Thursday, April 12, 2012


You know when "This" television, which shows movies, first came on the air in April or so of 2009 one of the earliest they showed was 'Judgement at Nuremburg".  I watched the movie carefully and did a blog posting on it and sent it off to Dr. Levy.  For whatever reason, he seemed entirely unimpressed with it.  The chief cry of the German people at large in that movie was "We didn't suspect - - ".  Thom Hartman has stated many times that "if the end of something were known from the beginning the German people would never have gone along with it".  As far as I'm concerned, "So it is with Calvary Christianity".  Chuck Smith is a major "bait and switch" artist.  It was a genious marketing move to invite all those Hippies into his Church because it garnered him a lot of National Press and attention, not to mention recruits.  To say that these people were somehow "flaking out" when they didn't stick with it.  Because it's getting harder and harder with each passing years - - seeing the final fruits of the movement - - that there was not a definate element of outright deception going on.  You know, I have always believed that 'The Pusher" by Steppinwolf is about Jesus Freaks.  One line goes "The Pusher - - for a Nickle gona sell you a lot of sweet dreams.  But he'll lead your soul to waste, and leave your Mind to scream".  So it is true that Religion is the Opiate of the people.  The song opens "You know I've smoked a lot of grass, and popped a lot of pills, but I've never touched nothing - - that my Spirit could kill", or stated in correct word order, - - "that could kill my Spirit".  There are things out there that are more dangerous for your Spirit than drugs.  (Selah)  I believe it was the spring of 1971 when I attended Calvary Chapel, back even before they moved into the tent when someone was talking about Jesus Freaks and marijuana.  The preacher responded 'Well yes, I suppose you could be smoking a joint and manage to sucessfully witness to your friend.  - - - But now try and witness to his father".  That's very under-stated indeed.  Back in those days people seemed to "Have Something".  The people hadn't had the passage of time necessary to de-humanize themselves like they are now.  Every one of them had spent most of their lives in "the world" as they put it.  In fact one thing that initially appealed to me about the Rev Bill Halliday was that he was a fresh convert from being a Hollywood actor.  And I thought "Well, he's been in the real world.  He knows what it's like.  He'll be easier to talk to than Pastor Don".  I learned my lesson just a little bit late on that one.  But soon the typical conservative "clap trap" rhetoric took over.  And for the past forty years they have the same tired litany of dire things that would happened and "unleashed on us by the government" that have never come to pass, not then.  Not then and not now.  We were told of the danger of giving up our missiles and SALT I by the Nixon Administration.  One big reason why Henry Kissinger was pegged as the anti-christ is because of his overatures to Communist China in 1971 and 1972.  Since then we have heard horror stories of enforced destruction of the private family and sexual corruption of our young- - and terrors from foreign powers.  And now we have the tea party.  How interesting that since the Reagan era thirty years ago, we have only had one US president who has ever been a Combat Vetteran.  Is this a Coincidence?  I don't believe Chuck Smith and his glorification of War and Armageddon - - ever served in combat.  He was just a few years too young to have served in World War II, I know that.  The thing is when you see this right wing infection - - you have no idea how far it will go.  Dr Laura headed rightward some decades ago but it was like some progressive disease that kept getting incrementally worse and more obvious.  Ted Nugent used to be an anti draft hippy.  Then he came out in favor of Gulf War I and we heard that he hunted animals with a bow and arrow.  But I was absolutely shocked and sickened last week when I heard that after Jerry Garcia's death that Ted Nugent came out and said "Well, he was just a loser, unwashed hippy who never ammounted to anything".  What is especially hypocritical about this remark is that Jerry Garcia was highly popular till the day he died.  But Ted Nugent has done pretty much nothing for the past thirty years.  Of course this attack on icons extends to our current President.  They have called him every vile name in the book and I don't need to repeat the well known examples.  At least when people called Bill Clinton a liar, a draft dodger, a womanizer, and a pot smoker, Clinton actually WAS all of these things.  President Obama is guilty of NONE of those things yet the entire tea party hates him with an ungodly passion that knows no satiation.  Today I watched three different intervgiews on the internet of Bill Press' new book "The Republican hate machine".  Why the president just sits there and "takes it" is a mystery to me.  He does the office of President by not coming down hard on these people. You know he has the Power to do it as President.  It makes no sense at all, Ghandi not withstanding to be a "Nice Guy".  That's because you know deep down that you're being a whoof, and worse still, those hurling the stones at you know you're being a whoos, and now they have lost all fear of retrobution, like a bad seed kid who is never disciplined and gets into trouble. We owe it as Americans not to let the office of President be subject to such ridicule because whatever we think we are "proving" by allowing it to go on, we are NOT proving. They said if Hillary Clinton ever got into office she would show a lot of political retrobution against all of her Enemies.  We could sure use some of that retrobution now.  When you hear Rush Limbaugh on the radio you are thinking to yourself "If you don't shut your trap right now I'm going to come over there and Shut it For You".  He's like a dog who licks himself in the groin.  He does it because he Can.  We are informed of some of the socialogical causes of the rise of the Tea Party that gave me increased understanding of the phenominon.  Of course there were early memos of Louis Powel to Republicans about organizing.  They had wanted some fantasy "republican news network" but it was only a pipe dream.  By 1996 Rush Limbaugh was already well established as a forerunner of the Right Wing, and then Fox News came into existance.  The Republicans were in a long, gradual process of constructing their own Political Echo Chamber.  Now we are at that point where it's not far fetched to say that American Liberty itself is in clear Danger from these people.  And what are those of us on Our Side going to do about it?

The other big issue of the day was this one lady who supposedly “waged war on stay at home mothers”.  However nothing in her remarks was untrue.  She just said that Anne Romney hasn’t a clue about what a typical working woman nowadays faces – and besides she’s never worked a day in her life.  I would have added that Anne Romney is like a bauble.  She’s one of these trophy wives who farms out her five children to the care of nanny’s anyhow.  However what Anne said to this other woman was definitely catty.  She said “Well you aren’t qualified to call yourself a mother because you had adopt your two children while I pumped mine out of my own body.  She then called her a Lezbian and this is supposed to invalidate her remarks.  I think the Lezbian remark was completely uncalled for not being germain one bit to the topic at hand, and the assertion may not even be true.  The other news item still floating around is Sean Hannty’s disgusting behavior of yesterday.  He gets an audience with George Zimmerman and says that he “has the truth now” but then tells the media not to dare ask him what Zimmerman admitted to him.  He says “I have my show to put on”.  So he was planning to save the tape for his show.  But of course that was before he ever knew that Zimmerman would face justice.  That changes the dynamic of the whole thing.  I’ll tell you another “dynamic” that will change really quickly, and that’s when the Supreme Court rules against the tea party and allows the Obama health statute to stand and go into effect.  How much “respect for the Supreme Court” will these tea party have then - - “hummm?”    And the whole “war on women” thing is still going.  But Laura Ingrim hadn’t gotten the official “Papal Bull” from the Tea Party before she did her own show yesterday.  Because on her own show she carried on about how well women were doing in the employment situation and cited numerous statistics.  Mitt Romney is sitting there grinding his teeth saying ‘Laura, you’re blowing it for all of us”.  Usually when one republican or another “goes off the plantation” for a moment, they are reeled back in and “corrected” really fast.

