Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Today apparently is the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Patriot Act into law. I don't know whether "Patriot" is an accronym as it was with the missile or not. Anyhow the law was passed in all of the post 9 - 11 hysteria. People had the vague idea during the 2008 campaign that a President Obama would work to eliminate the act. That didn't happen and it's three hundred pages of provisions are still in force. They say that congressmen passed the Patriot Act without even reading it. This has become common place with bills now. It wasn't so much then. Of course as you will remember there were a lot of post 9 - 11 terrorist acts such as the shoe bomber that kept people on edge. There were also these Anthrax attacks in the mails. Congressmen Pat Lahee and Tom Dashel both received these Anthrax mailings, and they were both liberals, who could be swayed to a more conservative bent. They say the Patriot Act was passed on the premise that there was major funding of Al Qaeda coming from this country. So it was necessary to monitor people's library book check-out habits and their facebook activity on the internet. And rights had to be curtailed to make it easier to arrest people. There were of course certain consolidations and information sharing among Federal agencies that was worthwhile. However now they scan telephone microwave tower transmissions of literally anybody looking for certain key words like "bomb" and "revolution". When they find these they will hone in on those people. To me it's a terribly inefficient means of law enforcement to regard every single American as a suspect. Of course then they probe the diapers of old people and feel the crotches of children, "just to be on the safe side". People forget that most police work is based on suspicious activity or things "not being as they should". It isn't based on some "fishing expidetion" and I bet any law enforcement official would tell you this. Forty years ago Steppinwolf was concerned about the US becoming a Police State in the song "Monster". I don't need to tell you how much worse things have gotten since then. If there is one thing I'll agree with the conservatives about just a little bit is the idea that a central government cannot micro manage our lives with all inclusive laws out of Washington. This would apply in areas of small business regulation, or drug laws, or laws regarding marriage or abortion. Certain decisions are best left to smaller and closer government bodies, such as local School Districts. I think this "No Child Left Behind" thing has worked out to be a total disaster. Neither do I think this is the time for an all inclusive Medical Insurance plan - which also has a bunch of new regulations. There is an addage I think liberals need to learn that goes "When everything is a sin, nothing is a sin". Barry Goldwater once said "You can't legislate morality". Maybe you can regulate morality but you can't regulate Perfection, and this at times to me seems to be one thing the Federal government is bent on doing. (Selah)

I'd like to do a What If political scenario. Suppose in the 2008 campaign the Democratic candidate campaigned on a platform of single payer health care and ending all foreign wars immediately, and of bringing legal charges against people in the Bush Administration for various misdeeds. This would include prosecutions of Karl Rove and Scudder Libby. Suppose also the Democrat criticized George Bush dishing out all that TARP money to the banks. Also promisede was the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison. Let's say they abolished the 22nd amendment and Bush himself were running for a third term. And Bush won. So the prisoners stayed at Guantanamo Bay and it wasn't closed down as the democrat wanted. And it was announced there would be no prosecutions. And we ended up staying Iraq for another three years and besides this we "doubled down" in Afghanistan. The whole wire tapping stuff would go on as before despite Democrats saying it was illegal. And we expanded our drone activity with unmanned missiles killing civilians. And we started capturing Islamic terrorists all over the place and in a daring raid Bin Laden was killed. And there was an Arab Spring which people attributed to Bush bringing democracy to the mideast, and Qadafy was killed. But the Democrats didn't like the Health Care plan Bush proposed because it mandated people buy Medical Insurance. Nobody likes to be called a "thief" for walking around breathing air without Insurance. And the Democrats said "This is just like medicare part D which wasn't paid for. It's a total sell out to the drug and insurance companies and a big windfall for them. And to combat the recession Bush instituted a stimulus plan but democrats said it was OK but it wasn't enough to really do the job. But as election time approached for 2012 the democrats felt really exposed. The economy was the only "fig leaf" they had left to run on. They couldn't use the "three AM phone call" or any of that birther stuff. Now it was down to a modest jobs bill Bush wanted to put police and firemen and teachers back to work. But the Democrats said "We aren't going to pass it because it's a political ploy just before the election to make the economy look better". And Bush would campaign on things like "Now you won't get kicked off your insurance policy and also I extrended the Bush tax cuts of 2001 even though the democrats didn't want them extended, and it's helped the economy. And I have proposed cutting other taxes that would stimulate the economy. But the Democrats said "We'll have none of it. It's all a political ploy". And the democrats in their debates would have cat fights clawing at one another and people said "It's a media conspiracy to show this on TV because it just makes us look really petty". After all of this what would you say were the "Denocrat's" chances of winning the 2012 election verses George Bush being elected for a fourth term? This puts things in perspective.

We haven't done one of our "Other Side" dissertations in a while. Remember last Sunday when I said that I felt I had "supernatural help" is being extracated from a commitment I had sort of made that I wanted to get out of. It's real interesting the Beatle song that was playing on the radio when I was thus extracated. I figured it had to be song sign, but from who? The name Brian Epstein popped into my head. Brian Epstein like Stewart Sutcliffe and myself, and Elvis and Johnny Cash and a lot of others has the "Sirius O" gene, which means they are vulnerable to certain hexes from Alcyonne they otherwise would not be affected by. You will note I did not include the Beatles in any of my group cosmic identifications. One Beatle detractor mentioned that "The Beatles had about the worst cosmic sponsorship of any rock group". They kind of started out with Sirius O roots because of at least John and Stu having the Sirius O gene. Some Romulans have this gene, too. But then sponsorship of the Beatles was taken over by the Neir Reigellians (of which Dion Warwick is perhaps the most famous person) But then sometime late in 1963 the Vancouver Romulans obtained control over the Beatles although there was kind of an ongoing "cat fight" between the Romulans and the Neir Reigelians and they hate each other to this day. There is also hostility between the Vancouver and the Torranto Romulans that's kind of on-going. The Torranto Romulans felt they were leap-frogged over. But then in October of 1964 the Romulans sold Beatles to the Federation, hence the album title "Beatles For Sale". While under Romulan control a lot of Romulan songs were used including "I Wanna Be Your Man" "All My Loving" "Don't Bother Me" "I Want to Hold Your Hand" "Can't Buy Me Love" "Happy Just to Dance With You" "Things We Said Today" "Any Time At All" "I'll Be Back" and notibly also "No Reply". This last song was used after the group was sold because it was already in the works. In addition to these three Stewart Sutcliffe compositions were used, which interestingly are all three on the same Capital American release, however not in England. As you will note their first British album has none of these Romulan songs. I've blathered on about this long enough. I was going to do more cosmic geography and earth territorial stuff, but that will keep for another day. It's dinner time soon, and the final paragraph is about a whole other topic. I'll see you then. But before then I wanted to include a bit more in this paragraph. The word "Dance" that is used is not "Ballar", which means to "put on a show" or "make a production out of it" such as in ballet, but rather another word I'm not sure of that means dance steps, or the specific mechanics of doing a particular dance. I wanted to mention Stewart. As you know he "disappeared" for nine years from 1963 to 1971 approximately. Some people have "disappeared" and their time is unaccounted for. Mal Evans is now saying that there are some "lives" you don't remember, particularly if you happened to be incarnated as an animal at the time. It has often been suggested that Stu was a "walk in" in London, and that he became friends with Jimmy Page and Keith Relf of the Yardbirds. I'm not sure how Stu and Keith got to know each other but they became good friends somewhere along the way. If Stu was a "walk in" he could have later "walked out" and remembered nothing. People have asked if you can "change your karma by astro projecting into another Life". No, you can't change your karma but you do change your horoscope or natal chart influences. While one is "another higher dimension" we have talked about, the other, the natal chart is as naturalistic as, say, whether you were born into a hot or cold climate where you live, or your culture or the language you speak or the religion you were born into. These are all powerful determinist factors, not to mention your own body biology and what knowledge the brain of your "hose" has. I hope this has clarified matters.

