Saturday, May 11, 2013

The School of Hard Knocks

I was going to call this page “The Reformed Libertarian Party Platform” but then I realized that would be endulging in perhaps too much self-promotion.  Every time a Catholic Priest teaches on the topic of sex, you realize that something he “Does all by himself”.

People in the know say that for a genuinely “Annointed” statement of Truth, there is but one Translation - - but there are many Applications.

Your Fate Ain’t Worth Shit Unless You Start Complying
You Really Ought to Learn the Art of Dying

Just as I crossed the finish line I saw a supernatural sign and I knew that back-pack filled with nails was about to blow.  Well I limped on down the road as far as I could and when I collapsed it was right in front of this Red Neck looking joint called “Hell’s Bar and Grill” that had one of these flip flop signs hung over the door that read “Do Drop In”


Remember the Constitution says that nobody under seventeen or over age 45 should be allowed to carry a gun in the new eutopian “well regulated militia”.

The word “Ebonics” actually refers to the study of the culture of any ghettoized group of people who have in common a deprevation of opportunities – Regardless Of Race

In my Libertarian Party I want to make it makes clear that Freedom goes hand in hand with Responsibility and that everybody should be “Free to face the consequences of his own actions”.  So therefore in 2008 I would have insured that those irresponsible banks were “Free to Fail” rather than reward bad behavior.

Sometimes you do a good deed for another and then later live to regret it.  One of two factors is operative.  If the act was really compassionate and Good, then you should never regret it no matter what happens later.  On the other hand there is every possibility that you Should Indeed Regret Your Decision.  In such a case- - said act you did was never Good to begin with.

As mayor of Los Angeles I’d be much more concerned that the people in dire pain and other various medical ailments can get their medical marijuana- - and I’m far less concerned about their being “Too Many Retail Outlets”.  When did Burger King very worry about that?

Up with hashish – Down with booze
Bud Green never makes the news

(Jewish Surgeon) “You know, I love a good briss in the morning”
(Colligue)  Oh really,  I prefer to wait for a late morning brunch of Swiss Steak and an omlet”

If trained, docile pit bulls are prevented from Reproducing
The only pit bulls reproducing will be the viscious ones.

“I and my husband have an ideal marriage and I score an A in sexual performance.  Why we’ve been having sex ever since we first got married and I achieved orgasum both times”

Neil Savedra told Abraham, “You know of course you have to decide what you’re going to do.  Do you seek your own happiness and the happiness of your wife and innocent son, Isaac, or to you value maintaining God’s honor more.  You know that unlike a man, God on his own cannot forgive the slightest transgression, without someone having to pay the price”

Abraham responds:  You mean that in order to maintain God’s honor I have to commit one of the most barbaric acts known to man, and it’s OK - - as long as it has all the Religious trappings.

Samantha asked Stephano the following:  “Now I know this piece is the King.  That’s you.  And Marlena is the Queen.  Queen of the Night.  But what I want to know is which piece represents Will Horton?”  Stephano responds thussly:  “Oh - - he’s the violent black guy who was let out on parole too early.  Any more questions?”

When Neil Savedra tells you sometimes you have to allow a Necessary Evil, then I say unto you the following simple truth.  EVIL IS NEVER NECESSARY

Marcus, as Mayor do you regret your support of Governments and Unions sticking to their negotiated salary agreement?   Marcus:  “I always believe you’re only as good as you word.  As Maya Angelo says “If we are people of our word –  we will be known by that.  If we are not people of our Word - - alas, we are known by that also.  If you don’t have your good word in this business you don’t have squat, and if Garsetti and Gruel don’t believe that, that’s their problem.

