Sunday, February 11, 2018

Lost In Confusion

Way back when I was in Sunday school they always told us that you shouldn’t “sell out” your ethical or political beliefs for personal gain.  Suppose someone came and told you that you could have that good job with a lot of priveleges and prerogatives over other people that you may have always yearned for secretly, but in order to gain this status you’d have to become a political far right conservative, kind of like Donald Trump became.  Would you do it?  Maybe it depends on how desperate you are.  Joel Olsteen was saying that sometimes God reaches down and plucks people out from the bottom, the dregs of society and elevates them to an honored position of status.  He says “You don’t even necessarily have to be out looking for opportunities; sometimes opportunity will come looking for you”.  If only that were the case.  Sometimes though even God wants to know what whatever job you have now, that you are doing your work responsibly.  David was a shepherd when God found him.  But I imagine he was a good shepherd who took good care to produce healthy sheep for the rancher or whoever owned the sheep.  Joel Olsteen talked about a guy who was a football player in college but no Pro team would draft him.  He figured he “just wasn’t that good” so as to go pro.   But then some coach wanted to meet with him and before he knew it he became a star player on a pro team.  Thom Hartman a couple of times has stated that he was offered business or other opportunities- - - but the price of doing so was to sell out his political or humanitarian beliefs.  I guess the shoe could be on the other foot.  Some left wing political organization could find me and say “We want you to be our spokesman but you have to give up your stance opposing abortion and gay marriage”.  Would I do it?  My philosophy has always been that it was a sin to “throw away a good thing” just because you feel like being an asshole.  I’ve known people like that.  Some people don’t care if they don’t rise to their best potential.  I told you once that Rev Westfall said to me in a session “I’ve figured out why you are consistently a failure in life, but you aren’t ready to hear it yet”.  That answer has always haunted me.  Maybe I should go to other therapists and one of them per chance might “discover the same secret about me” and that person would tell me “the answer”.  (Selah) 

Here we are in flagstone, for those who care about Word backgrounds.  I was just checking songs to make sure I had “Panic in Detroit” and I do.  Chris Marquardt was on the Leo Laporte show and Leo was telling Chris about being at a village in Germany that had these four hundred year old recipe sausages.  The only problem is that there were porta-potties in the background.   I hope the Photo Shop treatment works.   One of my sayings from early 1981 that I put in letters- - from a Lennon song is- “I tell them there’s no problem- - only Selucids”.  Readers of my prophecy book know what I mean.  Ron Pugh was babbling and happened to quote the Bible saying “Judge not that you not be judged”.  Wouldn’t that be funny if God flagged events from thirty years ago and threw them back in your face and your defense is “Oh come on God, you know that’s water under the bridge”.   Yesterday in the medication line or something Kathy was going on in praise of the Rev Chuck Smith.  My first impulse was to set her straight and tell her everything that was wrong with Chuck Smith’s theology.  But I thought better of it.  Sometimes the prudent thing to do is to keep silent.  Of course I think I even listened to Chuck Smith on the radio over the noon hour home from Church when I visited Mom and Dad at their house.  But my memory is a little hazy.  Like they say “A hazy mind covers a multitude of sins”.   Late yesterday all of this stuff was going through my mind about various things roommates at the Bosc house had said and done from that dark period of July 1985 through early 1988.  But it was stud I didn’t WANT to be thinking about so I pushed it out of my mind.

Last night the medication line ran till nearly eight.  Each person was taking several minutes to get their medication.  Kate was asking all kinds of questions and then she was one of these “pill counters” once she got them.  Steve or someone had farted a really smelly fart in line.  Sometimes I’m amazed at the patience people show in line but Bernice is really slow.  Like I say she’s slower than April was and how glad we were to get rid of her.  I had three of the cinnamon rolls last night and one this morning.  I watched the CBS network news.  This is the third time the Golden State Warriors have been on the evening ABC game in the past month or so.  This week they were playing and beating the San Antonio Spurs, gaining momentum as they went.  I don’t remember what show I had on next but it was on CBS.