I would now like to discuss what I have coined as "The Judy principle". She professes to be so big on "consequences of actions" she should be flattered. I am NOT one of those people who believes that "Deficets Don't Matter". Last Saturday going on Sunday night I put out an APB for some kind of supernatural guidance. Stewart answered that call. He told me two things. The first was that I may be in big trouble because of the adverse Astrological aspects of October 23rd for me. The second thing he told me was a warning against "tearing down my hedges". This is a phrase used by Christians and we all know what he was referring to. He was more specific of course, but I'm going to have to pull a "Raphael" at this point, because if I were to tell you what he said, I'd be blowing the whole thing. (selah) By the way, emotional "deficets" matter, too. I got to thinking of this whole "papering over" image. If there is a big hole in the middle of a room that drops off to a lower floor and you put lenolium over it - you're not fooling anybody. Sure you could take a convincing photograph. You could take a photograph of a long haired guy in a white robe with nail marks in his hands standing in front of an open tomb with a basket of Easter goodies so you know it's Easter. It doesn't prove anything. To trust in Christianity on any level is at some point to commit an act of irresponsability. I wouldn't do it. I guess if you're playing some kind of a mutual game that relationships with family or own past events is healed, you can all just sidestep the hole in the floor and not walk on the lenolium there because you know it's supported by nothing. But I pity the poor shnook who hasn't been informed. This whole "actions have consequences" carries over in to the flawed nature of Einstein's special relativity arguments. Things "don't just go on forever" the way Einstein postulates. This is contrary to nature and violates every principle of physics we know. I don't care who you talk to - Maxwell, Feriday, Watt, Newton, Galilleo, Euclid, or Pythagarus- - they will all tell you. As you know about two years ago this time of year in 2009 I worked out all the math and "optics" of Einstein's special theory of relativity. I gave you the simple example of a space ship crashing. Even a ten year old who plays video games can understand this one. The idea that the speed of light is unreachable by any object - - is flawed. As we said Black Holes could not exist. And Joe Drisco was just telling me last Saturday they discovered some new particle or substance that travels faster than light. One is reduced to the example of being stoned on LSD to illustrate what is wrong with Einstein's theory. If people here in this building were given LSD in their lemonade and soon after this they all began making fantastic statements and more fantastic accusations about each other one might assume they suddenly all became psychic or something or dramatically increased their intelligence to superhuman levels, OR one could find a far simpler solution such as their lemonade being spiked that explained all their "strange perceptions". I came up with the idea a few months ago of a possible "everything is fine" illusion. Since in my view you could SEE the distortions in perception at vastly accelerated speeds- - in my view this only PROVES that it's light ITSELF that is the source of the perpetual distortion, and not all matter becoming distorted. In order for Einstein's version to "work" at all you would have to flip-flop all the mathematical calculations and say "OK Fine. There could be possibly a working scenario where matter and the universe were in some kind of [drug distorted] chaos but that we see it as normal regardless of our light speed. But, just in case you forgot, how to you PROVE you are actually TRAVELING a given percentage of light speed? In Einstein's view- you can't. So he's making a claim about something he admits that he can't measure. The Judy principle states that there ARE absolutes and certain things ARE real and one day you will FACE them whether you want to or not. Some believe the political pendulum can continually keep swinging to the right. An Einsteinian would say "This process could go on forever". I don't think so. This violates certain principles we know about gravity. Some things sometimes SEEM like they "go on forever" but in the end, they don't. Of course as you know one of my sayings is "Religious people are awed by Insinity; to physicists it's just another number". I also said that Infinity itself is an artifact of God, as is time. Einstein appeals to some force that at its roots- - is a force far more powerful than Infinity. We physicists know of no such a force. We have set rules in trigonometry and optics as to what specifically happens when one goes beyond infinity, and what Einstein depicts is not it. I think science is close to disproving special relativity once and for all. Maybe it will be accomplished about the same time as the Tea Party is utterly and thoroughly discredited.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


These Wall Street protests were not organized. Unlike the tea party where the people, mainly retired old people, who were brought into a site in air conditioned buses and given fake "home made" signs and given a list of "talking points" from the Koch Brothers, the protests on the left were a far more massive but spontanous uprising that just happened, and the people had not organized their points to pitch. The addage is true that a lie has traveled half way around the world before the truth has gotten its boots on. So now these people are being pepper sprayed and evicted for illegal camping, like they were in Oakland last night. It doesn't matter whether these people were beaten by the cops. This only whets the blood lust of the right further. The fact that these people aren't bringing guns to political rallies or speaking of "second amendment solutions' or putting out campaign litrature with gun sites drawn on them- - -doesn't matter to the right. I hate to say it but Ghandi is wrong because these people on the right "can't be shamed into seeing the truth". These people on the right can't be shamed because as Thom Hartman might say they are basically sociopaths, who lack the "compassion gene" that causes most people to be decent human beings to one another. But the fact that these protesters don't have a bill of particulars or a list of demands is what I would call a failure of stretegy, and something which Sol Allinsky would be disappointed with them for. As Thom Hartman says these progressives need to attend town halls and infiltrate the party. In other words, as Queen says, they need to "fight from the inside" to get things done. And they aren't doing this.

Today President Obama has taken things into his own hands by Executive action, for which he has the power as President to accomplish and screw congress. They will be left in the dust and the voters will remember who did what for them come election day. Taking executive action drives point home like nothing else can just how useless a "Do Nothing Congress" and why these people don't merit being returned to office next year. They say Congress has about the lowest approval rate of any group. Somehow people like Judy forget this. First I want to correct these incorrect notions about Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae that are the result of lies being circulated about by people like Mitt Romney. Freddy and Fanny did NOT cause the real estate bubble. On the contrary they were forbidden by law from making the very sub prime loans that proved to be the problem. You had to pay 20% down at a standard interest rate. Since the real estate market dropped 23% it would be almost an impossability for Freddy and Fanny loans to be underwater. But then again since hard times came upon us many of people did not make the payments on even these kosher loans. And Freddy and Fanny suffered from thin capitalization, which somehow itself is probably the doing of Republicans. They did not have cash reserves. But they did not CAUSE the crisis as Romney and others have repeated so many times. They say if you tell a lie often enough people will accept it as the truth. So right now Freddy and Fanny are MORE and not less vital to the real estate recovery since they are two lending institutions that are kosher, and people can turn to them if the republicans don't yank funding. Here is where the President stepped in. He ordered that lending institutions be compelled to renegotiate mortgages at rates people can pay, and give people the right to refinance and "shop around" anywhere to get the best deal. It's funny how republicans are suddenly against "shopping around for the best deal" in this area or for drugs either. I would imagine people like Judy and other hard right republicans are blowing steam out their ears about now they realize that the President has just done an end run around them. So now the market will recover. I think the whole debt crisis will subside in time, too, which should lift stock prices. By the way, these people like Judy who fawn over Wall Street and count me as a foe- - these Wall Street people would be the first to suffer under any policy instituted by a President Perry to for instance tighten money to raise interest rates. Judy and other republicans now say that we have an interest rate "crisis' because interest rates are too LOW and they need to be raised. But if they are the Wall Streeters used to all their free money from the government will be the first to suffer when the market goes south. These so called "small businessmen" won't be a bit happy with THAT development I can assure you and they will long for the days when Obama was still president. Of course another "Crisis' they got wrong was this so called "down grading" crisis from tripple A to double A plus. Lisa Simpson might not mind that as a letter grade but many conservatives have taken offense to it. But of course yields on T bills actually went DOWN after this so called witching hour as T Bill prices rose. If the republicans are famous for nothing else it's twisting facts around 180 degrees and "spinning" a positive event into a negative one, just as they have "spun" the death of Qadafy into a negative event fearing the return of Sheria law in Libya or something. I have kept repeating people should invest in stocks now. This is so when the market is way up eight months from now people won't be able to say "Well if you saw it coming why didn't you say anything?" A robust economy, needless to say, will be a Republican's worst nightmare come next summer, no matter which of the seven dwarfs they pick as their standard bearer.