I believe that Government should function as the Referee in a football game, enforcing the rules and keeping things honest.  But the Government should NOT become a Player itself.  Neither does the government, as in the case of Obama Care - -have the right to go to the other teams huddle and which plays are off limits because if they were employed it would expose the incompetence of the other team, and declares “We need talent parity”.   DOWN WITH GOVERNMENT THAT FALLS TO THE LEVEL OF ITS OWN INCOMPETENCE

Don’t you think Will Horton should stop to think just once as he French kisses his lover, Sonny Kiriacus, “Just what – Other Things - - has Sunny put in his mouth over the years?

If you asked Father Eric the age old question of “If a major flight crashed on the border between Canada and the United States – where would they bury the Survivors?” Father Eric would say ever so diplomatically, “Well I suppose this is a time for compromise – so make it 50 – 50”.

Sylvia Brown was once grief counseling for the relative of a killer flu virus in 1919, “Now there there now - - you have to realize that the killer flu is never coming back - - ever”.

The Obama administration was caught in a lie.  They said that the CIA supplied all of the “talking points” after the Bengazi incidents.  But in truth major changes were made- - some twelve changes in the talking points - - and key reference to Al Qaeda and other terrorists – were all expunged by the Obama administration.  And we want to ask the President why.

When a mad dog attacks one person, we investigate.  But when Assad of Syria kills 70,000 of his own people the Obama Administration hides under the bed like a little kid - - and hopes either the problem will just go away- - or Daddy will show up and make me forget all my fears.

A wise man knows when he has “Just dodged a bullet” and chalks it up to having obtained favorable Divine Prodence- - and then goes and Acts Accordingly.

Five Things strike me as Unusual.  To see Jesus wearing glasses, to see Jesus reading a copy of the King James Bible,  to see Jesus wearing a wedding ring,  To ever witness Jesus following any Order from anyone,  and for Jesus to say to Another something like the following,  “Yes.  Yours is a good and righteous cause and I intend to do anything I can to support you”.

Old Mac Donald had a show – E – I – E – I – O
With a Homo Here- - a Homo There
Here a wink - - There a wink
Everywhere a Blow Job
Mc Donald Carrie had a show - -
E – I – E – I – O

The Despot says to anyone who will hear him “My people submit to me because they do so willingly” and perhaps even “I respect every man’s freedom of choice”, and perhaps dare to even quote the old Eagles song “Many people live their lives in chains - - and they never even know they have the key”.   But I dare this Despot whoever he is - - to leave the door to his holding cell open just a crack to allow all of the captives to see Daylight - - and Behold you will see scads of people “Voting with their Feet” as they scurry out of danger.

 It’s absurd to ask the question of ‘Do you feel your campaign is so weak you have to run attack ads?”  Think about it.  Suppose you’re running for Pete Richard’s job as youth counselor.  And your opponent has spent the last fifteen years in prison for battery and in fact is a convicted felon and a registered sex offender.  Don’t you have the right to bring up this “elephant in the room”.  

 Janet gave me a “Double Shot” can of Espresso and it gave me the energy to make regular coffee because before that I had been too lethargic to move much.  She gave me a can to give to Bill.  By the way the Swinging Madalians (who made "Double Shot") and the Ramsey Lewis Trio and Mel Torme not to mention most of the James Bond stuff- - are from a group on friendly terms with the Federation called the Torinos  - - - and that word translates as "Comet" in case you were curious.

 Here’s a new slogan Raphael can use in his next job resume.  “Up with gays; down with Straights; we’re the ones who really hate”.  Just think about it.  Here’s another one.  “Some of you may be into S & M but the government shouldn’t make it mandentory.  For instance should the average pastor on Sunday mornings have to do all of his preaching on sexual morays wearing a muzzle on his mouth?”

That woman from Bangladesh was rescued from a massive earthquake rubble and had been down there for seventeen days.  A bulldozer happened by after seventeen days and she mustered all the strength she could in her weakened condition to call out.  She got water going through back packs- - and was able to breathe because of a drainage pipe nearby.  But often it was ninety five degrees- - and in the nights she had to exist in total darkness. 

