Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is It Possible to Get Rid of Big Brother?

Clearly our criminal system in this country is racist and "drug phobiac" in particular.  Since the "War on Drugs" the ammount of people in prison has skyrocketed, and the percentage of Blacks among those prisoners has skyrocketed and Blacks routinely serve five or more times as many years for a given drug crime than a White will for the same Crime.  It used to be said that drug usage among Blacks and whites was about equal.  But it now seems that Black drug usage has gone down more than white drug usage, and so this only increases the bias in prison sentences.  They say that the United States has four percent of the population but 25% of all the Prisoners in the world's population are right here in the United States.  You've perhaps heard that we have more people in Prison in this country on an absolute numerical basis, than they do in China with its billions.   There are more Black people in the prison system now than there were Negro slaves in 1850 ten years before the civil war began.  So I advise you all to read Washington's Blog on this issue.  It's only Unfortunate that I cannot in any way agree with the lead blog at the time of this writing criticizing the PBS documentary on Vladimor Putin.   I may sympathize with Blacks, but I'm still an American, and I know a foreign, dangerous Despot when I see one.  And Vladimir Putin is a dangerous despot.

Before we get to the terrorist part of this blog posting let's talk about Christianity a bit.  I told you a large motivation in the creation of Christianity were out of work Jewish priests.  Nobody will ever tell me what happened to all these Jewish Priests once the Romans destroyed the Jew's religious infra-structure.  They just didn't float away to a magical land.  I have spoken of the Syrian Church - - obviously in the second century I'd say after 110 AD and before 140 AD or so - - - where they needed to come up with a narritive.  It was someone who said that Ronald Reagan succeeded politically because he had a narritive.  And indeed the federal government is pushing a Terrorism narritive we are still suffering the weight of with things like the Patriot Act.  If you read First Peter and Hebrews, the two most suspect books in the entire New Testament in my opinion, you see this whole Blood Sacrifice thing played out.  We need Sin and we need a Ceremony and we need a Sacrifice of some sort.  We need the guilt that these sort of sacrificial rituals engender.  And we also need for there to be someone like a Priest or a Pontiff to reverence as an infallible beacon to look to in times of doubt.  In other words we want all the trappings of the Jewish religion - - without being Jewish.  In fact as far as possible - - we need to purge anything genuinely Jewish out of the Faith.  Of course this Christianization not only went on with the Jewish Temple sacrifices redefined, but also pagan ceremonies, such as Easter Eggs and the Yule Log, and re-igniting the Sun every winter solistis.  So we too need our "gift giving season" - - - and we need a tragedy to equal the tragedy of the death of Baccus killed by a wild boar, and all of that.  Just as the Bush government made Islamic Terrorism the enemy, the Christian religion needs to make Death itself the enemy, and we need to declare "War on Death" and fan the flames of the fear of death and fear of a possible afterlife any way we can, in order to control the people.


"Romulans are Digital - We are Analog"  and some would say "Men are from Mars- Women are from Venus"   Methmeticians divide numbers first into Digital - - and Real, though they usually use the terms of Rational verses Real numbers.   Here's a deep dark secret about Real numbers - - pssst - don't tell anybody.  Real numbers are REAL.  Once that fact soaks in an amazing ammount of mental clarity follows,   Real numbers can be Digitized.  It's not that easy to make a Real number out of a Digital number.  Any non incrypted signal - - - can be digitized - - such that an Analog system can still read it.  Since Analog represents the Real world this is NATURAL creation ie of the non GMO variety.  Man though had made things that could never exist in nature- - such as the digital encoding- - - warp of space to make it "non co planar".   Something that is non co-planar doesn't register on the RADAR screen - - litterally.  It doesn't register any place else either.  Digital entities- - such as encrypted codes - - can only work with the identical encryption key.  Strangely Leo said that he likes Open Sourced encryption coding because that was "You can see the code and read it and assure yourself that there is no "Back door" to it".   It's funny how all these cloak and dagger movies feature a "back door" of one nature or another.  Hence Romulans can cloak themselves so that only other Romulans with the same encryption key can see them.  What our Government has to face with reading computer code- - the Romulan government has to face with basically even "seeing" you.  And keep in mind either RADAR or infra-red or any other detection equipment is useless.  Whatever gets propagated OUT - - is Digitized.  Whatever gets propagated IN - - you can see just fine - - because it's analog.  Technically - - - it's analog along a certain fourth dimensional plane.  Romulans can't really depart from that plane.  Only God can do that.  But they can warp it so that it can't be seen except by somebody with the same space-warp encryption code.  So heat propagated out can't be seen.  And gravity propagated out can't be seen.  Hence warped Romulan space is NOT "Dark Matter".  You may ask "Can you cloak an entire orbiting planet and yet the Sun not be cloaked to any but the planet?"   No - - you don't need to cloak the star or Sun- - all you need do is cloak the Planet.  You see the gravitational field the planet is in- - comes from the Sun.  That gravity is analog so the planet is affected by it.  The only thing that would not be perceived would be - - no space ship traveling near the planet (or through the planet for that matter) would in any way be affected by the planet's gravity- - because that gravity has been code incrypted.  Capish?

