Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Fiftieth Anniversary of Ringo Starr

Girls on Surf Boards - - Boys in Bikinis

First of all Happy Fiftieth anniversary of Ringo Starr’s joining the Beatles at the Cavern Club on Saturday August eighteenth.  They filmed the event for British TV, and it’s probably the first time countrymen ever heard of this band called the Beatles.  The song they were playing was “Some other Guy”, aptly named.  The tape itself is warped out and there are some odd key changes in the song, except for the version I have, which was recorded later.  My version is rockier.  Today or tomorrow is Bill Clinton’s birthday, and it’s also Kathy’s mother’s birthday from the old apartment.  The moon, and I may be wrong, but I think it was just over a half moon with the left half illuminated.  But how would I know this unless I were a twelve year old boy riding in my family’s car at some ungodly hour of the night starring up at it in the starry sky, as we rode through mountainous terrain.  (?)  Some songs actually hitting the pop charts about this time of year in 1962 were Surfin Safari by the Beach Boys, of course, also “Busted Surfboards” by the Tornadoes, and “Surf Beat” or something by Dick Dale.  Also “Rinkidink” by David Baby Cortez I heard for the first time.  There was also the “Monster Mash”, which is a musical parody of an established hit by the Orlons, “Wah-tucy”.  And of course there was “Tellstar”, a song everybody agrees “is right out of the future”.  But that’s not what I wanted to talk about.  I want to talk a little more about the “karmic graviton” alluded to in the last posting.  One to coin a phrase might say that FACING THE PROSPECT OF SIN IS THE PRICE WE ALL PAY FOR OUR EXISTANCE.  Just meditate on the truth of that.  You see there is a graviton or “God particle” of material substance.  But the Soul or “Awareness” itself has to consist of Something- - and that “Something” must have some kind of what we call “gravitational properties”.  But rather than the gravity existing in itself- - the Universe as a whole exerts a Mass Consciousness Awareness and in that Awareness is a sink hole of sin we are all “Universally” exposed to.  We have spoken of Matter as having a common perception.  For instance if I say “blueberries”, we all who are not mentally abberated or have organic brain sidrone, know what “blueberryness’ is.  And then we have Form and Function.  The Form answers the HOW we were Created- - or our basic divine blueprint, and of everything else, too.  The Function goes into WHY we were created.  So we not only want to know “What is it Made of- - “ but also “What does it Do?”  Capish?  Good.  Sometimes that which is out of fashion has been “Out’ for so long that now it’s back In again.  So is the scientific world of Marcus Arelius.  And so we by popular request we have brought back the “Event Horizon”.  Einstein may not allow for it, but everybody else says it’s an ongoing reality.  Also the notion of Hyperspace being a “place we can get to” is a belief I have held since Star Wars days.  But we are doing away with Hyperspace.  “You can’t get there from here”.  There is no “sound berrier” in space you are in danger of brieching if you travel too fast.  On the other hand some objects just seem to “disappear from our Universe”.  They are still there, of course, (ontological existence) but we from our vantage point have no way of proving whether or not they do exist because they have just “blipped” out of our Universe.

At the Iowa State fair politicians classically discuss farm problems with the local voters, but Paul Ryan in breaking tradition,  extressly said he didn’t want to do that.  I’ve heard he doesn’t even support this latest drought bill.  The lady on KTLK today accused the Obama people of not insisting that the US Senate bill act on the act before the August- - - First recess, which was nearly three weeks ago.  I don’t think this bill is that old.  Of course this lady wants us to infer that somehow the Democrats are against their Own Bill.  Of course Paul Ryan is using his mother as a stage prop in Florida, much as Mitt Romney may be unnecessarily exploiting the generosity of his wife to appear at campaigns.  I only wonder whether Paul Ryan’s mother’s comments will be as scripted.  Judy says that “old people in Florida are more afraid of Obamacare than they are of Paul Ryan’s plan and the older they are the more apt they are to feel this way”.  Frankly I don’t believe that.   I’m just getting sick and tired of the negative, spiteful campaign the Republicans have been running.  Who wants to listen to all this sniping and carping? Even if you should agree with it?  There is now one week before the Republican Convention and I strongly suggest that someone other than Gov Christie of NY do it.

At 1:20 I began trolling the grounds for a cigarette and saw James and Janet on the patio.  I went down stairs and talked to Nancy and came back up when I remembered James owed me fifteen cents, and since I had eight pennies I thought we could deal for a cigarette.  I got the cigarette and James said to keep the eight pennies.  There goes Laura with the coffee call.  I’m rerunning the grounds through right now.  Little League was on ABC but I thought they just said the game was over.  Anyhow “I’m done’ whether they are or not.  Now let’s talk about “37 strawberries”.  This is not a Captain Queeg sequel but rather the Purity product that also features Billberries, Cranberries, Blueberries, Elderberries (as in the wine) and also pomigranates, which they say is good for your prostate.  And there are a  lot of other goodies in it, too.  They want us to know about glycation where sugar attaches to a protein molecule, making it inoperative, and gives you brown “age” spots on your skin, which I don’t have.  Then it was the program on “stress” and Cal-Max, with the Calcium and Magnesium, which was a rerun so at 8:40 I went to down stairs to the front room to wait for Dr. Levy and talked to Arleen.  But after ten minutes with no Dr. Levy I came back up after talking to people in the lobby a few moments.  At nine was the whole “Indiana Jones” of herbs.  Now Purity has a brand new product- - Rhodioli-Rose (?) Shazanda and Illuthro.  (I used to date Shazandra)  And I think they call Illutro- - Syberian ginseng.  It comes from north Asia and the ancient Chinese leaders highly sought it out.  This product will cure just about anything that ails you, apparently, from fatigue, to mental lethargy, to having energy, and also is good for stress, they say.  Purity calls it “Vital brilliance”.  They say it will increase the energy output of a “lazy person” by 28% which they label as “amazing”.  Well, will wonders never cease?  Then along about ten after nine,  or just after, Dr. Levy decides we all are worthy to show up for, so I let the coffee finish and continue to listen to this fascinating radio program, and Dr. Levy gets on the horn a couple of more times before I actually go down.  Well - - of the four things I guessed we might be doing in class today, we did none of them.  He was 0 for 4.  We didn’t watch video of the Italy trip.  We didn’t discuss those written pages from last week.  We didn’t discussed that barbecue at Seal Beach, promised in May.  And we didn’t discuss politics.  Yep.   I guess I’ll pour the coffee right now.  We had our check in – and I sided with Dr. Levy in correcting Bruce’s over-simplified version of physics.  I tried to get everything in in a short time.  I moved to the sofa after the fire drill, which interrupted the proceedings.  We obedient ones went all the way to the liquor store parking lot.  There were Brenda (who is looking old in the face) and Wally and muffin, and John Powell.  Then an actual fire truck showed up.  But then Augustine called us in saying it was a big mistake and Sarah thanked us for being so compliant. 

