Saturday, January 17, 2015

We Believe Whatever The Media Wants Us to Believe

Washington's blog states that government surveilance makes you LESS secure.  This is one of those counter intuitive propositions that started me to thinking.  Perhaps it's because these security companies give the government a "back door" to get in.  And of course if the government knows about this back door, it's not long before everybody else does too.  Real smart.  Leo Le Port says that France is using these terrorist incidents to crack down on computer privacy.  Bones for one chimed in instantly on how "It's wrong for ANY government to say that I'm not entitled to have a private, personal conversation with a friend of mine, whose details won't be propagated".   It's a simple concept because in this day and gave we've lost sight of what they used to refer to as human tact and decency.   They used to say that Religion was the Opiate of the people.  Now we need to update that.  I firmly that nowadays - - the Media is the Opiate of the People.  We'll go into this trance like state and say "Yes, government - take all civil liberties - - I don't need them

Hal Sparks was talking about gays on his program and he raised an interesting point that I guess I’d never quite thought of that way before.  He says the reason why these “homophobes” (and I still don’t like that word) are afraid of gay marriage and such and how “It removes the “guard rails” and boundaries from society- - is because the speakers themselves have gay proclivities - - leanings in that direction - - that they’ve repressed.  And if somehow, just like with pot legalization would lead to everybody being stoned all the time - - so legalization gay marriage the “legitimization of deviant conduct” would cause these men to go wild and start propositioning every young, attractive man they could find.   Clearly heterosexual marriage is legal but you don’t find me sexually propositioning the female staff in here all the time even though a lot of them are young and attractive and single.  There was another truth I gleaned from Washington’s blog- - that I personally had been aware of but most people are not.  The best way to insure the success of something is NOT to look at other success stories as much as it is to look at failures and WHY things didn’t work out.  For instance - - communism.  Back in May of 1976 I coined the term “Darwinistic Calvinism”, so I was aware even then.   They call it “survivors bias” in the blog- - which is something you’ll note in every Christian testimony or story in a message by Paul Harvey or Robert Schuller.   They take the flook and declare it normalcy.  There was another thing I was going to write on yesterday I chose not to- - and this is the way the media covers the same news story for weeks till you’re more than sick of it.  They did this with the immigration thing with the women and children last June crossing the border.  They did it with ISIS.  They did it with Ebola.  After the election they began doing it with Holiday shopping.  Every day you’d find some new shopping day commemorated- - be it Cyber Monday or Gray Thursday or a certain Saturday.   This is right wing propaganda because you’ll remember after the 9 – 11 and Anthrax in the mail crises we had, President Bush told us the solution to it was to “go shopping”.   It’s like some tacky discordant note- - like a James Taylor song from 1970 everyone is sick of- - used to promote warm and fuzzy feelings toward the French that Sean Hannity was talking about the other day.   But as far as the media is concerned there always has to be “a crisis”.  For weeks on end it was that New York policemen shooting.  We heard about that one for weeks.   Now it’s the rash of terrorist attempts in the wake of that whole Paris thing.  These terrorist attacks are coming in countries all over Europe and even in America with some guy who wanted to attack the Capitol and mow congressmen down with a machine gun.   The case in Belgian case seems to be the most dangerous where people were going to wear police uniforms and infiltrate unseen where they can better set bombs perhaps “hours away from acting”.  They’ll do anything to keep us voting Republican.

Today is Saturday January 17, 2015 and it’s also the 21st anniversary of the Northridge earthquake.  That whole period in 1994 was one of abnormally warm and dry weather.  I have noted a change lately in what constitutes a “heat wave”.   This morning at dawn they announced it was 49 degrees and that we were in the middle of the heat wave.  More and more people are beginning to measure our weather here against the COLD of the rest of the nation.  Today is also St Sulpice day, which according to Bones is the worship of the demon Asmodeus, or “the keeper of secrets”.  OK.   Yesterday morning Paul Evans told us that Steve Young was found that morning dead in his bathroom.  At dinner last night Yadera put down such talk saying that Steve was only in for observation.  This morning Loretta Hill said ‘Is Steve Young dead”.  Paul repeated his initial claim however after breakfast saying that yesterday morning Steve Young had a fatal heart attack and Laurie and others were saying what a nice guy Steve Young was.  I remarked how the cat liked him because he fed her.  (It was the best praise I could come up with)  But the other “departure” news of the day is even more jarring in my book.  Lishia Buckley is leaving here.  She said to me that she’s going into a locked facility on Tuesday because her mom is putting her in there “because I got into trouble”.   I don’t know what that means, but sensed it might not be wise to ask.  Lishia hasn’t been wearing her glasses at all lately - - and I asked about that and she says that she got super-glue all over the lenses.  That would do it.   Lishia first showed up here on a sunny afternoon the first Friday in January of 2013, two years ago.  No need in saying everybody will miss her.  I hope she gets to see Dr Levy one more time.

