Sunday, April 19, 2015

Let's Extend the Olive Branch to Putin

Captain Piccard would say of her- 
"She's a very Handsome Woman"

Back in the days of Michael Gorbichev there was talk of “glastnose”, which means openness, and “parastroika”, which means restructuring.  Indeed one could argue that if Gorbechev were not at least a little open to the idea, President Reagan would not have said ‘Mr Gorbichev, tear down this wall!”   Then we come to 1990 when the days of the old USSR were numbered.  There was an agreement with Secretary Baker under Bush 41 that “Yes, Germany is reunited and NATO will represent all of Germany” but promised “We will not encroach NATO into your sphere of influence”.   Clinton did not keep Baker’s promise however.  We are told that Poland, Czechloslovia, and Hungary joined NATO in the late nineties.  Apparently three more nations joined after that.  Meanwhile the Warzsaw Pact nations were dissolved.  So Russia kept their half of the bargain.  Now NATO wants Ukraine as a part of the territory of “The West” and people like Pat Buchannon are upset by this.  There is a posting in Washington’s Blog which elaborates on all of this.  One questions why the need for a NATO or any organization like it at all since – with the USSR gone, there would seem to be no need for it.  NATO by all logic should be obsolete.  The Logic of not only keeping but expanding NATO had thus eluded me.  We now go into the Cosmic realm where the new “Federation” wants to make nice with the Federation of Russia.  They are more inclined to want to reach out their hand to their enemies in a spirit of candor and reconciliation than the old “Federation”.   But I would like to extend this logic of “Why is NATO even necessary now?”   It kind of reminds me of the whole concept of the coming of “The Messiah” and the elimination of sin as an entity.  The Book of Daniel states that the Messiah “will make an end to sin”.   There is also a verse about how “The Messiah will be cut off in the middle of the week, but not for himself”.  Some may quibble over that translation.  It does seem to imply that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday, though.  Are you catching the concept here.  If sin is not done away with- - if Sin as an entity still exists- - can it even be argued that “The Messiah has Come” as those who envoke Daniel 9 will claim.  In terms of NATO - - - maybe the hawks are right.  Maybe we all just “thought” that “Everything changed” when the old USSR was declared over and done on December 31st 1991.  I sure thought that it was.  I thought “President Clinton won’t have to worry about foreign affairs very much because the chief rival we had on the world scene is gone”.   In fact it was the lack of foreign challenges that gave President Clinton kind of an air of invincibility.

Let’s talk about this whole thing - - this allegation that Iran had taken over Iraq, and that it somehow happened on President Obama’s watch.  These Republicans have no sense at all of even short term history.  Under President Bush 43 we instituted democracy in Iraq and they voted a Shiite majority (a previously repressed majority) one of their own, Meliki, into power.  And he stayed there till things became just too uncomfortable.  It’s basically like “We made our bed then- - in 2006 - - under President Bush- - - and now we have to live with the consequences.  President Obama had nothing to do with that.  President Obama had nothing to do with the multiplication of centrafuges in Iran under President Bush.  That process isn’t going on now, and hasn’t gone on during the entire period of the Obama administration.  The “bringing to the table” of this adversary, Iran, took place under President Obama, not under Bush 43.  We now have a system in place where “It’s a little trust and a lot more Varify”.  The “break-out time” under this treaty- - will continue to lengthen from what is it now.  In any sane person’s world, this would be a good thing.  Hillary Clinton wanted to support the Syrian rebels against Assad.  We now know that this would have been a bad thing.  ISIS would have gotten even a stronger foothold had these rebels been armed.  Bob Sheefer asked Marco Rubio if he could foresee a scenario where the United States would be drawn back into a major war in the Mideast.  Only a fool would say that under no circumstances would this take place.  However if I were answering that question I would make it clear that we aren’t going to war with Iran over a dispute they are having with Yemen and the Saudis in some proxy war that is none of our business.  I would make it clear that whether Iran dominates Iraq or is allied with either Syria or Russia or China- - is none of our business.  These do not constitute issues going to war over.  I believe every candidate for President of the United States in 2016 should make this issue perfectly clear.