  Apparently Sylvia Brown committed what Mal Evans calls “a sin of cosmic proportions” by telling Amanda Berry’s mother that her daughter was dead”.  Sylvia Brown not only bears her own bad karma but the bad karma goes to DES RHO of Miami, as it’s referred to by the Federation.  Unfortunately so many psychics are “tone deaf” as to exercising any sort of tact, let along personal responsibility for their actions, and this is sad.  Now they all get a bad name.

J A G:  Mr. Cruise, are you done cross examining the Witness?
Tom Cruise:  As a matter of fact I'm not.  I would like to elicit the following material from this witness.

Tom Cruise:  Marcus, you've done this whole long posting and not once have you broached the subject of Abortion.  What is your position on Abortion:

Marcus Arelius: Oh, I'm all for them.  For instance is a manned space flight's prospects of success viability should happen to be nill, or something.

Raphael Hernandez "Broke Type", which is an offence against Mal Evans.  And Mal Evans does not like to be Offended.  (That's a term you Bible school freaks know all about)

Vincent Price (Chief Mason)  "Marcus, would you lose your Cosmic Birthright because Chuck Smith builds a religions Empire"

Marcus, keeper of the Yule log (alias Ramsey Lewis or whoever)  Let me put my response to that question in as succinct terms as Possible - - - NO.

Randi Rhodes should be careful not to let reverse sexism creep into her dialog.  I’m not giving Laurena Bobbit a pass by any means.  And Andrea Yates was the woman who drowned her four children in the bathtub and the only thing on “Desktop” that I have is in a Dog Days file in late July 2006 and there is also an album precursor to that Sixties thing of August in blogger of disperate material listed under the “Kill, Kill, Kill” file.  Susan Smith was the one whom Governor Bush refused to pardon and whom Bush made joked about and who claimed she was a born again Christian.  I think she ran over her kids with a car or something, and then called the police and claimed that Blacks abducted her children.

In terms of the soap opera there seems to be no shortage of bad things to say about Nick.  For being a complete nothing - -his private life has become awfully important to a lot of people.  Even Raphael is caught up in this epidemic of “Homophilia”.  You have your word - - I have mine”.  I don’t know how you can call it “obsession” merely not to want two queers raising your baby.  And the thing is before the wedding, weren’t Gabriel and Will Horton free to “emote” and do all that stuff and “fall in love with each other” if that was in the cards?  You can’t really say that Nick Fallon “manipulated” Gabriel into marrying him.  If I were him I’d say “OK, fine!  I’ll walk away from this marriage and leave a divorced new mother to sue for child support for someone other than me.  If a spoiled, rich, and immature twenty year old is what she wants- - then who the hell am I to get in the way?”  
North Korea is not happy about President Obama’s visiting with the South Korean woman leader. If I were the President I would just say to Kim Jung Il - - "Well, I suppose we could start exchanging inter-contenental nuclear missiles right about now.  Who do you suppose which of us would Win?"

The Los Angeles Kings eliminated the St Louis Blues in ice hockey in round one.  Of course when it comes to the Ducks and Detroit Redwings - - the Federation has been backing the Redwings.  I hope that isn't a problem.

Bad News just came over the P A.  Federico just announced Dr. Levy will not be here today.  He's been missing every other week- - like clock-work, for some time.

A Libertarian is someone who believes that a well running machine is one that's treated with a Liberal ammount of lubricant.

In Reigelian the word "Veir" (pronounced Veer) means "To stay on a certain pre set initerial course and not be subject to outside interferance.

A "Reisinger" in Sirius A Romulan is a Sailor, which means the Travelers play an active part in the ship's opperation.

Delaney is a Federation word (official Mal Evans English letter spelling) that means "Steady, Reliable, Consistent".  This is something we all should be, not just one faction.

Marin in Romulan means "Pertaining to the ocean" pronounced "Mareen".   Marinar means to "study the ocean" and  a Marinaro is an Oceanographer.