This is August 15, 2012 after dinner and the ABC network news is on now.  Let’s jump to the important news.  Today is Bill Gunderson’s birthday.  He would be 56 today and I told him maybe Paul and I would take him up on that barbecue invite sometime.  We had some kind of beef and rice stir fry for dinner with mixed vegetables and once again we had applesauce, and the Oriental lady gave me her applesauce.  I think she’s Nancy Warwick’s roommate.  I wasn’t at all sure whether or not I even wanted to ask Bill G for a favor but I made it clear I’d pay him a dollar and stressed that Wall Mart wasn’t as far as the bank, and I’d be a good way to get a little AC.  Oddly Bill did not have AC in his truck on.  We took kind of a circuitus rout – like a plumber’s wrench -through the parking lot going in the back way- - .  We went in through the garden enterence also involving a little doubling back.  But it’s really close to the coffee section on aisle seven.  I picked up the one blue can of Master Chef and then Bill wanted to stop in at the Pharmacy to inquire about the fungus on the nails on my right hand.  She could have said it was from masturbating too much and Id have to punch her in the mouth.  Anyhow a cure could be had for $19.95, which I made it clear I didn’t have.  We went to the east check-out and departed and I was amazed at how warm it still was.  “I thought it had cooled off more than this”.  As it turns out – it had.  It must be seven or eight degrees cooler here than it is in Buena Park.  Talk about micro-climates.  Bill talked about having a star cereal number on a bill being a collector’s item.  Joe says he sees those on bills all the time.  Bill Gunderson on the way home talked about his novel about a Penal Asteroid in space that Sherry is half the way through, and she liked it. I opened the can and made coffee and gave roommate Bill a cup. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

God Damn Pat Robertson (?)

So, how could I come to actually endoursing such an extreme statement.  I'll tell you how.  Mike Meloy was concerned about Mitt Romney’s wife suffering the strain of all this combativeness, which she had contributed to, and wondered how her husband could be so heartless to expose her to all this needless tension with her illnesses.  But it’s when Mike uttered the words “God damn Pat Robertson’ where my ears really perked up.  It seems that Pat Robertson has made a fresh statement (among so many apparently weird statements these days) and in this one he said that a Christian shouldn’t, should not, adopt battered or abused children “because these children are just too weird and messed up to be redeemable”.  Obviously this flies in the face of Jesus saying to “Not prevent the children from coming to me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”.  Good point.  It hits a little too close to home to that “worst Christmas sermon of all time” where Rev. Bill Halliday proclaimed that ‘Jesus was qualified to be the Messiah because he had a happy upbringing with good parents devoid of childhood traumas” or some such thing- - and those remarks of Bill have offended me to this day.  President Kennedy said in his inogural address that "If a society cannot minister to the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich".  Well, these children are emotional impoverished.  And Jesus said "Blessed are the poor for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".  Jesus also said "He would prevent one of these little ones from coming to me, it would be better for a millstone to be thrown around his neck and drowned in the sea."  Jesus also spoke against tampering with the Faith of these "little ones".  So I don't care if your name is Lucifer or Neil Savedra, if you interfere or hinder or discourage the faith development of a "little one" you merit the damnation of God.  It also says that "He who labels someone as no good or a fool, shall be a candidate for Hell".  For either Pat or Reverand Holliday to say that someone should be rejected for salvation because they are either "damaged goods" or "not good enough" is one of the most damnable statements a person can utter in the kingdom of God.  First of all we aren't talking about Sin.  As I have told you many times under Calvinism- - both Prayer and Sin are wiped off the books.  They have become completely irrelivent and non sensical to even bring up or discuss.  Since God is completely in control of your life and every aspect of it from cradle to grave, the idea of somehow "departing from it" is nonesensical.  Neil Savedra says you should not be cowed by the fact that God knows what you're going to order for desert when you go out to Denny's today.  Well Ok, I won't be cowed, but the thing is I's such a creature of impulse- - I don't even know MYSELF what I'm going to order for desert.  But we learn other things from scripture.  We learn that "It is not God's will that any should perish".  And we are also told that Hell (more properly "Tarterus' it looks like) was made for "The Devil and his Angels" and not for Man.  You'd be hard pressed to come up with a single scripture that states that any particular Man was predesstined for Hell.  And yet God has predestined our lives so completely that he knows when each and every hair will fall out of our balding heads.  You may then ask, "Well hasn't somebody somewhere figured this out".  The question is they did.  In the five hundreds there were two doctrines in the Catholic church coming into prominence.  One concerned reincarnation, which may have been the result of increased commerce with the East.  The other was this doctrine of Universal Salvation, which Justinian ordered an end to.  And that was that.  Children are creatures of impulse.  In my hyperbola rule- - "the sinless life" has an optimal just over one percent "impulse factor" where you are entitled to do just over one percent of your lives strictly on impulse without thinking.  Now Federation Theology calls on an individual to be perfect, but here we expect more than merely being "without sin" as Christians define that word.  It means playing a perfect hand at bridge making no stratigic mistakes, and ditto with chess.  It means pitching a perfect baseball game, which has only been accomplished about twenty times in the major leagues.  But sin is a reality built into this Universe.  Stu the other day almost alluded to a "sin graviton" which transversed even the Karmic world.  The sin factor would seem to be one's own karmic weight.  The mere fact you exist at all seems to open up the logical possability of sin.  And yet the Sin factor or Karmic gravity pervaids the Universe and can be said to be "Universe-al".  Power or some might say "Size" or one's own "Gravitas" would appear to make little difference because in Galelleo's world- - - free falling objects fall together- - in a common gravity (or gravity-less field)  Two items in the same orbit can co-exist along the orbital path on the same mathematical justification- - laid out by galileo.  This is a lesson Mittens Romney needs to learn.  Rich people are not insilated from Sin merely by being born rich, as apologists like Judy imply.  You can't have the rich being jealous of the rest of us the same way the greedy king in Nathan's parable to David- - was jealous of his neighbor's pet sheep and had it slaughtered and served that night at his table.  I fail to find a primary axiom of the Faith of people like Walter Martin who they say as an a priori or "necessary" first fact, is the realization that "Every man is destined to burning forever in Hell in erernal damnation".  So what would be the destinctions between the Whites and the Blacks, to use a convienient color reference?  We know it can't be Sin.  So what is it?  According to Thom Hartman - - certain Calvinists believe the deciding factor is wealth and the "blessing of God".  Those born with "The blessing" go to eternal Paradise and those born without '"The blessing" go off to eternal damnation.  I'm just laying it all out here.  You people decide for yourselves.

