Monday, January 19, 2015

My Latest Five Point Constitutional Reform Plan

We need a constitutional amendment spelling out in no uncertain terms what the Federal Reserve can and cannot do.  

We need another constitutional amendment doing something about the US Senate and doing away with the electoral college.  Both have become achronistic in this day and age. 

We need another constitutional amendment striking down Citizen’s United and also funding political campaigns publicly.  You need the proper leageleze to spell this out properly to make it binding.

We need another constitutional amendment protecting whistle blowers.  We need major protections for whistle blowers and major sanctions for people who persecute them by way of retaliation.  

We need another constitutional amendment that says restates eminent domain rights more emphatically in favor of the land owners, strengthening their appeal rights, and making it a lot harder, or perhaps impossible, for private corporations to benefit from making use of this provision.  

These are jinxy times and due to the longness of this posting, I can't bore you with things in my personal life that have cropped up in all directions that have demonstrated this jinxiness.  Tomorrow is the State of the Union message and it's the President's time to shine and get the undivided attention of the American people for an hour and some-odd minutes once a year.  But something within me thinks that the Republicans are not going to just "let the president" give the speech he wants to with all of those goodies in it for the poor and disadvantaged without somehow making a spectical of themselves on national television just like they did with the 'You Lie!" remark.  They are going to do something off the wall and embarrassing.  I just don't know what it is yet.  Sometimes it's reassuring to go back to earlier times to look at how liberals and those crusading for human rights were able to achieve their successes of the past.  Thom Hartmann had this Black woman at nine with some very factual material about the civil rights movement.  She said the thing wrong with the “Mississippi Burning” movie was that it was too pro FBI.  The thing wrong with the “Lincoln” movie is obvious.  They say Lincoln wasn’t really that big on liberating the Black man but everything the President did (just like Obama) was for political experiancy. In this sense “Selma” is an authentic civil rights movement movie made by the people who were actually involved in the events unfolding in early 19065.   OK, she’s got my vote.  I learned from a Malcolm X source that Malcolm grew closer to Dr King late in his life and expressed "concordance" with his goals.  Dr King from his end of the deal agreed with Malcolm that his emphasis on Violence was understandable seeing the urban environment in which he grew up.  And another source said that Martin Luther King regarded Northerners in Chicago suburbs as MORE racist than they ever were in the South.  In stead of just a few hot heads in a coffee shop mouthing off, it would be tides of people running out and demonstrating to keep Martin Luther King out of their neighborhoods.  This thing on C-Span covered the Civil Rights movement from the death of Martin Luther King on up to about 1990.   It’s amazing as I watched it how the Holiday was passed into law in October of 1986 and yet people say it wasn’t officially celebrated till 1986.  This means Reagan’s second Inaugural in the cold - - indoors in Jan of 1985 - - was a no holiday day even though January 21st 1985 was the third Sunday in January.  I remember that weekend as a sullen overcast weekend where we watched the Super Bowl at Nick and Tina’s.  It was the last time the Super Bowl was ever celebrated so early, either in time of year, or time of game start.  But after this there was a whole raft of new Civil Rights legislation passed.  They said there were no racial riots of any significance between 1968 and 1980 and then between 1980 and the 1992 ones in Los Angeles.  The 1980 race riots were in Miami.  My memory isn’t clear on that.   It’s so funny how the right wingers were weak then compared to the juggernaut hold on the party and the whole country that they have now, when no progressive bill has a prayer of passage.  Do voting rights for minorities work?   Johnson's landslide victory over Goldwater was in 1964 before the voting rights bill was passed, and after the Blacks were enfranchized with the Vote, Humphrey failed to win the Presidential election in 1968.  It should also be noted that after the Youth got the vote in 1972 that Richard Nixon defeated George Mc Govern in a landslide election.