I didn’t sleep that well and developed bowel restlessness.  So I was up at three thirty and again at five.  Then I showered.  I always have these anxieties in my mind like paying for my haircut, which I still haven’t gotten.  I don’t know if my check went through and I don’t want the newly instated ten dollar per day penalty.  I lay down on the bed a while to think.  Then at a quarter to six I turned on the TV.  I had forgotten Joel Olsteen was on even though I had just seen him on the previous week.  He was talking about how King David had been passed over in life and didn’t feel qualified to be King.  Sometimes God will reach down and pluck someone up reserved for greatness.  At six I went down not knowing who I’d get in medication or how bad the line was.  It was Ricardo and there was no line.  I asked him if I was really out of diaria medication because Bernice had told me that I was.  (days ago)  Ricardo said “Who told you that?” and produced a diaria pill for me.  Then I had KNXT news on.  They have raised the Disneyland and Disney World admission prices to $117.00 now.  They are predicting rain tomorrow.  They’ve been accurate go get your umbrellas ready.  At six thirty there was this lady ski jumper who learned to ski when she was two.  She began ski jumping when she was seven inspired by watching the athletes at Olympics 2002 in Salt Lake City.  She became a good ski jumper but they didn’t allow men in the sport because of some archaic belief that ski jumping would interfere with women’s reproductive health.  But then in 2011 the Olympic committee changed their mind and allowed female ski jumping.  But then she injured her knee.  By the time of the Russian Olympics in 2014 she was still not completely healed and scored only 21 in place.  But she stuck at it practicing only to injure the same knee again.  Now she’s ski jumping in these 2018 Olympics.  Then they had Paul Mc Closky, who ran against Shirley Temple Black in 1967 for some post and beat her.  Mc Closky was a Korean War hero but in 1967 was an anti war liberal and contended with Richard Nixon for the Presidency in the 1972 Convention. 

I brought the box of corn flakes from the room that Bill had down to eat as soon as the juice and milk arrived.  Then when the oatmeal came, I had a bowl of that, too.  We had eggs and French toast.  Steve got Jerry’s French toast and also some of her eggs because he got a smaller portion than we got.  I had seconds on the coffee.   I watched “This Week” which had the usual stuff on it.  At nine it was “Love” songs on Breakfast with the Beatles.  There were a lot of unusual songs they played this week.  The “Who is that singer?” answer was Peggy Lee singing a rare Mc Cartney song.  They also had Ringo singing a rare George Harrison song.  They played at least two songs from “Walls and Bridges”.  I decided not to go out for snacks.  I went down to look at the menus and decided not to change either one.  We had chicken strips for lunch with ranch dressing dip.  We also had tater tots and optional catsup.  There were also carrots.  I went back for seconds and got another chicken strip and more tater tots.  We had a banana for dessert.  Then I turned on Leo and you know the rest.  Leo says that your place of employment by law can’t spy on you if it’s a line-line phone call.  But if you’re doing texting the courts have time and time again ruled against the wayward employee and can spy on you and can fire you for any reason at all.  Leo says “If she hates this company policy she should get another job”. 

Friday, February 09, 2018

Congress Goes on a Spending Spree

The Government deadline at midnight or 9 PM our time but Congress still hadn’t voted out a spending bill.  Rand Paul was doing a last minute filibuster saying he can’t support this bill.  I wouldn’t support it either.  It contains too much spending on all sides and we can’t afford it.  It contains more for everybody including the military and the veterans and also CHIP programs and all of the domestic stuff the democrats want.  But the topic of DACA is left for another day, as is discussion on whether to fund the Wall.  So all of that argument and moralizing proved to be a big bunch of nothing.  The motto is “When in doubt, spend like there’s no tomorrow”.  I wouldn’t have voted for this bill.  As it happened the government was shut down but for only a couple of hours when they could get a bill voted out and the president signs it.  It contains spending for two years, which is encouraging.  We won’t have to worry about it.  They had predicted years ago that the government deficit would continue to go down till about 2018 and then it would begin rising again.  What did they know back then that now we all know?   Why couldn’t the government deficit continue to go down just like it did with Clinton when it went to zero and on into the surplus category?  It wouldn’t kill us to have a surplus once in a while. 