I have a few petty, sniping news items for you.  Joe Byden on Wednesday while speaking to a primarily Black audience spoke of the whole “shackling of Wall Street” thing and “removing the shackles to this economy” and then Byden said that ‘All of you people are in chains and need to be unshackled from Romney’s economic plan”.  Too many people are hypersensitive to Joe Byden’s use of words.  Mitt Romney was talking about how the President is running a campaign of negativity and hate, and suggested that he take all of his mal-content and go back to Chicago where he came from.  The people of Chicago didn’t take too kindly to that.  Then Anne Romney got into the act by saying that Romney’s finances were being held in a blind trust for the past ten years and she would like to see what’s in there herself.  And she reiterated her remark about how “You people don’t deserve to know what’s in Romney’s taxes”.  And then we have the remark of Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona, the one who defiantly pointed her finger at the President a few months ago as if dressing him down.  She took this “stand” that she was going to invoke a nullification doctrine and that the President’s moves on immigration weren’t legal but should more properly be done by “elected officials” as though this President were not elected.  Her remarks reminded many people of George Wallace’s stance of standing in the school house door to prevent Blacks from going in and saying “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!”   Then we have Mittens himself coming forward himself to say that in no year did he pay less than thirteen percent income taxes, and there was no year in which he paid Zero taxes.  The Obama administration today offered Romney a deal of sorts saying “We’ll settle for five years of your income tax statements, and we won’t bring this issue up again”.  If it were Romney I’d take that deal, but I’m not Romney.

Wednesday night James was playing Pink Floyd and I heard the 2nd half of “Breath” and “The Great Gig in the Sky” and a dash of “Money”.  Seid had come out to the den of iniquity which is the smoking patio and stated that the Mormon group was meeting down stairs and we were all three invited to join.  That would be me and Steve and James.  This is when he gave us fresh, chilled peaches, that were not quite ripe but they still tasted good.  I remember thinking about how "Maybe God hasn't slammed the door of Mormonism on me entirely" and kept thinking, "I'll get some Sign - one way or the other, and know for sure."  This was about eight and then I typed and saw the rest of “The Mittle” where Brick was complaining about his mother forgetting and leaving him at work.  Oddly when I returned at 8:30 “Money” was still playing out of James’ CD.  Then he skipped to “Dark Side of the Moon” title song.  One thing I don’t remember hearing at the end were the spoken lines, “There is no dark side of the moon really,  actually, it’s all dark”.  Then I went down to check on how Seid and the Mormons were doing and was surprised to see “that it was all dark”.  The doors were closed and the room was dark.  There was no crescent moon in the morning when I was out early and looked.  I went to the store and bought a pack of John Black grape, and a thing of creamer.

There are picks of songs with the same title but are different songs.  This list has some overlaps with the one I sent my brother.  With "Desperado" it's Alice Cooper over the Eagles ** with "Moonlight Drive" it's the Doors over the Rolling Stones**with Julia Dream (Pink Floyd) over Julia (Beatles) Pink Floyd gets the nod ** with "Sunday Bloody Sunday" it's the Plastic Ono Band over U2,  with "Words" it's the Monkees over the Bee Gees, with "Fools in Love" by Joe Jackson or "Fools Rush In" by Ricky Nelson - - Joe Jackson gets the nod.  With "Friends" it's Led Zeppelin over the Beach Boys, with "I Need You" it's the Who over the Beatles, with "Words of Love" it's the Beatles over the Mamas & Papas - with "Who Are You?" it's Black Sabbath over the Who, with "Memories" it's Dean Martin over Elvis Presley.  With "Ride On" it's AC DC over the Rolling Stones, and with "You Shook Me (all night long)" it's Led Zeppelin over AC DC. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beware the Sicari (Dagger Men) of Philosophy

Marcus Arelius on Rosh Hashana 2012:  "Jesus! - - You've come back!  You're returned for us here on this planet.  What can I say?  I'm surprised- - but Delighted!

Jesus:  Did you really think that I world not return for my Children as promised in scripture?

Marcus: "Well- - - I never thought you'd ever leave me in the first place, to obviously I wasn't thinking too clearly to begin with".

Nobody likes a Judas.  Many conscientious people in Pennsylvania are horrified at this latest judge's ruling that purging of the voter rolls of Black and poor and old people in Pennsylvania - - that ruling was upheld, something many people thought even a legal biased Magestrate would never do because it is such a blatent violation of civil rights.  The Judge, Robin Simpson ruled not on the so called "fairness" of the decision to urge the rolls but simply on whether it was "legal" to do so.  Judge Robin Simpson heard that voter registration offices were being closed down in minority districts and making it hard to register.  As Lyndon Johnson said long ago.  "Too often Black people are told that the day is wrong, or the hour is late, or that the man in charge is not chere".  This is in the face of people who instituted the voter purge ruling saying "We are doing this not because we know of any cases of actual Voter fraud but merely because we want to deliver this state into the Romney win collum on election day in November.  Apparently testimony was given that such voter regulations WERE NOT legal under the State Constitution.  In Texas there was a case of Metabolate (?) or whatever was responsible for a woman becoming a mental vegetable.  "These judges are like Karl Rove in a black robe" according to the commentator heard on KPOJ in the morning, Mike Papentonio.  Of course Republican leadership is likely to feel a little "stabbed in the back" at their selection of Paul Ryan for Vice President.  Stephanie Miller describes Paul Ryan as "Sarah Palin with a penis".  As it turns out Paul Ryan hasn't helped republican poll numbers one bit that Romney has actually LOST ground in the latest Presidential polls.  The selection of Paul Ryan was a total dud.  He was apparently picked because he was 'hot with the women's vote", even though those in the know describe as Politician handsome but not Hollywood handsome.  Any woman worth her overies knows that Paul Ryan is the worst thing that could happen to their gender, politically.  All I can say is that Paul Ryan may be good with math, but the rest of his political house is in utter disarray.  As you know I got tat example about the "housewife good with math but a horrible housekeeper" was taken from the Naomi character on 'Mama's Family" who didn't exactly have the same warm and fuzy in-law relation as that other Naomi we talked about.  I'll be frank.  I'd rather see Dick Chaney back as Vice President than Paul Ryan.  I still think Dick Chaney is smarter.  Paul Ryan has made so many ludicris statements like saying that a furtelized blastisis has the rights of a citizen or "person-hood".  Rush Limbaugh says "animals don't have rights, in actulity".  Why should a blastisis have for instance voting rights that black people and the elderly and the poor are denied.  When did those people lose their rights of 'person-hood", that's what I want to know.  If you heard the Mike Meloy stuff last night there are things that would curl your hair.  It seems in the twilight days of the Bush Chaney crime family ruling the White House there was a massive move twords "Civil Service status" and for us history buff who studied the Grand administration they threw out the doctrine of "To the victors go the spoils" and now if you had Civil Service status as a government employee your job was ssecure.  Hence, you have all of those Bush-Chaney "moles" in the Obama administration still trolling about making binding decisions that affect us all in the justice department, and we have seen some of those.  President Obama himself is a bit of a dagger-man in that he has betrayed the confidence of those who voted for him who thought there would be some major purge of Wall Street corruption and these FISA violations and keeping Guantanamo Bay open and all the other promises candidate Obama made about "bringing about a change in Washington".  It seems President Obama signed into some law to make it a lot tougher on Whistle blowers in government, or that's what I heard.  And of course all of these Bush - Chaney "moles" may be the ones responsible for all these pentagon leaks, to embarrass the Obama Administration.  There isn't a dime's worth of difference between the Bush and Obama foreign policies, except that President Obama has stepped up Drone killings and political assasenations abroad.

