Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tear Down This Myth!

Just as with Iran, I agree.  A bad deal is worse than no deal at all.  The President is a deceiving Liar on this trans pacific partnership agreement.  He thinks we "lack imagination" if we cant envision things quickly becoming much WORSE than the so called "status quo", which President Obama thinks the American people will pay ANY price to - - change.  Elizabeth Warren says it's silly for the President to speak of "The American People being ignorant of the Facts" when these self same "Facts" are NOT out there in the public domain to discuss or debate.  WE can't READ it, and YOU won't tell us what's IN it!  Let Norman Goldman read the thing.  He's explain it to us.

I want to talk about the “Commercial Club of Chicago”.  It’s a pretty old organization dedicated austensively to bringing commerce to Chicago.  However it has evolved into just another ultra right wing organization.  This group supports the Milton Freedman supply side school of economics.  When you think about it Barock Obama is a supply sider on steroids, given his Federal Reserve police.  Remember that 95% of all economic gains over the past six years have been to the top one percent.  If the President were not accord with the effects of the Fed’s policies, he would have let us know it before now.  Some say that people at this Commercial Club of Chicago have dominated the President’s choice of cabinet appointments.  Rom Emanuel, the President’s former chief of staff- - is a high ranking member of the CCC and so by the way is current Illinois governor Bruce Rouner.  And it’s these people who have formed the President’s opinions and “have his ear”.   This is why the President has been pushing so hard for the trans pacific partnership agreement.  You know the President wants to be secretive about it or else you’d see adds and publications telling us how wonder the Trans Pacific Partnership is, and there would be bullet points highlighting the positive aspects of this treaty.  This is in fact a treaty meaning its provisions supersede national laws.  That’s the rule whether you or I like it or not one bit.   President Obama was interviewed by Chris Matthews and lied like a rug.  And then I’m told they had a panel there to discuss the issue.  And there was not one panelist who came down against the Trans Pacific partnership.  Now they want to fast track the thing.  Apparently senator Mitch Mc Connell has been very secretive about adjourning the senate today.  I couldn’t find anything on the Trans Pacific Partnership on C-Span, but only about the sex trafficking bill, which is all well and good but the Trans Pacific Partnership is the thing which every democrat must do everything in his power to block at every turn!  We need to throw ourselves on the railroad track of this oncoming train!  It will be the death of America as we know it!

It seems that Shawn Hannity is right when it comes to this blockade or whatever in the Gulf of Arabia.  This Iranian vessel supplying weapons to the Yemeni rebels, has not yet crossed into Yemeni waters, and it appears they won’t.  Iran is playing just a giant game of cat and mouse with this nation.  The President will not act against Iran, but in the same vein, Iran herself has no intention of violating this de facto blockade.  Shawn Hannity reminds us that President Obama “asked the Saudis to stop the bombing of Yemeni rebel strongholds”.  I thought the Saudis had stopped the bombing.  But Shawn Hannity says “The Saudis are not listening to President Obama but are continuing to bomb”.   Hannity keeps talking about his this alliance of Jordan and Egypt and the Saudis is “filling the vacuum created by the United States’ failure to exercise leadership”.  Shawn Hannity falsely said that the seran gas issue with Syria was not dealt with in 2012, when in fact – news flash, Syria gave up their chemical weapons.  Hannity is behind the times.  Now there is talk that the United Nations wants to broker a deal between the Yemeni rebels and the Saudis.  I would look at this development in a much more positive light.  If we’ve got all these other nations to fight our wars for us, we can kick back and relax a little.  And if Iran wants to fight ISIS for us, this is another area where we are saved spending money and manpower.  Just think of all the people who won’t be killed or maimed or go to the VA.  Just think of the medical bills Not Incurred!

