Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Triad of Loser Republican Governors

Let’s talk about a triad of governors who haven’t thrown their hat in the ring for President yet, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Chris Christie of NY, and Bobby Jindell of LA.  Jindell is that over-achieving genious who seemed invincible in his youth.  His rise to fame was so meteoric that there would seem to be no goal he could not reach.  And I like I say any individual with the sheer native intelligence of Jindell to get the academic accolades he has received- - knows all too well about the mechanics of Global Warming, that is- exactly how it works.  But these three governors may be popular nationwide, but are not popular in their home States.  Chris Christie has sunk badly in the polls.  Christie has a 38% approval rating and a 56% disapproval rating with the people of New Jersey.  Christie’s New Jersey has lagged far behind its neighboring states in the area on job creation.  New Jersey has only gotten back 67% of the jobs lost in the recession, whereas her neighbors have gotten back 137% of the original figure of 2007.  But it gets worse.  New Jersey’s credit rating has been downgraded nine times and is now the second worst of any of the fifty states with only Illinois being worse for things like pension funds.  Of course we know how Christie loves to rob pension funds.  We all remember that Governor Scott Walker got prank called by a David Koch impostor- - and Walker fawned all over him- - like two peas in a pod talking about all the “things they were going to do” when they got in power.  Now the Real Koch Brothers in a move that surprises no one- - are getting ready to officially endorse Scott Walker.  All things considered- Scott Walker is the odds-on favorite to be the Presidential nominee of the Republican Party.   In terms of the Republican Party’s return to social issues such as gay marriage- - I am pleased that is happening.  Because these are loser issues in this day and age for anybody to run on.   And remember that I said if I were running for President myself if I wanted any chance of winning I’d stay far away from either the gay or abortion issues.  It seems that next Tuesday is the official date that the gay marriage thing will be argued.  Terry wants us all to hold a prayer long prayer vigil over it.  But my view of the Supreme Court is somewhat darker than his.  I believe the Justices make up their minds on any case before-hand.

Senator Bernie Sanders right now is affirming his stalwart opposition to the Trans Pacific Trade agreement.  I find it very hard to believe that President Obama would actually agree to hold a public debate on the Trans Pacific Partnership.  Senator Widen is drawing a lot of heat from fellow Oregonians.  Pharmacy companies would have never-ending patents making it harder for people of poor countries (such as “Doctors Without Borders”) to switch over to generic drugs to help the masses.  I would not support any Presidential candidate who would not come out solidly against the TPP.  People in Malaysia have slave labor type working conditions.  I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said that “slaves are economic wealth”.   Labor is wealth.  The government buildings in Washington DC were built with slave labor.  We all would do well to remember that.  It’s my personal belief that people like in Mexico, rather than try and sneak into this country, would do better to fight for economic rights in their own country.  That way we’d kill two birds with one stone.  However Sanders won’t make a clean break from the Moneyed past in opposing Loretta Lynch with her shady Wall Street crony past, because he will be casting his vote FOR her.  The Koch Brothers by their own past statements would privatize things which for centuries have been the domain of government, such as the Post Office, the fire and police departments, and most notably the prison system for profit.  Wall Street is not God and people who want to “take the system down” may leave us perhaps with economic chaos, but from the ashes so to speak, would be the roots of equity and democracy.  This is an area where I would happily go on record before my Republican opponents in sayings “I agreed with you in opposing Loretta Lynch for AG”.  I am not such a slave to race and sex “equality” that I would just “go along to get along” with the liberals.  Most of the Founding Fathers made statements saying that land ownership would NOT be the exclusive domain of the rich and that Democracy is better served in striving for economic equality.  This is an issue where the Republicans are tone deaf.   The Republican senate budget would throw 27 million people off of health insurance.  There are statistics that progressives cite that Obama Care is actually a good thing.  However- - what if corporations were off shored or “inverted” as they say?   Could it be that we with our taxes may be paying funds to a foreign held corporation?   People in the Gulf region are still suffering economically in the wake of the British Petroleum oil blow out of five years ago this week.  We would do well to keep these people in our prayers.  The problem hasn’t gone away.