We have last night when I heard a preacher on a tape, which I guess James was playing and Steve Carone and I were listening to out on the patio last evening.  At first I thought the guy was brilliant and had a badly needed "message' to the church.  I was trying to think of way of getting the contents of the tape out to my readers.  But as I continued to listen I realized I was having some Judas number worked on me.  Here is what the guy talked about.  He quoted an Austrailian mockingly saying that "I'm a child of Adam and Eve, the first Mongrals".  He said that mongral races were the most Godly, because Adam and Eve were the original human pair of- - mongrals.  The idea of a pure bread dog is a human abstraction and the "evolutionary choice" is made not by God but by Man, and like so much else Man does his logic is flawed.  Because you "bred out" various genes and chromosones that dogs need to adopt in the world in case of disease or climate change or what not.  So you get your great big Great Danes and your little toy puddles or Mexican taco dog.  Because certain genes are selected out, so what you have are not pure breads but genetic freaks.  Race is a distinction made by Man and not by God.  In the food world we have lost most of the numerous species of fruits and vegetables and grains, and the nutrititional content of our food has suffered greately for it.  Once certain essential genes are bred out of a product, you can never get them back.  Don't mess with God's perfection.  This genetic engineering of food (and the idea of patenting not only seeds, but herbs and even naturally occurring bodily compounds)  is only the latest example of the abuse of nature.  Of course Margeret Sanger was the original femi-nazi, who believed in euthanizing Blacks and other mental defectives because she wanted to set up Clinics in poor areas to "relieve these unfortunate souls of their miserable existance.   And there was talk about how Science in England and America was the model of Nazi philosophy and eugenics and "racial hygene".  And the guy reminded the people it all goes back to Noah talking about Black people having the curse of Ham.  But in reality it wasn't the curse of Noah's son Ham, but rather his grandson Caanen.  And the prophecy of "being a servant to other races" setting up the whole slave thing- - proved to be in error anyhow because schollars agree that the Caanenites were the Pheonecians, who invented the first alphabet and were leading west semetic traders with the world in ancient times.  They never grew into "servents".  This idea of being the conquered comes from the genocidal stuff in the Bible where God orders the total slaughter of man, woman, and child, when they took over the Promised Land.  So far this guy was right on.

But as Jimi Hendrix said in Track 13 of "Smash Hits" - - - "That was the good part- - now here's the rest".    My own view of life is like that quotation at the end of a Criminal Minds episode.   Now here comes the bad part"  I  am not racist.  I believe a true, enlightened thought is valid, no matter who said it.  And I believe in Justice - - no matter who it's for.  And I also believe that any good question is valid- - no matter who asks it.  Capish?   .But then he began getting a little off the track.  First of all he brings up this old chestnut that Black people in times gone by had two parent families - which they don't today, according to this guy.  He points out that many things are cultural rather than racial, and in this he was correct.  But he says it's "liberal philosophy" rather than poverty that causes one parent Black families and broken marriages, and how Rap music isn't from African culture at all but- - you'll love this- - drunken white Iriah mauraders who roamed the badlands of America in places like eastern Kentucky and Arkansas and West Virginia.  And Black people hung out with these Hillbillies- - and then were taught the White man's ways and became Enculturated with "bad stuff".  This view of history is really up the butt.  There are no more freedom loving people anywhere than the Irish.  No. It was the Religious people of the day. It was the good Christian "cultured" and "educated" people that lived in places like Charleston, SC and Savannah GA and New Orleans that slavery was the most prolific.  It was these Blacks that worked for white cultured gents who had sex with their wives twice to year to procreate kids and the rest of the time enjoyed the sexual pleasures of Black women.  And it's the descendants of these people that dare condemn inter-racial marriage, which in 1967 was still illegal in seventeen states till Loving vs Virginia came down, and even then seventy percent of Americans said they were against inter racial marriage.  But then this guy says that the science in Europe was because protestents discovered the Bible and began reading it.  So it's the Reformation which popularized the Bible, which is such a Scientific document, that made Western science possible, according to this speaker.  Because people made the "discovery" (or Divine revelation) that Scientific principles were valid and that God's laws of nature were unchanging.  And so it was this view that nature was Unchanging that enabled the scientists of the day to get on with their many marvelous inventions and discoveries.  Let's get our facts straight, shall we?.  Higher science pervailed in the tenth century or so in other parts of the world while Europe was still in the Dark Ages.  We got our math and numbers from Arabecs and the Mideastern area where many Moslems and spiritual Hindus were exchanging culture.  This was the time when mystic religions that believed in direct contact with God, remember him, were popular.  Thom Hartman has said many times that we need to get back to "True mystic spirituality and direct contact with God".  These people believed in that.  They cast aside theology books and opted for the real thing.  You had your Sieks, and Sufis and your Kabala Jews.  These people did not rely on theology, which is like a genetically engeneered artificial selected- - "human evolution" of man and not God taking the whole counsil of God and then "breeding out" certain genes so you get this dry, refined, pithy theology.  So even in religious theology we have man putting their fingers in the pie and messing up the oroginal plan of God.  Stewart Mc Bernie often quoted Vladimir Lennon as saying "We will sell the Westerners the rope they use to hang themselves with".  This guy on tape is thus hoisted on his own pittard.  He sets out a sound philosophy at the outset of the tape, and then gets ensnared by his Own Logic later on, when he talks about how much better it is for man to have this Centuries old handed down theology stuff.  Of course the Catholics used to have these Theological conclaves every few years till Emperor Justinian put a stop to them in the sixth century and from then on the Catholic Church just Froze in time for nine hundred years.  The Catholic Church distrusted people who were inovative like the Knights Templer or "Christian Zionists" or the Masons, who were the geniouses behind all their marvelous thedrals.  A college of men in red robes didn't come up with that.  Then of course there is the whole John the Baptist cult and the skull and crossbones stuff and all that.  Tarrot Carts- - had a Pope figure on them but he had another name because though Tarrot cards were invented in France, they were done so by people who didn't trust the Pope.  We now come to Gutenburg and the Printing Press.  The guy has a major cause and effect peoplem because it's because of the pre existant Invention of the Printing Press in the mid fourteen hundreds that the Bible even poliferated to begin with.  Also- - Columbus - - Cortez, Magellen, who circumnavigated the globe, Vasco De Gama who rounded the Cape of Good Hope- - - all of these people were litterally going around the earth before Protestentism got its Boots on, which wasn't untill 1519 or something at its very inception.  This is not to even get to the idea that we got gum powder from the Chines when Marco Polo made his visits there.  And it's also where the Italians got pasts. It was gun powder that caused the Victory of the Moslems over the Byzantines in the defeate of Constanople in the mid 1400's. Are you getting the picture? The Church as a whole suffered a major loss in status. And by the way Luther himself was no angel in that his words abounded with anti semetic utterances.  We know about the Big Three of Luther, Calvin and Knox, and the three main branches of Protentism or the German, and the Reform, and the whole Anglican thing by you-know-who in England.  You had your Divine Right of Kings.  But you want to know a Secret.  Science REALLY took off after the thirty years war when Religion and the whole Divine Right of Kings saw a sudden loss in Status.  There was the English bill of rights in 1648 or something during the War.  And after these "Common Law rights" we charish in this country- - you see the Age of Reason really get going.  You have your Kant, your Isac Newton, your James Watt, your John Lock, your David Hume, your composers that wrote all of our wonderful Classical music.  You didn't have all this in 1520.  You had a country like England with rapidly flowing stremes leading to water power for milling and other uses.  You had your coal in abondant supply.  It wasn't because someone opened up a Bible and found all this stuff there.