President Obama is visiting the Everglades in Florida today.  It is poetic justice that he’d visit the area on Earth Day.  Because the entire state of Florida is sinking and salt water will be invading the ground water tab le of the Everglades.  Governor Rick Scott will not be greeting the President.  It’s a very different case from Governor Christie fawning all over President Obama in late October of 2012.  This behavior of Christie- - was part of a shady and not yet exposed political deal with the Democratic Party.  Marco Rubio can say he doesn’t believe in global warming but his entire city of Miami is slowly sinking into the ocean right now.  Shawn Hannity is not even trying to understand the logical cause and effect processes that cause the various symptoms of climate change we see.  We get longer, hotter and dryer summers in the areas already dry, and the polar vortex is upset in the winter time.  Shawn continues to say that Planet Earth’s hottest year was 1998.  But there have been so many records set since then it isn’t funny, and I understand that last year was a record warm year for Planet Earth.  My guess is that Bobby Jindell is such an intelligent, highly educated man- - he knows the processes set in motion by global warming.  Perhaps he could inform his friend Sean Hannity of what he learned in all of that very extensive education he’s had.  I must say I was really impressed with Jindell’s academic performance.  The man is one of those rare gifted “high achievers”.   This is earth day and I’m assuming there are protests all over the place today to make us all more aware that the whole ecology of the planet is vulernerable to man’s tinkering around with nature.

I would like to talk more on the physics and metaphysics of Cause and Effect.  I'm going to try and keep this as simple as I can, which isn't saying much knowing me.  I have to be careful of the Metaphors I employ here to boost understanding because if I use the wrong one to try and prove the wrong thing, my credibility will go down a giant sink hole.  I'd like to introduce to you Latitudinal verses Longitudinal analysis of Cause and Effect.  The Longitudinal is slightly less complicated- - and it's the one that doesn't involve "changing the time line".  If you believe that "changing the time line" is a physical and logical impossability, then you'll confine yourself to the Longitudinal.  Do you remember what we said about your "Super Self" knowing the future already?  This is longitudinal.  This is living in a realm of pure Cause- - and your Cause is shaped by the events that have already occurred- - in the Future- - and what you do casts a shadow of Events in the Past.  Capish?   Longitudinal also involved the Cause and Effects "Balance Sheet" where retribution is not only NOT a bad thing, but Essential to cosmic balance.   Now we move to the Latitudinal.   We covered this a few months ago with the proposition that Feng Chue "event strings" can and do affect "The time line" as we know it now.  An EVENT comes from Out Of Time when an feng chue string is transversed.   The "thing" at the other end of the string might be called the Electrode and YOU yourself are the Anode.  If you care to look at it that way.  But said "vibrating" of string takes place "out of time and out of space" and as such there can be said to be no "traveling" done.  Capish?   Now I'd like to get a little trigemetric on you.  You know what Sine and Cosine waves are.  Think of the earth traveling along the equator either east or west- - and after you have traversed 360 degrees you start over.  This is the 'circular universe" realm.  Latitudes have an end point - either the N or S pole.  So in latitude you are goint TO a place.  But with longitude you just keep on going and never seemingly even Need to have a Destination.  Sine Waves are IN time and relate to a circular universe.  Now said sine waves can be Modulated.  But they are still modulated sine waves, at least in theory.  I"ll add just one thing here as I review this - - the vibrating string- - like a guitar string is NOT the greatest impact - - but rather it's the body of the guitar or cello or what have you that serves as a "sounding board" for the vibrations.  So the Time Line is not the string, but the whole instrument that resonates.  But now let's look at the latitudinal.  Do you remember our "Tulip" theory?  We said a year ago on one of our cryptic lines "Time needs to establish superiority over Events so that those very Events may Establish themselves".  I'll make it simple.  Do something once it's a flook.  Do the same thing several times and it's a trend.  If you persist in doing the same thing it becomes a Habit.  And when you persist in a Habit - - habitual behavior- - it becomes a Character trait.  Picture a line that starts out horizontally from a radius - - (a tulip "petal") and gradually it bends upward - - untill eventually it's going straight up.  Up is TIME and outward is the Event.  This is what it's like for events to Establish themselves.  Events minus Time are just aimlessly floating things without any rhyme or reason or pattern.  This is a hyperbolic universe of sorts where - - - Sine and Cosine are hyperbolic.   But events can be Dis-established.  Take another graph like the National Debt with the line horizontal for most of the chart and bending up till it's virtually "straight up" at the end.  You can ask "what happens after the END".  Interesting question.  Well the "bubble" bursts.  In this case the Universe the event lives in.  What you see here is something becoming disestablished.  Remember the Hyperbolic- - deals with events that are not yet established or whose establishment is in question.  Circular trig involves regular, repeatable, patterned events in a time and space we all know.  You know something- - this little treaties didn't take as long as I thought it would.

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