazing as I watched it how the Holiday was passed into law in October of 1986 and yet people say it wasn’t officially celebrated till 1986.  This means Reagan’s second Inaugural in the cold - - indoors in Jan of 1985 - - was a no holiday day even though January 21st 1985 was the third Sunday in January.  I remember that weekend as a sullen overcast weekend where we watched the Super Bowl at Nick and Tina’s.  It was the last time the Super Bowl was ever celebrated so early, either in time of year, or time of game start.  But after this there was a whole raft of new Civil Rights legislation passed.  They said there were no racial riots of any significance between 1968 and 1980 and then between 1980 and the 1992 ones in Los Angeles.  The 1980 race riots were in Miami.  My memory isn’t clear on that.   It’s so funny how the right wingers were weak then compared to the juggernaut hold on the party and the whole country that they have now, when no progressive bill has a prayer of passage.  Do voting rights for minorities work?   Johnson's landslide victory over Goldwater was in 1964 before the voting rights bill was passed, and after the Blacks were enfranchized with the Vote, Humphrey failed to win the Presidential election in 1968.  It should also be noted that after the Youth got the vote in 1972 that Richard Nixon defeated George Mc Govern in a landslide election.

The loss of Green Bay to Seattle today was to be expected.  But the way it happened is what’s exasperating.  They played to a tie in regulation and in the old days that’s how the game would have ended.  There are any number of ways Green Bay could have and should have won this game.  It was pointed one during one of the many Green Bay interceptions, that this guy catches the ball and just stops - - goes down, instead of keep on running.  Green bay actually had real forward drives early in the game.  One of these stalled on the one - - yard line, and they had to settle for a field goal.  But that’s four points they didn’t get.  First of all they were ahead sixteen to nothing for a long stretch of this game.  The Sea Hawks really didn’t get their offence going till less than five minutes to play.  But when they did they scored three touchdowns within a space of about three minutes, and if you count overtime the scoring was rapid indeed.   In the first place overtime periods are usually defensive battles.  Not today.  Seattle in two long plays scored with total ease ending the game.  Seattle always made the key plays and long passes when they needed them.  If it’s third and nineteen, they’ve got a 29 yard play up their sleeve.  In their first score with just under four minutes to go the quarterback stepped out of bounds a couple of times, delaying the inevitable.  The Sea Hawks scored again at 2:09, which they pointed out made it under the two minute warning, so they would get a free time out, which is good news to a team that only has one.  But then they risked it all on an on side kick where if they failed their field position would completely suck.  But get the on-side kick and they scored that touchdown, their third in three minutes.   But then they go for the two point play and are pushed way back on the field but they throw a long pass, and this Green Bay player has a good shot at the ball but did nothing but let the Sea Hawk catch it.  This kept Green Bay from winning on a field goal so the score was tied.  And of course Green Bay wins the coin toss in overtime and the rest is history.  The Patriots and the Colts are playing now but I think the outcome of this game is likewise pre-ordained, pouring rain or not.   (In Foxboro)

I had “48 hours” on CBS after briefly having it on something else.  KCOP had the hockey game between the Ducks and the Kings and I watched a good portion of that after nine.  But this CBS crime thing featured this murderous Pastor.  One guy was suspected of being murdered but that turned out to be suicide.  But this pastor had “buried” two previous wives in 1998 and 2007 or so, not that many years apart.  The first one “had a heart attack while vacuuming the stairway with a hand held vacuum cleaner”.  Medical evidence suggests she didn’t have any heart attack.  The second victim named Betty (?) and the Pastor had this accident on the road where it was claimed the car spun around wildly bouncing them around.  But the Pastor didn’t have a scratch on him and the passenger was a bloodied pulp in dire need of medical intervention.  A passer by saw them there and the Pastor showed no interest in calling 911 so the passer by did that himself.  The pastor’s whole demeanor was strange.  But then he immediately had his second wife cremated even though cremation was against her wishes.  Nobody was suspicious.  This is true even though there were no skid marks on the highway and it was such a slow speed impact that the air bags didn’t even deploy.  In the cases of both wives though, their heads were a bloodied mess and both women died of head and brain trauma as though they had been beaten savagely with a blunt object.  The Pastor was fingered by the cops on the second murder because blood matching his second wife was found in the garage.  There was a whole trail of it and it stopped right where she would be placed in the car.  There were also a lot of blood spots under her seat.  The Pastor also said “Me and my wife played a game to see how long she could wait before putting her seat belt on.  Friends of the second wife had stated that Betty (?) always religiously wore seat belts.  Meanwhile the guy is going after wife number three named Cindy.  Cindy’s daughter named Selma or Savannah or something- - was always distrustful of the Pastor.  But the daughters from the first marriage steadfastly supporter their Pastor father.  Of course the guy was convicted by a jury in ninety minutes for the second murder and got a life sentence.  He then pleased ‘No Contest” to the murder of his first wife.