North Korea has launched their third attempted long range missile.  This one like the previous two proved to be a colossal dud.  A great big yawn.  Observers said the first stage firing sent out more flames than anticipated.  It's believed the missile went badly off course just about the time of the second stage firing of a three stage rocket.  North Korea has over a million men in arms.  That's impressive for any nation.  Many people believe that George Bush may have inadvertantly pushed they into developing the Bomb.  You see President Clinton had North Korea in hand.  But when the North Koreans saw they were included in the three pronged 'Axis of Evil" and that Iran had done nothing to us and inspectors in that nation found no weapons of mass destruction, and Bushed attacked them anyway - - the North Koreans figured "Hell- - the Iraquis were docile and look how we are getting it.  Say no more.  We now know what we have to do".  And so they did.  They developed the Bomb.

Thom Hartman has described corporations as cancer cells, who are not concerned with the growth of the body as a whole but only interested in feeding off the energy of the rest of society and polifferating their own kind.  What is notible psychologically about the tea party is their near pathological fear of "The other".  Women's eyes may dialate as the sight of daffifiles and teddy bears.  But tea party people when shown scene of violent conflict will sit up and notice, and the photo has their rapt attention.  They react to such photos in much more dramatic fashion than regular people do.  In their zeal against "The Other" it is they themselves who become "The Other" because they do not view themselves as a part of Corporate society as a whole- - which is to say, the rest of the national "Body".  I tried to hint at such sentaments in my Book in a veiled barb against Calvary Christians, but I couldn't come up with the right words.  You know in the NBC movie 'Jesus of Nazareth" which came out in 1977, the Jesus figure's first words to Judas Iscariot when he first met him was "You shall know a tree by it's fruit".  I never knew how prophetic these words were when it came to the tea party.  If you're God you are either blessed or cursed depending on your view - - - of knowing the End from the Beginning.  Some people are quicker to pick up on Clues than others but it becomes Obvious to most people in time.  You know I was accused by someone of having Aspburger's Sydrone today.  A guy named Andy asked someone else "Does Marcus suffer from Aspurger's".  Now that "someone else" is using Aspburgers sydrone as a possible "disability passport' to get me into a Good Will training program.  I'm not entire sure I want to do that although at this point I guess I would do almost anything to "feel useful" again.  But as far as I'm concerned I'm personally about as far at the other political spectrum from Aspburger's as it's possible to get.  I'm obsessed with what others think about me.  I have never had the sort of Ego Centrism that seems to come second nature to a Jesus Freak or a tea party person.  It's like we're cut from a different cloth.  Of course don't blame the tree for bearing the Bad Fruit.  My theory is that it isn't really a "bad tree" - - just a Bad Farmer.  And of course God himself or the Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call Him is the guiding force behind both the tea party and fundamentalist Christianity.  And "Serve Somebody" seems to be their National Anthem.  They are led into what Michael Benner calls as a "false dualism" as if there are only two Choices for anything.  As such in their way of thinking it's "Only logical" that you should team up with them.  Thom Hartman announced today that there were NO communists presently in Congress.  Yet the tea party caucus said that all 27 members of the Progressive  Caucus were not just socialists but Communists.  And so we come full circle.  These people have varied little over the past forty years.  It's just now they are successful, and hence highly deangerous.


Doing the right things in life is more important than “Doing Things Right”  Many people say they will "do everything right" even if it kills them.  And they well succeed at that goal.

You never get a Second chance to make a First Impression

There are no “Do Overs” in life, much as Neil of KFI says.  In God’s sight, even the smallest sin has an inherently Eternal Nature to it.

People who make a habbit of saying and doing oppressive, hateful things, in the belief that they will always "get away with them" without restraint - - invite eventual retrobution by others who may well get away with them.

People who claim everybody should live by Their oppressive and restrictive rules, should be publicly confronted and be demanded to Live by their Own Rules.  In this way you may drive him into seeing the folly of his own rules, and he may come to abandon them.

A Computer program that answers different questions than the ones you wanted to know, can be reprogrammed to answer the Right Questions.  So it is with the Human Intellect

Figures Don’t Lie – But Liars Figure

Just like a fetus – An Aborted Idea just might have been the one that saved the World
A bird or a plane cannot fly without both a Left wing and a Right wing

A true Threat is one that will Do You In in the end, regardless of whether further Initiative is taken – by either Side

Like apples and oranges - - You can neither add fractions nor Compare Factors – unless you first have a common denominator   (Selah)

He who makes an ambiguous promise will reap an Ambiguous reward – even if the Promise is Kept.  (Selah0

Inappropiate Vagueness and Obscurity are the last refuges of the mentally and morally unfocused

There are three kinds of “Spreading”.  There is the spread of ideas and culture, there is the spreading of concrete or butter on your bread, and then there is the spreading which comes from Verbal Diaria - - and the victims have to wash the excrement off of themselves

People who feel threatened by the petty and insignificant – Are Small people to begin with.

Everything has Form.  And to have Form means inherently to have bounderies and limits

He who is always complaining of Bitterness in Others – has probably never tasted bitterness himself - - or he would not make such a stupid statement.

Forgiveness is less a Virtue - - and more of a Business Proposition

If you make a habbit of invading another's Private Space - you are looking for a Fight.  And the other fellow does not necessarly care whether he wins in the end or not.  What's important to him is that he took the Initiative

Human Minds are like plumbing.  Love the Pipes; Hate the Excriment

He who lacks Gravitas - - even if he is the most accurate Bowler in the world will never throw a strike and never win a match.

I just have a few questions for you.  And as long as it takes for you to answer them, that’s how long you will remain here.  (Bob Dylan)

An entity hat has the power and inclination to grant you everything you need, has the power to take from you everything you have.  He who pays his own way in life keeps himself from entanglements.

Worker ants carry objects several times their own weight long distances.  If some of us had the sense of purpose that that ant exhibits, just think of what we could accomplish.

Grammar is Important.  He who lacks grammer works with an improper yardstick throwing off all of his measurements, so that in the end, the Blueprint is Useless

It’s a healthy organism that is able to expel mentally unhealthy thinking.  It’s a healthy society that can expel evil people and pathological thinking from its midst.

All Liars are not Christians - - but All Christians are Liars

Courage is a Virtue - - even if practiced by an Evil person

Religion is like the control – Z character in DOS.  Only you and not I knows what comes after it.  Whether what comes after it is relevent to me is a fact unknown to me, but what I can be sure of is that what comes after it CANNOT be relivant to me.

I’m Sorry.  I Forgot to respond to a Fault that exists only in your own Mind that you Forgot to tell me about.

