Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"- - I just have a few more questions"

Everybody has questions.  We don’t know what Santorum and Grinch will do now with Romney as the nominee apparent.  There is talk about “continuing the fight”.  Neither also-ran seems all that friendly tword Mitt Romney even now, even though it’s really hard to see how Romney is NOT toting that tea party line.  Romney has been saying “If Obama is going to ask for my full taxes, then I want to him to publish all of the confidential conversations the President has had with foreign leaders”.  What sort of sense would that make with an obvious need to know you can say things in confidence and not broadcast it to our enemies?  Of course with Ricky,  he has paid the price for an early withdrawal, and now all he has to show for it is a few spurts.  Newt apparently wrote a check to the State of Utah, which bounced.  George Zimmerman’s attorneys have officially split.  They are no longer under George Zimmerman’s hire any more.  The one hundredth anniversary of the Titanic hitting an iceberg is this Saturday in the late evening hours.  In the commemorative trip where they are retracing the same rout- - they have run into choppy waters, and also medical emergencies.
Here are just a few things that might have been nailed down a little better in the OJ Simpson murder case which offer some explanation of the perplexing Not Guilty verdict.  First of all why wasn’t the death penalty sought?  They could always drop it later but as I said in the previous posting- - it would screen out some of the “bleeding hearts” who don’t believe in the death penalty, who would be barred from serving.  Why the change of venue to the Los Angeles ghetto when the crime was committed in Brentwood?  Why did Marsha Clark speak in such a whimpering defensive manner and never assert any real “moral authority” or personal indignation at what OJ did?   Here are other lingering questions on the case.
Did you know they did not play the tape where the cops asked OJ questions about the crime right after it happened?  Apparently the interview was so inconclusive it wouldn’t help, or worse- - might have tended to make Orenthol Simpson appear not guilty of the crimes.
Robert Cardassian is said to have stashed a trash bag full of bloody clothes in an airport trash can.  We heard about this incident but the jury never did.
We were promised expert psychologist’s testimony as to O J Simpson’s “ticking bomb” mental state.  We didn’t hear zippidy-doo-dah on this subject.  All we heard was some speculation on the subject by Chris Darden- - but the prosecution never delivered the goods.
Why does it matter if O J’s blood is found in his own house?  Even if there are drops of OJ blood at the Bundy place, we can infer that OJ cut himself while there - - but we still don’t know how he cut himself or whether or not it was connected with the murder.
If you are stashing the “bloody clothes” used in the murder and throw it away - - why drop off one bloody glove at the side of the OJ Mansion - - and why bang loudly three times on the wall while you are doing it so people rush out there and say “Look, a bloody glove”?
There are “crime scene photos” of the bedroom that to NOT have those bloody socks out in the middle of the room by themselves in them.  Where were the socks then?
There was going to be testimony from Nicole’s mother about her final phone conversation with Nicole.  We were promised it- - but they never put her on the stand.
If OJ was guilty and in the city of Chicago, why not take your time about returning to Los Angeles?  Why hurry back so soon.  Why not stay away and “hone your alibi a little better”?
Why did they run the demonstration about the gloves not fitting not knowing the results in advance.  Nobody has been able to explain such a prosecution miss-step like this.
Why was the latest “example” of a violent OJ from 1989?  In these cases where you have your “ticking time bomb” the violence should increase dramatically just BEFORE the attack.
Why wasn’t the prosecution allowed the option of second degree murder, should first degree not be proved.  It’s an option in any other murder case except this one.
Also the sequestering of the jury insilated them from what “the public” was being told about this case.  The Jury was not privy to a vast array of relivant facts as we were.


If Jesus were given a big bag of gold - - maybe thirty or forty pounds worth - - this would be worth a great deal of money.  What happened to it all?
If Jesus lived a “perfectly normal life” as Neil of KFI maintains- - well then - - did Jesus have a job?  Was he a good citizen, good national patriot?  Was he married.  Most “normal” people in that Jewish culture were.  If he was- - did he get a divorce before his ministry started?
Since Messiah and Deliveror are words used interchangeably by Jews- - what “Deliverance” did Jesus do?  Messiah means “anointed one”.  This implies an outside person to DO the anointing- - and some kind of “power giving oil” to anoint with.
If Jesus hung out with ordinary local fishermen - - how come Peter was given the patently Greek name of “Petros” meaning rock.  Did Jesus’ desciples speak Greek?  There seem to be a few other non Jewish names slipped in such as Philip, and Andrew, and Barthalamew.
It seems a bit odd to me that “all of the cities where Jesus did most of his meracles” got Destroyed - - and Jesus himself cursed these cities saying “they would be thrown down to Hell”.  What did these people do in these cities that ticked Jesus off to get him so mad?
Why is St. Paul ignorant of practically every event in the Gospels?
Why does Justin Martyr talk about the Gospel, singular, when there were four of them and how come this is the First historic reference to any writings – done in 150 AD.
How is St Paul privy to a resurrection appearance of Jesus to James, that no other writer seems to be aware of?   We are told Jesus was at continual enmity with all his brothers.
How come nobody else knows there was a Roman Cencus in 4 BC or whatever?  Historians agree one and all that the earliest Cencus of this kind was in 6 AD.
What prompted Pilate to put Jesus’ conviction up to a vote?  Who was Barrabus and where did he go?  And just WHAT turned the people of Jerusalem against Jesus such that they would be loudly clamoring for his cricifiction?
Why is there an absence of Miracles that Jesus performed his final week of Life?
Why was Jesus concerned about his own burial when nobody would every see his body?  What did Jesus mean in John 15 when he said “And now I am no more in the world”?
Why did the troops arresting Jesus need torches and lanterns when it was a full moon?  They would be readily seen from the mount of Olives coming.  Would it not be far more prudent with a bright full moon high in the sky - - to approach the Mount in a more stealth manner?
They say most of the Gospels were written around 85 AD.  Everyone seems to pick close to this date.  This was when Emperor Domecian was in power.  Why are there no adverse references to “Caesar” in the Gospels, and why are there no references in secular history of Emperor Domecian persecuting any Christians - - - along with all his other repressive acts?


Some may conclude in the spirit of the King in Hamlet, “Tea party philosophy seems most retrograde to the progress of cultural evolution on Planet Earth”.  Do you really want to team up with a group that is basically “betting against humanity”.  They see democracy as evil, either here or in the Mideast, the smaller number of voters, the better.  They are against science.  They age against stem cell research, they are against alternate energy, they are against all the sociological studies that indicate that inequity in society between rich and poor is responsible for a whole host of peoblems.  They, in the words of Thom Hartman “See corporations as morally Innocent - - but see the “mass of humanity” as inherently Evil if they ever got their will enacted.  They are against higher education.  They say it’s for “snobs”.  They say that intelligent learning and knowledge is “dangerous - - without GOD”.   They are against efficiency in automobiles regarding good mileage as some socialist conspiracy.  They are against environmentalism because they believe the End of the World is near anyhow so it won’t matter.  That God will save them but not us.  Ditto on the population problem.  Birth control doesn’t matter because the World is going to end in a few years anyhow.  They are also against “lower education” wanting to let the public schools “wither on the vine”.  They don’t regard police, fire, ambulance.

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