Rhetorical overkill is one of my pet peves, no matter whether the left or the right does it.  Some liberals hate the idea of Robert E Lee being honored in Virginia.  Lee was a patriot and he was the grandson of one of George Washington's favorite luitennants.  Lee got one of the highest grade averages at West Point, I am told.  He thought of himself as an American and when Virginia seceded, initially he didn't know what to do.  And yet some liberals say "Well, President Andrew Johnson should have hung him for treason".  This remark is completely uncalled for.  Likewise I have no problem with people tacking up the Confederate flag on the wall of their den if they have a lot of ancestors who fought in the Civil War, by way of honoring them.  I see the Confederate Flag as a historical item, nothing more.  Some people use rhetorical overkill when it comes to God, giving sermon hearers the impression that God is in fact "Mad at them" when in fact He is not.  For instance people routinely say stuff is IN the Bible that is nowhere to be found.  Like the story of Abraham destroying his father Terah's idols.  Not in the Bible.  In fact we don't even know that it was an Apple that Adam and Eve ate.  Many think it was a pomagranite.  The Belief has become popular that this guy "Eli" was the "father in law" of Joseph, father of Jesus.  Nothing in the text suggests however that any of Mary's paternal liniage is mentioned.  And the belief has become popular that Jesus didn't heal that palseyed man at the fountain because "He just liked to hang out there with all his friends who had AIDS and didn't want to repent".   There is one thing I heard quoted from the Bible that I'm almost certain is not in the Bible.  I have sure never seen it.  It involved the racial origens of the Sameritans.  Any time someone is going to inform you about "racial origens" you're dealing with a died in the wool Racist.   But apparently this mongralized group of people were so mixed up from being in captivity so long that the Babylonians themselves who knew Judahism came and taught the people of the land how to please the Jewish God, so they wouldn't be eaten by wild beasts or something.  But why this makes God a racist is because these Sameritans were into endogamy - - marrying within their own race, like West Virginia.  And after a while the entire race became mentally retarded and is now almost extinct as a race.  You know the social darwinists are having a good yukk over this one.  And their great SIN oddly is not "Straying from the belief in Jehovah" because this they never did.  They followed his precepts scrupulusly.  But it wasn't enough to save them.  One can only infer that somehow God was somehow Offended with their racial origens.

The single released by the Beatles in December of 1965 - - "Day Tripper" and "We Can Work It Out" is the last single where you could say it was a team composition effort.  John played the Harmonium on "We Can Work It Out" and John also played tambourine in "Day Tripper".   We have just a bit of Beatle related Federation news.  On that Best of Mc Cartney compilation late last June- - we are making a substitution.  I learned that I personally was jinxed by the presence of one song from an album Mal Evans has personally banned from ever being heard in the Federation, and also one that Linda "Just couldn't bring herself to listening to because all the lyrics are just too ironic".  It's a case of "Same old song, but a different meaning since you've been gone".   Well now the offending song is Gone - - and replaced with another track.  I said "Don't do anything on my account" and they said "There is no need to worry yourself one minute longer; the deed is done.  The song is gone and "Mumbo" is the song we picked to replace it.  This will mean that "Wild Life" is now represented by three songs.  "Mumbo" was one of the songs on the previous Mc Cartney anthology several years back- - that got dropped in the modernization.  Now it's back.  My hunch is "Mumbo" got a lot of requests.  I am informed I shouldn't even name the offending album, but generally it has been "panned" by the Federation.

