Thursday, April 12, 2012


You know when "This" television, which shows movies, first came on the air in April or so of 2009 one of the earliest they showed was 'Judgement at Nuremburg".  I watched the movie carefully and did a blog posting on it and sent it off to Dr. Levy.  For whatever reason, he seemed entirely unimpressed with it.  The chief cry of the German people at large in that movie was "We didn't suspect - - ".  Thom Hartman has stated many times that "if the end of something were known from the beginning the German people would never have gone along with it".  As far as I'm concerned, "So it is with Calvary Christianity".  Chuck Smith is a major "bait and switch" artist.  It was a genious marketing move to invite all those Hippies into his Church because it garnered him a lot of National Press and attention, not to mention recruits.  To say that these people were somehow "flaking out" when they didn't stick with it.  Because it's getting harder and harder with each passing years - - seeing the final fruits of the movement - - that there was not a definate element of outright deception going on.  You know, I have always believed that 'The Pusher" by Steppinwolf is about Jesus Freaks.  One line goes "The Pusher - - for a Nickle gona sell you a lot of sweet dreams.  But he'll lead your soul to waste, and leave your Mind to scream".  So it is true that Religion is the Opiate of the people.  The song opens "You know I've smoked a lot of grass, and popped a lot of pills, but I've never touched nothing - - that my Spirit could kill", or stated in correct word order, - - "that could kill my Spirit".  There are things out there that are more dangerous for your Spirit than drugs.  (Selah)  I believe it was the spring of 1971 when I attended Calvary Chapel, back even before they moved into the tent when someone was talking about Jesus Freaks and marijuana.  The preacher responded 'Well yes, I suppose you could be smoking a joint and manage to sucessfully witness to your friend.  - - - But now try and witness to his father".  That's very under-stated indeed.  Back in those days people seemed to "Have Something".  The people hadn't had the passage of time necessary to de-humanize themselves like they are now.  Every one of them had spent most of their lives in "the world" as they put it.  In fact one thing that initially appealed to me about the Rev Bill Halliday was that he was a fresh convert from being a Hollywood actor.  And I thought "Well, he's been in the real world.  He knows what it's like.  He'll be easier to talk to than Pastor Don".  I learned my lesson just a little bit late on that one.  But soon the typical conservative "clap trap" rhetoric took over.  And for the past forty years they have the same tired litany of dire things that would happened and "unleashed on us by the government" that have never come to pass, not then.  Not then and not now.  We were told of the danger of giving up our missiles and SALT I by the Nixon Administration.  One big reason why Henry Kissinger was pegged as the anti-christ is because of his overatures to Communist China in 1971 and 1972.  Since then we have heard horror stories of enforced destruction of the private family and sexual corruption of our young- - and terrors from foreign powers.  And now we have the tea party.  How interesting that since the Reagan era thirty years ago, we have only had one US president who has ever been a Combat Vetteran.  Is this a Coincidence?  I don't believe Chuck Smith and his glorification of War and Armageddon - - ever served in combat.  He was just a few years too young to have served in World War II, I know that.  The thing is when you see this right wing infection - - you have no idea how far it will go.  Dr Laura headed rightward some decades ago but it was like some progressive disease that kept getting incrementally worse and more obvious.  Ted Nugent used to be an anti draft hippy.  Then he came out in favor of Gulf War I and we heard that he hunted animals with a bow and arrow.  But I was absolutely shocked and sickened last week when I heard that after Jerry Garcia's death that Ted Nugent came out and said "Well, he was just a loser, unwashed hippy who never ammounted to anything".  What is especially hypocritical about this remark is that Jerry Garcia was highly popular till the day he died.  But Ted Nugent has done pretty much nothing for the past thirty years.  Of course this attack on icons extends to our current President.  They have called him every vile name in the book and I don't need to repeat the well known examples.  At least when people called Bill Clinton a liar, a draft dodger, a womanizer, and a pot smoker, Clinton actually WAS all of these things.  President Obama is guilty of NONE of those things yet the entire tea party hates him with an ungodly passion that knows no satiation.  Today I watched three different intervgiews on the internet of Bill Press' new book "The Republican hate machine".  Why the president just sits there and "takes it" is a mystery to me.  He does the office of President by not coming down hard on these people. You know he has the Power to do it as President.  It makes no sense at all, Ghandi not withstanding to be a "Nice Guy".  That's because you know deep down that you're being a whoof, and worse still, those hurling the stones at you know you're being a whoos, and now they have lost all fear of retrobution, like a bad seed kid who is never disciplined and gets into trouble. We owe it as Americans not to let the office of President be subject to such ridicule because whatever we think we are "proving" by allowing it to go on, we are NOT proving. They said if Hillary Clinton ever got into office she would show a lot of political retrobution against all of her Enemies.  We could sure use some of that retrobution now.  When you hear Rush Limbaugh on the radio you are thinking to yourself "If you don't shut your trap right now I'm going to come over there and Shut it For You".  He's like a dog who licks himself in the groin.  He does it because he Can.  We are informed of some of the socialogical causes of the rise of the Tea Party that gave me increased understanding of the phenominon.  Of course there were early memos of Louis Powel to Republicans about organizing.  They had wanted some fantasy "republican news network" but it was only a pipe dream.  By 1996 Rush Limbaugh was already well established as a forerunner of the Right Wing, and then Fox News came into existance.  The Republicans were in a long, gradual process of constructing their own Political Echo Chamber.  Now we are at that point where it's not far fetched to say that American Liberty itself is in clear Danger from these people.  And what are those of us on Our Side going to do about it?

