Monday, April 09, 2012

Race relations continue to be problematic in this land.  They said that Rush never does a broadcast without reading the Drudge report first and often bases his program on that.  Today Photo I D’s were the topic.  Rush of course calls this more Black hysteria in saying that the issue is not important.  The Republicans and ALEC of course are sponsoring these photo ID laws in states for the professed reason that “For we know that our influence in elections as participation by voters goes down”.  That’s their driving meme.  Self admitted.  Somebody in the spirit of that ACORN sting decided they would attempt to vote illegally to see how easy it was.  Had they succeeded they would have been guilty of a felony and gone to jail, and they knew that.  So the guy at the last minute does not sign the page but excuses himself to say “I got to go to my car to get my voter ID”.  Voter fraud is a crime with very slight reward and a very high penalty.  It’s high risk and low reward and almost never occurs.  But of course voter ballot tampering occurs all the time but Republicans won’t investigate that because they instigated it at least going back to 2004 in Ohio with the aledged “red shift”.  And remember - - we all know that “red shift” is another word for “Retarded”.  The “red shift’ just to remind you is votes shifting to the right between EXIT polling, which is all but abandoned now, and the time those votes are actually counted.  According to Thom Hartman it virtually never occurred prior to this century.  But also out today I believe Rush brought up was this one man’s advice to his White children.  He said that “although only five percent of Blacks are hare core and hate wites and will do anything to harm them” he said that about half of the Blacks will “allow themselves to be dominated by the five percent and go along with their evil plans”.  He said to check with amusement parks and public swimming pools and the like to see how many Blacks routinely attend there.  He said “If you’re ever at a gathering and then a lot of Blacks suddenly show up - - leave right away and don’t think a second thought about it”.    Of course much as Rush Limbaugh mocks the liberals for “how things make them feel” it would seem that Rush Limbaugh is all in favor of whites “feeling threatened by Blacks” and therefore have to right to shoot them.  Further back in this file we list all the other managerie of topics that Rush Limbaugh brought up today.  I can assure you no liberal newscaster has to “make up any scenarios”.  It’s all there.

Randy Rhodes says that George Zimmerman probably won’t be charged because this Black caller says - - well they promised us the Grand Judy would be convened on April tenth.  That’s tomorrow.  Now it’s not going to happen.  The lady prosecutor said she would make her own decision on the case.  But according to the caller “All the cops have to do to blow a murder case is to not question anybody and not gather even routine evidence. “  Maybe.  The fact is that murder convictions have been gotten and Dateline has had them, where whole key elements in a case were totally lacking.  In Trevon Marton’s case there is scads of evidence as to motive, means, and opportunity, the three essential elements in any murder.  I don’t have a good feeling about that.  I looked up Jason Simpson and the whole murder of Nicole and Ron Brown thing.  Jason has a violent history with trouble with the law, but the thing is that none of HIS blood was found there.  To me that only means that Jason wasn’t attacked by anybody.  As to evince in the OJ case that has always troubled me we have the following.  The prosecution case dragged on for months and months and it would not be oncomon for a prosecution expert to be on the stand for ten days.  Yet in the FIRST day of the OJ defense in early July the defense put on no less than seven or eight character witnesses.  And when the day was concluded we could hear Judge Lance Ito saying “Can’t we hurry this case a long a little?” even though all the OJ witnesses were rushed on and off the stand, and you could tell they wanted to say more that would HELP OJ.  Chris Darden said that OJ was Violent and ready to “blow” any moment, and yet at a party just before the murders OJ Simpson is photographed as being upbeat and smiling.  The incident they used as “proof”    of OJ’s violence occurred over eight years earlier in early 1986 when OJ went after Nicole’s car with a baseball bat, and also knocked Nicole on her butt.  If you’re planning to commit a murder at ten thirty, which is when it happened- - why would you do it on a public street?  And also do it when you’re due to be picked up by a taxi to be taken by the airport in ten minutes.  And the Driver said OJ was ten minutes late not arriving till ten to eleven.  And he reported OJ being “hot”.  There was a witness who specifically was looking at his hands to see how big they were- - when OJ supposedly sustained various cuts and stuff. But John Kovel said “You can cover anything up with make-up”.  I don’t know about that.  But the whole portrate of OJ that they intoned they’d hire expert psychiatrists to testify about - - if they existed they were never called.  If the prosecution was serious about wanting a conviction they would have gone for the death penalty because to get on such a jury you have to be in FAVOR of the death penalty.  This would have had the effect of screening out liberals.  But it wasn’t done.  Also the statement made by the prosecution of “We don’t mean OJ any harm” seems out of place.  They have no eye witnesses and they have no murder weapon.  All they have is their exhaustive DNA tests and all of the blood, drop by drop, they would say “this drop of blood belongs to Orenthol Simpson”.  I still would have voted guilty.  But questions remain about this case”. 