The Dow Jones Industrial Average on Thursday marked its second-worst point decline in history as the stock market continued to convulse lower, pushing the blue-chip gauge and the S&P 500 into correction territory. The Dow DJIA, -4.15%shed 1,032 points, or 4.2%, to 23,860. The flurry of selling late in the session took the blue chip benchmark into correction territory, defined as 10% drop from its recent peak on Jan. 26. Shares of Dow component Boeing Co. BA, +1.01% led losses. The S&P 500 index SPX, -3.75% closed off 3.8% at 2,581, also pushing the broad-market index into a 10% decline from its recent peak in January. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, -3.90% finished the brutal session down 274 points, or 3.9%, at 6,777. Worries about inflation weighed on the market's psyche as bond yields bounced around.   This paragraph will no doubt end up in a posting.  Needless to day if you own any common stocks you should sell them now if you haven't already done so.  It makes no difference whether prices go up or down from here.  This week long drop is too big of a danger signal to ignore.  It shows a basic instability in the markets. 

Yesterday Deputy Chief of Staff, Rob Porter resigned over this spousal abuse scandal he's been involved in.  Both of his ex wives have accused Porter of physically abusing them.  To complicate things further Porter is now dating a member of Trump's staff.  President Trump said today that he wished Porter well.  John Kelly the chief of staff knew about all of this misconduct months ago but raised no objections.  Now there are hints that Kelly might resign, too.  Kelly stepped in and restored order out of the chaos the Trump administration was in the first few weeks by severely limiting access to the President, which is what a chief of staff does. Of course all of Trump's supporters have "limited access" to the real facts if all they listen to is FOX news, and that includes the President himself.  

On “Days of our Lives”, John Black is turning into a killing machine.  He is busy poisoning Steve.  When Will says he knows he is poisoning Steve, John takes him to the cemetery and pulls out a gun and shoots him.  Then Paul, his son shows up and John says “You shouldn’t be here” almost as if he intended to kill him too.  Why is John even paying attention to people who say they want personal friends killed?  Then I went out and had vanilla wafers and red punch from Rico in the courtyard.

Most of the rock song compilations we did in the early year or so of blogging- - - are said to be the brainchild of the late Brian Jones.  As you know there was an explosion of these starting in September of 2004, or over thirteen years ago.  The only compilations that Brian Jones wasn't involved in between September of 2004 and July of 2007 (Analog Ghost Chatter) are the ones from late 2006 and in January of 2007.  These compilations (during this period) have since been reorganized in a major way.  The generation which listens to "Classic Rock" is getting older and older and are in their fifties and sixties and even seventies now.  This isn't the up and coming demographic.  Even the milenials are "maturing" and the oldest of these is now 36 years of age.  The first milenials turned eighteen when they graduated from high school in 2000.  They certainly aren't "kids" any more but a sizable and influential block of voters in this year's election.  

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

More Evidence Trump has Dictatorial Tendencies

It seems that on certain matters of economics the mainstream media has been taking their cue from FOX news.  For instance they’ve been explaining the actions of the stock market.  They said that there are fears of inflation sparked by all things of rising wages.  This is now seen as a bad thing even though it was only a 2.7% rise.  We know of course the inflation figures are bogus so that 2.7% is nothing.  But keep in mind that worker efficiency is through the roof and overall corporate efficiency and production are through the roof.  Profits have never been higher and are almost embarrassingly high.  Of course dividends are up encouraging loyal investors.  So it’s silly to speak of a 2.7% wage hike as at all threatening to stock prices.  I would say however that when it comes to inflation for seniors, the media made another mistake.  They said that old people don’t use oil or energy.  Old people certainly drive so buy gasoline, if less than a long-distance commuter to work every day.  In these cold winters back east they certainly use heating oil and natural gas.  And we know that oil price per barrel has gone from the low forties to the low sixties in the past few years.  Hence gasoline prices are higher.  What old people use less of are things like machine tools and lawnmowers and high end computers.  We explained all of this a month or so back.  Go back and find that exposee and read it. 