I had a confused dream how I went out with Judy in the morning to give some business form to someone (government?) but Judy had other plans and I was traveling around with her much of the day like a little puppy dog.  Eventually I said I’d take the bus home, which in this dream meant my apartment at Lincoln and Knott.  We were in Fullerton at the time, and somehow I wound up at Brookhurst Jr High and there was some kind of convention going there held on a school day with students around.  I got in conversations with various old ladies (much as I dare use that word now).  I walked southward along the east hall by the Principal’s office and note they’d gotten rid of rooms one and maybe two at the extreme southeast of the campus and they’d relocated the gymnasium there and I looked tword the corner and marveled at how much land was out there.  “We’re a lot farther away from the street than I thought.  I remember one scene how that irrigation canal at Brookhurst and Crescent was like a raging river from the recent rains and it had trash floating in it.  But I made my way west (at one point I was riding on a bus that made a jog north to La Palma since it was the 38.  Now headed west there was this ocean and I believed I’d stopped at an open air café to eat- - and there was this fence and I saw these big waves coming and I figured they’d get us but for the most part nobody got wet at all, but then the water level lowered and I noticed that the whole thing was just a giant car wash.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is It Possible to Get Rid of Big Brother?

Clearly our criminal system in this country is racist and "drug phobiac" in particular.  Since the "War on Drugs" the ammount of people in prison has skyrocketed, and the percentage of Blacks among those prisoners has skyrocketed and Blacks routinely serve five or more times as many years for a given drug crime than a White will for the same Crime.  It used to be said that drug usage among Blacks and whites was about equal.  But it now seems that Black drug usage has gone down more than white drug usage, and so this only increases the bias in prison sentences.  They say that the United States has four percent of the population but 25% of all the Prisoners in the world's population are right here in the United States.  You've perhaps heard that we have more people in Prison in this country on an absolute numerical basis, than they do in China with its billions.   There are more Black people in the prison system now than there were Negro slaves in 1850 ten years before the civil war began.  So I advise you all to read Washington's Blog on this issue.  It's only Unfortunate that I cannot in any way agree with the lead blog at the time of this writing criticizing the PBS documentary on Vladimor Putin.   I may sympathize with Blacks, but I'm still an American, and I know a foreign, dangerous Despot when I see one.  And Vladimir Putin is a dangerous despot.

Before we get to the terrorist part of this blog posting let's talk about Christianity a bit.  I told you a large motivation in the creation of Christianity were out of work Jewish priests.  Nobody will ever tell me what happened to all these Jewish Priests once the Romans destroyed the Jew's religious infra-structure.  They just didn't float away to a magical land.  I have spoken of the Syrian Church - - obviously in the second century I'd say after 110 AD and before 140 AD or so - - - where they needed to come up with a narritive.  It was someone who said that Ronald Reagan succeeded politically because he had a narritive.  And indeed the federal government is pushing a Terrorism narritive we are still suffering the weight of with things like the Patriot Act.  If you read First Peter and Hebrews, the two most suspect books in the entire New Testament in my opinion, you see this whole Blood Sacrifice thing played out.  We need Sin and we need a Ceremony and we need a Sacrifice of some sort.  We need the guilt that these sort of sacrificial rituals engender.  And we also need for there to be someone like a Priest or a Pontiff to reverence as an infallible beacon to look to in times of doubt.  In other words we want all the trappings of the Jewish religion - - without being Jewish.  In fact as far as possible - - we need to purge anything genuinely Jewish out of the Faith.  Of course this Christianization not only went on with the Jewish Temple sacrifices redefined, but also pagan ceremonies, such as Easter Eggs and the Yule Log, and re-igniting the Sun every winter solistis.  So we too need our "gift giving season" - - - and we need a tragedy to equal the tragedy of the death of Baccus killed by a wild boar, and all of that.  Just as the Bush government made Islamic Terrorism the enemy, the Christian religion needs to make Death itself the enemy, and we need to declare "War on Death" and fan the flames of the fear of death and fear of a possible afterlife any way we can, in order to control the people.