Terrorists, Counter-Terror “Experts”, and Governments Are All Motivated to Cover Up the Facts
Experts say that terrorists are strongly motivated – for two reasons – to exaggerate their abilities to inflict damage:

(1) Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims”. So terrorists exaggerate their destructive abilities in order to increase intimidation and push their aims and

(2) The more damage people believe that a terrorist group has inflicted, the more donations and funding they will receive from radical extremists. Specifically, radicals are more likely to fund terrorists who are “effective” in inflicting damage than those who can’t pull off murder and mayhem

So terrorists want to exaggerate how much damage they’ve actually inflicted.

Likewise, the type of counter-terror experts who frequently appear on the mainstream news are motivated to hype the terror threat, because it drums up business for them.

The more scared of terrorism people are, the more books they’ll sell on terrorism, the more people will pay them to give talks on terrorism, and the more they’ll be asked to appear on mainstream news. Sothey don’t want you to know the real statistics on terror, either.

And the government has also exaggerated the threat of terrorism for political purposes (literally seeing a terrorist under every bush). For example, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, a top constitutional and military law expert, Time magazine, the Washington Post and others have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power”. Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge admitted that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection. The threat from Islamic terrorists – while real – has been greatly exaggerated. Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski – also a top foreign policy advisor to President Obama – told the Senate that the war on terror is a “a mythical historical narrative”.

Indeed, the government justifies its geopolitical goals – including seizing more power at home, and overthrowing Syria in 1949, Iran in 1953, Iraq twice, Afghanistan twice, Turkey, Libya, and other oil-rich countries – by hyping the terror menace. So the government wants you to be scared out of your pants by the risk of terrorism.

So what are the real terrorism facts? The actual statistics are stunning:
Daniel Benjamin – the Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the United States Department of State from 2009 to 2012 – notes today (at 10:22):

The total number of deaths from terrorism in recent years has been extremely small in the West. And the threat itself has been considerably reduced. Given all the headlines people don’t have that perception; but if you look at the statistics that is the case.
Indeed, you’re much more likely to be killed by brain-eating parasites, texting while driving, toddlers, lightning, falling out of bed, alcoholism, food poisoning, a financial crash, obesity, medical errors or “autoerotic asphyxiation” than by terrorists
Despite the horror, there have actually been very few terror attacks in Europe
Non-Muslims have carried out the vast majority of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil
Non-Muslims also carried out the vast majority of terrorist attacks in Europe as well
The overwhelming majority of victims of Muslim terror attacks are – in fact – Muslims
The “War on Terror” has been counter-productive, and only increased the terrorism problem
Governments have admitted that many terror attacks around the world have actually been carried out by government forces and blamed on their enemies, as a way to justify war or other objectives. Indeed, Saudi Arabia – America’s closest Arab ally – and the U.S. are arguably the world’s largest sponsors of terrorism

Postscript: While terrorists, counter-terror “experts” and governments are trying to scare the pants off you, the truth is that – if we refuse to be terrorized – we win and the terrorists lose.

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