Jerry Sandusky died thinking that his one hundred wins for Penn State or whatever were wiped off the books.  Now those one hundred wins have been reinstated, which I think is a pretty good idea.  I see no reason to penalize all of the good players at Penn State for what one rotten apple did.  People aren’t sure how to react to all this sexual stuff nowadays.  Sometimes they over-react; sometimes they under-react, and then try to beef up a “Sentence” later on.  In other sports news- - they are banning cheese from some island in Puget Sound where the Sea Hawks work out or something.   The Federation has stated that the GB Packers are going to be the NFC representatives at this year’s super bowl.  It would be a good way for the Federation to restore their credibility.  Of course Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are Sea Hawks partisans.  And the question is whether the Lakers should let Colby Bryant go permanent, or hope for a miracle.

The news seems to be dominated by odd-ball stuff like stray wild animal news.  There have been two alligator stories in the past two days.  And personally I think traffic and weather news takes up too large a portion of the news.  They have police crime blotter news.  But some stories are really head scratchers.  They talked about a “Trans sexual married couple” where the kids have to find out that “Mommy has a penis”.  They said this “couple” has had children naturally and I’m wondering how.  Do they both have surgically manufactured sexual organs of the other sex?  Then there is the case where a ten and six year old brother and sister were arrested by the Police just for walking down the street on the way home from a trip to the local Park, which is a mile away.  In this town if you see “children walking alone” it’s suspicious or something.  I don’t get it.  What am I missing?  What about kids walking home from school?  But the parents are regarded as oddballs for wanting to raise “free range children”.  (?)   And the Academy Award nominations came out on Thursday.  The complaint this year is that there is “No diversity”.  There were no Blacks for best actor or actress, and there were no female nominations for best director.  You’ve no doubt noticed that all the War movies in the past ten years or so have been pro war movies.  They are about heroes doing impressive things.  The idea that anybody would ever put out a movie saying that our recent wars are wrong- - is unthinkable.

More evidence accumulates that maybe I have a cateract, at least in my left eye.  Because when I go to sleep at night sometimes I look with just one eye and then the other at the things in the room after I’ve turned out the light.  And now I see objects better with my right eye than my left.  I’ve been trying to figure this out.  It could have something to do with the position of the lamp when I reach over and turn it off at night- - usually using my left hand- - and my left eye is looking right at this lamp, which is lower than my other lamp and often I’m staring right down at the light bulb.  But in the morning I’m more inclined to turn on that hall light when I’m looking through my closet for something to wear.  It didn’t used to matter whether I had a good light on or not.  But now I turn it on.  Also back in the days when I was looking for cigarette butts at night I’ve begun noticing that it’s harder to tell what’s in the ash trays when it’s dark and there are no lights nearby.  It could be lack of Vitamin A, but it could be a cateract or two.   I need to remember other things - like quitting smoking.  I also am irregular about using that special super fluoride toothpaste.  I need to mention also that after a month and a half that those calling card numbers he gave me don’t work.  I looked for these numbers in the stack of papers- - and the local access number, which is on a different page.  I found these.   I almost had an appointment with Paul’s eye doctor in October of 2013, which is when I got my current phone, and around the time Chuck Smith died.  I had KNX radio on and heard the President’s Saturday address, which was really short.  Speeches with personal “testimonies” are the coward’s way out, in my opinion.  Because you don’t have to put as much planning into the actual substance of the speech itself.  I turned on KNX when I got up- - and got my medication around six thirty- - and then began rummaging through my papers- - and then left for the liquor store just before seven, where I got my dollar coffee from that lady.  We had oatmeal for breakfast, followed by scrambled eggs and toast and butter and jelly. 

They covered the latest Christie news blowing up at the local press corpse who was locked out of coverage of a key meeting.  And all the higher ups whose opinions count, don’t want Mitt Romney running for President.  Meanwhile newly elected Iowa Senator Joanie Eearnst will be biging the Republican response to the State of the Union address.  This assignment has proved jinxy for previous Republicans such as Marco Rubio’s famous “water glass” reach.  If the Supreme Court gives the thumbs up on nation-wide gay marriage, it may signal for all of the republican candidate running not to make gayness an issue in 2016.  While watching Chris Matthews, Terry Hill showed up and I gave him an accounting of my work to find the snail mail addresses of all the Republican governors.  I told him I had a listing of all the Republican governors, and he said “Just give me that list”.  It’s too bad Terry doesn’t have E mail.   Terry is moving this big, motorized message easy chair his Father used- - (Dave Hill died in December of 1999) and Terry says “My dad chose the path of least resistance” and he admonished me and Bill never to take the path of least resistance when we get old.   OK.  Terry had a store bought package of good chocolate chip cookies for us.  Terry didn’t stay long.  I went out for coffee break.  I just had one cup.  Louise and Lishia prayed together about avoiding a locked facility, and Louise led Lishia in the sinner’s prayer.  I’m not a one to discount faith and prayer.  If I am to be in error, I would rather be in error in praying with someone who askede- - and the prayer failed- - rather than to resist a move of the Lord, where He chose to act on an issue and I was on the wrong side.   Buffering problems uniquely accompany “Hardball” episodes. 

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