Love when practiced by an Evil person - - Becomes a Vice

What occurs in the Afterlife is irrelevant to me - - since there is no time when I plan on not being Alive.  The healthy and strong have many pleasures in life - - the starving and the sick have few- - THE DEAD HAVE NONE

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today at three o clock it was announced via live press conference that George Zimmerman was was already in custody and that Zimmerman is being charged with second degree murder.  This decision, the lady prosecutor announced, was reached only after exhaustive investigation these past 45 days and working with the Sanford PD.  She said an arrest warrent had already been put out and that Zimmerman did not resist arrest.  His bail has not yet been determined.  She also expressed concern on several cases for the loved ones of Trevon Martin.  She would not field any questions as to the actual facts of the case, and she rightly said that the defendant was entitled to not have his remarks upon arrest broadcast.  It's high time this piece of human debris was taken int custody.  Zimmerman is being held in an undisclosed location "for his own safety".  Earlier today there were overt doubts about Zimmerman's mental state.  They say that he's been suffering from "post traumatic stress disorder".  His former attorneys have expressed open dismay at Zimmerman's behavior and said that Zimmerman was apparently hiding out and "some place where he can't be found".  I find that wording intriguing.  Clearly Zimmerman was a flight risk.  His attorney said "Zimmerman has no plans to leave the country".  This author would like to insert a personal note.  I personally am surprised but pleased that the arrest and charging took place at all, because for a while there it was beginning to look as if there weren't a snowball's chance in hell that we would ever see the day of reckening in this case.  But now we have, and it's a good thing.

Of course good news to our side is bad news for the right wing.  They were playing all these Hannity broadcasts of him crying in his beer over the "injustice" of this case and how the media has behaved irresponsably and faboricated evidence where there was none.  They'll all have to eat their words with a fork and spoon because the hanging judge will be arriving soon.  (I just thought I'd make a rhyme)  So we can expect Rush Limbaugh for one to be positively apaplectic tomorrow morning.  However great damage has been done.  Like the post 9 - 11 eleven era for our nation - - it's as though we all have been raped - - violated.  None of us has the same sense of security to feel to walk the streets alone at night that we had before.  Just as a nation we are all in some perhaps government aggravated state of P T S D ourselves.  If you are a young person or the loved one of a young person certainly it's a whole new ball game for what you tell your child about keeping safe, particularly if you're Black.  Parents will tell their children "Even if it's pouring down rain - - don't you go and wear a hoodie because white people will get the wrong idea".  Mothers will tell their kids, "No don't walk out to the store or the barber's alone.  Even though I'm beat, I'll drive you there".  Personally I think it could and should have been first degree murder because he was "lying in wait" for his next victim.  Any parent would tell their child on the cell phone if they were being pursued by a seedy looking stranger "Just run and get out of there".

There is more bad news for the political right.  The experts say now that gasoline prices have either close to a peak or have already peaked and will be lower two months from now.  They attribute this to tensions easing in Iran, which we haven't heard much about lately.  Much as I suspect they have probably decided that what all reports say is true - - that Iran is in fact not working on an Atomic Bomb and as any race Iran wants to cooporate with the west.  Also I heard OPEC plans to step up their own production of oil.  Also the Federal Reserve in a weekly report has stated that the economy is "showing strength in all twelve sectors".  You or I may dispute that but nonetheless this is what they say.  Stocks today have rebounded.  It should also be noted that arguably the unemployment rate would be Lower than readings indicate- - if there has not been such a massive loss of jobs in the Public Sector.  The President has continually reminded us all that the significant thing about this recovery is that it has been in the all important Private sector.  There is other news that indicates that Obama's lead over Romney has increased and perhaps twice as many people regard the President as "likeable" as opposed to calling Romney "likeable".  The gender gap between Romney and the President is now enormous- - they say it is in excess of twenty points.  The Republicans may sense this void of facts and issues on their side because their primary thrust lately has not been the issues themselves but an attack on the Media at large for their- - - brainwashing and endoctrination of the American Public, or whatever.

I'm in a hell of a lot better mood this Wednesday than last for sure.  I was able to make it shopping to Wall Mart this week and got my coffee.  Everything in the laundry came back.  I had made a miscalculation I discovered that shows I have about eight dollars in my account more than I thought.  I was asked to sign one of these anti gay petetions at Wall Mart this week, but I didn't feel like being political today, at least not that way.  I want to study up on this whole issue of forced "gay studies" in the intermediate and grammar schools.  If it gets on the ballot I'll vote for it.  Some of you will note a certain "element" has been - absent from the postings we've done over the past eight days.  It's like deiscovering Steve Jobs is not in charge of the cafeteria and the only meat you've gotten has been fish or sea food and you're wondering why.  I'm keeping you people on a "no red meat diet" presently.  I am still troubled however by the state of general apathy "the public" at large seems to be about the machinations of the political right, and their general willingness to believe anything they are told.  Some issues you know just can't be raised even though quite valid, and I mean personal issues.  It's a question of how much power or "capital" you have.  I do not have a very fat account of "persuasive capital" and I know it.  I am "capital poor" both monitarily and the ammount of personal influence I have if I were ever in a situation where I would have to draw on it there would be almost none in the bank.

Here are a few more questions and observations about Jesus.  Jesus didn't always "keep his cool".  He publicly dressed that pharicee down in his own home for what he felt was "a lack of the social graces".  it was akin to Newt Gingrich complaining because he "had to ride in the back of the plane.  Jesus did tell at least one overt lie.  He said if you prayed hard enough and persistently enough you could "wear God down and get him to do about anything just to keep you quiet".  We know this is not true.  There are instances where God KNOWS to a metaphysical certainty, that certain prayers will not be granted.  According to Jesus - when demons come out of a man they look for another body to jump into because "it is not their time to be judged yet".  So what about the two thousand swine who were possesed and ran headlong into the sea and drowned.  If demons are indeed immortal, what happened to those two thousand demons.  The angels put on a "light show" for the shepherds in Luke.  How come nobody else saw this "light show" when by the books own admission there were scads of people camped out in the open air all around Bethlehem because there was no room in the Ins because of the Roman Cencus.  What did Jesus mean when he went along with referring the daughter of a foreign woman as "a little dog"?  What did Jesus mean when he said "You will always have the poor people with you".  Didn't Jesus believe in his own iminent return the way everybody else did?  Why does the Bible say that the next time we hear from Jesus it will be "as the lightning flashes from east to west in the sky".  How does this scripture fit in with the just century old doctrine of a "secret rapture of the faithful"?
"- - I just have a few more questions"