This is Thursday April 23, 2015, and the 45th anniversary of when I took my pre induction physical in 1970.  In those days we weren’t yet on DLST so I got an extra hour before I had to show up in Santa Ana for the bus ride to LA.  Stephanie Miller has maximum mookage Thursdays now with Jim Ward, doing his John Boehner imitation.  This morning my innards have been in better shape than the past few mornings.  I had Stephanie on before and after breakfast.  My blogger numbers dipped sharply yesterday.  I was thinking of extending yesterday’s treaties on Cause verses Effect.  Perhaps I should re-think that.  I went to the liquor store for a dollar cup of coffee at seven and then went back to my room before taking the cup down to the dining room table.  We had oatmeal for breakfast followed by a fried egg and toast and butter and jelly.   Last night it was “Arrow” and I wasn’t concentrating that much.  I went out for cigarettes at the store when Glen came to my room asking for cigarettes and I only had one left.  I went out and got him three more but in return- - he had no coffee for me.  OK I owed him a few cigarettes anyhow.  He then gave me iced tea from a pitcher- - which was actually warm, and very weak tea but I settled for it.  It was the NBC network news followed by Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune- - where I remember being out of the room a lot anyhow.

THREE WORLDS AT HIS FEET  This is an quote from "Jay Shri Krishna" on George Harrison's "Dark Horse" album.  By the way George Harrison is very much alive - - it's just that he chooses not to participate in these "Federation" things we do.  But I've always wondered "What are the Three Worlds".  Well, you've come to the right place.  We have the Latitudinal - - and the Longitudinal as we discussed in the fourth paragraph of the previous posting.  (Go back and read it as your leisure)  The other aspect would obviously be the vertical or up and down or Karmic dimensions.  I believe insight is communacated through Geometric shapes.  For instance the Karmic funnel is a merging of the karmic and the longitudenal aspects.  Picture this.  The Hour Glass with the sands going through it- - the upper one is the Future or what we call "Your Super Self" (who knows the future) and the lower part of the glass is the Past.  Clearly "sands" or events are always moving from the Future- - - - to the Past after they occur.  We have discussed this Hour Glass metaphor in a posting of early October of 2012 and elsewhere.  In our last posting we spoke of a Globe metaphor.  Actually one could invision instead a cylinder.  That is- - there is no FINITE distance between the equator and the north or south poles.  Actually in terms of Latitudenal variance- - traveling in the Fifth dimension- - there ARE an actual "finite number" of parrellel universes- - based strictly on probability Math, but the number is so vast it might as well be infinite.  We then can say that just because something is at ninety degrees perpendicularity to something else- - in a three dimensional world this does not preclude another instance of - - wait for it- - "Separate but Equal" perpendicularity.   For instance in Pauline and Marcion theology there is a perpendicular relationship between the Karmic world and the Longitudenal world of the "time space contimuoum" we all live in every day.  But there is also a perpendicular relationship between the Latitudenal and longitudenal aspects.   Remember that Latitudenal means "traveling in the fifth dimension" accross time but not a Part of time.  It's what Mal Evans calls "The four thousand holes of Lankishire" where each hole is a potential universe you could fall into.  One can speak of feng chue energy strings as a "Portal" of sorts.  And remember since OUTSIDE stimulus is being ADDED into our Universe- - said stimulus would logical change or alter the course of events in This Longitudenal World or "bend the time line" to use one of those TV movie expressions.  But now let's dust off our old Time Life books and look at the cosmic cone.  I guess for you flat earthers that would be a cosmic Pyramid with four corners- but I jest.  Actually a perfect pyramid sits into a circle touching at six cardinal points.  But a cosmic cone (that looks triangular from the side and circular from above) is what we are discussing now, and how we slice it up.  If we go for the Horizontal here- - you get a circular slice.  If you decide to go vertical (up and down) you get a hyperbola.   Keep in mind that - - in circular trig- - the sine and cosine waves are longitudenal - - or circular by inference- - whereas the tangents are spiked.  But in the hyperbolic realm (based on changing a plus sign to a minus in a formula) it's reversed and what was regular is now hyperbolic.  What was spiked now becomes regular.  There is also a hyperbolic aspect to The Event Horizon once you exceed light- - but I'm not going there now.  Metaphors are tricky.  One person said "I have a glob of the earth as we know it" and also said "I have a globe of the stars".  The second "globe" is metaphoric in that space is three dimensional and not a curved plane.  You knew that.  You have to watch your metaphors.  Picture a cross with six points rather than four.  In other words a jack like thingy.  Metal spikes all over.  This is the thirty point cross if you envision a wooden 3 D model of the cross.  This would represent the three worlds, the karmic, the longitudinal and the latitudinal.  Since Karma is based on the passage of time- - it's questional whether Karma can even BE latidunal.   In a Determinist world- - the concept of "The Coice" the thing Neil Savedra worships over and above Biblical teachings- - this idea of "The Choice" itself can logically be predestined.  You hear "It's all how our brains are wired", but in this case it's all how the feng chue strings are wired and - - like a phone switchboard of old- - it's which ringy-dingy - - jack to you plug into which hole or Time Portal.  Just muse on that one for a million or so years.

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