Friday, April 24, 2015

A Deadly Societal Impediment - Setting the Bar Too Low

We need more than dash cameras and body cameras.  It seems that dark deeds go unseen and unacknowledged in the dark corridors we never see.  This black teenager was accused of having stolen a back pack two weeks previously, and was locked up for three years in Rutkers Island or something.  In one scene he was beaten up by other teenagers for defying a gang leader.  In another video later on he was in solitary confinement for nine months (?) and guards were shoving him around violently first one way then the other.   In that Baltimore case that guy who died from a broken neck was placed in a paddy wagon handcuffed and driven around- - jerking the steering wheel to intentionally throw the guy from side to side, not being able to use his hands to brace himself, and he may have been physically already injured before entering the van.  This is the guy you’ve heard about, who died.   Yesterday there was of course this Drone raid in Afghanistan where a US hostage and an Italian innocent hostage were killed.  Also an Al Qaeda leader who was also an American citizen was killed.  Last night I was reading about the history of drone strikes, which seemed to be very rare things prior to 9 – 11 – 2001 and kind of rare after that.  We criticized Israel for the same kind of drone strikes, but later when ours became much more frequent we stopped criticizing Israel.  Then in 2006 there was a major ruling change where the President did not have to approve each drone strike.  And the strikes didn’t have to be a part of any ongoing war or conflict.   The problem is today the bar is set so low as to what’s legal and what is not- - that the Government can say that any word or terminology means anything, and we have to believe what they say.  Last evening I downloaded a file enumerating the vast amount of violations that are routine now of our Constitutional rights in the first ten amendments, which runs over seven pages, and that is with some editing.   “There Ain’t No Justice Nowhere!”


In the aftermath of Comcast's decision to walk away from buying Time Warner Cable, some winners and losers are emerging.  The combined company would have created an Internet and TV behemoth with unprecedented power over what Americans download and watch. It would have served nearly 30 percent of video subscribers and 55 percent of the country's broadband homes. It also would have controlled NBCUniversal, home to NBC, cable networks including Bravo and film studio Universal Pictures.  But consumer advocates and Internet activists had railed against the deal from the start, saying it would limit consumer choices and lead to higher prices. And ultimately the planned merger fell apart after regulators decided it would be bad for consumers.  The breakdown of the deal is being seen as a blow to Comcast and the cable industry in general. Conversely, it's being hailed as a victory for consumer advocates and the competitors of the two companies.  And that covers a lot of ground.


 In terms of the soap opera there were two highly unreal conversations.  The first was with Victor, who held a gay wedding in his own home, such was his booming confidence about the gay relation between Sonny and Will.  Now Victor wants to torpedo the marriage on the most flimsy of grounds.  He says that marital counseling would just be a waste of time.  He’s trying to fan the flames of desire of Sonny for Paul, which aren’t there.  However because of that conversation Sonny has decided NOT to go into therapy with Will but instead go off for an extended trip to Hong Kong to see his father, Justin, as if the conversation couldn’t take place over the phone.  Justin speaks of this great bye and bye when he and Adrian will be united but it’s always just over the horizon like some kind of mirage that keeps receding before you.  Then we have Kristin’s assertion that Daniel is the father of her baby.  Daniel and Kristin can’t stand each other.  (Practically no one whom Kristin spends any time with can stand her)  From Brady’s point of view it makes absolutely no sense for someone as obsessed for Brady to give her a child, that she would suddenly decide “like that” to sleep with someone who can’t stand to be around her.


One simple way to describe “Karmic down-shifting” is "Setting the bar too low".  But we could also do so not in metaphysical terms of exchanging speed for torque - - but how about strictly horizontal personal conduct terms.  We all know people who seem well liked- - or maybe they just brag about how popular they are all the time- - and have a knack for avoiding any and all situations where they are not “in their element” or not in “control”.   Sometimes people think “I’d love to be around that high achiever and just bask in the glow of his fame”.   But on the other hand maybe you’ve had that opportunity and the more you hung around him you found there was “less than met the eye”.  I don’t want to go Will Horton on you and start naming names so we’ll leave it at that.   David Petrayas apparently got probation or something for passing government secrets to his girlfriend.  And yet we know of these whistle blowers- - who share needed vital information to us- - and they get the book thrown at them.  Then we have Rand Paul’s son who apparently was stopped on drunk driving charges but not taken to jail.  We know of those Secret Service people who weren’t arrested for suspicious conduct- - because of who they were.  What karmic down-shifting of course can best be summarized as “being a big fish in a little pond” as contrasted to karmic overdrive which could be called “being a little fish in a big pond”.   The former could be called “living beyond your means” karmically.  The latter could be called “living consistently below your means”.   If you persist in the former, eventually you’ll be forced to do the latter.  But perhaps a more fundamental question is on your mind right now.  “Well, how then do you legitimately advance on the karmic wheel?”   Basically you endeavor to get off of it- - or rather “getting out of the influence of the karmic funnel”.  This would be a flared, horn funnel.  You have on one hand the “pull of sin” sucking you in- - and if you persist the end result is a psychic death.  You have the other force which is self determination and “space”.   We have at times defined “karmic space” as the increased opportunity to self determination.  The third karmic force of course is your own will.  I prefer the word “will” to the term of “Choice”.  A choice is something you make in a department store where you choose to purchase one suit over another.  Will is something a little more fundamental.  It’s what you ARE; it’s the depths of your very Soul.   So basically it comes down to the question, “Am I a good person”.   Yes you do make choices.  But most of our so called choices have been to a large degree been pre-determined.  For instances when it comes to how I spend my meager income each month, clearly there things I am NOT going to spend my money on.  Besides what I call “necessity of circumstance” (do I pay the rent or do I just let that one slide this month) there are not only my OWN values- - which may have been distorted or aberated by events of the past- - and then there is pressures from Others and THEIR VALUES that impact my “Choices”.   If I overcome all these pitfalls and “make a decision for the better” than my karmic kenetic energy (otherwise known as speed) will increase.  Now if I want I can take that Speed- - and turn it into torque by- - - doing what Bart did once and being flunked back a year- - till he found the material utterly boring.  People who psychically downshift don’t mind “Boring”.  They live for what we’d call “Boring”.   My feeling for instance is that the President of the United States is a chronic under-achiever because “Once he got elected president” all of his goals had been reached.  It didn’t matter to him what people thought of him, or whether his actions damaged the country with Obama Care or the Trans Pacific Partnership- - all he cared about it was playing at the best golf courses, going to the right Washington DC cocktail parties, and flying around on Air Force I - - in some kind of never ending Travel-log.   I would now return to the metaphysical note and talk about “Down tuning guitar strings” and for some reason people like a minor third.  The strings are under less stress- - and they can vibrate more not being so highly strung and as such the “sound waves” (people’s impression of you) makes you seem bigger than you are- - and because they believe this of you- - this gives you more immediate Power.   But just remember that I regard squandering as one of the seven cardinal sins.  (Selah)

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