Thursday, April 12, 2012


Doing the right things in life is more important than “Doing Things Right”  Many people say they will "do everything right" even if it kills them.  And they well succeed at that goal.

You never get a Second chance to make a First Impression

There are no “Do Overs” in life, much as Neil of KFI says.  In God’s sight, even the smallest sin has an inherently Eternal Nature to it.

People who make a habbit of saying and doing oppressive, hateful things, in the belief that they will always "get away with them" without restraint - - invite eventual retrobution by others who may well get away with them.

People who claim everybody should live by Their oppressive and restrictive rules, should be publicly confronted and be demanded to Live by their Own Rules.  In this way you may drive him into seeing the folly of his own rules, and he may come to abandon them.

A Computer program that answers different questions than the ones you wanted to know, can be reprogrammed to answer the Right Questions.  So it is with the Human Intellect

Figures Don’t Lie – But Liars Figure

Just like a fetus – An Aborted Idea just might have been the one that saved the World
A bird or a plane cannot fly without both a Left wing and a Right wing

A true Threat is one that will Do You In in the end, regardless of whether further Initiative is taken – by either Side

Like apples and oranges - - You can neither add fractions nor Compare Factors – unless you first have a common denominator   (Selah)

He who makes an ambiguous promise will reap an Ambiguous reward – even if the Promise is Kept.  (Selah0

Inappropiate Vagueness and Obscurity are the last refuges of the mentally and morally unfocused

There are three kinds of “Spreading”.  There is the spread of ideas and culture, there is the spreading of concrete or butter on your bread, and then there is the spreading which comes from Verbal Diaria - - and the victims have to wash the excrement off of themselves

People who feel threatened by the petty and insignificant – Are Small people to begin with.

Everything has Form.  And to have Form means inherently to have bounderies and limits

He who is always complaining of Bitterness in Others – has probably never tasted bitterness himself - - or he would not make such a stupid statement.

Forgiveness is less a Virtue - - and more of a Business Proposition

If you make a habbit of invading another's Private Space - you are looking for a Fight.  And the other fellow does not necessarly care whether he wins in the end or not.  What's important to him is that he took the Initiative

Human Minds are like plumbing.  Love the Pipes; Hate the Excriment

He who lacks Gravitas - - even if he is the most accurate Bowler in the world will never throw a strike and never win a match.

I just have a few questions for you.  And as long as it takes for you to answer them, that’s how long you will remain here.  (Bob Dylan)

An entity hat has the power and inclination to grant you everything you need, has the power to take from you everything you have.  He who pays his own way in life keeps himself from entanglements.

Worker ants carry objects several times their own weight long distances.  If some of us had the sense of purpose that that ant exhibits, just think of what we could accomplish.

Grammar is Important.  He who lacks grammer works with an improper yardstick throwing off all of his measurements, so that in the end, the Blueprint is Useless

It’s a healthy organism that is able to expel mentally unhealthy thinking.  It’s a healthy society that can expel evil people and pathological thinking from its midst.

All Liars are not Christians - - but All Christians are Liars

Courage is a Virtue - - even if practiced by an Evil person

Religion is like the control – Z character in DOS.  Only you and not I knows what comes after it.  Whether what comes after it is relevent to me is a fact unknown to me, but what I can be sure of is that what comes after it CANNOT be relivant to me.

I’m Sorry.  I Forgot to respond to a Fault that exists only in your own Mind that you Forgot to tell me about.

Love when practiced by an Evil person - - Becomes a Vice

What occurs in the Afterlife is irrelevant to me - - since there is no time when I plan on not being Alive.  The healthy and strong have many pleasures in life - - the starving and the sick have few- - THE DEAD HAVE NONE

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