The congressional budget deal is still in doubt.  The Senate under the guidance of Chuck Schummer and Mitch Mc Connell has hammered out an agreement that satisfies nobody.  The key thing is that it separates DACA from the rest of the budget.  It seems they want to throw more money at the Pentagon and the democrats get concessions for their favorite programs, too.  But nobody is talking about the deficit busting nature of these expenditures.  But the matter of Dreamers has been a can kicked down the road.  Nancy Pelosi has made an hours long speech in the House chamber protesting this deal in the senate.  The Republicans under Paul Ryan also seem disinclined to go for any deal.  So it’s not a done deal yet as far as I can see and we could well have a government shut-down.  President Trump has sure been acting strangely.  He says he WANTS a government shut-down.  This would make his day.  Where is that Presidential leadership we so need today?  We don’t have it.  Trump seems to want chaos or maybe he’s just against all government and is at heart an anarchist.  Trump wants a military parade.  But some have argued that it would be less a parade to honor the military but rather a parade by the military specifically to honor their leader, the President.  The last big series of military parades we had were the celebrations for winning Gulf War I back in the spring of 1991.  I’ve heard the military themselves does not want to throw a parade now because it would cost too much transporting all that equipment to the big cities.  Trump has the heart of a dictator.  I know Gene Scott really exploded when certain people in his congregation refused to stand and applaud for certain honored guests.  Scott was insenced.  Now President Trump has said that the democrats were guilty of treason for not applauding.  As far as we know this is the land of free speech, and this certainly means the right NOT to speak.  Only a despotic leader would insist on mandentory cheers and applause.  But why does Trump want to model himself after Putin and Kim Jung Un or the leader of China and other totalitarian states?  Once again Trump’s emotionally unbalanced nature comes to the fore.  I would hope that Mueller comes through with some indictments and quickly before we really do have a constitutional crisis on our hands. 

The following three paragraphs were typed Monday.   Maybe when Trump is removed from office by one means or another my ratings will go up.  As of now even major news events don't seem to help.   

In other news Wheel of Fortune has learned that anticipation isn’t always reality.  This week they are having a “salute to Boston”.  We know where that came from.  Meanwhile with Cracker Barrel restaurants we learn that those other three a few decades back that were in southern California and one in Anaheim, were actually unlicensed knock-offs and didn’t have permission to use the name.  Of course real Cracker Barrels have wooden rocking chairs out front.  Their famous meal is the country fried chicken and other “comfort foods” where you are guaranteed to leave the restaurant full.  They are opening the first Cracker Barrel on the west coast in Victorville.   People drive over an hour just to eat there. 

The stock markets were down four percent today.  The NASDAC index was down 3.8% and the Standard and Poors 500 wer down 4.2%.  But the Dow Jones Industrials beat them all and was down 4.6%.   There was in excess of a six hundred point drop on Friday and now you combine this with a 1,100 point drop today.  The index was once down over fifteen hundred but then rebounded in the last few minutes.  When I first heard there was a problem the index was already down eight hundred points.  Maybe this isn’t the start of the next bit crash but I’ll tell you it’s a warning we should all heed.  But if you sell now you’ll only wipe out the gains of the past month and keep all the other big gains of the past eight years or so.  Wouldn’t you want to sell all stocks now and rest easy and stick your money in gold or something, which just might be slated to rise?  Oil is up to $63/00 a barrel, which explains why gasoline prices are up.  The price of oil has been rising steadily since it was in the low forties.  People like Shawn Hannity should be happy.  I think it’s a good time for investors across the board to realign their priorities.  That way you can rest easy at night and each view of the morning newspaper doesn’t bring dread. 

 There was a shooting incident with a deputy and a teenager, and they say the teenager was unarmed.  But others said “someone in the crowd took his weapon”.  I don’t know who is right.  Eye Witness news spent time covering the police interview.  There was another train wreck a few days ago.  We’ve had more of those lately.  They had four people on the news who collectively have lost over 700 pounds.  With that much surgical weight loss you have all that skin which can break out in rashes or chafe when you work out.  So now they have a surgical procedure for thousands of dollars where they remove up to twenty pounds of just skin.