Everybody has questions.  We don’t know what Santorum and Grinch will do now with Romney as the nominee apparent.  There is talk about “continuing the fight”.  Neither also-ran seems all that friendly tword Mitt Romney even now, even though it’s really hard to see how Romney is NOT toting that tea party line.  Romney has been saying “If Obama is going to ask for my full taxes, then I want to him to publish all of the confidential conversations the President has had with foreign leaders”.  What sort of sense would that make with an obvious need to know you can say things in confidence and not broadcast it to our enemies?  Of course with Ricky,  he has paid the price for an early withdrawal, and now all he has to show for it is a few spurts.  Newt apparently wrote a check to the State of Utah, which bounced.  George Zimmerman’s attorneys have officially split.  They are no longer under George Zimmerman’s hire any more.  The one hundredth anniversary of the Titanic hitting an iceberg is this Saturday in the late evening hours.  In the commemorative trip where they are retracing the same rout- - they have run into choppy waters, and also medical emergencies.
Here are just a few things that might have been nailed down a little better in the OJ Simpson murder case which offer some explanation of the perplexing Not Guilty verdict.  First of all why wasn’t the death penalty sought?  They could always drop it later but as I said in the previous posting- - it would screen out some of the “bleeding hearts” who don’t believe in the death penalty, who would be barred from serving.  Why the change of venue to the Los Angeles ghetto when the crime was committed in Brentwood?  Why did Marsha Clark speak in such a whimpering defensive manner and never assert any real “moral authority” or personal indignation at what OJ did?   Here are other lingering questions on the case.
Did you know they did not play the tape where the cops asked OJ questions about the crime right after it happened?  Apparently the interview was so inconclusive it wouldn’t help, or worse- - might have tended to make Orenthol Simpson appear not guilty of the crimes.
Robert Cardassian is said to have stashed a trash bag full of bloody clothes in an airport trash can.  We heard about this incident but the jury never did.
We were promised expert psychologist’s testimony as to O J Simpson’s “ticking bomb” mental state.  We didn’t hear zippidy-doo-dah on this subject.  All we heard was some speculation on the subject by Chris Darden- - but the prosecution never delivered the goods.
Why does it matter if O J’s blood is found in his own house?  Even if there are drops of OJ blood at the Bundy place, we can infer that OJ cut himself while there - - but we still don’t know how he cut himself or whether or not it was connected with the murder.
If you are stashing the “bloody clothes” used in the murder and throw it away - - why drop off one bloody glove at the side of the OJ Mansion - - and why bang loudly three times on the wall while you are doing it so people rush out there and say “Look, a bloody glove”?
There are “crime scene photos” of the bedroom that to NOT have those bloody socks out in the middle of the room by themselves in them.  Where were the socks then?
There was going to be testimony from Nicole’s mother about her final phone conversation with Nicole.  We were promised it- - but they never put her on the stand.
If OJ was guilty and in the city of Chicago, why not take your time about returning to Los Angeles?  Why hurry back so soon.  Why not stay away and “hone your alibi a little better”?
Why did they run the demonstration about the gloves not fitting not knowing the results in advance.  Nobody has been able to explain such a prosecution miss-step like this.
Why was the latest “example” of a violent OJ from 1989?  In these cases where you have your “ticking time bomb” the violence should increase dramatically just BEFORE the attack.
Why wasn’t the prosecution allowed the option of second degree murder, should first degree not be proved.  It’s an option in any other murder case except this one.
Also the sequestering of the jury insilated them from what “the public” was being told about this case.  The Jury was not privy to a vast array of relivant facts as we were.


If Jesus were given a big bag of gold - - maybe thirty or forty pounds worth - - this would be worth a great deal of money.  What happened to it all?
If Jesus lived a “perfectly normal life” as Neil of KFI maintains- - well then - - did Jesus have a job?  Was he a good citizen, good national patriot?  Was he married.  Most “normal” people in that Jewish culture were.  If he was- - did he get a divorce before his ministry started?
Since Messiah and Deliveror are words used interchangeably by Jews- - what “Deliverance” did Jesus do?  Messiah means “anointed one”.  This implies an outside person to DO the anointing- - and some kind of “power giving oil” to anoint with.
If Jesus hung out with ordinary local fishermen - - how come Peter was given the patently Greek name of “Petros” meaning rock.  Did Jesus’ desciples speak Greek?  There seem to be a few other non Jewish names slipped in such as Philip, and Andrew, and Barthalamew.
It seems a bit odd to me that “all of the cities where Jesus did most of his meracles” got Destroyed - - and Jesus himself cursed these cities saying “they would be thrown down to Hell”.  What did these people do in these cities that ticked Jesus off to get him so mad?
Why is St. Paul ignorant of practically every event in the Gospels?
Why does Justin Martyr talk about the Gospel, singular, when there were four of them and how come this is the First historic reference to any writings – done in 150 AD.
How is St Paul privy to a resurrection appearance of Jesus to James, that no other writer seems to be aware of?   We are told Jesus was at continual enmity with all his brothers.
How come nobody else knows there was a Roman Cencus in 4 BC or whatever?  Historians agree one and all that the earliest Cencus of this kind was in 6 AD.
What prompted Pilate to put Jesus’ conviction up to a vote?  Who was Barrabus and where did he go?  And just WHAT turned the people of Jerusalem against Jesus such that they would be loudly clamoring for his cricifiction?
Why is there an absence of Miracles that Jesus performed his final week of Life?
Why was Jesus concerned about his own burial when nobody would every see his body?  What did Jesus mean in John 15 when he said “And now I am no more in the world”?
Why did the troops arresting Jesus need torches and lanterns when it was a full moon?  They would be readily seen from the mount of Olives coming.  Would it not be far more prudent with a bright full moon high in the sky - - to approach the Mount in a more stealth manner?
They say most of the Gospels were written around 85 AD.  Everyone seems to pick close to this date.  This was when Emperor Domecian was in power.  Why are there no adverse references to “Caesar” in the Gospels, and why are there no references in secular history of Emperor Domecian persecuting any Christians - - - along with all his other repressive acts?


Some may conclude in the spirit of the King in Hamlet, “Tea party philosophy seems most retrograde to the progress of cultural evolution on Planet Earth”.  Do you really want to team up with a group that is basically “betting against humanity”.  They see democracy as evil, either here or in the Mideast, the smaller number of voters, the better.  They are against science.  They age against stem cell research, they are against alternate energy, they are against all the sociological studies that indicate that inequity in society between rich and poor is responsible for a whole host of peoblems.  They, in the words of Thom Hartman “See corporations as morally Innocent - - but see the “mass of humanity” as inherently Evil if they ever got their will enacted.  They are against higher education.  They say it’s for “snobs”.  They say that intelligent learning and knowledge is “dangerous - - without GOD”.   They are against efficiency in automobiles regarding good mileage as some socialist conspiracy.  They are against environmentalism because they believe the End of the World is near anyhow so it won’t matter.  That God will save them but not us.  Ditto on the population problem.  Birth control doesn’t matter because the World is going to end in a few years anyhow.  They are also against “lower education” wanting to let the public schools “wither on the vine”.  They don’t regard police, fire, ambulance.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Today Rick Santorum has "suspended" his candidicy.  For legal reasons he can't say he's just ending it, even though that is the case when they use this termanology.  Clearly he's not going to even risk a loss in Pennsylvania.  This is his assasment of his own pull in that state, where despite all his perported Christian faith, when push comes to shove he proved "risk averse", as they all are, and couldn't stand trying to be able to explain away a defeat in his home State, where he lost badly in his own reelection campaign for Senate in 2006.  So it's bye bye Ricky.  Can Newt be far behind.  Now they say that Newt Gingrich's campaign is "bankrupt" even though Newt himself has a fantastic ammount of money.  He could spend his own money if he really had faith in his candidicy he he believed in himself, which again, when push comes to shove, these people never live up their lofty words.  So now Mitt Romney remains the only viable Republican Candidate so now it's reduced to a two man race.  We'll do more in a minute.