"Romulans are Digital - We are Analog"  and some would say "Men are from Mars- Women are from Venus"   Methmeticians divide numbers first into Digital - - and Real, though they usually use the terms of Rational verses Real numbers.   Here's a deep dark secret about Real numbers - - pssst - don't tell anybody.  Real numbers are REAL.  Once that fact soaks in an amazing ammount of mental clarity follows,   Real numbers can be Digitized.  It's not that easy to make a Real number out of a Digital number.  Any non incrypted signal - - - can be digitized - - such that an Analog system can still read it.  Since Analog represents the Real world this is NATURAL creation ie of the non GMO variety.  Man though had made things that could never exist in nature- - such as the digital encoding- - - warp of space to make it "non co planar".   Something that is non co-planar doesn't register on the RADAR screen - - litterally.  It doesn't register any place else either.  Digital entities- - such as encrypted codes - - can only work with the identical encryption key.  Strangely Leo said that he likes Open Sourced encryption coding because that was "You can see the code and read it and assure yourself that there is no "Back door" to it".   It's funny how all these cloak and dagger movies feature a "back door" of one nature or another.  Hence Romulans can cloak themselves so that only other Romulans with the same encryption key can see them.  What our Government has to face with reading computer code- - the Romulan government has to face with basically even "seeing" you.  And keep in mind either RADAR or infra-red or any other detection equipment is useless.  Whatever gets propagated OUT - - is Digitized.  Whatever gets propagated IN - - you can see just fine - - because it's analog.  Technically - - - it's analog along a certain fourth dimensional plane.  Romulans can't really depart from that plane.  Only God can do that.  But they can warp it so that it can't be seen except by somebody with the same space-warp encryption code.  So heat propagated out can't be seen.  And gravity propagated out can't be seen.  Hence warped Romulan space is NOT "Dark Matter".  You may ask "Can you cloak an entire orbiting planet and yet the Sun not be cloaked to any but the planet?"   No - - you don't need to cloak the star or Sun- - all you need do is cloak the Planet.  You see the gravitational field the planet is in- - comes from the Sun.  That gravity is analog so the planet is affected by it.  The only thing that would not be perceived would be - - no space ship traveling near the planet (or through the planet for that matter) would in any way be affected by the planet's gravity- - because that gravity has been code incrypted.  Capish?

Terrorists, Counter-Terror “Experts”, and Governments Are All Motivated to Cover Up the Facts
Experts say that terrorists are strongly motivated – for two reasons – to exaggerate their abilities to inflict damage:

(1) Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims”. So terrorists exaggerate their destructive abilities in order to increase intimidation and push their aims and

(2) The more damage people believe that a terrorist group has inflicted, the more donations and funding they will receive from radical extremists. Specifically, radicals are more likely to fund terrorists who are “effective” in inflicting damage than those who can’t pull off murder and mayhem

So terrorists want to exaggerate how much damage they’ve actually inflicted.

Likewise, the type of counter-terror experts who frequently appear on the mainstream news are motivated to hype the terror threat, because it drums up business for them.

The more scared of terrorism people are, the more books they’ll sell on terrorism, the more people will pay them to give talks on terrorism, and the more they’ll be asked to appear on mainstream news. Sothey don’t want you to know the real statistics on terror, either.

And the government has also exaggerated the threat of terrorism for political purposes (literally seeing a terrorist under every bush). For example, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, a top constitutional and military law expert, Time magazine, the Washington Post and others have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power”. Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge admitted that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection. The threat from Islamic terrorists – while real – has been greatly exaggerated. Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski – also a top foreign policy advisor to President Obama – told the Senate that the war on terror is a “a mythical historical narrative”.