Lady caller to Davis Cruise show paraphrased:  "I'm tired of the foreign press saying we Nazis aren't being fair when we intern the Jews among us in relocation camps.  We all have to make choices.  The Jews had a choice, and now there are justly suffering the consequences for their choice.  It's called responsibility".  It would be unfair for the rest of us good Germans to accomidate our own high values to conform to some racial misfits"

I had seconds on the pasta soup, which had some strange ingredient in it I drowned out with salt and pepper.  They advertized turkey sandwiches but as with the past couple of months, every time they do, they serve bologna.  At least they could do salami.  I listened to Randy Rhodes and watched the soap opera.  Ian admitted to being the one who shot and killed Stephano, but he did it in a fit of anger against Kate because she had overheard him stabbing her in the back, professing his undying love to Madison.  Now Madison is dead.  Kate Roberts gets an A for decorum because she did exactly what I would have done, right to throwing the drink in his face.  Ian is nothing but a slimy little rat-bastard.  The trouble is now after his confession, her life is in jeopardy.  If I got out of the room alive the first thing I’d do is call Roman and ask for police protection, and also finger the little slime-ball who shot my husband, and then called both him in myself a lot of names.  If Kate were a man, Ian would be beaten to a pulp by now.  He’d be the one worried about being next into the line of the morgue.  Oh-  today we found out in addition to Madison dying, that Jack died.  Of course Jack is one of those people who keeps coming back to life.  Well I’ll say this - - Sammy’s instincts were right on.  Elvis is truly innocent.  Not that I doubted it- - but for a while I just really wasn’t sure.
Joe made the announcement today, “Well, they gave all the illegal aliens amnesty today”.  I endeavored to correct him.  That lady on the David Cruise show irritated me today talking about “Making choices” the same way Dad used to talk about “making choices”.  It’s a big bucket of bullshit.  They were supposed to have had such well honed precognition that they somehow ELECTED to be born to a family that had just illegally crossed the border.  Give me a break!   These people ARE trying to “do the responsible thing” by securing a college education to get themselves a decent job.  From our own point of view, we don’t need the brain drain to foreign countries such as India- - where people get an education here and then return to their native countries- - to make THEM rich.  These people who say “Obama couldn’t have announced it at a worse time- - just before an election.  You know what I think?  I think all these right wingers are just jealous because they didn’t think of it first.  Maybe.
In other news I did go down for coffee break both in the morning and in the afternoon in the courtyard and both times got two cups from Dora.  I listened to the rest of Randy Rhodes and then caught David Cruise.  In other news - - they had a Primary in both Florida and Minnisota yesterday.  President Obama would win in a land slide according to one USA today poll or something but the problem is voter registration.  Unregistered voters tend to be heavily biased in favor of Obama.  That’s why Rick Scott is renewing his efforts to purge them from the rolls.  I don’t even think what he’s doing is legal because I heard there was a ninety day statute of limitations before the election, or whatever.  I wish Eric Holder would step up the justice dept efforts to stop them.  Rick Scott perpetrated the greatest Insurance fraud that Medicare has ever seen and had to pay over a Billion dollars.  I don’t see what’s to stop our side from reregistering all those voters who were kicked off the rolls in Florida.  Certainly people are free to register up till about October first, aren’t they.  Yet Obama people act as though such registration won’t happen.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time and Space and Karma

You say you've planned out the economy
But your big package didn't stimulate me

Guantanamo's eluded you so far
Just take the prisoners and strap them to Romney's car

Your Victory made me so happy back then
But your results are like the story of the little red hen
"huh?" Elvis exclaimed

Mitt Romney knows nothing of astronomy
And his dog's a candidate for taxonomy
-Burt Lombard

"Elvis, to you know what Ruth said to her mother in law Naomi in Naomi's moment of despair?
Frankly, my dear, I don't.  I haven't read the Book of Mormon
-said E J Di Mira

Catholic Vicar:  Lucas, do you believe in free will?
Lucas: Frankly, Will has been acting so downright screwey lately I think he ought to be locked up?
Vicar: "Huh?"