It would seem that George Zimmerman fears that he will be arrested in charged.  So he had started his own Defense Fund website to raise money for his defense.  But he apparently has refused his own attorney's phone calls to him.  If Randy Rhodes is right Sean Hannity refused to entangle himself in the case when requested to do so by Zimmerman's father.  How odd it is that the first thing you think of when establishing your innocence is not consulting the law, but instead going to the Media.  Sounds a little Sarah Palinish to me.  But the attorneys are loathe to even want to put Zimmerman's friends on the stand because they could be disbarred themselves if it's known they put known purgerers on the stand.  Why Hannity would testify in this case I don't know.  But as we know from recent history, even lying in a sworn deposition is purgery and a felony and you could go to jail.  Neither Mark Levin nor Hannity wants to risk that.  Clearly if they continued with their web of lies about Zimmerman's cuts and broken nose and brain damage and all the rest of it with the blood and all- - if won't fly and the Law won't take kindly when such a blatent fabrication is exposed.  But again I believe that Zimmerman falsely believes he will be tried and possibly convicted.  Even someone with as little legal expertise as yuk - huk - - Bill Handel or Randy Rhodes or for that matter myself- - could handle the defense in this case.  All they would have to do is to wave that Johnny Cochrin finger at the cops and say "where is your investigation?  Where is the evidence?  The cops would smirk and say "We have none".  Because they never gathered it.  Usually the law expects SOME sort of tangable evidence- - even in a case like this where it's obvious to anybody with a three digit IQ that Zimmerman did it and he is guilty of cold blooded first degree pre-meditated murder.  As prosecutor I believe I'd have no trouble proving all of these things to a jury is the standard is "clear and convincing evidence" that a normal person would believe.  Unfortunately this standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" is a little harder.  Personally I don't think there is any ROOM for "reasonable doubt" myself- - even devoid of physical evidence.  Like I say cases have been won in Court without it.  A conviction under such circumstances would by no means be unprecedented.  I fear that soon we will hear another sad day in which "justice was not served" when it's announced by the Prosecution that Zimmerman is cleared of all charges, and he never for a moment either had to see the inside of a jail cell nor surrender his right to own and carry a gun.

Of course if you want "The Facts" in cases- - - sometimes fair minded people have to admit there ARE no facts.  Like if you are looking for the "historic" Apostle Paul, any profile would begin with the words, "There is no historical evidence of such a man ever having existed.  All we know about St. Paul comes from the Bible.  If you look for the histories of various Greek cities such as Corinth or Ephisus, you will sine none of the supposed "historic Christian church" that so shaped its history.  Even if you were a Jew and looked for the history of "Yeshua" you would read about a man with five desciples who was a sorcerer, who was a Nazarate- - and these people hung out in Mt Carmel - which as I say was an ancient center of Baal worship, not that that necessarily means anything.  You would go on to read that he was sentensed to be stoned by a Jewish tribunal and was "given forty days to bring forth any witnesses to speak up in his defense" and none showed, and he was stoned.  That's the story.  Of course Rush Limbaugh will say there ARE "Facts" as far as his Case against the President is concerned. Here are some of the Facts Rush Limbaugh has shared with us.  President Obama had killed hundreds of thousands of jobs that have vanish.  The number of actual employed has shrunk badly.  This is the only President to manipulate the unemployment figure into going down, all while losing net jobs.  More people are unemployed now 88 Million according to Rush - - I kid you not, than currently populate Germany.  He says "just let that sink in for a moment".   They all speak of gross accounting error in figuring the cost of Obama Care.  They say he "double counts" the savings.  They also say that the balance is only established because "right now we are being taxes for services that haven't gone into effect yet" and so the Revenue is "front weighted" and hence the figures are skewed.  We hear that doctors hate it, and will in fact "not participate in the program" since it will bankrupt them, so under Obama there will thus be fewer doctors.  We also hear an insidious schem where people are fined only a small fee in the first few years of Obama care.  This is a deliberate ploy to GET the people to bankrupt insurance companies and drive them out of business.  Later on the fees will be hiked Beyond the insurance costs- - and so at that time people will rejoin Obama Care only to find there is no one to insure them, and hence you will have the "planned Chaos" these people were hoping for all along so that "the people will demand something more drastic".  Rush also raises the question as to why so many I R S agents are newly hired for a Health Care plan.  It makes no sense.  But of course that's the point.  It isn't health care Obama is after but some sort of a Socialist government take-over.  This is the tea party play book.

As to the next item Rush discussed it's a bit strange.  We know that Ronald Reagan spoke out in favor of the principles of the "Buffet Law" where there is at least some minimum tax for billionaires.  Of course Ronald Reagan could never win a Republican Primary today.  But Rush says "They are NOT doing this to close the deficet as (he might as well have used my name here) Some People would have you believe.  Instead he doesn't even CARE about deficet reduction or even whether that EVER happens.  Because the Buffet tax will only raise a paultry 5.5 Billion which isn't decent pocket change in today's government economy.  But instead its this insidious principle of "Fairness" they are trying to cram down our throats.  Judy has often spoken out against the idea of "Fairness and equality for all" stuff as socialist propaganda and dangerous.  Some may wonder whether or not Christians have a unique moral high ground as people like Judy says they do.  (Just between you and me Judy would make a much more fornidable candidate, intellectually, than Sarah Palin, that's for sure)  Let's look as some "Christian values".  How many times will a tea bagger attack Iyan Rand - - an Atheist, as opposed to President Obama or Harry Reed, who are both devout Christians?  hummm?  Judy isn't bothered much by Ayan Rand and so often seems to be singing her song.  She these people aren't bothered by the idea that the Red Chinese are basically a totalitarian, repressive government that's anathema to american principles and rights.  Indeed - - working with them economically has been "No Problem" since the days of Herbert Walker Bush, and counting.  And if the government WERE to institute some sort of government sanctioned "Christian Church" it mightn't be recognizable to anything read about in the Bible.  Where are the "Christian values" when Michelle Bachman praises Quadafi as "one of our people" and a player on our side but says that dire things would and have happen upon his overthrow?  What about this whole Greece thing.  I always thought if the United States stood for anything it's against a democratic government being "taken over" by an outside power.  This is no longer the cases.  American principles of liberty and Justice now take a back seat to the eminent moral authority and imputed Purity of the big banks, who can do no wrong, in a tea bagger's mind.  Of course I got to thinking.  They may come back and hit me with "Just because it said it's hard for a rich person to get into heaven, Jesus never said it was EASY for a poor person to get to heaven.  Jesus said nobody was good enough to go to heaven". I've heard something like this said to me, but not in these exact words.  However let's look at what the Bible says.  It says "Blessed are the Poor - - for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven".  Or stated another way perhaps more explicitly "The Kingdom of Heaven BELONGS to Them!"  There is nothing at all about qualifying for the Poor to get in.  They are already Citizens of this "Kingdom", whatever you take it to mean.  So the tea party strikes out again.  They say "Our tax code doesn't matter because we know conservatives give more to charities than liberals so".  This has NOT been my experiance.  Sarah Palin would need her whole arm to make notes on were she to cite my numerous examples in my own life.  But just because ONE liberal gives less money than ONE conservative - - usually they will cite one of each - - as though it were the whole world - - - I think anyone whose read Dickens needs no further reminders of the respective generosity of the "liberals" and the moneyed conservatives.  You think?