Sometimes in soap land questions linger. For instance what if the riff between Brady Black and his father John Black? Why does he seen to not even care what happens to him or even go to visit him? Then we have Carrie Reed. She wants to know "Just why did you check out of our hotel room that we were living in?" I'd like to know that, too. I must have missed that day. And I can't believe that EVERY hotel in a major city is suddenly completely occupied. And Maggie would like to know just who the hell is that clinic proprietor loyal to? Is she loyal to a client who lied and comitted fraud, and probably vulnerable to police action? Or is she loyal to the victim of the crime. Believe me in my own life I've seen people with really strange loyalties and leanings. Finally I'd like to know just who that mysterious brunette Elvis Di Mira was with at the party and was she the mystery woman he was going to dump Nicole to get married to? They kind of give us a little taste and then drop the whole matter like it never existed.

These people like Judy, and Rick Perry and Mitt Romney say there is some "price we have to pay for our sins" or something- - out of sold Old Testament vision of a vengeaful god whose first concern is satisfying the blood lust of conservatives- - and they say that we need to "get on with the recession - - so we can get through it". And also that we have to "allow the economy to restructure itself". I'm not sure I know what that is but I have the feeling none of us regular Americans are going to like it. We've all seen a taste of their world already. Let's get something straight. It's the Federal Reserves job to regulate interest rates and to alliviate unemployment should it occur. Is Ben Vernanke were not doing what he is now doing, he would not be following his charter. So of course interest rates will be lower than than they might be at other times but this is a good thing. Because since we have a Federal deficet it means that we will have to pay a lot less back on loans than we otherwise would. For instance as a percentage of GDP interest rates were a lot higher when Ronald Reagan was running up whopping deficets. Also it is not our side but theirs with the mantra of "deficets don"t matter". People like Larry Elder and others on the right said this till your ears rang. Democrats have ALWAYS worried about deficets. So much of the right is disingenuous. For instance we are told "Well the President had his chance and unemployment has stayed high" and so we are to infer this is why the tea party was born. When in fact the tea party was born in April of 2009 a month or so after the stimulus had just passed and had virtually no time to work. In other words they had made their "decision" on the matter before the fact. But they are going to tell the voters otherwise. I personally have trouble making this mental leap from people out of work thinking they can be helped if multi millionaires got 20% profit a year rather than a mere 15% But still we are lectured about "God's laws" and "cause and effect" and "paying for the consequences of our sins". So they are kind of preparing us for when President Romney takes over. At least Romney only wants to eliminate capital gains for people earning under $200,000. For this he has been criticized. "Why, he's worse than Obama" they say. I'll tell you who deserves the worst F grade of all in the debates and that is the audience. They dug up these people from the bowels of Hell. You know last time the Republicans voted and picked the most liberal guy of the pack running and that was Mc Cain. Ant others complained. But Mc Cain still lost. This time the bulk of the pack is more radical right than four years ago- and they think by getting a whack job like Rick Perry in there they can win. I think they are grossly misperceiving the judgement of the American People. I really don't think they can even sustain another few months of this right wing madness we have all been subjected to for the past two & a half years. I think this tea pot is showing definite signs of running out of steam. And for that the American people will be the winners.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I did not post anything Saturday or Sunday or even today before now because of many factors. I was busy and I needed to sort out a lot of things in my mind that I still haven't entirely decided on, like everything that will be in this posting. Also I regarded Sunday as a bad day astrologically. Every single game I watched on Sunday went adversely to what I wanted including the Cowboys beating the Rams, apparently, that I didn't even seem. The Trojans did defeat Notre Dame 31 to 17 on Saturday night and I had that score wrong in my head, but that was a win. Saturday night I kind of opened my mouth and committed myself to something I didn't want to and was hoping for a way to extracate myself, and this occurred Sunday morning when I saw the Exit door and took it. The lead story had I typed this on Saturday afternoon would have been "Look Out - Newt Gingrich will be the next flavor of the month". Both my brother and sister in law are now taken with Newt's performance in the debates and how he keeps his cool under fire and is so knowledgeable in so areas. My brother reviewed with me his ten point plan to "Restore America" or whatever. Neither of them was ever taken with Rick Perry, and they definitely don't like Herman Cain either. Romney in my brother's estamation is too uptight and forced. And Santaurus won't abide by the debating time-limits and so lacks discipline. Ron Paul doesn't have enough charisma. So I'm predicting Newt as the next "flavor of the month" and the one who will be dominating the headlines in January of next year, when all this actually counts.

Of course this morning's conversation with Judy went rather badly, as far as I'm concerned. It's like two auto mechanics having an argument with each other over how to fix a car. The only problem is that one of them is sober and the other has just dropped LSD. When Judy talks about a "Christian America" she seems to appeal to an America that never existed and hopefully never will exist. In her America Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson can't be trusted because these were the two signers who "weren't godly". Judy mentioned the Supreme Court having too much power. One thing I've learned from talking with Judy, if there is an issue where you happen to agree with her on, she will then alter her position so that you CAN'T agree with it. I was quoting Thomas Jefferson on Marberry vs Madison, and Judy says "Well you know you can't trust Thomas Jefferson". It's like that Dylan song the goes "Jefferson, Lincoln and that Roosevelt guy- - they're all communists. There is only one loyal American and that is Norman Rockwell. I know he hates connunists because he picketed the movie "Exidus". According to Judy, England was not a Christian country. According to Judy nobody else in the world except us has a humanitarian bone in their body. Also according to Judy-- the President's recent jobs plan is awful and just another Socialist experiment like all the rest. Of course Judy is offended by "conthiscating money from multi millionaires" even if it is to hire police, firemen, and teachers, and to save the economy. In Judy's world low interest rates are actually a BAD thing and the Fed needs to "correct this problem". This is in the same vein, I suppose as George Bush saying the surplus left him was a problem because "we should give the money back to the rich people we stole it from". In Judy's world there is no such thing as any legal ethic that does not stem from Old Testament teaching. And at the same time, mind you she thinks this "Arab spring" is a bad idea, overthrowing all these dictators, because some people want to bring back Sheria law. In Judy's world the filthy rich community are as lilly pure as choir boys. When confronted by misdeeds I being up she says "Well you can't attack a whole segment. You aren't perfect, nobody is perfect". She went on to say how awful she thought it was that people were out on the street protesting Wall Street and banker abuses because they just "want to steal from the rich". I contrasted to her the spontanious nature of demonstrations on the left compared to the highly orchestrated Koch Brothers tea party protests on the right where people were brought in on air conditioned busses and had a set of talking points given them. Judy then went on to say "How can you attack your own mother? She has stocks and bonds". This of course would bring up a whole other issue of she wouldn't be so rich if parents had given all us kids tha things we needed that could have made out lives better when we were younger. I also didn't mention that they had their house refinanced by parents, and also they stood to inheret that money whereas I was cut out of their will. But my basic point was that Mom was not an embezzeler or a tax dodger and she didn't write derivities or sell contaminated loans. So her point was completely absurd. My brother seemed envious of the fact that I'm getting a $38.00 raise in supplemental security income and he hasn't gotten a raise in four years. Judy went further in hitting below the belt making remarks I don't think I"ll even repeat- - in terms of just how little she thinks of me as a person. A psychologist would have a field day with a text of her remarks. I mentioned my four point plan to bring back jobs back to America. (1) Institute a revenue raising terriff on foreign goods like we had in America from George Washington's time will World War II or so, and even later. (2) Mandate that the government "Buy American" in all of their own contracts. (3)Report China to the World Trade Organization for manipulating the price of their currency like Romney wanted to do the other night. (4) Eliminate the income tax write off for capital reinvestment goods where we practically pay Industries to move off shore. You guessed it. She found something wrong about each and every point making the most absurd excuses and rationalizations, all in defending these greedy ecconomic paracites she regards as lilly pure. My brother in his endorsement of Gingrich says "He even feels comforfortable speaking at Calvary Chapel before all those fundamentalist pastors". The bottom line being that Grincrich's two divorces and how they occurred are now no longer relivent. You know Nicole Sandler had this guy from the Stephanie Miller show, John Fugelsang, on his show last week and they were talking about what a "bad interviewer" he was because he "just wanted to have every day conversations with the person" such that the listener thought they were "eves dropping". Apparently George Harrison doesn't like to talk about John Lennon or the Beatles. John Fugelsang is the guy's name, and they also brought other news of the day. Sometimes with people on the far right it's just best to let them talk and talk because in the process they will verbally hang themselves several times over. (Selah)