Indeed, the government justifies its geopolitical goals – including seizing more power at home, and overthrowing Syria in 1949, Iran in 1953, Iraq twice, Afghanistan twice, Turkey, Libya, and other oil-rich countries – by hyping the terror menace. So the government wants you to be scared out of your pants by the risk of terrorism.

So what are the real terrorism facts? The actual statistics are stunning:
Daniel Benjamin – the Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the United States Department of State from 2009 to 2012 – notes today (at 10:22):

The total number of deaths from terrorism in recent years has been extremely small in the West. And the threat itself has been considerably reduced. Given all the headlines people don’t have that perception; but if you look at the statistics that is the case.
Indeed, you’re much more likely to be killed by brain-eating parasites, texting while driving, toddlers, lightning, falling out of bed, alcoholism, food poisoning, a financial crash, obesity, medical errors or “autoerotic asphyxiation” than by terrorists
Despite the horror, there have actually been very few terror attacks in Europe
Non-Muslims have carried out the vast majority of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil
Non-Muslims also carried out the vast majority of terrorist attacks in Europe as well
The overwhelming majority of victims of Muslim terror attacks are – in fact – Muslims
The “War on Terror” has been counter-productive, and only increased the terrorism problem
Governments have admitted that many terror attacks around the world have actually been carried out by government forces and blamed on their enemies, as a way to justify war or other objectives. Indeed, Saudi Arabia – America’s closest Arab ally – and the U.S. are arguably the world’s largest sponsors of terrorism

Postscript: While terrorists, counter-terror “experts” and governments are trying to scare the pants off you, the truth is that – if we refuse to be terrorized – we win and the terrorists lose.

We Believe Whatever The Media Wants Us to Believe

Washington's blog states that government surveilance makes you LESS secure.  This is one of those counter intuitive propositions that started me to thinking.  Perhaps it's because these security companies give the government a "back door" to get in.  And of course if the government knows about this back door, it's not long before everybody else does too.  Real smart.  Leo Le Port says that France is using these terrorist incidents to crack down on computer privacy.  Bones for one chimed in instantly on how "It's wrong for ANY government to say that I'm not entitled to have a private, personal conversation with a friend of mine, whose details won't be propagated".   It's a simple concept because in this day and gave we've lost sight of what they used to refer to as human tact and decency.   They used to say that Religion was the Opiate of the people.  Now we need to update that.  I firmly that nowadays - - the Media is the Opiate of the People.  We'll go into this trance like state and say "Yes, government - take all civil liberties - - I don't need them

Hal Sparks was talking about gays on his program and he raised an interesting point that I guess I’d never quite thought of that way before.  He says the reason why these “homophobes” (and I still don’t like that word) are afraid of gay marriage and such and how “It removes the “guard rails” and boundaries from society- - is because the speakers themselves have gay proclivities - - leanings in that direction - - that they’ve repressed.  And if somehow, just like with pot legalization would lead to everybody being stoned all the time - - so legalization gay marriage the “legitimization of deviant conduct” would cause these men to go wild and start propositioning every young, attractive man they could find.   Clearly heterosexual marriage is legal but you don’t find me sexually propositioning the female staff in here all the time even though a lot of them are young and attractive and single.  There was another truth I gleaned from Washington’s blog- - that I personally had been aware of but most people are not.  The best way to insure the success of something is NOT to look at other success stories as much as it is to look at failures and WHY things didn’t work out.  For instance - - communism.  Back in May of 1976 I coined the term “Darwinistic Calvinism”, so I was aware even then.   They call it “survivors bias” in the blog- - which is something you’ll note in every Christian testimony or story in a message by Paul Harvey or Robert Schuller.   They take the flook and declare it normalcy.  There was another thing I was going to write on yesterday I chose not to- - and this is the way the media covers the same news story for weeks till you’re more than sick of it.  They did this with the immigration thing with the women and children last June crossing the border.  They did it with ISIS.  They did it with Ebola.  After the election they began doing it with Holiday shopping.  Every day you’d find some new shopping day commemorated- - be it Cyber Monday or Gray Thursday or a certain Saturday.   This is right wing propaganda because you’ll remember after the 9 – 11 and Anthrax in the mail crises we had, President Bush told us the solution to it was to “go shopping”.   It’s like some tacky discordant note- - like a James Taylor song from 1970 everyone is sick of- - used to promote warm and fuzzy feelings toward the French that Sean Hannity was talking about the other day.   But as far as the media is concerned there always has to be “a crisis”.  For weeks on end it was that New York policemen shooting.  We heard about that one for weeks.   Now it’s the rash of terrorist attempts in the wake of that whole Paris thing.  These terrorist attacks are coming in countries all over Europe and even in America with some guy who wanted to attack the Capitol and mow congressmen down with a machine gun.   The case in Belgian case seems to be the most dangerous where people were going to wear police uniforms and infiltrate unseen where they can better set bombs perhaps “hours away from acting”.  They’ll do anything to keep us voting Republican.