Patriots like Rick Perry and George W Bush say that Jesus Christ is their "most admired individual" in their lives as a role model.  Yet now I have traced no less than five different Missaiah figures the Gospels are composits of.  They are John the Baptist, "That Egyptian", "Yeshua", "Judas of Galilee" and "Apolonius of Tyanus".  For instance they whole Galilee connection, even making Nazareth (a then non existant city) located on a cliff overlooking the lake, was from Luigi Cascioli's account tracing it down.  It's the Judas of Galilee connection.  We have the cricifiction and Betrayal- - from one figure - - the Prophecy of future events - - by another - - the miracle working and morals or a third - - the Galilee connection of a fourth - - and the whole ascent into Heaven ascending to God-hood of a fifth.  Luke makes reference to a school of this fifth messiah - - that Paul visited.  The only problem is that this figure did not live till fully fifty years after the events in Luke are said to take place.  If you've got Facts I'll listen to them.  But don't fight facts with myth.  The game will be forfeited by default if you do.

People talk about Atheists bring a lot of "emotional baggage" whenever they refer to Christianity.  Neil will go so far as to say if you believe in God there is something kind of "not right" with you, as though your mental reasoning were compromized due to some form of "psychological or emotional damage", which of course - - in his mind is something beyond the ability of Christianity to remedy.  But I think rather the shoe is on the other foot.  People think of Christianity and particular White Protestentism along with mom and apple pie as cherished American symbols, and as such no American could be elected President if he were a "professing Atheist".  You know  - one "out of the closet".  Perhaps Days of our Lives should spend less time on preaching of accepting the gay life style and more about the acceptance of Atheism.  Nobody wants to tackle that one.  In the first place they will always say that say "if you are an Atheist you are "cut loose from all moral bearings" which doesn't follow at all, of course logically.  But they can't talk about Atheist without mention their five favorite Atheists,  Atilla the Hun, Ghengis Khan, Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Lenin.  These of course are but five people fished out of the whole spectrum of world history.  Were I to begin ratteling off names of Christians who were immoral and practiced evil, this blog posting would be made of nothing but that list.  Now they have even raised the charge that Magazines are at war with Churches "because they never say anything good about the Church", which is nonesense.  Perpetually all you hear when Christianity's moral shortcomings are brought up are excuse after excuse and rationalization after rationizalation, with a lot of verbal and mental gymnastics thrown in for good measure.  One of these days the population of the US is going to "get over it".  Clearly in any head to head debate, it's the Atheist time after time who comes through with the most mental clarity and focus.  Often Christians don't ask the right questions, or else they deliberately ask questions designed to lead outsiders into believing they and they alone have the Answers to them, but when push comes to shove in a private moment, they are compelled to admit that they don't.  I'm arguing not for a doctrine but an attitude of objectivity.  And I'm not going to put on the Thom Hartman caviat that "OK you can be an atheist but whatever you do, keep it quiet.  People get annoyed when they "feel that their faith is challenged".  Note I deliberately used the word "feel".  You know what they say.  Some things are in the eye of the beholder.  And if their faith IS in truth challenged, it's the encroaching presence of Reality that's doing it and not some sort of - - accademic bullying, or whatever they might call it.  Think about it.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Race relations continue to be problematic in this land.  They said that Rush never does a broadcast without reading the Drudge report first and often bases his program on that.  Today Photo I D’s were the topic.  Rush of course calls this more Black hysteria in saying that the issue is not important.  The Republicans and ALEC of course are sponsoring these photo ID laws in states for the professed reason that “For we know that our influence in elections as participation by voters goes down”.  That’s their driving meme.  Self admitted.  Somebody in the spirit of that ACORN sting decided they would attempt to vote illegally to see how easy it was.  Had they succeeded they would have been guilty of a felony and gone to jail, and they knew that.  So the guy at the last minute does not sign the page but excuses himself to say “I got to go to my car to get my voter ID”.  Voter fraud is a crime with very slight reward and a very high penalty.  It’s high risk and low reward and almost never occurs.  But of course voter ballot tampering occurs all the time but Republicans won’t investigate that because they instigated it at least going back to 2004 in Ohio with the aledged “red shift”.  And remember - - we all know that “red shift” is another word for “Retarded”.  The “red shift’ just to remind you is votes shifting to the right between EXIT polling, which is all but abandoned now, and the time those votes are actually counted.  According to Thom Hartman it virtually never occurred prior to this century.  But also out today I believe Rush brought up was this one man’s advice to his White children.  He said that “although only five percent of Blacks are hare core and hate wites and will do anything to harm them” he said that about half of the Blacks will “allow themselves to be dominated by the five percent and go along with their evil plans”.  He said to check with amusement parks and public swimming pools and the like to see how many Blacks routinely attend there.  He said “If you’re ever at a gathering and then a lot of Blacks suddenly show up - - leave right away and don’t think a second thought about it”.    Of course much as Rush Limbaugh mocks the liberals for “how things make them feel” it would seem that Rush Limbaugh is all in favor of whites “feeling threatened by Blacks” and therefore have to right to shoot them.  Further back in this file we list all the other managerie of topics that Rush Limbaugh brought up today.  I can assure you no liberal newscaster has to “make up any scenarios”.  It’s all there.