I watched the Steve Jobs special last night on sixty minutes, and I'm afraid to say that my worst fears about Steve Jobs were realized. First of all he's a spiritual poser. He starts off this hippy and then goes to India and the thing he says that he "learned" there was intuition, but then returns and decides to become a businessman. He and Steve Wasniac form Apple but Wasniac gave out stock options from his half to his friends. Jobs had people he'd worked along side with for years but wouldn't give them nothing. Of course there was the Apple II and then Mackintosh and then Apple fires Steve Jobs for being a Jerk. But due to the fact that Steve was so greedy and wouldn't share the money- - he was able to buy Pixar, which is an option most people who've just gotten fired wouldn't have. Earlier when Jobs was working for Atari Steve would not bathe and so smelled and said "It is all part of the hippy, spiritual, wholistic pholosophy I have". Of course they said that Steve Wasniac wrote all the actual computer code for Apple and Steve just barked orders. Sometimes he would impose a deadline and the workers would say it was impossible to write that much Code by then. If I were those workers and say to Steve "Write your own damn Code". Then apparently Jobs did well as Pixar. Mal Evans told me Steve lost "points" for even buying that company. Anyhow in 1997 Steve returns to Apple and has all these big ideas you know about. It almost reminds me of that Simpson's episode where this outsider comes to the school and gets all the kids to "design the perfect toy", which they make a fortune marketing. Jobs was kind of the "Walt Disney" of the computer world. Anyhow you know about his cancer. Now finally he wants to get all spiritual again and appeal to Buddah and the Gods for a healing or something. But the gods gave him a thumbs down and said "Steve, you're just a poser. You aren't going to use us any more". And so when they did the opperation on his pancreas it was too late and Steve died at age 56, which is that number that kept recurring in my writings before the fact. I even saw a thing in Google "Celebrate Jimmy Mc Culloch's 56th. birthday". Maybe Steve was given a choice of being filthy rich and dying over twenty years before his time, or being not so rich but living to be 85. There is an old saying, "Bulls make money in the stock market; bears make money in the stock market; but hogs never do". A hog will say to himself "What? Me sell now- - why if I waited a day I could earn another couple dollars per share" and the next day the whole stock crashes. You know Pete Richards could have been the next Mark Spitz in 1972 with seven swimming tropheys, if he'd stuck with the sport. Pete would have earned a good living as a session drummer, but chose not to. Pete even took Theology to become a church pastor. But he chose not to do that, either. I'm kind of wondering where he "Stopped believing" at a certain point. So where is Pete today? Oh, he's complaining about the extra $38.00 I'll be getting from social security. I think Pete was kind of the "Brian Jones of Christianity". He wasn't a "team player" and thought the whole religious world revolved around him when he was younger and had more charisma. Everybody that worked with Steve Jobs hated him. As a manager he would have flunked out of "management school". People said of him that there was normal reality, and then there was "Steve reality". Just an hour ago I talked to a Steve Jobs apologist who said that "Steve had a sense of seeing a solution way ahead of where anybody else could see it". I said "That's a valuable trait for sure". It's good as far as it goes but it isn't everything you need to be a success in life, professionally or socially.

I want to find out more about what John Mc Cain said about the President’s accomplishment yesterday. The very idea of Rush Limbaugh resorting to some ass kissing metaphor is so disgusting and shows that Rush’s mind seems to be almost continuously in the gutter. I’ll be back. Rush Limbaugh’s remarks appear to be completely groundless. Mc Cain said that “the conflict would have been over months sooner if we had used our own air power”. Mc Cain also said it wasn’t a good day for Iraq, because we will be allowing insurgence groups to come back.

I’m back but expect the previous topic to continue there. Brian Jones makes a good psychological target to pick on because he has such a strong “paper trail”. A lot has been written about him. His first child was one he urged his girlfriend to abort, but she didn’t. (He loses a lot of “points” with me for that) The second child was kept by the married couple and short of DNA tests I don’t see how they could be so sure Brian was the father. The next three children were born in 1963, 1964, and 1965. The first was in 1959 and the second was 1961. They rostered all of the “other” instruments Brian played on Stones tracks besides guitar. They talked about “guitar weaving” with no defined roles between rhythm and lead. Brian also loses a lot of “points” in my book for not liking Andrew Loog Oldham. He was the guy who made the sound of the Stones “commercial” and suggested Mick play up his wild charisma image. If Brian loved the blues so much he would have just said, “fine- - well I was in the group for a while but we have come to a parting of the musical ways” and leave amicably. But that didn’t happen. I wish I could have said that with St. Paul’s but that didn’t happen, either. Andrew didn’t like Brian “from the beginning” and regarded him as aloof from the other band makes. He just wasn’t a team player. I regard team spirit as essential to a successful band. That's where the original paragraph ended. But I would like to throw in a "mia copa" here. You know Dick Chaney headed up Bush's vice presidential selection "task force' in 2000. But that didn't mean that Chaney himself had to pick himself as vice presidential nominee. I have said that there was an "other John Lennon" and isolate singing styles and inflections ect. from July 1963 at earliest up through mid February of 1968. But it doesn't necessarily have to be Me just because I'm bringing it up. I'm open to your suggestions of other candidates. I'm just saying that lyrically, musically, vocally ect. there is a "different persona" on certain songs I can "see", even if you can't.