The other big issue of the day was this one lady who supposedly “waged war on stay at home mothers”.  However nothing in her remarks was untrue.  She just said that Anne Romney hasn’t a clue about what a typical working woman nowadays faces – and besides she’s never worked a day in her life.  I would have added that Anne Romney is like a bauble.  She’s one of these trophy wives who farms out her five children to the care of nanny’s anyhow.  However what Anne said to this other woman was definitely catty.  She said “Well you aren’t qualified to call yourself a mother because you had adopt your two children while I pumped mine out of my own body.  She then called her a Lezbian and this is supposed to invalidate her remarks.  I think the Lezbian remark was completely uncalled for not being germain one bit to the topic at hand, and the assertion may not even be true.  The other news item still floating around is Sean Hannty’s disgusting behavior of yesterday.  He gets an audience with George Zimmerman and says that he “has the truth now” but then tells the media not to dare ask him what Zimmerman admitted to him.  He says “I have my show to put on”.  So he was planning to save the tape for his show.  But of course that was before he ever knew that Zimmerman would face justice.  That changes the dynamic of the whole thing.  I’ll tell you another “dynamic” that will change really quickly, and that’s when the Supreme Court rules against the tea party and allows the Obama health statute to stand and go into effect.  How much “respect for the Supreme Court” will these tea party have then - - “hummm?”    And the whole “war on women” thing is still going.  But Laura Ingrim hadn’t gotten the official “Papal Bull” from the Tea Party before she did her own show yesterday.  Because on her own show she carried on about how well women were doing in the employment situation and cited numerous statistics.  Mitt Romney is sitting there grinding his teeth saying ‘Laura, you’re blowing it for all of us”.  Usually when one republican or another “goes off the plantation” for a moment, they are reeled back in and “corrected” really fast.

North Korea has launched their third attempted long range missile.  This one like the previous two proved to be a colossal dud.  A great big yawn.  Observers said the first stage firing sent out more flames than anticipated.  It's believed the missile went badly off course just about the time of the second stage firing of a three stage rocket.  North Korea has over a million men in arms.  That's impressive for any nation.  Many people believe that George Bush may have inadvertantly pushed they into developing the Bomb.  You see President Clinton had North Korea in hand.  But when the North Koreans saw they were included in the three pronged 'Axis of Evil" and that Iran had done nothing to us and inspectors in that nation found no weapons of mass destruction, and Bushed attacked them anyway - - the North Koreans figured "Hell- - the Iraquis were docile and look how we are getting it.  Say no more.  We now know what we have to do".  And so they did.  They developed the Bomb.

Thom Hartman has described corporations as cancer cells, who are not concerned with the growth of the body as a whole but only interested in feeding off the energy of the rest of society and polifferating their own kind.  What is notible psychologically about the tea party is their near pathological fear of "The other".  Women's eyes may dialate as the sight of daffifiles and teddy bears.  But tea party people when shown scene of violent conflict will sit up and notice, and the photo has their rapt attention.  They react to such photos in much more dramatic fashion than regular people do.  In their zeal against "The Other" it is they themselves who become "The Other" because they do not view themselves as a part of Corporate society as a whole- - which is to say, the rest of the national "Body".  I tried to hint at such sentaments in my Book in a veiled barb against Calvary Christians, but I couldn't come up with the right words.  You know in the NBC movie 'Jesus of Nazareth" which came out in 1977, the Jesus figure's first words to Judas Iscariot when he first met him was "You shall know a tree by it's fruit".  I never knew how prophetic these words were when it came to the tea party.  If you're God you are either blessed or cursed depending on your view - - - of knowing the End from the Beginning.  Some people are quicker to pick up on Clues than others but it becomes Obvious to most people in time.  You know I was accused by someone of having Aspburger's Sydrone today.  A guy named Andy asked someone else "Does Marcus suffer from Aspurger's".  Now that "someone else" is using Aspburgers sydrone as a possible "disability passport' to get me into a Good Will training program.  I'm not entire sure I want to do that although at this point I guess I would do almost anything to "feel useful" again.  But as far as I'm concerned I'm personally about as far at the other political spectrum from Aspburger's as it's possible to get.  I'm obsessed with what others think about me.  I have never had the sort of Ego Centrism that seems to come second nature to a Jesus Freak or a tea party person.  It's like we're cut from a different cloth.  Of course don't blame the tree for bearing the Bad Fruit.  My theory is that it isn't really a "bad tree" - - just a Bad Farmer.  And of course God himself or the Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call Him is the guiding force behind both the tea party and fundamentalist Christianity.  And "Serve Somebody" seems to be their National Anthem.  They are led into what Michael Benner calls as a "false dualism" as if there are only two Choices for anything.  As such in their way of thinking it's "Only logical" that you should team up with them.  Thom Hartman announced today that there were NO communists presently in Congress.  Yet the tea party caucus said that all 27 members of the Progressive  Caucus were not just socialists but Communists.  And so we come full circle.  These people have varied little over the past forty years.  It's just now they are successful, and hence highly deangerous.

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