Today is Saturday January 17, 2015 and it’s also the 21st anniversary of the Northridge earthquake.  That whole period in 1994 was one of abnormally warm and dry weather.  I have noted a change lately in what constitutes a “heat wave”.   This morning at dawn they announced it was 49 degrees and that we were in the middle of the heat wave.  More and more people are beginning to measure our weather here against the COLD of the rest of the nation.  Today is also St Sulpice day, which according to Bones is the worship of the demon Asmodeus, or “the keeper of secrets”.  OK.   Yesterday morning Paul Evans told us that Steve Young was found that morning dead in his bathroom.  At dinner last night Yadera put down such talk saying that Steve was only in for observation.  This morning Loretta Hill said ‘Is Steve Young dead”.  Paul repeated his initial claim however after breakfast saying that yesterday morning Steve Young had a fatal heart attack and Laurie and others were saying what a nice guy Steve Young was.  I remarked how the cat liked him because he fed her.  (It was the best praise I could come up with)  But the other “departure” news of the day is even more jarring in my book.  Lishia Buckley is leaving here.  She said to me that she’s going into a locked facility on Tuesday because her mom is putting her in there “because I got into trouble”.   I don’t know what that means, but sensed it might not be wise to ask.  Lishia hasn’t been wearing her glasses at all lately - - and I asked about that and she says that she got super-glue all over the lenses.  That would do it.   Lishia first showed up here on a sunny afternoon the first Friday in January of 2013, two years ago.  No need in saying everybody will miss her.  I hope she gets to see Dr Levy one more time.

Jerry Sandusky died thinking that his one hundred wins for Penn State or whatever were wiped off the books.  Now those one hundred wins have been reinstated, which I think is a pretty good idea.  I see no reason to penalize all of the good players at Penn State for what one rotten apple did.  People aren’t sure how to react to all this sexual stuff nowadays.  Sometimes they over-react; sometimes they under-react, and then try to beef up a “Sentence” later on.  In other sports news- - they are banning cheese from some island in Puget Sound where the Sea Hawks work out or something.   The Federation has stated that the GB Packers are going to be the NFC representatives at this year’s super bowl.  It would be a good way for the Federation to restore their credibility.  Of course Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are Sea Hawks partisans.  And the question is whether the Lakers should let Colby Bryant go permanent, or hope for a miracle.