Last night it was the Mc Laughlin group and they weren’t very informative today except to say that, as Mort puts it, “nobody cares about anything except the economy these days”. [added] None of the people was willing to give the President unqualified acolades for the demise of Qadafy. Buchannon came close and said the President deserved personal credit over and above England or France. But also said that were he President he never would have authorized the campaign to begin with. The idea of two wars ending in the same week "having a short shelf life" is something I can't fathom. Now that it finally IS "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq people like Mort would have us believe nobody cares. Just as we assume they don't care about their insurance companies not being able to arbitrarly drop them, or allowing their kids on their own policy. Are we to assume that the whole "Arab Spring" thing is a development of no consequence? People give Ronald Reagan for bringing down the Berlin wall when he wasn't even President at the time. You have this yo yo on KTLK telling people to sell their stocks at a loss and "give your money to me to manage" when I am predicting a major bull market in the next eight months. Mark my words. The unemployment rate is going to begin moving down and significantly, beginning next month. Without this "fig leaf" of a bad economy the Republicans would appear utterly naked, and they know it. [resume text] I assume that Notre Dame beat USC. Standard and Washington were playing on KABC and Stanford handily beat them. I went out at twenty to nine or so intending to stay only briefly since I wanted to see the end of the baseball game. The Cardinals beat the Texas rangers in a high scoring game like 14 to 6 or something about ten after nine. [key material deleted here] I got right to sleep but then woke up at midnight and had one cigarette then. Now I had three left. I lay in bed. Bill was snoring away peacefully and at two I got up again and had another cigarette. I wasn’t sure what was keeping me awake this time. [another key deletion] After this I finally got some shuteye and woke at 6:29. I did put on coffee before breakfast and Bill wanted a cup. I managed to save only a little till after breakfast. I had KNBC on briefly. This eighty or ninety degree or whatever heat wave so far has failed to materialize. There are a lot of thoughts I had last night that I will not post or even write down, as I had intended. I am right now content to let another day slide by, which would make two days in a row without posting.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Last night the US Senate voted down a jobs bill package to support the rehiring of Policemen, Firemen, and School teachers in big cities where there had been governmental cuts. To support the program there was a half of one percent surtax on millionaires. The Senate voted it down 50 – 50 and the bill needed sixty percent of those present in order to obtain passage. This vote is no surprise to me since I said even if the President chopped up his bill into “bite sized pieces” the tea party crowd had indicated they intended to reject the bill- - all of it. We know this because they want to hike the payroll tax back up to 6.2% on the grounds that, as Mitt Romney explains, “Corporations won’t hire new workers on the basis of a temporary two year fix”. Sometimes I wonder why you never see congress now on C-Span, not that I’ve checked lately. What are they all doing these days- jacking off? The house is off all this week and the Senate couldn’t get to the airport fast enough and they will be off all next week, which doesn’t leave much time when they all get back to ratify that “continuing budget bill”. Personally I have heard very little direct debate on these recent bills. I don’t see how they all don’t trip over their words trying to justify the utterly irrational and absurd stances they take on issues. And while we are on the subject of C-Span, it doesn’t make good theater in my opinion to see Congressmen debating to an almost empty house. As to why they are gone so much don’t give me this line about how they have to spend time with their “constituency”. We all know that’s just a code word for lobbyist, by which they get very rich.

The Tea Party has always taken pride in its intransigence and “standing on principles”. For the original tea party that was “No taxation without representation”. But if anything the tea party is over-represented both politically, and in the media. As Ron Paul said, “America has always been a land of individuality. The right of each and every person to make up his own mind is a valued one. But now individual stalwartness is not enough. Now the tea party has gone farther. On the Stephanie Miller show earlier this morning they announced that the tea party was sending letters to small businessman encouraging them not to hire new workers because “we don’t want to do anything that would tend to support this Socialist in power”. I’d like to know where all these hoards of socialists are that are just “waiting in the wings proned to take over the US economy”. It’s like now they are becoming more blatent as to their desires, not that people like Senator Mitch Mc Connel didn’t make it plain before. How they are “out sourcing” their negativity. I saw this in my own life. I’ll leave names out but everybody knows. A couple years ago I needed money and sought to borrow ten dollars from a friend. I got his mother, of all things, on the line and she said “Of course he’ll give hou the money”. I talked to this friend later and at first he wasn’t sure, but then called me back and said he could not loan me the money” even though his spendable income is far in excess of mine. Someone had gotten to him. You see Mitt Romney doing these flip flops on things like global warming. Michelle Bachman has a real problem on her hands, talk about negativity. In the latest debate she was emphatic in saying that our support of the Libyan rebels was wrong. Not only doesn’t she want US boots on the ground, but she’s against our helping others who want to help the Libyan people. Now Qadafy is dead. Apparently the Republicans are not particularly happy about it. After all people like Larry Elder not so many years ago were trumpeting Bush’s big peace initiate with Qadafy – post Lockerbee bombing, and we all know why. Because President Bush was so hard up for foreign oil he’d do anything to get it. It just struck me that if they were to hold a contest as to who was more patriotic, Jesus Christ as a Jew or President Obama as an American, who do you think would win the contest? How patriotic can you be when you won’t pay a few extra hundred dollars a year to hire needed Law Enforcement, and you’re a millionaire? We used to have an expression you don’t hear much now, and that is “Y Pluribus Unim”. Meaning approximately – in many – strength. Now apparently Wolf Blitzer or one of his friends came out with the statement that they should only allow people to vote in this country if you’re a land owner. What do you suppose our returning troops would think of that one? The Libya conflict is over. When it comes to the Iraq War? We are done there. The troops are coming home. Now, and only now, can we rightfully hang out that sign “Mission Accomplished”. I don’t know what’s going to happen next year. The election picture still doesn’t look good. In addition to the House, it looks very likely that we will lose the Senate, too. What I would like to see are some key off year elections that swing our way and give us kind of a Sign.

Thom Hartman reads the tea leaves a little differently than I do. For instance he says that anybody who calls himself a scientist and announces there is no God, then at that point he isn’t being scientific because he’s “making a truth about an absolute, and scientists don’t deal in absolutes”. That’s word play if I ever saw it. I myself in a Deist but I’m honest enough to admit that different intelligent people can come to a different conclusion with the same evidence. Nobody would say because you got a differing opinion from a doctor that one doctor or the other was “being religious”. Thom believes that Bill Clinton would have won by even more votes in 1992 had not Ross Perot been in the race. It is my opinion and that of most people, that Ross Perot’s presence threw the race over to Bill Clinton or else Bush would have won, and that Perot’s entry into the Presidential race was some vendetta against the Bush family. But now Mr. Tom is saying that the President is going to get Eric Holder to start prosecuting the people on Wall Street so that these trials will dominate the media in an election year, and hopefully turn the climate against Wall Street. Also the President aledgedly told Timothy Geitner to prepare a plan for the federal take-over of the Bank of America, but Geitner refused, and Obama let it go. Don’t let the right wing get a hold of this story. Given the climate in this country now- - things that made perfect sense before are regarded as risky now.

I’ve had a number of dreams I haven’t mentioned. Three nights ago I dreamed that Burt Lombard was a real, separate person. He was talking about Krishna consciousness and I was preaching something called “Burt consciousness”. There was some movie about his religion where some young couple was interviewed about taking a walk through some garden and how beautiful it was. I was thinking “Most religions don’t talk about physical things in nature. I think it was one Saturday morning I was late in getting up. And about 12:30 PM I decided to go to a department store that was owned by Burt’s religious company. I noticed that the sun was not even close to the meridian point, assuming my sense of direction was right. In the department store there were brands and things that most stores didn’t have. And all the clerks were telling me that this store had weathered the current recession well with little drop in business, and how long the big building has been in business. - - - The next night I dreamed I was going back to some college lecture room where I had just attended class. But when I got there the room was empty and the furniture had all been cleared out. And I talked to someone on my cell phone about something. (?) and just after I’m done some older woman was at the door and I said “Oh, the room is empty. And I said I was just leaving or something. Tim picket me up at the college to go somewhere else. Tim was dropping hints about things I wasn’t picking up on. Later on Mom or someone told me that Tim and Marie had recently adopted a young blonde haired boy. Mom said “It’s all because of that trip Tim made to Cleveland where his life was threatened and he got to thinking about his own future and his posterity”. - - - - - Last night I had some dream about a video the Beatles had done for one Single from their first album. Oddly the song was that final track on the “Three Dog Night” album with six tracks. (first album) And it was a black and white video where they were being chased around and sometimes got into this roller coaster thing that took them on a wild ride through a lot of obstacles just missing them. Later in the might I dreamed that St. Paul’s church was in a different building where the carpeted floor rose up very slightly twords the front like a theater. But now when you went in the Exit door to the front the carpet was so steep it was at a thirty degree angle or something and people said that the building had sunk “fifteen feet”. I said it wasn’t THAT much but it was several feet and cracks were showing up in the walls. In another scene I lived in a house with my parents with a floor plan I’d never seen before. And Mom showed me this closed with all these strange Halloween get-ups she wanted me to wear- - on an ordinary day. In the final scene Mom was moving my gold bookcase out of the room and I was protesting what the Hell was she doing?

Between dreams last night I woke up and it was around two and I went outside and had a cigarette. I didn’t have more because I was short. But I continued to wonder why I’ve been getting up nights now on an almost regular basis – and the past two nights I have had nothing hanging over my head that could possibly cause anxiety.