The loss of Green Bay to Seattle today was to be expected.  But the way it happened is what’s exasperating.  They played to a tie in regulation and in the old days that’s how the game would have ended.  There are any number of ways Green Bay could have and should have won this game.  It was pointed one during one of the many Green Bay interceptions, that this guy catches the ball and just stops - - goes down, instead of keep on running.  Green bay actually had real forward drives early in the game.  One of these stalled on the one - - yard line, and they had to settle for a field goal.  But that’s four points they didn’t get.  First of all they were ahead sixteen to nothing for a long stretch of this game.  The Sea Hawks really didn’t get their offence going till less than five minutes to play.  But when they did they scored three touchdowns within a space of about three minutes, and if you count overtime the scoring was rapid indeed.   In the first place overtime periods are usually defensive battles.  Not today.  Seattle in two long plays scored with total ease ending the game.  Seattle always made the key plays and long passes when they needed them.  If it’s third and nineteen, they’ve got a 29 yard play up their sleeve.  In their first score with just under four minutes to go the quarterback stepped out of bounds a couple of times, delaying the inevitable.  The Sea Hawks scored again at 2:09, which they pointed out made it under the two minute warning, so they would get a free time out, which is good news to a team that only has one.  But then they risked it all on an on side kick where if they failed their field position would completely suck.  But get the on-side kick and they scored that touchdown, their third in three minutes.   But then they go for the two point play and are pushed way back on the field but they throw a long pass, and this Green Bay player has a good shot at the ball but did nothing but let the Sea Hawk catch it.  This kept Green Bay from winning on a field goal so the score was tied.  And of course Green Bay wins the coin toss in overtime and the rest is history.  The Patriots and the Colts are playing now but I think the outcome of this game is likewise pre-ordained, pouring rain or not.   (In Foxboro)

I had “48 hours” on CBS after briefly having it on something else.  KCOP had the hockey game between the Ducks and the Kings and I watched a good portion of that after nine.  But this CBS crime thing featured this murderous Pastor.  One guy was suspected of being murdered but that turned out to be suicide.  But this pastor had “buried” two previous wives in 1998 and 2007 or so, not that many years apart.  The first one “had a heart attack while vacuuming the stairway with a hand held vacuum cleaner”.  Medical evidence suggests she didn’t have any heart attack.  The second victim named Betty (?) and the Pastor had this accident on the road where it was claimed the car spun around wildly bouncing them around.  But the Pastor didn’t have a scratch on him and the passenger was a bloodied pulp in dire need of medical intervention.  A passer by saw them there and the Pastor showed no interest in calling 911 so the passer by did that himself.  The pastor’s whole demeanor was strange.  But then he immediately had his second wife cremated even though cremation was against her wishes.  Nobody was suspicious.  This is true even though there were no skid marks on the highway and it was such a slow speed impact that the air bags didn’t even deploy.  In the cases of both wives though, their heads were a bloodied mess and both women died of head and brain trauma as though they had been beaten savagely with a blunt object.  The Pastor was fingered by the cops on the second murder because blood matching his second wife was found in the garage.  There was a whole trail of it and it stopped right where she would be placed in the car.  There were also a lot of blood spots under her seat.  The Pastor also said “Me and my wife played a game to see how long she could wait before putting her seat belt on.  Friends of the second wife had stated that Betty (?) always religiously wore seat belts.  Meanwhile the guy is going after wife number three named Cindy.  Cindy’s daughter named Selma or Savannah or something- - was always distrustful of the Pastor.  But the daughters from the first marriage steadfastly supporter their Pastor father.  Of course the guy was convicted by a jury in ninety minutes for the second murder and got a life sentence.  He then pleased ‘No Contest” to the murder of his first wife.

