Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Democrat's Troubles Are Only Beginning

It comes as no surprise that I think the democrats are in deep doo doo about now.  You’ve had muscle cramps.  Have you ever had a cramp in your bowell?  One where you think you have to go really bad like you’re trying to pass a brick through your colon, and then you realize that you didn’t have to go at all, but it was just a bad muscle cramp.  They say childbirth is one of the most painful of experiences.  Muscles on occasion then, can “act up”.  And congress has a lot of hypothetical powers granted to it through congress.  One of these is the power to impeach Supreme Court justices and I only hoped that the democrats would have employed THIS power when they had control on certain justices like Clarence Thomas.  I’d like to post facto impeach Justice Louis Powell, who issued the Powell memo during the Nixon administration in 1971 just before he was nominated to the bench.  They say Powell wrote the Buckley verses Vellejo decision which was the first step to making corporations into people, saying that spending your OWN money was “free speech”, an argument that, unfortunately, I bought into at the time, but no longer.  Congress “hypothetically” invites the President to speak before a joint session of congress in things like the State of the Union speech.  Rush Limbaugh told John Boehner that he should stonewall in September of 2011 when the President gave his jobs program speech.  This is the one where there was astrological stuff about a “void of course moon”.   Hal Sparks reminds us that “customarily” congress doesn’t do much when it assumes power in early January.  There is kind of a passive “getting to know each other” honeymoon period normally in the first half of January or so, before the President’s State of the Union speech.  But this year Hal Sparks is afraid that we will have the equivalent disruption of the occasion with “You lie!” or something else by the way of disrespecting the office of President.  These people have no sense of precedent.  They’d like to remove the last hundred and ten years or so from all of the History books, because they don’t accept that the last hundred and ten years have happened.  Now we are told that the Supreme Court will not overturn the Affordable Care Act on the basis of what basically amounts to a typographical error.  This is the case where all the funding had to come through the State Exchanges.  It supposed that naturally said State Exchanges were set up.  But ion thirty states the law was never followed and these exchanges were never set up.  Hence the Republicans argue that no payments should occur in these thirty states.  We’ve seen with what they did with the disability fund in Social Security (or the Post Office) that these Republicans will make any and all “rules changes” that don’t even need a Presidential approval.  But worst of all the Republicans have a power that needs to be remedied by a Constitutional Amendment.  The President desperately needs what all fifty state governors have- - a line item Veto.  Because it’s just too easy to have these “Christmas Tree” type bills that are rammed through without hearings or amendments.  And yet somehow “poison pills” get inserted into them, for which there is no remedy.  The President can sign the bill with the poison pill in it, or else grind government itself to a halt.  It was once said of Clinton “The era of big government is over”.  This could much more correctly be stated “The era of government under the control of the people – is a thing of the past”.  The Neo Cons LOVE big government.  That is a Big Government that treads on the rights of private citizens and interferes with their lives- - but one basically decided more by Corporate bosses than elected representatives.  I pick up this topic later.  Now we hear the President is proposing two years of lower division FREE college education.  There’s a bill that is dead on arrival if there ever was one.  The idea of internet neutrality is also pretty much dead on arrival.  We can kiss that one good-bye after 25 years of serving us well.   One major speech by this president wasn’t even covered by the media a month or so back because the media “just didn’t feel like it”.  Such things, alarmingly, will happen increasingly often.  (Selah)

Kevin Mc Carthy, the majority whip, is the one leading the charge to cut Social Security disability payments 20%.   I checked in with C-Span and even now with congress fully in session they still lean toward other venues.  There was a “Christian Science Monitor Breakfast” where the new Justice committee chairman wants to gut business regulations, and also intimidate attorneys who file claims when they violate said regulations, and also saying that Internet Neutrality is not the way to go because this “pay to play” approach promotes more diversity on the internet.  Then I looked in Washington’s journal.  There it was some campaign finance chairman where they said that Citizen’s United has bolstered “all sorts of participation” including populist donation, so that we have more vibrant elections than we used to.  To support his argument he pointed to the sharp increase in House and Senate seat turnovers since 2010 when Citizens United was first implemented.  May I suggest it’s a case of moving from the frying pan into the fire.  We just have a more naked manifestation of sheer greed now.   This is a few minutes later and that lady is on before eleven.  Lobbying in congress has actually gone down since 2010 after a major run up between 1998 and 2010.  My attempt to explain this - - is that congress doesn’t need any lobbyists now because the congressmen themselves are bought and paid for, just as the judges are.  In keeping with Jesus’ parable of the dishonest manager, these people can screw their client, the American people over nine ways to Sunday.  But their loyalties lie with those they’ll be working FOR once they “graduate” from congress.

There is a bizarre “tea party theology” that Hal Sparks has clarified for me.  It seems people like Rush Limbaugh and Mike Huckelberry honestly believe that “Since God created the earth and sky and nature- - therefore since these things were created by an infinite force, it would take more than a man to have any impact on them much less destroy them.  So even though scientists routinely point to the damage done to the environment, and this has been accepted Truth by normal people for a hundred and fifty years- - people like Rush Limbaugh believe that God is the sole person involved in anything involving Nature.   There is a very old line of theology dating back to BEFORE the Middle Ages that says “Any involvement or reverence for Nature at all is a sin because it’s a form of idolatry of the creation rather than the creator”.   This line of reasoning was used by the Catholic Church for a long time till St. Thomas Aquinas came along.   As such - - any and all endeavors to “improve our environment” is somehow a slap at God and placed on a par with – pretending to be parents of someone else’s’ children.