Randy Rhodes says that George Zimmerman probably won’t be charged because this Black caller says - - well they promised us the Grand Judy would be convened on April tenth.  That’s tomorrow.  Now it’s not going to happen.  The lady prosecutor said she would make her own decision on the case.  But according to the caller “All the cops have to do to blow a murder case is to not question anybody and not gather even routine evidence. “  Maybe.  The fact is that murder convictions have been gotten and Dateline has had them, where whole key elements in a case were totally lacking.  In Trevon Marton’s case there is scads of evidence as to motive, means, and opportunity, the three essential elements in any murder.  I don’t have a good feeling about that.  I looked up Jason Simpson and the whole murder of Nicole and Ron Brown thing.  Jason has a violent history with trouble with the law, but the thing is that none of HIS blood was found there.  To me that only means that Jason wasn’t attacked by anybody.  As to evince in the OJ case that has always troubled me we have the following.  The prosecution case dragged on for months and months and it would not be oncomon for a prosecution expert to be on the stand for ten days.  Yet in the FIRST day of the OJ defense in early July the defense put on no less than seven or eight character witnesses.  And when the day was concluded we could hear Judge Lance Ito saying “Can’t we hurry this case a long a little?” even though all the OJ witnesses were rushed on and off the stand, and you could tell they wanted to say more that would HELP OJ.  Chris Darden said that OJ was Violent and ready to “blow” any moment, and yet at a party just before the murders OJ Simpson is photographed as being upbeat and smiling.  The incident they used as “proof”    of OJ’s violence occurred over eight years earlier in early 1986 when OJ went after Nicole’s car with a baseball bat, and also knocked Nicole on her butt.  If you’re planning to commit a murder at ten thirty, which is when it happened- - why would you do it on a public street?  And also do it when you’re due to be picked up by a taxi to be taken by the airport in ten minutes.  And the Driver said OJ was ten minutes late not arriving till ten to eleven.  And he reported OJ being “hot”.  There was a witness who specifically was looking at his hands to see how big they were- - when OJ supposedly sustained various cuts and stuff. But John Kovel said “You can cover anything up with make-up”.  I don’t know about that.  But the whole portrate of OJ that they intoned they’d hire expert psychiatrists to testify about - - if they existed they were never called.  If the prosecution was serious about wanting a conviction they would have gone for the death penalty because to get on such a jury you have to be in FAVOR of the death penalty.  This would have had the effect of screening out liberals.  But it wasn’t done.  Also the statement made by the prosecution of “We don’t mean OJ any harm” seems out of place.  They have no eye witnesses and they have no murder weapon.  All they have is their exhaustive DNA tests and all of the blood, drop by drop, they would say “this drop of blood belongs to Orenthol Simpson”.  I still would have voted guilty.  But questions remain about this case”. 

Yesterday I went to Thom Hartman’s website and they had pod casts but you either had to pay for them or enroll on their list and I had other things I was more interested in at that moment.  Today I switched to Rush Limbaugh at nine.  I had been sleepy during Stephanie Miller from inadequate caffeine intake over the past day or so.  They ran this anti AARP thing.  I’m no fan of the AARP either and they are just a big insurance outfit.  However some other falsehoods were mixed in with the dd.   For instance it retreats to this now three year old saying of “No Socialized medicine but hands off of my medicare”.  It’s the idea that old people will suffer under Obama care but we don’t want socialized medicine in America, even though the Obama bill is the exact opposite of “socialized medicine” if these people even know what socialized medicine is.  There was a Trevon Martin protest march from Palm Beach or whatever to Sanford, Florida where they managed to somehow (?) close down the Sanford police department, don’t ask me how.  But this is what Rush refers to as “example of how people are being afraid to be labeled racist and so cowered before the demands of what Rush calls “a hand full of demonstrators” because he goes on, “They probably wanted to be arrested knowing they would stir up racial hatred in doing so, which is what they wanted”.  Rush talked about NBC firing “that producer” who “doctored the 9 – 11 tapes of Zimmerman”.  I have not even heard the NBC tape but Rush Limbaugh acts as though everybody has, planting in people’s minds that Whatever they have heard- - has been doctored no matter the news outlet.  It’s a subtle type of trickery.  I am not one hundred percent certain of the nature of said doctoring, but according to rush it’s “standard operating procedure they do all the time, only this time they got caught”.   And of course the producer who goes un names, and we don’t even know their gender – “is someone who is a racist and a bigot and wants to stir up racial hatred”.  And during the hour Rush also talked about Romney’s charge that “nine tents of the people to suffer from this recession have been women.  Because The Obama administration has lost six hundred thousand jobs and all but 65,000 of them have been women”.  This is just another bit of silliness.  Of course Rush Limbaugh lives in his own parrellel universe- - where he could not report any issue accurately if his life depended on it.  Bill lent me a cigarette at 9:30.  Luan lent me a cigarette before eight and so far those are the only two I’ve actually borrowed outright.  The others I paid for.  I think the first thing I’m going to do is see if Dr. Levy can take me to the bank himself today, and then over to Wall Mart for coffee, and I’m willing to pay him two dollars for his efforts.

Last night I watched On the Red Carpet.  They claim that Moorley Safer did a tribute to Mike Wallace last night on Sixty Minutes.  To the best of my awareness no such tribute took place.  They had that story about Greece and how all southern European national peoples are just “lazy” unlike “we industrious Germans”.  There was a bit of the old cultural and racial stereotypes on Germany’s responses to Greece’s problems financially.  Of course Judy seems to not think Greece is entitled to any national sovereignty.  This puts the Tea Party in the perhaps not so odd after all position of sounding a little Nazi-like, in that once again people in Greece are starving and suffering at the hands of Germany, which I don’t imagine they like one bit.  Then they had that story about the polo and all of the horses they use during one tournament.  Because they divide it up into seven minute sessions where they switch off horses every seven minutes.  And every player is of course filthy rich, as are all the spectators, but also each player owns his whole set of ponies.  And they are all specially bred over generations.  They don’t reach their athletic peak till five or six years with special abilities like extra control, like power stearing, and being able to turn around or stop on a dime.  Then they had that symphony orchestra and choral singing group which sounds great- - from poor people of the Congo, which came together out of near miraculas circumstances.

I would just add some stuff not on either of Dr. Levy's hand-outs today.  It's about how we learn.  One might say there are four ways people learn.  People either learn through the eye gate, from "seeing a picture in their minds" or else the ear gate, from being "told something" or learn by intuition and feeling, and the fourth way people learn of course is by doing and just going on their own trial and error.  I fend to be a visualization person more than a "being told" person or a "feelings" person.  One thing covered was the question of "Would you rather Do Things Right - - in life or Do The Right Things - - in life.  Pete Richards seems to be a "Do things right" kind of person.  Another thing that is NOT on the sheet is the addage that has stuck with me since late 1981 of "You say you have the Answer - - when you don't even know the questions".  So many people fall into logical error when they fail to answer the right questions.  Many times a Computer Program will answer different questions from the ones you intended it answer.  One can always make program adjustments.  One thing on the first sheet was the obvious question of "Do you ever inquire why things are the way they are?"  Some people confuse Purpuse with Vision.  I view Vision as kind of a distant, nebulus, pie in the sky kind of thing like Ronald Reagan's "shining city on a hill".  I view Purpose as like worker ants carrying large loads doing their vital role in the colony with an undeniable sense of purpose.  Purpose is having a plan and following it and having it drive you on.  "Vision" is fine in its place - - to make people feel good at a convention, but it won't pay the gas bill.