We live in a climate of outright lies. Most people don’t even know that after that “debt crisis” began last August – treasury yields went down as prices for them went up. So much for “runaway interest rates” the right has been saying forever. I told you to buy at a certain point and I never recinded that buy signal but affirmed it often. So many had “hopes” of a double dip recession. Well take a look at stock market activity the past month or so. Watch it continue. Last night I thought about it and thought that just maybe I could buy coffee and make money off it since I was now almost out. But I talked to Larry who only a day earlier had been hyper to buy as much coffee as he could. Today, after he told me about his ten dollars, and more money from the sale of his TV set, last night Larry told me he was out of money and would be for the foreseeable future. It’s kind of funny that so often, the more insistent a flake is about asserting an important point, the bigger the lie it turns out to be. Dennis Prager has stated that there is absolutely no evidence 2nd hand tobacco smoke is adverse to health. Dennis Prager proclaimed that only one and three smokers have their health adversely by cigarettes. Dennis Prager has emphatically stated that Head Start and other pre school programs do NOT work in the long run because the child loses every advantage in later years that he’d had earlier. George Bush was emphatic about the fact that ‘You can’t wire tap without a warrant and go through FISA court”. The whole Bush Administration stated that the proof of “weapons of mass destruction” was overwhelming. Cain has made certain emphatic statements about his 9% national sales tax. Some said “Man will never create life in a test tube”. Others have said there was “No evidence for global warming”. The Bible states “I have never seen the righteous begging bread”. Some have said “When the income tax was never instituted it was never intended to rise above 7%.” That’s highly dubious considering how high President Wilson had it five short years later. The lie has repeated “President Obama told us all if his stimulus plan were enacted the unemployment would not rise above eight percent”. This is a lie because I think unemployment was 8 ½ % or something when the plan was actually passed. Richard Powers proclaims loudly “I always pay my debts”. Anybody who knows him knows better. So when Christians make certain emphatic statements about the after life, well as Dr. Phil would say “The best predictor of future performance is past performance.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


President Qadafy of Libya is dead. I first heard about it this morning when I turned on the Stephanie Miller show. They weren’t positive with the early reports and so I didn’t want to jump the gun. There are conflicting reports on how he died. The first report I heard is that Qadafy was cornered hiding out in a storm drain and then shot twice in the stomach and died a few minutes later. Then they took his body and drove around with his body on top of a platform through the town of Cert where he was killed. But later reports say that Qadafi was being transferred in some sort of convoy and NATO forces bombed the area and had troops on the ground and when Qadafy was apprehended he put up a big fuss and kept saying “Don’t shoot me” but he was shot in cross fire between people on our side, the liberators, and Qadafy lloyalists. At any rate Qadafy is dead at age 69 after ruling Libya with an iron hand for 42 years, or since 1969. This is about seven months after the people of his country began an uprising. So now NATO has officially announced that the war is over and our side won. Pat Buchannon is no doubt in mourning today. The President keeps piling up the bodies of the enemy leaders he’s killed. The tea party crowd is going to find it hard to ignore this one. The President in the speech said there would be tough days for Libya ahead, and many alarmists have warned that Libya has a lot of different warring tribes. So remember this date, October 20, 2011, as one for the history books.

We are an over-medicated society. They say the use of anti depressants has gone up 400% in just the past decade or since George Bush has been in office and we have suffered under his economic malaise. People need “something” to get through the day as they ponder the bleak prospects for their lives. Students who have graduated college with either a masters or batchelor’s degree have to be worried about their growing mountain of student debt, and no job. So it’s a new class of impoverished in America. I remember my social studies teacher in seventh grade going on and on about how ‘yes you spend a lot of money going to college, but the dividends for earning power the rest of your life pay back that cost many times over.” Well apparently no more. They said that antidepressant rates in Utah were number one in the nation. I believe they also said use of hyperactive medications for children such as Ritilan and Adderol are also the highest in the state of Utah, since apparently being a Mormon is no picnic. People were saying last summer that the reason why there wasn’t rioting in the streets of America over the economic situation is that we are all too doped up on antidepressants to care. Of course I’ve been in Salt Lake City and it’s a nice place. The drinking fountains there run continuously all the time. And it’s not as if an alcoholic would feel completely cut off from his supplies in Utah. They do sell alcohol there. I guess the $64,000 question is whether in general children of conservative tea party parents medicate their kids more to insure that they will perform better in school. Of course now we have these stories like our troops in Iraq were given soda pop with aspertane in it and it was out in the sun and turned to formaldehyde before they drank it. Apparently Donald Rumsfeld used his contacts to change FDA regulations to routinely allow unsafe medications on the market. Which brings us to Dr. Conrad Murray. You know I believe doctors get away with gross negligence all the time. There was one instance after another of hospital negligence when Dad died four years ago. Why we didn’t sue is a mystery. But the medical profession counts on most people not suing. But if you are going to “take out” the King of Pop, you know you will have angry fans on your hands. Dr. Murray better hope that the revocation of his medical license is all he suffers. Today in testimony Dr. Murray stated that he gave Michael Jackson 25 mg of propothol. But now they say that even if Jackson had administered himself 50 mg or even more than that by injecting himself, that it would still not account for the huge amount of propothol found in Jackson’s blood. Experts say that Jackson would have had to have been on a continuous drop of propothol to have such a high post mortum ammouint. And of course oral ingestion would have been impossible because the drug would be matabalized by the liver.

Sometimes soap operas can get silly and manufacture instant crises over nothing. I put today’s episode in evidence. First of all you know John Black has been charged of serious financial crimes. Ever so strangely, John Black’s entire staff of high priced power attorneys just resigned without explanation. So John had to hire Carrie. Certainly it was no surprise when Carrie told her husband, Austin, that she would have to go out of town for a few days and as long as a week, to work on this case. One could envision many such trips for such a complex case. But Austin turns paranoid. And then he gets into this “hand holding session” with his sister in law, Samantha. So right away you’re in the realm of running around canisters of propane with a lit blow torch. Of course Sammy and Austin used to date and have been intimate. And then Sammy intreats Austin to come and move in with her for the next few days till his wife gets back, and after a while Austin agrees. At the same time Austin now becomes pointlessly paranoid about a cop named Raphael passing messages to his wife, Carrie. Raphael is Samantha’s husband and he is trying to prove John Black is innocent because he says the evidence seems too pat and “set up” as well as far to easy to gather, and John isn’t that dumb. So now Raphael and his boss at the police station Roman, also father of Samantha, get into it. And Roman fires Raphael and makes him turn in his badge and gun because he violated police protocol. I hardly see how searching for the truth can be a crime. So now Austin, baggage in hand comes waltzing over to Sammy’s apartment and Raphael is there just having been fired. And when he sees Austin he punches him in the mouth, “That’s for getting me fired”.

As for myself I am grateful that things are going well in my life now. In the past few things I have accomplished a lot of things that had been hanging over my head. There is good news out there. We people on Supplemental Security Income are getting a $38,00 monthly increase on payment. This is the first increase we have gotten in three years. They’ve been saying some monthly inflation rates have been as high as seven percent annualized. And they say the economy is showing definite signs of picking up, and people are beginning to let loose of their purse strings and retail sails are up. Also the state of California must be doing at least a little better because Dental coverage will be restored to Medi-Cal, which we have not had in several years. We should all be grateful for the positive things and people in our lives and appreciate them. We should view our friends as irreplaceable resources. I haven’t prayed for Dana with his many health problems. But given God’s track record on prayer - - OK we won’t go there. I feel only slightly guilty about not visiting him. I owe him the whole idea of getting a coffee maker. And I owe it to Dr. Levy of actually buying the coffee maker for me, and no, I still have not paid him back. I dare not oppose Dr. Levy too actively politically, since he is in a position of authority, and I don’t have the support of most my piers. From time to time I make a list of various ways in which I’d like to improve myself, or learn some new academic subject or hobby. But by nature I’m actually a rather lazy person. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. I realize I shouldn’t be smoking because pretty soon it’s going to be virtually illegal to smoke any place. And I don’t want to be buying cigarettes still when they start putting out those gross medical photos on the packs. I don’t really have the luxury of spending my meager money for that when there are other things that would be more positive for me to spend it on. I need to get involved in more on line activities such as chat rooms.