Priest:  Tell me, child.  Do you find in the life of poverty you've been forced to lead, any oppertunity for gaiety - - you know, being gay?
Penitent: Father- - I've been depraved now for so long I can't conceive of any other kind of life

No Marcus- - you're thinking the matter in our Universe is what's different
But actually it's just the Time that accounts for all the uniqueness

You just told me that Time is an illusion
Well I say to you, "Why can't Space be just an illusion"
-Stewart Sutcliffe

I think the latest song we have on any of our many rock compilations on line is "Time and Space" by Rush out in 1996.  There are times when I'd like to turn the clock to that year - "do a re-wind" in other words.  But then a more common sense part of me says "Why the hell would you chose to do that?  You've already been through it all once, do you want to do it all again?"  Good point.  We've going to talk about something besides politics in the second half of this posting because the signs have become a little adverse.  For instance I just saw an encounter where Paul Ryan "cleaned Obama's clock" in a head to head debate on health care, and believe me I was watching body language and listening to the vocal inflections.  Obama has his shit down pat.  There's no arguing about that.  First of all Ryan's plan does help out the poor with larger subsedies than the rich.  And all the evidence seems to point to there being NO change in recipients over age fifty-five.  But more significant is that Paul Ryan still retains "the public option" to to speak in that you can opt for government medicare if you want it.  Ryan's plan encourages competetion among insurance companies, and also rewards people who shop effectively with a cash rebate from the government.  There has long been talk about "funny accounting" on the Obama team, and President Obama was pretty much left speechless.  Obama's plan double counts at least two different alledged areas of government savings and also uses ten years of taxes to pay for six years of coverage.  Of course then there is the song "The Obama that I used to Know" which is a video gone viral.  You will be interested to know that the Sirius A people are playing the original video with Romulan subtitles only, so the people hear it in English.  However the Federation has redone the Video to go "The Mitt Romney that I used to Know" and that was largely Burt Lombard's idea.  The portrayers in that video look distinctly Bajoran, and I'm told there is no significance in that.  "They're just the people who did it and saw no reason to desguise their identity".  But they sing it in the Dardanian language.  But the President is in big trouble in another way.  Despite all this talk about job creation it seems to this date, the President still has "negative job growth numbers for the length of his administration".  His is the worst job growth record of any post war President.  It seems Bill Clinton comes in first, with Ronald Reagan coming in as runner up and I think Johnson is number three.  Both if the Bushes, you will be consoled to know, do very poorly on this roster, but Obama is the worst.  "Where's the jobs?" could prove to be as haunting a slogan as "Where's the Beef?" was for Gary Hart.

If we've used this photograph before, well now we're using it again.  Dimensions fall into four basic venues, those of things, those of space, those of time, and those of karma.  Stewart came to share with me that Federation song.  He said some were saying "Mal Evans wanted someone to write a more 'politically correct song" to counter-balance the runaway Sirius A video.  I asked Stewart "I have been wondering why is gravity has its own dimension under the broad category of Karmic awareness, why isn't there a regular physical gravity dimension?  Stewart then said "The substance, which is a dimension of Things - - covers that.  Gravity is part and parcel of mass.  Gravity is a field of mass."  I then asked Stewart "But when I hear the world Field- - I get the conotation of a field occupying Space" and Stewart says "Well, there you go".  It was when I was talking about "I'm not sure whether Time is even a dimension to be perfectly frank about it.  What if Time is just an illusion that some turn into a created Thing and give it the status of dimension".  This is when Stewart said to me "Well, what if Space is just an illusion".  I kind of mumbled something like "I'll have to think about that one" and really didn't have a come-back for him.  But I got to thinking about it later and I had one of those mental light bulb moments.  "OK now I get it.  Stewart wasn't denying that Space was real.  But he was saying that Space is just as REAL as time is, because Time itself is real.  OK"   The whole idea about "Mass or the content of Matter determines the nature of the space that surrounds it" is one of those sayings I've heard from a million place.  That Mike guy who was here for a while also said it.  But it's not usually one of the attributes of the God particle.  But if you think about it- - - I have spoken of the "optical illusion of Einstein's special theory of relativity, and said that it wasn't the way things really were.  Stewart in our conversation that said "You assume that somehow Space has some ontological reality apart from what we see and perceive.  But neither you nor I can prove that".  That line got me to thinking.  It's like how do you disprove something that- - - your unable to disprove, like UFO's?  or stated more commonly 'How do you prove a negative"  (more properly a "null")  The other topic we discussed a little was this whole notion of "Down tuning".  This is the most "recent' metaphysical concept I have covered in my postings, and I have Toni Iommi to thank for that.  This is the idea of "buying karma on credit".  In my writings I have discussed exegetic reading, isogetic reading, and endogetic reading.  By progression each is less reliable than the previous one, and in turn each method requires less effort and study than the previous one.  You also have exothermic, isothermic, and endothermic chemical reaction.  So we really need a term for karms- - and Stewart suggested "exo-karmic" reaction."  I thought that a moment and said "Oh,m why not?"  As you know- the metaphor comes from loosening a guitar string.  The note becomes lower pitched and bassier- - as though the sound were coming from a larger instrument than it in fact is.  Long waves have more energy, in this case, karmic energy, than shorter waves.  As in the guitar analogy there are limits as to what extent you can do this.  If you "make yourself bigger" (to impress a mountain lion in Griffith Park) then you will have more throw weight and influence than you otherwise would.  We discussed this all in detail before.  You know in the logarithmic "funny math" of music that a twelth, plus a twelth, plus a twelth, does not equal a quarter, as you'd think.  So trying to gauge a wave length conversion formula is harder than it would seem at first blush.  Stewart went on to say, "In Astrology- - the God gives Free Grace- - doctrine is alive and well".  Stewart went on to explain that astrological good fortune is free and costs you nothing- - of an exo-karmic nature.  Your own "Karma bank" is not being raided by favorable stars, but this is all part of the Will of God.  In like manner - - adverse stars are not giving you "karmic brownie points" due to adversity.  It's just another case of "Life Happens"  (Selah)  But of course we are all judged by how we react in the environment we find ourselves in and the opportunities that we have.  But being poor, contrary to Jesus' words in the Bible, are no automatic ticket to paradise.  Rich people are not to be dispariaged as villians just because they happen to be rich.  Also- - Mental Retards can be real jerks, and their retardation is no excuse.  But someone like Paul Ryan might be less dangerous because he IS intelligent and therefore CAN be reasoned with.  Intelligence is the fruit of good karma.  You people need to know this as you go through the course of your life and in your Evaluations of people that you encounter.  (Selah)