Sunday, April 08, 2012


They discussed Atheism on the Mc Laughlin Group tonight.  Pete Stark is the only professing atheist “out of the closet” out of 435 members of the US congress.  He has been serving the same safe district in Alameda County up north for forty years or twenty terms and averages a reelection figure of seventy percent.  That’s pretty good.  A lot of people think that President Obama is a Moslem even now.  The poll numbers are shocking.  Gen Collin Powell says "So what if he was?  What's wrong with that?"  They asked the pannel when the United States would ever have an atheist President and Eleanor Clift, the most optimistic one said "Not before 2050"  The host himself it wouldn't be till the turn of the 22nd century.  My only response to that is perhaps Christians should fear less just WHEN it happens to occur, but the Finality of it, when it does occur.  Think about that one.  Just think how utterly DEAD Christianity will be then.  Some have spoken of Christianity making the "mistake" of "accomidating to the culture" and point to Europe.  Well - - the last I checked the Vatican was in Europe and the Pope just reaffirmed his stand against married priests, and also more Americans favor married priests than they do in the rest of the world.  But in the meanwhile we could well have a woman president, or a gay president or even a Moslem president before we ever have an Atheist president.  That's an eye opener.  Many make noises about having a "moral base" and "cultural drift" or whatever.  I am far from convinced the Clergy who framed the Nicene Creed in the fourth century were pillars of moral perfection.  Rick Warren said, "I'm not getting into heaven because of my integretry or goodness, but because of Divine Grace".  If Pastor Rick so strongly believes in "Grace" then why doesn't he show more of it?

Rev Rick Warren was on “This Week”.  Let me just summarize it to say that there was a whole lot LESS there than met the eye.  They had promoted it as his talking about “the coarsening of the language in our society” and I was interested on what RW thought.  However he said very little about it.  He said nothing about the overall climate of hate speech and the new wave of sexual as well as racial bigotry.  However whenever he had the choice, Warren came down against President Obama and for the tea party position.  He was honest though to say the problem with the Mormons was with the doctrine of the Trinity, a fourth century doctrine that’s kind of an offshoot of the fact that most Priests at the time were just coming off the Sol Vivictus religion.  It reminded me when he spoke about the moral superiority of “Churchianity” rather than just being s spiritual follower of Christ is that he said “These magazines boost their ratings with seasonal religious articles on Faith but never talk about all the good the church has done”.  These magazines are always covering some Papal visit to the poor neighborhoods and blessing them and the people cheering for him.  So I don’t know what Rick is talking about.  And this whole idea of using the “he sounds like - - - “ line is that maybe a reason why Mormons “sound” so close to God is because they ARE closer to God, at least than Rick is.  Rick never thought of that.  But it’s almost like the Nestle company owning a milk formula copyright that has taken over the world and it’s been a century since anyone actually saw an actual cow, so that when they actually came across a real cow - - all they could say is “Well this product seems wholesome enough but it isn’t the Nestle formula”.  I don’t know.  Do you think God relishes the idea of being reduced to a formula by theologians?  After this it was the ABC roundtable.  George Will and others are continuing to call President Obama a “bully” because he reminded the Supreme Court that “what they are completing doing is highly unprecedented”.  This is true because the last time such a Congressional bill such as this was overturned was 1936, and I don’t fancy turning the clock back 76 years.  However Pat Buchannon doesn’t mind viewing the world from a hundred years ago.  He went off last night about “The British Empire is shrinking as are all the White European Empires” as though we were facing some disaster now, and of course the President is responsible for it all.  As to the whole “bully” thing – perhaps we should define our words more carefully.  A “bully” is the strong intimidating and oppressing the weak.  President Obama knows he has absolutely no power over this court.  And that’s what’s got him scared.  They are like nine Gods up there in black robes, the last Royalty we actually have now.

Saturday morning I got up at about ten after six and turned on KNX 1070.  The Oklahoma lady chose a negative tack at 8:05 talking about energy and how “Obama isn’t really for energy because all of the increased energy production has been on private land and not government land, which is down”.  She also aledged that the visit to the state was a fraud and that “Obama knew he couldn’t block the Southern portion of the Canadian pipeline.  My understanding is different.  Obama said he was FOR the entire pipeline eventfully but since Nebraska, with the legal issue is in the northern part of the pipeline- - there was no issue with the southern portion.  President Obama at 7:06 chose to be more upbeat talking about the spirit of Easter and beliefs all we Americans have in common.  I hope no republicans choked. 

This is Easter April 8, 2012 and Sean Lennon’s 49th birthday so they played “Valotte” in his honor today on Breakfast with the Beatles.  They had Easter songs and also today is “Draw your own bird” day so they played “bird” songs.  There was some George Harrison song about the Vatican I’d never heard before from “Brainwashed”.  I should buy that album.  They also played a Mc Cartney and Elvis Costello collaboration, and I suspected E C even before they said it.  “Suspicion” by Terry Stafford was number six today in 1964.  It wasn’t “Dawn” by the Four Seasons, which I figured it would be.  The Chicago Bulls were being beaten bad by the New York Knicks today on ABC.  I went down for lunch and they weren’t ready so I came back and listened to Leo Le Port for a few minutes.  They said they were having tuna but it was chicken salad sandwich, which was better.  We had Fritos and tomato soup with a banana for desert.  The Oriental lady gave me some of her coffee this time but it was really sweet even though it was mixed with mine.  Now I have Leo on.  I’ve heard people say “Flash” is becoming obsolete and that “Java” is even becoming obsolete.  I wonder what’s replacing them.  This is a week for we Windows users to gloat because now the Mackintish has a major virus that has knocked out a lot of their computers.  They were hoisted on their own pittard since Apple was so arrogant against Sun, the original owners of Java, and so only we Windows users got the “patched” version.

Mike Wallace, long time host of Sixty Minutes died at age 93 today.  This is a great loss to the journalism world and I imagine we'll hear a lot more about it on the program tonight, and in the coming days.  He's the last of a dying generation when the Truth actually meant something.  Not only is there a coarsening of sexual speech, pioneered in 1991 by Howard Stern - - and I don't need to List all the ways in which he is NOT a liberal, do I?  Now this had spread everywhere and become part of the general coonversation.  But there is also an intellectual "coarsening" of society.  It's darn near impossible to carry on an intelligent philosophical or political conversation with anybody.  Nobody has the mental discipline for it.  And it's my experiance that right wing pastors are in particular notibly lacking on shall we say "intellectual self control" or the lack of either.  I don't know where people under forty for example get their ideas about - - the fifties or the sixties either one, because they didn't live through either, yet they one and all fancy themselves as somehow culturally "qualified" to "Bring America back to its traditional values our parents grew up with" or something - - whatever that means.