Yesterday I went to Thom Hartman’s website and they had pod casts but you either had to pay for them or enroll on their list and I had other things I was more interested in at that moment.  Today I switched to Rush Limbaugh at nine.  I had been sleepy during Stephanie Miller from inadequate caffeine intake over the past day or so.  They ran this anti AARP thing.  I’m no fan of the AARP either and they are just a big insurance outfit.  However some other falsehoods were mixed in with the dd.   For instance it retreats to this now three year old saying of “No Socialized medicine but hands off of my medicare”.  It’s the idea that old people will suffer under Obama care but we don’t want socialized medicine in America, even though the Obama bill is the exact opposite of “socialized medicine” if these people even know what socialized medicine is.  There was a Trevon Martin protest march from Palm Beach or whatever to Sanford, Florida where they managed to somehow (?) close down the Sanford police department, don’t ask me how.  But this is what Rush refers to as “example of how people are being afraid to be labeled racist and so cowered before the demands of what Rush calls “a hand full of demonstrators” because he goes on, “They probably wanted to be arrested knowing they would stir up racial hatred in doing so, which is what they wanted”.  Rush talked about NBC firing “that producer” who “doctored the 9 – 11 tapes of Zimmerman”.  I have not even heard the NBC tape but Rush Limbaugh acts as though everybody has, planting in people’s minds that Whatever they have heard- - has been doctored no matter the news outlet.  It’s a subtle type of trickery.  I am not one hundred percent certain of the nature of said doctoring, but according to rush it’s “standard operating procedure they do all the time, only this time they got caught”.   And of course the producer who goes un names, and we don’t even know their gender – “is someone who is a racist and a bigot and wants to stir up racial hatred”.  And during the hour Rush also talked about Romney’s charge that “nine tents of the people to suffer from this recession have been women.  Because The Obama administration has lost six hundred thousand jobs and all but 65,000 of them have been women”.  This is just another bit of silliness.  Of course Rush Limbaugh lives in his own parrellel universe- - where he could not report any issue accurately if his life depended on it.  Bill lent me a cigarette at 9:30.  Luan lent me a cigarette before eight and so far those are the only two I’ve actually borrowed outright.  The others I paid for.  I think the first thing I’m going to do is see if Dr. Levy can take me to the bank himself today, and then over to Wall Mart for coffee, and I’m willing to pay him two dollars for his efforts.

Last night I watched On the Red Carpet.  They claim that Moorley Safer did a tribute to Mike Wallace last night on Sixty Minutes.  To the best of my awareness no such tribute took place.  They had that story about Greece and how all southern European national peoples are just “lazy” unlike “we industrious Germans”.  There was a bit of the old cultural and racial stereotypes on Germany’s responses to Greece’s problems financially.  Of course Judy seems to not think Greece is entitled to any national sovereignty.  This puts the Tea Party in the perhaps not so odd after all position of sounding a little Nazi-like, in that once again people in Greece are starving and suffering at the hands of Germany, which I don’t imagine they like one bit.  Then they had that story about the polo and all of the horses they use during one tournament.  Because they divide it up into seven minute sessions where they switch off horses every seven minutes.  And every player is of course filthy rich, as are all the spectators, but also each player owns his whole set of ponies.  And they are all specially bred over generations.  They don’t reach their athletic peak till five or six years with special abilities like extra control, like power stearing, and being able to turn around or stop on a dime.  Then they had that symphony orchestra and choral singing group which sounds great- - from poor people of the Congo, which came together out of near miraculas circumstances.

I would just add some stuff not on either of Dr. Levy's hand-outs today.  It's about how we learn.  One might say there are four ways people learn.  People either learn through the eye gate, from "seeing a picture in their minds" or else the ear gate, from being "told something" or learn by intuition and feeling, and the fourth way people learn of course is by doing and just going on their own trial and error.  I fend to be a visualization person more than a "being told" person or a "feelings" person.  One thing covered was the question of "Would you rather Do Things Right - - in life or Do The Right Things - - in life.  Pete Richards seems to be a "Do things right" kind of person.  Another thing that is NOT on the sheet is the addage that has stuck with me since late 1981 of "You say you have the Answer - - when you don't even know the questions".  So many people fall into logical error when they fail to answer the right questions.  Many times a Computer Program will answer different questions from the ones you intended it answer.  One can always make program adjustments.  One thing on the first sheet was the obvious question of "Do you ever inquire why things are the way they are?"  Some people confuse Purpuse with Vision.  I view Vision as kind of a distant, nebulus, pie in the sky kind of thing like Ronald Reagan's "shining city on a hill".  I view Purpose as like worker ants carrying large loads doing their vital role in the colony with an undeniable sense of purpose.  Purpose is having a plan and following it and having it drive you on.  "Vision" is fine in its place - - to make people feel good at a convention, but it won't pay the gas bill.

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