Today I got paid- - - and a lot of people who never experienced it before just got Laid - - - out on a coroners table, because they have never been dead before, as least so far as they can remember.  I got paid the fifteen I asked for.  I have a reputation of not over-dipping into my account, and last week I stood in line and yelled at Loretta Hill for taking too long- - only to inform her that I would be withdrawing no cash today but was just dropping off my check and confirming the ammount in my account.  One thing Stewart never tipped me off on was just how you can rig the game table to work in your favor- - or exo-karmic manifestation.  The whole idea of "Down tuning" and karmic mass increase- - would seem something that a "Satanic" band like Black Sabbath would first experiment with.  But Stewart did tell me that- - though the stars have no direct effect on Karma one way or the other- - that of course people can be helped or hindered by spirits from dimensions with which others around them are unaware.  One might therefore infer (though I never heard Stu quite say the words) that if one were able to negotiate in the psychic dimension, would could maneuver things advantageously.

"Well it's Saturday Night and I just got Paid - - - Laid"
-Elvis Presley Dec 1956 in Memphis

Monday, August 13, 2012

It's Not A Question of Method - but Intent

Talk show host David Sheroda and myself have something in common.  Never of us likes to work off canned "talking points" that we repeat over and over like some holy mantra.  Both of us are investigators, journalists at heart.  We deal in facts - not idiology.  I did raise an eyebrow or two when Sheroda said there was little difference between the Democratic Presidential ticket and the Republican Presidential ticket.  I too have flirted with the idea that one should vote his conscience.  One should vote what he actually believes - rather than have to conformed to two process - modulated, and synthisized political packages, neither of which I feel represent my own beliefs.  A year ago Sherida might have been able to sell me on this notion of voting for some third party, but not today.  Back then I thought "Well if Obama stumbles- - I guess allowing Mitt Romney to become President wouldn't be so bad.  Romney seems like a rational, level-headed individual of demonstrated accomplishment and intelligence".  Well, that was a year ago.  No more.  This was before the tea party began micro directing every move the Republican designate makes.  First Sheldon Addelson supported Gingrich with his billions- - but when he stumbled he turned to Romney and said "Now you are my Stooge".  You are my figure head, my mouthpiece, my rubber stamp.  Like the Michael Jackson song says "Some people will do anything for money".  This goes to show a lot about the basic character of the Republican party as well as the tea party as well as Romney himself.  The idea of being "That guy" with "enough working digits to be able to sign the bills we place before him" is a role which a lot of people would degrade themselves into taking, no matter how much money they were offered.  But Mittens is the "Will Horton" of the political wold these days.  (I'm speaking of the soap opera character)  Clearly you have one party who picked the politician of their choice.  The headliner of the other political party was bought and paid for, and their people will be made to like it.  Clearly Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are two people devoid of character.

But now I'd like to address this idea of "It isn't method but Intent".  David Sheroda portrays the thing as simple as "One candidate wants to eliminate Medicare and Social Security as a fast rate, whereas the other wants to prune it back as a slower rate- - but both the Democrats and the Republicans are now pushing for the same thing and as such the whole issue of social security and medicare elimination - - takes on a bi-partisan quality it didn't have before.  I find this as highly dangerous thinking.  Let me give you another set of examples to illustrate.  Suppose there is a family with one member that used to be just find but increasingly he is showing odd behavior that is getting stranger and stranger and harder to explain to others and to rationalize.  At some point you are going to mentally start exploring possible solutions.  One of these causes may be mental illness, so you'll investigate that area all while showing all the love and concern you can for the affected family member.  Take another family member in another family.  And when some conflict comes up- - one family loudly proclaims that the member in question is a Paranoid Scitzofrenic.  At first she is either ignored or resisted in her claims.  But she keeps repeating them like a mantra.  She she will search out all aspects of his behavior- - trying so hard to glean some similarity with some example she read in a first semester psychology book on the chapter on abnormal psychology.  And when she convinces someone else to agree with her she is downright giddy over it- - and tries to draw in the rest of the members.  Do you see where I am headed with this?  One person will see taking care of the Elderly and infirm as an inherently good thing, but there are certain problems looming around the bend that will need tending to.  So you will explore various options into how to remedy the problem.  Perhaps it will be tweaking the FICA withholding rates.  Perhaps it will be a cut back in services.  Ditto for the deficet.  One person will look at the deficet and see a problem.  Either the economy is sluggish and not generating enough revenue, or the tax rates need to be raised on people who can afford it, or certain beaurocratic procedures need to be streamlined to cut out waste.  Paul Ryan however is a whole other type.  His plan will not reduce the deficet AT ALL but in fact will make it WORSE, as will Mitt Romney's plan.  Romney said he would sign Ryans bill into law if it came before his desk.  Ryan's bill reduces Romney's effective tax rate to nearly zero.  These people don't care about the deficet but they do hate the idea of supporting the poor, the infirm, and the elderly.  They resent these people in some social Darwinian sense.  As such they are as it were "lying in wait" waiting for an Opportunity to put their Plan into action- - that is to eliminate services to the poor.  We know they want to raid Union pension funds.  Mitt Romney stole the employee pension funds of those who paid into it.  It wasn't his money to take but he took it anyhow and used it for collateral in a bet he was almost Hoping to Lose.  So many spouses know of a lover who hocks the family silver to support their gambling habbit, so you people know exactly what I'm talking about.  The tea party is basically running the country now, except for the Chief Executive.  President Obama has done well in accomplishments of things he has control over.  But certain things are completely out of his hands, such as the tea party House, where funds are appropiated.

