Tuesday, April 21, 2015

We All Make Mistakes- - Even Me

Loretta Lynch still hasn’t gotten a vote on her confirmation to be Attorney General, seemingly because the Republicans still have a man crush on Eric Holder, and want him to remain around as long as possible.  The “memorial tree” for Michael Brown was chopped down days after it was planted- - and they claim they are investigating.  In Parma, MO - - they picked a woman mayor and “five of the six police officers resigned for safety concerns”.   Parma only has a six officer police force?  Sean Hannity speaks of “retaking the blood soaked ground of Felugia and these other Iraqi towns we took in 2007.   The more obvious way to look at this is that going to war in Iraq was a horrible mistake based on lies.  Now that we realize what a horrible mistake it was and how our actions bordered on war crimes- - and untold death and suffering- - why in the name of hades would we ever do such a thing again.  This would be “A very bad mistake”.

Marco Rubio mispronounce "chipotle" as "chipolte".   Here is a Latino who doesn't even know a common word in his own culture.  Some say "chipotle peppers aren't that popular in Cuba".  Hillary is making a major PR mistake by not being more open and 'un scripted' with the crowds she comes accross.  She's like North Korea because "she doesn't answer questions."  I never thought of it that way.  Hillary is displaying an arrogant attitude in that she thinks it's "Her turn" and doesn't have to defend anything about her actions as Secretary of State or anything.  However - -  Simplistic thinking is rampant all over now.  Some would say “We are becoming more like North Korea all the time.  You look at the earth at night and South Korea is all lit up and in the north it’s almost entirely dark.  Clearly Free Enterprise works better than communism and we in America are in an ailing economy because of Obama’s socialist policies”.   I just want to document what people are saying.  People with this kind of adeled thinking are in power now.

I think I have to side with the gay bashers on at least one point.  It says in Daniel or someplace that we’ll know the Antichrist because ‘He doesn’t regard the desire of women”.  I take it to mean that the Beast will either be gay or completely A-sexual.  However some come up with another interpretation.   They say that “The desire of women” is a code phrase used to allude to the Messiah.  This is because in Israel- in those times- - the desire of every woman was that she would be picked to give birth to the Messiah.  You see an immediate problem here with this meaning.  And that is- - that it would mean that the Messiah has not yet come to Israel, whereas we Christians believe in Jesus.  On the subject of race, St Paul teaches that “We are all of one blood”, or as Edith Bunker says “Archie, his blood is the same color as yours is - - it’s red”.  Good point.  We are all of one blood and that is the saving blood of Jesus Christ.

We all make mistakes including me.  If I don’t want to lose any more blog readers I better not make any more mistakes with them.  Those Beatle album revised compilations I alluded to at one point -  -are from a post dated February 2nd 2013, and not 2014.   The posting is headed “The Seventeen Club” and the final compilation is number eight (to fit into an eight CD boxed set two deep, and the final one is “Not Ready for Prime Time” or something.  I goofed in referring to a single CD compilation of sixties songs in alphabetical order highlighted by the long version of “Bluebird”, which appears on an expanded 2 LP Buffalo Springfield “Best of” album.  This CD was one of those that came into being in the September 2004 period when I was prolific.  I thought it was made an adjunct to KAOS Radio (2 CD album) making three, but it’s actually conjoined with “The Psychedelic Album” newly renovated for May of 2006.  I hope you can follow that.  I had Stephanie Miller on this morning and would have liked to include “Marco Rubio Leading the Clown Car” but they don’t do the Stephanie Rocky Mountain Mike songs.  They’ve led me to believe there is a guardian angel problem.   That “Sail Away” song with Dennis De Young- - was a favorite of Ev’s and I’m using his real name you note.  We’ve declassified Paul and Terry’s names, so the time may come when we declassify Ev and just maybe Clay.  We’ll see.  If I were like a normal blogger I’d give you a nice link to speed up the whole process.  There is no need to re-invent the wheel each time.  John Lennon got one of the original CD’s yesterday with ‘Please Come to Chicago” on it as track two.  Sirius 0 had a big backlog of versions with that track on it.  This morning I woke with restless bowels again.  I had one lone cigarette remaining from the ones Lishia gave me mid day yesterday.  I have Stephanie on right now after breakfast.  I got my medication from Tom before breakfast.  We had oatmeal followed by the main course of hashed browns, scrambled eggs, and toast and butter and jelly.  When Connie made it to the table she was in a foul mood using the F--- bombs.  But later she gave me one of the two hashed browns on her plate.   I got two long shorts from Luan and Rocky to smoke after breakfast.

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