Rhetorical overkill is one of my pet peves, no matter whether the left or the right does it.  Some liberals hate the idea of Robert E Lee being honored in Virginia.  Lee was a patriot and he was the grandson of one of George Washington's favorite luitennants.  Lee got one of the highest grade averages at West Point, I am told.  He thought of himself as an American and when Virginia seceded, initially he didn't know what to do.  And yet some liberals say "Well, President Andrew Johnson should have hung him for treason".  This remark is completely uncalled for.  Likewise I have no problem with people tacking up the Confederate flag on the wall of their den if they have a lot of ancestors who fought in the Civil War, by way of honoring them.  I see the Confederate Flag as a historical item, nothing more.  Some people use rhetorical overkill when it comes to God, giving sermon hearers the impression that God is in fact "Mad at them" when in fact He is not.  For instance people routinely say stuff is IN the Bible that is nowhere to be found.  Like the story of Abraham destroying his father Terah's idols.  Not in the Bible.  In fact we don't even know that it was an Apple that Adam and Eve ate.  Many think it was a pomagranite.  The Belief has become popular that this guy "Eli" was the "father in law" of Joseph, father of Jesus.  Nothing in the text suggests however that any of Mary's paternal liniage is mentioned.  And the belief has become popular that Jesus didn't heal that palseyed man at the fountain because "He just liked to hang out there with all his friends who had AIDS and didn't want to repent".   There is one thing I heard quoted from the Bible that I'm almost certain is not in the Bible.  I have sure never seen it.  It involved the racial origens of the Sameritans.  Any time someone is going to inform you about "racial origens" you're dealing with a died in the wool Racist.   But apparently this mongralized group of people were so mixed up from being in captivity so long that the Babylonians themselves who knew Judahism came and taught the people of the land how to please the Jewish God, so they wouldn't be eaten by wild beasts or something.  But why this makes God a racist is because these Sameritans were into endogamy - - marrying within their own race, like West Virginia.  And after a while the entire race became mentally retarded and is now almost extinct as a race.  You know the social darwinists are having a good yukk over this one.  And their great SIN oddly is not "Straying from the belief in Jehovah" because this they never did.  They followed his precepts scrupulusly.  But it wasn't enough to save them.  One can only infer that somehow God was somehow Offended with their racial origens.

The single released by the Beatles in December of 1965 - - "Day Tripper" and "We Can Work It Out" is the last single where you could say it was a team composition effort.  John played the Harmonium on "We Can Work It Out" and John also played tambourine in "Day Tripper".   We have just a bit of Beatle related Federation news.  On that Best of Mc Cartney compilation late last June- - we are making a substitution.  I learned that I personally was jinxed by the presence of one song from an album Mal Evans has personally banned from ever being heard in the Federation, and also one that Linda "Just couldn't bring herself to listening to because all the lyrics are just too ironic".  It's a case of "Same old song, but a different meaning since you've been gone".   Well now the offending song is Gone - - and replaced with another track.  I said "Don't do anything on my account" and they said "There is no need to worry yourself one minute longer; the deed is done.  The song is gone and "Mumbo" is the song we picked to replace it.  This will mean that "Wild Life" is now represented by three songs.  "Mumbo" was one of the songs on the previous Mc Cartney anthology several years back- - that got dropped in the modernization.  Now it's back.  My hunch is "Mumbo" got a lot of requests.  I am informed I shouldn't even name the offending album, but generally it has been "panned" by the Federation.

I had a confused dream how I went out with Judy in the morning to give some business form to someone (government?) but Judy had other plans and I was traveling around with her much of the day like a little puppy dog.  Eventually I said I’d take the bus home, which in this dream meant my apartment at Lincoln and Knott.  We were in Fullerton at the time, and somehow I wound up at Brookhurst Jr High and there was some kind of convention going there held on a school day with students around.  I got in conversations with various old ladies (much as I dare use that word now).  I walked southward along the east hall by the Principal’s office and note they’d gotten rid of rooms one and maybe two at the extreme southeast of the campus and they’d relocated the gymnasium there and I looked tword the corner and marveled at how much land was out there.  “We’re a lot farther away from the street than I thought.  I remember one scene how that irrigation canal at Brookhurst and Crescent was like a raging river from the recent rains and it had trash floating in it.  But I made my way west (at one point I was riding on a bus that made a jog north to La Palma since it was the 38.  Now headed west there was this ocean and I believed I’d stopped at an open air café to eat- - and there was this fence and I saw these big waves coming and I figured they’d get us but for the most part nobody got wet at all, but then the water level lowered and I noticed that the whole thing was just a giant car wash.

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