Monday, February 05, 2018

Eagles Beat Patriots in Amazing Superbowl

Something I doubted I’d ever be able to say was that the Eagles beat the Patriots in the Superbowl.   The Patriots have won five superbowls and I personally thought it was more.  It seems like they win in every superbowl they play in.   The kick-off was just after three thirty and as usual there was a sea of commercials before then.  I turned on the TV before three.  Each team began by scoring a field goal.  But the Eagles jumped out to a ten or so point lead that varied but they were always ahead.  The score was 22 to 12 at the half.  The halftime show was horrible, perhaps the worst ever.  Justin Timberlake has no charisma and no creative ability.  One feature that dominated the scoring was that the Eagles missed an extra point going for two.  So if they were ahead it would be by six points and not seven.  This finally came back to bite them toward the end of the game when the Patriots scored and led by one point making it 30 to 29 or something.  There were two controversial calls involving Eagle touchdowns.  That is – controversial of you’re a Patriots fan.  The media commentators were at war with the referees, who got both calls right.  One involved whether the Eagle had two feet in the field while stepping out of the end zone.  The other revolved on whether the scoring Eagle was “a runner” and was bobbling the ball when he scored.  It looked like the Patriots would win because after the Eagles scored their final touchdown they only led by five points because they tried another two point conversion that failed.  The were 0 for 2.  All the Patriots had to do was to score again with over two minutes to do it.  But the Eagles got a turnover scrambling for the call and they went and scored a field goal making the score 41 to 33 I think.  When the Patriots got the ball they had less than a minute to score eight points and they were unable to do it.  They simply ran out of time and a Hail Mary pass failed.  Of course the crowd has a pro Philadelphia bias.

There is going to be another Federation album release tomorrow with six new songs making fourteen.  My smoking was heavier than usual.  I had a cigarette right before dinner.  We had a “roast beef gulash” self-described in marinera sauce.  They had the pasta off to the side but I mixed them together.  We had broccoli and vanilla yogurt for dessert.  I would have gone for rolls but I knew the bakery was closed on Sundays.  The game ran till after seven then I went for medication.  Sixty Minutes had a thing on tips being included with your meal “because too many people have imbibed too much to do the math to figure the tip, and not only the waitresses but the cook and the dishwasher and everybody else gets a part of that tip.


Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet (hit version)
Ball of Confusion (Temptations)
Raspberry Beret (Prince)
It's All Gone Sour (J C Superstar) (Maurie Head)
Running Gun Blues (David Bowie)
We Got the Beat (the Go Go's)
99 Red Balloons (artist?)
The Pusher-man (Curtess Mayfield)
I Got A Woman (Honeydrippers)
Hey, Negrita (Rolling Stones)
Even Better Than the Real Thing (U2)
Supertzar (Black Sabbath)
The Nile Song (Pink Floyd)
Rawhide (Dead Kennedy's)

The title letters are in bright green.  The front photo is of that Eagle touchdown where it was questionable whether he had both feet in bounds and not out of the end zone.  It was the first of two controversial scoring calls.  The commentary on the back cover after the title listings has been re-worked.  There is nothing about a nineteen day limit to get rid of Trump.  In fact we have de-Trumpified this album.  Much more the commentary was on the specific facts of this congressional memo about the FBI and the FISA court ruling.  People want the facts.  The photo on the open out portion of the CD is identical.  February 6th is the scheduled release date and is also Ronald Reagan’s birthday.   The U2 track has been changed as you see.  Also tracks two and three from the previous "5150" album have been dropped.  So Maurie Head is the second track on that album.  That also was kind of long the way it was and besides this way there are fewer overlaps.  

[Saturday evening] After this it was “Blind Spot”, which was a good program.   I don’t like it when someone has an “edge” that’s not related to the facts.  If someone says they can predict how a juror will vote merely because of how he’s dressed or a psychological profile such that “they have his whole personality figured out” in advance, I get suspicious.  It’s like Neil Savedra claiming that God knows the future, but he’s not going to tell us but merely turn to some fellow angel and say “You that guy right there is really stupid” snickering at him behind his back, but unwilling to lift a finger to help him out.  I believe that either athletic contests or a chess match or a jury trial should be based strictly on “the field of play” and the facts and circumstances involved in “the game” itself without going out of the box.  But in this case this Bull guy redeemed himself later in the episode by digging into the facts and arriving at the truth despite setbacks.  I went to bed soon after nine.  I slept quite well.  I woke about ten after four because I was cold but didn’t look to see that the window was wide open and I had on that thin bedspread from Nora.  So I got up and showered to get warm.  Then I smoked a cigarette and made myself instant coffee.  Ricardo was in charge of the medication in the morning and I didn’t ask for any extras.  I was just musing on all this stuff how God has us at a perpetual disadvantage because “Not knowing the truth is a major disadvantage” in life.  But I tuned in Joel Olsteen and he talked about how God can do do-overs and allow for human mistakes and “recalculate’ the route.  According to Neil Savedra, God doesn’t do “do-overs”.  If you don’t get it the first time you come across a situation, you’re screwed. 