When two approaching Massive Objects exceed the speed of light with respect to the other's Ether - - they fall out of each other's event horizon.  They may appear later- but it will be in the rear view mirror.  This is where I hope to see the Tea Party very soon.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Dodging A Bullet

We may have dodged a bullet when North Korea’s leader Kim Jung Umm, decided not to start world war III last month when everyone was expecting to.  Moe Kelly didn’t like the idea that when Dennis Rodman visited the NK leader he was treated lavishly when the people of North Korea are starving.  Were I to be invited by Kim Jung Umm to such an engagement and was told “world peace depends on this meeting” I’d for once in my life seek out a Priest to consult with because I’d have the moral dilemma of my going encouraging despotism.  Of course Nick Fallon dodged a bullet today when Samantha Brady decided not to waste him on the spot with her drawn gun.  And make no mistake about it.  I have little doubt that gun was fully loaded and if Nick had at any time said the wrong thing she would have wasted him.  Here’s a suggestion to the wise- - never tell your adversary about your Ace in the Hole- - because in doing so you just put your life in grave jeopardy and you might live another day- - to do anything.  But of course there are many brave among us.  That guy whose Sports Utility Vehicle was hijacked by the Boston bombers- - saw his avenue of escape and he took it.  Amanda Berry saw her one chance of escape, and she availed herself of it.  That soldier who violated orders at Bengazi and rescued all of those men saving scores of lives- - did what he did in direct violation of his military orders but he did it anyway because he knew what he had to do.  President Obama took a great risk invading what has proven to be an enemy country, Pakistan, to get Bin Laden.    I only wish that the President could be as cool as a cumber on other issues where he has balked at taking a courageous stand.  During the Yom Kippur war of 1973, Golda Meir asked President Nixon for a better kind of fighting jet to turn the tide of the war to Israel’s favor.  Had it gone in the Arab’s favor things would not have bode well for other western countries.   The question is whether we as a Nation will dodge the bullet of tea party right wing extremism, which we are in continuing peril of.  If the tea party gets their way - - America as we know it will be gone.   And it has yet to be demonstrated whether we have successfully dodged the ecology disaster bullet.   Because some sources say it may already be too late to turn the tide against global warming.

The news this week has been so strange.  It’s like living in the middle of some real TV horror movie of the week or more like it, a TV mini-series.  There is such a seedy, distasteful quality to all of this sexual abduction stuff and it will take weeks or longer to sort it all out.  It’s people’s theory that Michelle Knight might never have made the news were she the only one who was abducted and rescued, because she was estranged from her family and that doesn’t play well in the press.  But she had already lived a hard life.  She was estranged from her mother at the time of the abduction and there were roomers she’s gone to Florida.  In high school two boys cornered her in the bathroom and raped her.  She gave birth to a son named Joey, whom she lost custody of.   All three abduction victims were offered rides from Ariel Castro.  They said she was having “mental problems” at the time.  Randy Rhodes believes (and it’s most likely true) that sexual traumas of this sort cause people to self medicate with oxy conten and Vicoden and whatever to numb the psychological - - and perhaps physical pain.  Drugs don’t lead to rape.  It’s the other way around.  This Mark Walsh head of the Air Force unit is a real tactless jerk-off.  He made the statement that “We have all of this pick up, and hooking up culture coming in from the Jr. High and High school culture now.  And Randi thought he said “Besides this woman has already been raped, so she’s damaged goods”.  I know all about the ‘damaged goods” doctrine from people like Bill Halliday and Neil Savedra.  You know- - this is another one of those cases where the President morally needs to step up to the plate and take proactive action.  After all they don’t call him the “Commander and Chief” for nothing (hopefully).  Randi points out that if a certain superior officer disagrees with a conviction - - he has the power on his own to overturn it.  Women like - - perhaps even Michelle Knight - - join the Service because they feel they can “make a fresh start in life and get some new input and training”.   That was kind of my thought when I became a Born Again Christian and we know how that turned out.  But back to our story.  Michelle Night was of course twenty when she was abducted, and of all three women she was by far the most routinely beaten by Ariel Castro.  He got her pregnant five times and then starved her and then would punch her in the stomach to make her lose the baby.  And she lost all five.  Now she is the one who remains in the hospital because she’s not sure whether she has a home to go home to.  (Kind of like John Lennon in Hamburg in December 1960)  I know, “How would you know that?”  It has been suggested that people send her a box of Sherry’s berries or flowers or something to let her know that she’s loved and supported.    Light a candle for her.