A Guide to Tea Party Speech by Eels Glatenblufer

(the name comes from an old Lucy episode where Mr. Mooney was trapped inside the bank vault)

“Class Warfare”

We and not you are waging the war and guess what? All you poor people lost.

“The Job Creators”

The idle Filthy Rich Wall Street and International Corporitist gang, who produce nothing in this economy.

“The Government doesn’t have a Revenue problem but a Spending Problem”

The Government doesn’t have a Spending problem but a Revenue Problem”

“The Value of the US Dollar”

I intend to use the Fed to drive the US economy into the deepest depression in the past eighty years

“Let the Real Estate markets hit bottom”

When you can pick up property for pennies on the dollar, we’re going to kick all the people in those homes out, and put up developments for the ultra rich.

“Cultural Assimilation” (Pat Buchannon)

Lord Forbid that any of the rich cultural influences of other ethnic groups rub off on us true blue Americans.

“We Must Ratify Trade Agreements”

We need to insure that the trade deficit stays perpetually as bad as it is now, or with any luck we can actually make it worse, so we can complain about it.

“The Mountain of National Debt

Shrink government down to the size where you can drown altogether it in the bathtub

“Death Panels”

Any attempt to bend the cost curve in wasteful health care spending. We are the idle rich and we are basically entitled to live forever no matter what the cost to society.

“Tort Reform”

Consumers still have too many rights and we need to change laws to screw them over even worse so that if they are injured by corporate malfeasance they’re out of luck.

“Make America energy sufficient and not dependant on Arab oil”

Turn vast segments of America into a moonscape with wiped out forests and blown off mountains to squeeze out that last few percent of remaining oil reserves.

“Religion is the Opiate of the People”

Religion is the Opiate of the People. Just what we said.

“Playing the Race Card”

YOU haven’t used race but We ARE going to inject race into this argument, in the tradition of the adage “The best defense is a good offence”

“It isn’t You; It’s Me”

It isn’t Me, It’s You

“This conversation is over”

I’m stone walling if you can’t tell. Now get the hell out of my office.

“Free up the economy for job growth”

Wipe out all pollution and occupational safety guidelines and increase the income of the top one percent.

“Attract Industry to our State or Country”

Turn the United States into a third world country just like the rest of the world.

“Wishful Thinking” or “Magical Thinking”

God won’t keep his word to you even if he promised And if any Christian promised you anything, no matter how explicitly stated, they were lying to you, too.

“Balance things out”

No matter what the Bible expressly states, I’m going to believe the exact opposite and that’s what I’m going to make sure my Congragation is taught.

“My Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit”

In any Social gathering where normal people congregate, My intension is always to act like a carping, ponthical, preachy Asshole.

“I don’t give place to the Devil”

I don’t give place to You. Now get the hell OUT.

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ROMULANS: In Romulan culture to the West means “following”, and to the South means “Hellbound” and to the east means either “Facing” or “Opposing”. The East Romulans traditionally were the arch rivals of the Romulans. This is not so true today. The North, as in American business connotes a “greening up” and prosperity and growth. In navigation, like with my trig numbers, the degrees always run counter-clockwise so that they meet up with standard US navigation at the Southeast point. Actually they again meet at the Northwest point. Sutterans are half Taccomans and half Lanians, a branch of the Pliades. The Pliades consist mainly of Lanians or Alcyons, Luanians, and the generic DES RHO, the Chicago – Las Vegas DES RHO, and the Miami DES RHO, which is oddly enough the genisis of Scientology. Taccomans are not trusted. A few of them were actually from Taccoma at one time. The Sutterans are worse than the Lanians and way worse than the Taccomans. In addition to “south bound” the word also can mean “To dance” but more often it refers to either an all out street fight, or else to having sex. Greg changed the “Hot Blooded” line from “Do you do more than dance?” to “Like to see you dance”, because the former would mean “Do you do more than go all the way?”. In terms of music the Romulans are much more homogenious than the Federation. They have a long tradition of ad-libbing other people’s material, and they are constantly singing different song lyrics to the same tune. In the Dylanesque tradition they sing songs with many verses, and often add new verses to old songs.

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VALERIE: Valerie Shoffner has been said to be a later “Avatar” of Zachery, who is a reincarnation of Brian Jones. The term “fake Brian Jones” was used by both me and Mal Evans and even Stu because if disbelief that “Brian is really like that”. Zachery physically looked like Brian Jones as you know. The same blond hairdo, blue eyes and pouty lips. Valerie doesn’t like chicken. She avoids it at all costs. Mark Campbell and Jim Cooper said Zachery didn’t like chicken. Valerie has two sons on the threshold of adulthood now, with really strange names starting with a D. She seems apathetic to the institution of marriage. She has a reputation for flakiness and "slipping away unnoticed", which I don't fault her for one bit. Her sexual preference for men is even in question. The only man she used to pay any attention to at all was a 69 year old Black man named Byron, who walked with a cane and was eventually confined to a wheel chair. He loved to tell long, rambling stories in sort of a southern fried New Orleans accent. Valerie is into classic rock, and also astrology. She also gets into frequent arguments with her mother. She likes to talk a lot about herself to almost anybody else, and also spread the low-down on others. She at times alludes to knowing vertain things about various rock bands, and also the personnel at KLOS here in LA. She had called Las Vegas her home and has a fondness for that city, but at age thirteen hitchhiked with her “boyfriend” to California to attend Cal Jam I, featuring the Eagles, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Emerson Lake and Palmer and Black Oak Arkansas. I hope she is not offended by this resume. She isn’t big on wearing make-up or perfume, and has held some rather masculine jobs.

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THINKING ON THINGS: It’s the name of Dr. Levy’s newsletter but I would like to hit this topic of “Thinking what constitutes a Thing and the nature of Things”. The Greeks say that the highest aspect of a thing is the Idea of a thing. In my reckoning this could fall under the category of form or blueprint. “How would you go about mass-producing the thing?” These are instructions bridging from an idea of the mind in abstract to something on paper that is, as it were, an executable Program. All of the relivent measurements and specifications are there. Another aspect of a thing is its materiality. If something entirely lacks mass and/or does not occupy space as we know it, such a thing could be said to be not measurable. It is said that electrons have Mass BECAUSE they have energy, but if an electron were drained of all energy it would cease to have mass. Since energy has mass, it counts. Third we have the Perception of the object, either to itself or more often to others. It can be argued that any object has no “Absolute essence” but rather each “essence” is perceived differently with each observer. And we said that the increase in commonality in perception of said Thing increases the affinity for said fellow observer. Such as two classic rock enthusiasts. Finally I’m saving purpose or Function to the last. I described this previous as “innate, involuntary karma”. It’s a karmic attribute that was given to the Thing by God that said Thing has either little or no control over. Normally a things Function is determined by the Environment that grew up or Evolved into Existance in. Given the ability to introspect, one might not particularly like the “Function God had in mind when he made him”. To try and deny this “God designated function” is to tilt at windmills. It is an utterly futile pursuit. (Selah)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