 I watched Days of our Lives at one.  Hatti broke out of prison yet again and showed up at Andre’s funeral being quite disruptive.  Then she was questioned by the police.  She was the one who wrote that letter to Anna from Statesville Prison.  Will decided not to tell Hope about his suspicions about John trying to slowly poison Steve.  Paul at the very same time decided not to confront John about this issue also.  Both were unsuccessful.  At two I went for snacks and got vanilla wafers and lemonade from Rico in the courtyard. 

Rhapsody in Black featured the top 25 hits of 1954 with generous extras.  There were also several two-sided hits.   There was a surprising number of songs, like the majority they played, that I had never heard of.  Some like “Lovey Dovy” and “I’ll Be True To You” and “A Sunday Kind of Love” I’ve heard before.  Of course my recollection of “Lovey Dovey” is from another arrangement in the fall of 1960.  They played some big hits such as “Shake, Rattle and Roll” and “Sha-boom” and “Honey Love” and three Hank Ballard songs.  They played “Sexy Ways”, “Anna had a Baby” and “Work With Me, Annie”.  They played “Hearts of Stone” but it was by the Jewels and not by the Charms.  There were a lot of straight blues songs including “I Just Want To Make Love To You” made famous by the Rolling Stones, of course. 

Friday, February 02, 2018

Are President Trump's Days Numbered?

5150 -released February 3rd. 2018

Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet (hit version)
Ball of Confusion (Temptations)
Raspberry Beret (Prince)
It's All Gone Sour (J C Superstar) (Maurie Head)
Running Gun Blues (David Bowie)
99 Red Balloons (artist?)
Hey, Negrita (Rolling Stones)
New Year's Day (U2)
President Trump’s State of the Union Message 39:00 edited

The front photo is just of the President delivering the speech with Pence and Ryan seen behind him.  The editing on this speech was going to be the same as it would have been Wednesday but we've added songs.  This originally meant that nearly thirty minutes of the speech are edited out but so much of that is applause. Now it's more.  Three of the four original songs listed are the same as we would have had Wednesday.  Now we have eight songs.  And a shorter speech edit.  The back commentary is of this memo that the Republican house wants released presumably today.  But they want it released because it could just be that the President only has nineteen days to go before he leaves office and all hell is going to break through in a few days.  Where we get the number nineteen is February 21st is the day Malcolm X was shot and they are going to try and get this album out today.  It’s the Federation including the old Reigelian federation.   The inside open out photo alludes to that school shooting of yesterday.  We show a caucasion twelve year old girl firing a machine gun at her classmates and students are falling left and right.  I’m not sure whether the term “Negrita” is insulting or not.  It’s from “Black and Blue”.   