Then there is the jury ruling on this murder case in Arizona where this Jody woman was convicted of stabbing her husband 29 times and doing a bunch of other stuff to kill him, and she tried to call it self defense.  But of course it wasn’t self defense.   Marsha Clark was Stephanie Miller’s guest this morning.  She knows all about battered women.  Of course this Jody woman will receive the death penalty, and the woman herself says she doesn’t care because she wants to die.   I guess I’m thinking “Let’s schedule an execution date years off and let’s make life as shitty for her in the prison as possible in the mean time”.   It kind of seems to me that we in California could relieve our prison population problem overnight if we’d just start regular weekly executions of the three hundred plus inmates on death row.   I think if people knew that every Wednesday at ten AM or something, another convict was getting “off” d, it would put the fear of God into some of these would be thugs who’d think twice about doing it themselves.

Some would generalize police response as if it’s in a poor neighborhood- - if it’s about drugs than the cops come in like gang busters and are all over the premises ready to kick the door down and ransack the house inside.  But if they get a call or multiple calls from that same poor neighborhood about kidnapped women or missing persons- - they may routinely not even record the call.  I hate to say it but the Cleveland police department seems totally messed up.  Nobody believes that five or so neighbors just decided to make up lies that they had called the police all about this same house, and got no response.  I guess the Federal government may get involved and I imagine for a local PD the worst hell imaginable is having the feds on your case.  Moe Kelly was saying there is also racial inequety.  Because this Black singer who made a lot of money was brought up on charges of not paying her federal Income Tax.  But she paid ninety percent of the million she owed as a good faith gesture before sentencing, and it didn’t help.  Meanwhile Lindsey Lohan gets this automatic pass on everything.  Nobody has gotten that many “passes” by the public since Brian Jones was with the Rolling Stones.  Moe Kelly was upset about some bribe he imagines that Pepsi Cola made to Al Sharpton.  He says any time someone like Sharpton says “The meeting went positively” it means that money changed hands.  But to tell you the truth I’m going to half to look up the podcast because I missed too much of it.
The coffee Dr. Levy gave me has been going down quickly and a think the coffee level dropped about two inches after Nora’s visit.  We got an egg salad sandwich from Donnie and Janet asked about that.  Janet has ceased supplying food to anyone around here, it seems.  I noted a lot of activity just the other side of that railing as I was sitting on the bench there with bill, so something has obviously opened up.  For the longest time it was just the liquor store and an empty building.  It was the ABC game shows and I dozed off just before eight and woke during “The Middle”.  I watched most of the next ABC comedy but then twords nine I got on computer and like I say - - I aborted that I Tunes update because it would take too long and I wasn’t in the mood.  I proceeded to the fairly concise blog posting.  I was planning to talk about “The Delaney Group”, which is another rock group planet and culture containing keyboardist Bobby Whitlock, and Delany and Bonnie, Leon Russel, Joe Cocker, and Billy Preston.  I didn’t do that and there is a “cosmic glossery” of alien language words I was hoping to get done at some point.  It was past nine thirty and I watched the rest of Criminal Minds.  I slept well last night- - but sometimes when I awaken in the morning it’s with anxious feelings.  Now Social Security is threatening to stop my payments entirely if I don't make the next appointment for May 23rd.  These people don't waste time.  They got that letter off quickly.