The news seems to be dominated by odd-ball stuff like stray wild animal news.  There have been two alligator stories in the past two days.  And personally I think traffic and weather news takes up too large a portion of the news.  They have police crime blotter news.  But some stories are really head scratchers.  They talked about a “Trans sexual married couple” where the kids have to find out that “Mommy has a penis”.  They said this “couple” has had children naturally and I’m wondering how.  Do they both have surgically manufactured sexual organs of the other sex?  Then there is the case where a ten and six year old brother and sister were arrested by the Police just for walking down the street on the way home from a trip to the local Park, which is a mile away.  In this town if you see “children walking alone” it’s suspicious or something.  I don’t get it.  What am I missing?  What about kids walking home from school?  But the parents are regarded as oddballs for wanting to raise “free range children”.  (?)   And the Academy Award nominations came out on Thursday.  The complaint this year is that there is “No diversity”.  There were no Blacks for best actor or actress, and there were no female nominations for best director.  You’ve no doubt noticed that all the War movies in the past ten years or so have been pro war movies.  They are about heroes doing impressive things.  The idea that anybody would ever put out a movie saying that our recent wars are wrong- - is unthinkable.

More evidence accumulates that maybe I have a cateract, at least in my left eye.  Because when I go to sleep at night sometimes I look with just one eye and then the other at the things in the room after I’ve turned out the light.  And now I see objects better with my right eye than my left.  I’ve been trying to figure this out.  It could have something to do with the position of the lamp when I reach over and turn it off at night- - usually using my left hand- - and my left eye is looking right at this lamp, which is lower than my other lamp and often I’m staring right down at the light bulb.  But in the morning I’m more inclined to turn on that hall light when I’m looking through my closet for something to wear.  It didn’t used to matter whether I had a good light on or not.  But now I turn it on.  Also back in the days when I was looking for cigarette butts at night I’ve begun noticing that it’s harder to tell what’s in the ash trays when it’s dark and there are no lights nearby.  It could be lack of Vitamin A, but it could be a cateract or two.   I need to remember other things - like quitting smoking.  I also am irregular about using that special super fluoride toothpaste.  I need to mention also that after a month and a half that those calling card numbers he gave me don’t work.  I looked for these numbers in the stack of papers- - and the local access number, which is on a different page.  I found these.   I almost had an appointment with Paul’s eye doctor in October of 2013, which is when I got my current phone, and around the time Chuck Smith died.  I had KNX radio on and heard the President’s Saturday address, which was really short.  Speeches with personal “testimonies” are the coward’s way out, in my opinion.  Because you don’t have to put as much planning into the actual substance of the speech itself.  I turned on KNX when I got up- - and got my medication around six thirty- - and then began rummaging through my papers- - and then left for the liquor store just before seven, where I got my dollar coffee from that lady.  We had oatmeal for breakfast, followed by scrambled eggs and toast and butter and jelly. 

They covered the latest Christie news blowing up at the local press corpse who was locked out of coverage of a key meeting.  And all the higher ups whose opinions count, don’t want Mitt Romney running for President.  Meanwhile newly elected Iowa Senator Joanie Eearnst will be biging the Republican response to the State of the Union address.  This assignment has proved jinxy for previous Republicans such as Marco Rubio’s famous “water glass” reach.  If the Supreme Court gives the thumbs up on nation-wide gay marriage, it may signal for all of the republican candidate running not to make gayness an issue in 2016.  While watching Chris Matthews, Terry Hill showed up and I gave him an accounting of my work to find the snail mail addresses of all the Republican governors.  I told him I had a listing of all the Republican governors, and he said “Just give me that list”.  It’s too bad Terry doesn’t have E mail.   Terry is moving this big, motorized message easy chair his Father used- - (Dave Hill died in December of 1999) and Terry says “My dad chose the path of least resistance” and he admonished me and Bill never to take the path of least resistance when we get old.   OK.  Terry had a store bought package of good chocolate chip cookies for us.  Terry didn’t stay long.  I went out for coffee break.  I just had one cup.  Louise and Lishia prayed together about avoiding a locked facility, and Louise led Lishia in the sinner’s prayer.  I’m not a one to discount faith and prayer.  If I am to be in error, I would rather be in error in praying with someone who askede- - and the prayer failed- - rather than to resist a move of the Lord, where He chose to act on an issue and I was on the wrong side.   Buffering problems uniquely accompany “Hardball” episodes.