Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today at three o clock it was announced via live press conference that George Zimmerman was was already in custody and that Zimmerman is being charged with second degree murder.  This decision, the lady prosecutor announced, was reached only after exhaustive investigation these past 45 days and working with the Sanford PD.  She said an arrest warrent had already been put out and that Zimmerman did not resist arrest.  His bail has not yet been determined.  She also expressed concern on several cases for the loved ones of Trevon Martin.  She would not field any questions as to the actual facts of the case, and she rightly said that the defendant was entitled to not have his remarks upon arrest broadcast.  It's high time this piece of human debris was taken int custody.  Zimmerman is being held in an undisclosed location "for his own safety".  Earlier today there were overt doubts about Zimmerman's mental state.  They say that he's been suffering from "post traumatic stress disorder".  His former attorneys have expressed open dismay at Zimmerman's behavior and said that Zimmerman was apparently hiding out and "some place where he can't be found".  I find that wording intriguing.  Clearly Zimmerman was a flight risk.  His attorney said "Zimmerman has no plans to leave the country".  This author would like to insert a personal note.  I personally am surprised but pleased that the arrest and charging took place at all, because for a while there it was beginning to look as if there weren't a snowball's chance in hell that we would ever see the day of reckening in this case.  But now we have, and it's a good thing.

Of course good news to our side is bad news for the right wing.  They were playing all these Hannity broadcasts of him crying in his beer over the "injustice" of this case and how the media has behaved irresponsably and faboricated evidence where there was none.  They'll all have to eat their words with a fork and spoon because the hanging judge will be arriving soon.  (I just thought I'd make a rhyme)  So we can expect Rush Limbaugh for one to be positively apaplectic tomorrow morning.  However great damage has been done.  Like the post 9 - 11 eleven era for our nation - - it's as though we all have been raped - - violated.  None of us has the same sense of security to feel to walk the streets alone at night that we had before.  Just as a nation we are all in some perhaps government aggravated state of P T S D ourselves.  If you are a young person or the loved one of a young person certainly it's a whole new ball game for what you tell your child about keeping safe, particularly if you're Black.  Parents will tell their children "Even if it's pouring down rain - - don't you go and wear a hoodie because white people will get the wrong idea".  Mothers will tell their kids, "No don't walk out to the store or the barber's alone.  Even though I'm beat, I'll drive you there".  Personally I think it could and should have been first degree murder because he was "lying in wait" for his next victim.  Any parent would tell their child on the cell phone if they were being pursued by a seedy looking stranger "Just run and get out of there".

There is more bad news for the political right.  The experts say now that gasoline prices have either close to a peak or have already peaked and will be lower two months from now.  They attribute this to tensions easing in Iran, which we haven't heard much about lately.  Much as I suspect they have probably decided that what all reports say is true - - that Iran is in fact not working on an Atomic Bomb and as any race Iran wants to cooporate with the west.  Also I heard OPEC plans to step up their own production of oil.  Also the Federal Reserve in a weekly report has stated that the economy is "showing strength in all twelve sectors".  You or I may dispute that but nonetheless this is what they say.  Stocks today have rebounded.  It should also be noted that arguably the unemployment rate would be Lower than readings indicate- - if there has not been such a massive loss of jobs in the Public Sector.  The President has continually reminded us all that the significant thing about this recovery is that it has been in the all important Private sector.  There is other news that indicates that Obama's lead over Romney has increased and perhaps twice as many people regard the President as "likeable" as opposed to calling Romney "likeable".  The gender gap between Romney and the President is now enormous- - they say it is in excess of twenty points.  The Republicans may sense this void of facts and issues on their side because their primary thrust lately has not been the issues themselves but an attack on the Media at large for their- - - brainwashing and endoctrination of the American Public, or whatever.

I'm in a hell of a lot better mood this Wednesday than last for sure.  I was able to make it shopping to Wall Mart this week and got my coffee.  Everything in the laundry came back.  I had made a miscalculation I discovered that shows I have about eight dollars in my account more than I thought.  I was asked to sign one of these anti gay petetions at Wall Mart this week, but I didn't feel like being political today, at least not that way.  I want to study up on this whole issue of forced "gay studies" in the intermediate and grammar schools.  If it gets on the ballot I'll vote for it.  Some of you will note a certain "element" has been - absent from the postings we've done over the past eight days.  It's like deiscovering Steve Jobs is not in charge of the cafeteria and the only meat you've gotten has been fish or sea food and you're wondering why.  I'm keeping you people on a "no red meat diet" presently.  I am still troubled however by the state of general apathy "the public" at large seems to be about the machinations of the political right, and their general willingness to believe anything they are told.  Some issues you know just can't be raised even though quite valid, and I mean personal issues.  It's a question of how much power or "capital" you have.  I do not have a very fat account of "persuasive capital" and I know it.  I am "capital poor" both monitarily and the ammount of personal influence I have if I were ever in a situation where I would have to draw on it there would be almost none in the bank.

Here are a few more questions and observations about Jesus.  Jesus didn't always "keep his cool".  He publicly dressed that pharicee down in his own home for what he felt was "a lack of the social graces".  it was akin to Newt Gingrich complaining because he "had to ride in the back of the plane.  Jesus did tell at least one overt lie.  He said if you prayed hard enough and persistently enough you could "wear God down and get him to do about anything just to keep you quiet".  We know this is not true.  There are instances where God KNOWS to a metaphysical certainty, that certain prayers will not be granted.  According to Jesus - when demons come out of a man they look for another body to jump into because "it is not their time to be judged yet".  So what about the two thousand swine who were possesed and ran headlong into the sea and drowned.  If demons are indeed immortal, what happened to those two thousand demons.  The angels put on a "light show" for the shepherds in Luke.  How come nobody else saw this "light show" when by the books own admission there were scads of people camped out in the open air all around Bethlehem because there was no room in the Ins because of the Roman Cencus.  What did Jesus mean when he went along with referring the daughter of a foreign woman as "a little dog"?  What did Jesus mean when he said "You will always have the poor people with you".  Didn't Jesus believe in his own iminent return the way everybody else did?  Why does the Bible say that the next time we hear from Jesus it will be "as the lightning flashes from east to west in the sky".  How does this scripture fit in with the just century old doctrine of a "secret rapture of the faithful"?

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