 OK I just watched a little of Bobby Jendell- - talking about success- - and the education system in Louisiana - - and his own past.  All of these people seem to start off dirt poor and suddenly they become rich- -but the details on that exact moment when they “became” rich- - always seems to be pretty hazy.  The candidates look young enough to be the kids of those in the audience.  Earlier it was Carley Fiorina, not too bad looking.  Her tenure at HP wasn’t so hot and eventually she was let go after especially poor performance.  The stock humped in value on the news she was being replaced.  She speaks in fairy tale terms such as being a dish washer one day and owning five restaurants later in life.  Carley got a job as full time secretary- - and from that she became a tech CEO, with an Amazing Golden Parachute, so they claim.  She got my pissed off when she set about attacking Dodd Frank, and then says that it’s government’s fault that California farmers are out of work, as though the four year drought had nothing to do with it.  There is kind of a wholesale tar brushing of "the other".  There are simplistic solutions that won't work, like cutting taxes to help with the deficet.  One politician said "The improvement we've seen in employment figures lately is because we cut off aid to the unemployed forcing them to look for work".  You can't create jobs by "wishing for them".  Clearly the economy would be in BETTER shape if those unemployed had MORE money in their pockets to put INTO this economy.  That's what a demand economy is all about.  But then you have sayings like "When I see a juvenile in prison two things stand out in any interivew.  In just about any case- - - the prisoner had no father figure, and he tried marijuana as a youth".   So right away you have their excuse to keep marijuana a schedule one drug, and also to rage against "The overall breakdown in morals in today's society" as if a single mother could just "fix" the problem just like that.

Most of those who know say that being a Governor is better preparation for being President than being a junior Senator.  Marco Rubio has spent his whole short life in politics, so he can’t claim to be “an outsider businessman”.   One wishes that Hillary would have an “unscripted moment”.  Most of us live our lives entirely with unscripted moments.  Hillary Clinton has shielded herself from facing an audience or press conferences.  She tries to impress us with these little one on one “skits” in a local diner or donut shop.  If the Democratic Party so poor that they can only field one candidate in this crucial year?  And Bill isn’t even being allowed prominence in her campaign though everyone knows he is a better campaigner and politician than she is.  Is it some basic ego problem with Hillary?  Or maybe it’s some submerged feminist rage against all those “bimbo eruptions” she had to deal with before.

 I turned it to this religious sermon.  The guy was talking about how inadequacy is a good thing.  If life happened the way it’s supposed to this guy would be right.  That is you don’t feel worthy before God, but then God steps in and says you’re worthy and he makes you able to perform His will.  The problem is that most likely it’s other Christian’s remarks that make you feel like a piece of crap such as Paul or Judy or Bill Halliday.  Not only that but there is the constant unspoken barb of “You’re not as close to God as we are and you never will be”.  It’s a case of having to go through them to get to God.  It would be nice if God- - gave some independent assurance (apart from others) that you indeed are a Christian in good standing, and there was some will or plan that he had for you.  In short then I wish God Himself would have more "unscripted moments".  What do I mean?  I told you that Christians who preach at you get God out there in stage like a trained show dog and walk him on a leash and make him do tricks for the audience.  The "dog' is not on control of the show, his Master is.  (Selah)  They have as it were the patent on God the same way that Monsanto and Du Pont have the patent on genetically modified organisms.  There is a saying in scripture not to bow down to anyone's "graven image".  May I suggest these people are selling their own IMAGE rather than God's image.  In the book of Revelation it even states a sin of the Antichrist is that he makes the people bow down and worship his IMAGE.  Images can be mental.  They are "impressions" that you give others of God put through their own mental filter- - along with whatever emotional baggage they are carrying.  God is never allowed to "just be himself" and as it were "Have an unscripted moment".  (Selah)

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