You know from the topics discussed at these debates you would think they all believed that America’s biggest problem was that corporate profits were down. The rich weren’t making enough. Stock prices were down from when Obama took office, and due to the restrictive tax rates, C E O’s weren’t being paid enough. You would have no idea in Hell that America’s biggest problem was jobs. Because obviously if jobs were the problem then they would be talking about Jobs programs, wouldn’t they? They would be arguing about who had the best jobs plan. On the other hand I’m not even sure why they even use the High Unemployment figrees as a come-on because according to Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich there IS no “unemployment problem”. It’s just a matter of certain people getting off their asses and getting a job. So I don’t want to hear even the vaguest implication that these tea party people are “concerned’ about your employment prospects, because bu the issues they dwell on they clearly are not. Randy Rhodes “flushes out” a few sentiments that may have gone unnoticed. For instance the code words. Mitt Romney says that our problem is “we need to need the Real Estate market “hit bottom” and then some investors can them come in and buy up the real estate”. Romney would like to buy real estate at pennies on the dollar. He used some term on Obama such as Obama wants to “stall this thing out” or something. Here is the term. Obama wants to “slow walk” this crisis. He seemed irritate that the President would even think of intervening to help home owners with under water mortgages. Of course you’ve seen all these adds on the radio about how you too can “Flip houses”. Someone should give these people the bird. It is pointed out of course that these bank finenceres don’t actually Produce a thing that contributes to American industry. Even G E no longer gets its money from light bulbs, phones and refrigerators but instead fro its financial deals. In terms of old people saving up, they would virtually do better to stuff their money inside a mattress. Because let’s face it: Banks charge YOU to keep your money for you. Banks get free money yet some people hole mortgages in excess of seven percent. Of course Herman Cain is “the worst” as far as candidates. He’s pro tarp. He’s happy to let the federal government give free money to the banks, and then turn around and hoard it. Kane is perfectly willing to trust China about everything and let US industry be damned. And you know Cain’s opinion of the Wall Street protestors. I think this whole Ghandi fantasy of “shaming the government’ into action is a pipe dream. Someone has been smoking an illegal substance to come up with that one. Of course these Republicans fear financial reform the most. I say that Obama hasn’t done enough to be proactive about the Wall Street mess. The Republicans say he’s done too much already and don’t like Dodd-Frank, or whatever that financial bill passed last year that was very weak. And of course if they were even a little concerned about US business going overseas they would repeal that provision in the tax code that practically subsidizes the move, paying corporations big write offs to relocate their businesses elsewhere. Of course now you have these NAFTA trucks coming through from Mexico. These drivers don’t have to take a proficiency test or keep logs, or take a drug test as US truckers do. I don’t want to hear any more about electrified border fences, when we open the gates and let them drive trucks through.

You know, Eric Holder isn’t doing his job. Has it ever dawned on him that Grover Norquist may well be guilty of racketeering? He’s the guy who wants to shrink government down to a size where it can be dragged in and drowned in the bathrub. If you condered for a second how deep the government cuts we’d have to have to have governments either under Bachman or Cain, you realize these people are serious. But as you know Norquist is in the news because he’s the guy that republican congressmen sign a pledge to not to EVER raise ANY taxes or close ANY corporate loopholes. She his words have the force of law. As such Republican’s loyalty to the constitution plays second fiddle to their loyalty to the Norquist oath. But it doesn’t stop there. Some have suggested that Norquist paid these Republicans money to sign. But it’s more insidious than that. He actually tracks them down and investigates all of their political activities and associations. And if it turns out they are getting support from liberals then Norquist has a word with them and threatens them that their donation money will all dry up if they stray from their no tax pledge in their Voting patterns in Congress. This is old fashioned political strong-arming and we have laws against it now. This isn’t the ‘forties. It is no longer the season of smoke filled rooms and the fat guy chomping a cigar issuing orders and expecting them to be carried out. But AG Holder is too much of a weenie to do anything about it, just as he is chicken or something to take on Wall Street.

I don’t know what all these tea party members are like in their personal lives. Some of them may have rich, full lives full of family and friends. Some may be even gracious to strangers. My beef with Born Again Christianity is that I have SEEN these people close up and interacted with them. They have a philosophy which seems to Prohibit them from acting like civil human beings, or even holding a civil, rational conversation. They send you false signals and then hit you out of left field. They are highly manipulative. They always need to be in control. But I suspect a psychologist would say that deep down they are afraid that their “inadequacy” will be discovered if they don’t erect this elaborate edifice of Defenses around them. “Walls” are one thing but I suspect these people lived in a world of virtual border check points, secret pass words and guard towers, all armed to the teeth.

You know people in Science Fiction assume things that are not a reality for us, at least not yet. So you have things like “sub space” in Star Trek, where they have instantaneous radio communication over vast distances. And if you try and look up “negative space” in the Wickipedia you will get articles on Photography and composition of photographs. And if you look for the kind of “hyperspace” we all relate to in the Sci Fi venues- - then that’s just what you will get. “Hyperspace” will be defined as a creation of Science Fiction writers of various properties in such series as Star Wars and the video game Asteroids. And yet I have spoken of dimensions in this hyperspace realm. In my writings I have defined hyperspace is an area that has normal time but objects in it lack mass, and trying to measure hyperspace is impossible. It may be the “null space” fingered in a Next Generation episode. I spoke of their being six dimensions. Three are Karma related and these relate to karmic “gravity” or SIN, as well as “karmic space” which is a metaphore for “personal life options”. And there is a metaphore of upward and outward speed or thrust or effort or karmic exertion. There would be the three regular special dimensions, of course. I have explained a few times how these space dimensions, one or two of them, could even leak over into our world. I realize in doing this I allude to things that can’t be proved and many scientists say WILL never be proved and CAN never be proved. As such I guess I have arrived at the border of blind Belief. Just as in my BASIC programs involving randomness, I put parameters (limits) on that randomness. In other words there are areas where I will “allow” faith about certain things in my life. Me and “Comtted” Christians part company here. I don’t see why “Conditional’” FAITH should be a hindrance to our life.


First slice your semaphore pizza into eight pieces. Start counting from the bottom and work clockwise, a "piece" (eighth) at a time. Now you've learned eight Flag letters.


H -hot



# (numeric)

W -Without

Z- Zeros

G- Good

Now slice another Godfather pizza into quarters and do likewise. Look at the whole quarter. Start from the lower left. Now you have just learned four more Flag letters

B - Buy (or Best)

P - Peanut butter and

J - Jelly (sandwiches)

F - Fresh (food)

Now slice another Godfather pizza into quarters also but turn this one diagonally.

U N I X is what the top, then bottom, then left, then right quarters spell out. Now take another pizza and slice it also into quarters and turn diagonally.

Now with one hand in the six o clock position with the other hand thusly -focus on the dividing lines and not the pieces themselves.

C A G E is what is spelled out starting with the upper left diagonal and working your way counter clockwise around the pizza. Now you have learned sixteen letters. Here are two more.

R -horizontal line accross the pizza

D - Vertical line straighd down the middle of the pizza

L - diagonal line from lower left to upper right

Take another pizza and divide into eighths again. Count 3/8 segments off starting from the six o clock position and count clockwise and count off three paces "forward". Each time advance one segment so that you are always overlapping two segments from the previous letter.

C - Courting

K - Kings and

Q - Queens

Y - Yields (a)

V - Valuable

E - Endoursement

Five segment letters are the hardest. These are M and S for MS. Now look at the horizontal "horizon" line. (the "R") - the eight segment to the LEFT just Below the horizon line PLUS everything above it gives you Five segments for an M. For the S it's everything above the horizon PLUS the mirror eighth segment to the RIGHT just below the horizon gives you Five segments for the S, or put otherwise M S is just below the horizon.

Mirrored eighth segments

Time # (time is a #)

O - open W - Window (just above the horizon)

H Z (Hertz) - (just below the horizon)

A G (digging for evidence)

Mirrored horizontal quarters

Peanut butter & Jelly P & J

B and F (for Buy Fresh)

Peace Sign D & N (nuclear disarmlement)

R ("safe! - Run scores")

Mirrored Vertical Segment (diagonal)

U and N for United Nations