Sometimes it's not a question of being either liberal or conservative, but "trying to find the obvious that is staring you right in the face".  This is what people like Thom Hartman and Stephanie Miller do.  So is the "Passion Play" so described - in the Bible - "trying to tell us something"?   Why do all four of them speak of a Jesus Barrabus, who was up for the death penalty meaning the cross.  You remember him.  He's in all four Gospels.  But the crowd overpowered Pilate who changed the recipient of said crucifixion to someone else, who hadn't "killed a man in a recent riot".  This "Riot" is and isn't mentioned in the Bible.  The "overturning of the money changer's tables" we regard as some disciplined "demonstration".  But what if it was just raw violence and vandalism?   Did Barrabus come out of Egypt.  Did he return to Egypt and then later travel to Rome?  Did the generic word "Christian" not refer to Jesus at all?  Before you answer just remember the word Caesar refers to any Emperor of Rome, not just to a couple people.  Isn't it true that a Christian generically would refer to ANY person who worships a Messiah figure?   Hummm?  Were in fact St Peter and Judas Iscariot disciples of Barrabus - and not Jesus?  What is the real story behind the 'upside-down cross' St Peter was supposedly crucified on?  And why to Satanists revere this same upside-down cross?  An upside down tarot card conveys an Opposite meaning from right side up.  Could this be true with the symbol of the Cross?  Could the crowd who wanted a man crucified by Pilate have become so enraged at this man because this man betrayed Barrabus?  Think about it.  It explains a lot.  It explains how they could be cheering on Palm Sunday, so called- - - and yet want his betrayer to be crucified on Friday.  Why does Barrabus appear in all four gospels for this one function - - and then disappear never to be heard from again.   "Where I am going, you cannot follow - - ".

Sometimes we revert to metaphors.  For instance could it be that a Born Again Gnostic, or a Born Again Christian for that matter, have such “focus” that he knows exactly who he is in the universe and is perfectly suited to his “function” as God placed him there.  The word here is ‘focus” and I would like to focus on this metaphoric word.  Riddle me this.  Is "Infinity" an actual place?  If it's not an actual place then how can we ever get there.  Is a "psychic event" an actual reality, just as real as you or me, but NOT a reality that can be scientifically quantified.  The EFFECTS of it can, but not the "physicality" of the event itself.  Universes don't "leak" gravity.  Only incontenent old men do that.  Einstein tells me so.  Logic alone tells us that if something is "cloaked" in terms of not being able to probe it exists- - then logically WE should be Just as cloaked from their point of view.  How do we illustrate this point?  A camera lens focuses objects onto a screen in a “real image”.   Some would argue, as I suspect the TM people do, that all of us are like someone in the stands holding a football placquard card that goes into spelling out a gigantic message viewed from a distant point.  You yourself to NOT see your own impact.  This is the moral of “It’s a Wonderful Life” and countless “Christian” propaganda movies saying “God has his plan and it all works out”.   How does this relate to non material interaction?  Because often a lens’ focal length is rated at Infinity.  Therefore there is a singularity about your own “color” that you’re supposed to represent.  Now if the “Apparent image” is the physical world - -  there is an OTHER type of perception- - that is, perception not made by you about the rest of the world, but that the rest of the world has about You.  Capish?   I hope so.

This afternoon after coffee break I began viewing and reading that Hubble Telescope book some more.  The topic of dark matter came to the fore.  Most of what the book stated about dark matter is that it has a “lens” type shape that appears to bend light first outward and then inward around the “lens” where a distant star may be seen to be two places at once as different rays (direction) of light go out and come back and intersect in the human eyeball in a way to perceive two stars when there are one.  However in the Wikkipedia there is what you call a more “useful necessity” to posit the existence of dark matter.  It has to do with spiral galaxies where the arms of a galaxy keep up with the center.  It should be that a galaxy under Newtonian laws would start out with straight arms that would gradually become increasingly curved to the rear of directional spin- - and eventually fall off completely.  But this is not what happens.  You see in an increased "gravitational field" - - one with an artificially high number of higgs bosons, for example,  these outer rays of the spiral arms - - would be heavier which ironically increases the agragate (mean) gravitational attraction between these outer arms and the center.  The outer arms of these galaxies keep up fine with the center.  One possible explanation for this is one for any first year physics student you’d have to throw out immediately.  Because while vector or straight line travel can be and is “relative” meaning there is no “absolute” stationary point, the same cannot be said of spin, which is non relative.  Every object in orbit around a gravitational planet illustrates this absolutist Newtonian law.  Some including me posited that this dark matter is somehow a “defect” created in the formation of all those bosons and firmions and stuff to begin with.  Things not regular matter are called “Non baryon matter” just in case you are wondering.  It is also posited that this dark matter isn’t “matter” at all but just “left over gravitational force” from another Universe, another dimension.  Einstein’s laws on mass and space here would kick in to refute the possibility of this argument.  Stewart Sutcliffe’s model of the Universe (not to name drop or anything) bars any “physical interaction" between raying out parrellel universes.  The word should more specifically be “material interaction” because some Federation theorists can and do discuss non “material” interaction between the Universes.  But now let’s return to what dark matter might be.  Could it somehow be “undo concentrations of bosons and such- - where baryon type matter doesn’t even play a role because it’s a concentration of gravity - - - without the newtron star in the middle.  But it’s space that ACTS as though there were a force of gravity ten times what you get from normal matter (as my sources define it). 

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