The weather department is saying to be on watch for “That Stormy thing” according to Stephanie.  I’m sure Trump has had his fair share of affairs with hookers over the years.  But more condemning is Trump's alledged affair with UN Secretary Niki Haley aboard Air Force One, that's still going on.  That guy Scarimuchi was just on KTLA news.  He’s a scarey fellow.  He claims to have started off as a non political union guy.  He says he agrees with Sanders about being in touch with the working man.  Having said that he fell under Trump’s spell and he’s still under it although Scarimuchi only worked for the administration eleven days.  He says Trump was just joking about saying that he has a bigger nuclear button than Kim Jung Un.  He was also only joking when he said that he was a really stable genious.  He rattled off this list of “accomplishments” of the Trump administration including the lowest unemployment and how even today the government says we are adding two hundred thousand jobs.  Back in the old days the Republicans used to say that if the economy didn’t regularly add three hundred thousand jobs than it wasn’t a real recovery.  He spoke of how well Blacks and other minorities are doing economically.  He claims Trump brought North and South Korea to the table and that’s why their athletes are marching under the same Olympic flag next month.  Scarimuchi says he has no plans to run for any office because politics has a corrupting influence.  He quoted George Orwell from “Animal Farm” in saying that Pigs protested the farmer and rose up to power but once the Pigs obtained power they rose up on two legs and became just as corrupt as the autocrat farmer they protested.   He spoke of Trump as being a really well intended president who really wants to drain the swamp.  Here is a Jeopardy question I missed in the past week involving the sixties.   “This object had prohibitions against altering, but until 1965 there were no laws against burning it”.  I thought it was the American Flag.  It turned out they were referring to one’s draft card.  In a Jeopardy question last night all three players missed all five questions about football.  This only shows gaping gaps can show up in one’s knowledge even after they have studied extensively.  He lit into Steve Flynn in criticizing his recent work of “fiction”.   Scarimuchi is a scarey fellow because he appears to be the sort of “clean cut young man” people want in politics but he’s really a brainwashed zombie.

Hung over driving can be as impairing as drunk driving they announced today.  Medical marijuana is still a better deal than "recreational" marijuana.  You only have to be eighteen and not 21 to smoke it and you pay less in sales taxes.  They say you can't even be on your own balcany or porch to smoke it.  And I guess you can't smoke it while watering your lawn either.  And I've heard you can't smoke it in a hotel room and you can't smoke it in a restaurant.  And I'm not certain laws about giving marijuana to a friend if you see him on the street or something.

I would now like to talk about the Federation’s “operation gemstone” of The Twelve Dimensions we listed in a blog around 2012.   In no other compilation do we mention twelve dimensions.  I'd like to explain this.  I’m going to try and not make this too complicated because I know most readers have a low tolerance for things that are “complicated”.  You can prove this by merely asking them to take a math story problem like we used to get in school- - into an algetriac equation.  They might be even able to do the problem in their head but they are still unable to write out an algebraic equation of the sort that you could use in a computer program.  Dimensions in common with all other compilations of dimensions are the first four pertaining to material objects *, and also the three standard special dimensions we all know about and exist with.  That brings the tally to seven.  The big area where we depart company is that generally we list two dimensions of Time- - - which involved Fifth dimensional travel and knowledge.  Parrellel Universes for you people who want to simplify it.  The problem is that the Federation thinks they’re God and are infallible in their predictive ability.  There is no room for error.  And none of this stuff about psychics actually “seeing things” that really are occurring in a parrellel universe.  With this loophole open you can predict almost anything and be accurate.  So instead of a second dimension of Time, the Federation opts to go for the God dimension or “The Twelfth Man” as we put it.  The “Gemstone” factor comes in because the twelve dots are physically arranged in the form of (shape of) a Gemstone.  At any rate this raises the number of dimensions to nine.  We used to speak of the three karmic dimensions but like I said, let’s not complicate things. Two more we nowadays talk about that raise the tally to twelve are “Dynamic” itself being a dimension or “Wave Amplitude” for lack of a better term, and also have the Dimension of “Spacial Arrangement” or “Feng Chue”.   This is the idea of - - psychic “strings” that when crossed or bisected release a causal “Force”.  We have done numerous listings of dimensions but we usually try to keep it at eleven because long ago someone said “This was the original number of dimensions”.   We ceased upon that number “eleven” for better or worse.   * These four aspects of material objects are gravity or mass,  Form or blueprint for constructing, Function, and Perception or awareness. 

On Days of our Lives it was the day of verbal keep-away.  John Black wouldn’t tell Paul about who the watermark says who really wrote that letter to Anna.   This is the person who "baited" Anna into going to Andre's office, probably to kill him.  It's believed somehow this water-mark will finger the guilty party, perhaps Vivian.  Carrie came from London to get Anna and Roman out of jail.  Will was about to tell Hope about John poisoning Steve but I imagine Hope will get a sudden phone call and the subject will be dropped.   Anna and Roman explained what Anna really did the night of the murder but the audience doesn’t have a clue.  If we, the audience knew, it would make things simpler for us.  It was the day of Andre’s funeral.