We now come to the Sixty Minutes interview of Romney and Ryan.  I almost get the feeling that Bob Sheefer was duped big time.  I really thought he was smarter than that.  He let Ryan and Romney lie a blue streak to him and never challenged them.  They lie when they say they are for small government.  But as David Sheroda pointed out- - both Romney and Ryan are Big Government Republicans.  They love to use the full appertus of government to insure that the Status Quo of the rich is maintained.  I imagine they are also for big agri-business and their genetic altered seeds that are patented or something.  They'd love to drive the small farmers out of business.  It's the biggest whopper of all time to say that the Republicans are for small business.  To them small business is part of the problem, along with the energy inovators who are threatening to put the petrolium business out of business and make it obsolete.  They can't have that.  The FDA makes illegal anything that competes with the big drug companies.  I am somewhat of a libertarian.  Judy claims to be a libertarian but she's far too much of a control freak for that.  But the repeated Claim - - the repeated Lie- - is that the Democrats are for Big Government and the Republicans are for small givernment and "a minimum level of government involvement in our lives".  Nothing could be more untrue.  Of course they want to get into the bedroom chambers of America and see to it that no woman gets an abortion even if she's raped.  They want to investigate the genders of the two people in bed.  They want to pier at us through their camera and tap our phones, and check library records to see what books we have checked out.  They want to bail out Wall Street investors and bankers.  And they want to do the very thing Paul Ryan complained about.  They want to pick winners and losers and THEY and NOT the democrats who are the ones who are for "croney capitalism".  Ryan never told the truth the whole night.  Ryan was asked how come the rich pay a lower tax rate than the rest of us- - and how they get all the legal breaks.  Ryan just unleashed all the usual bullshit about Solindra- - - and the president hates hard work - - and the American spirit of inovation - - and all of that.  And of course the Republicans are big government when it comes to Defence and Military spending- - and palling up to various corporations and even, if possible "privatizing the military code of justice" the way they want to privatize the prison system, for the greater capital gain of all so that now Crime prosecution isn't justice but "just business".  Government wants to be virtually married to business in what ammounts to a Fasciest love fest.  And of course the government doesn't care about Deficets.  Larry Elder and so many on the right have said it till our ears ring that "Deficets don't matter" and believe me that slogan will be revived the minute Romney takes the White House.  You never hear anyone from our side using that expression.  Our side knows better.  And in the spirit of Big Government they want to make Voting more difficult and purge the voter rolls.  And only a Big Government would override state codes by letting five men in Black robes who the next President of the United States will be.  And they could do it again, if the voting machines continue to be rigged and the "red shift" continues to be manifest.

It's one thing to look at something from a different Aspect.  It's a whole other thing to view something from a whole other dimension- - one you never even knew about.  Christianity assumes unto itself this perogative.  They can't cop to the excuse of "I make mistakes" or "Even Christian leaders fall into sin" because they claim to have reached this whole Other Dimension they call God, which is the demension of the Spirit Real and the Holy Spirit of God, they claims bodily dwells within them transforming them into perfection.  It it's really true that "in the world of the Blind - the one eyed man is king" then it would follow that ANY person who had access to "other dimensions" denied to the rest of us would have an Enormous advantage over the rest of us.  You thus can glean that these people aren't what they claim, otherwise they wouldn't be so psychologically insecure and paranoid.  You have heard it said that "The deefinition of Insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result".  The thing not entirely right with this assertion is that no two acts on Earth are ever the same.  Circumstances change all the time in ways you may not have suspected, so often "the third try is the charm" to quote another adage.  But with God it's different.  I am fully entitled to say "God doesn't work".  Why?  Because God by His own words claims to be eternal and unchanging.  So waiting for him to "change his mind" is to wait for something that will never happen.  I know it says not to Condemn another individual as unredeemable.  But with someone like the Asshole from El Paso I have looked at the matter from every conceivable aspect, as I have Christianity itself. I have looked at the thing from My view- - the view of other Church members- - his OWN view, which is hard because one normally "Does the Christian thing" and assumes that the Other is basically a Good person - just like You are.  But should this assumption be wrong and he is NOT A Good Person - then any information you shall glean thussly will be in error.  And I must warn you that to get inside the head of a depraved person is inherently risky.  I have looked at it from Scriptural point of view- - I have prayed about it- - and all of these "aspects" point to the same thing.  That the man is an unredeemable scum bag that should be condemned and avoided.  And it would follow that one would examine tea party members, and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan using a similar yardstick.  But I will confess I am not aware of every CONCEIVABLE dimension that exists.  One needn't be excessively alarmed by this.  Because actually in most cases other dimensions should only amplify and expand on what you are already aware of.  But it's kind of like closed caption television.  Sometimes in seeing the words printed - it gets your brain to thinking and pondering more than you might otherwise.  Since I'm not (aware of these Other Dimensions) and I can't reach out to him.  If anyone is to reach out- - it has to be Christianity reaching Out to Me.  That's the only way it's ever going to get done and reconsiliation take place.  I do NOT have access to those other dimensions but THEY DO, because they have "access to God" which is an emormous advantage over me.

Fractured History from Twenty Years Ago

Penned by Squire Malcolm Evans

In the news the drought is so bad the government is offering cattle ranchers money to take the cattle off their hands that don't have grass to graze on.  Meanwhile Judy took the oppertunity to say that though farm prices aren't that much reflected in the final grocery product, she points out that every step long the distribution path, from the shippers to the processors, the product gets a tax.  Judy says that Paul Ryan wants to save medicare and President Obama wants to gut it.  I told her I'd be fair and investigate the matter.  But on the Stephanie Miller program today I heard quite another story about how old people will see the return of the prescription drugs "donut hole" and have to pay more, and are denied preventative health care, making health treatment further down the line much more expensive.  Paul Ryan's plan will make the deficet worse and not better, and "President" Romney will see his taxes fall to one percent or zero, because Ryan wants to eliminate the capital gains tax.  Bill Press says most candidates move to the center during the general election, but Mitt Romney moved to the extremity of the right.  They said that Joe Byden has way more foreign policy background and knowledge than Paul Ryan does.  He's certainly older and more seasoned.  Now Mitt Romney is claiming that he's only cutting middle income taxes and keeping tax rates for the rich identical to what it is now.  Today I hear some union people wanted their congressman to go to bat for them but Paul Ryan refused.  But Paul Ryan has strong ties to big wall street money and was down begging other fellow conservatives to vote for the Wall Street bail-out plan. I can't help but continue to think that some true conservatives out there will look at the religious credentials of the ticket, and both Romney and Ryan are in bed with Wall Street and have honest second thoughts about their casting their lots with this team. Last night on Sixty Minutes I told Judy the Romney Ryan team might be in trouble because Bob Sheefer of Face the Nation is normally pretty tough.  But he only lobbed soft walls for this Sixty Minutes interview, that ran only one commercial segment, and not for the full hour, as I had supposed.  I advise all you readers to check out that list of question on the following posting after this one.  Print them out and pass them around to your friends, and mail them to your congressman.  We need to get the word out.  These are questions- - though they be many- - that Mittens and Paul Ryon won't touch with a ten foot pole.

President Hedgehog                           George H W Bush
Mike Duface                                       Michael Dukakis
Joe Dieseldorf                                    Joe Lieberman
Lloyd Bland                                       Lloyd Benson
Vice President Pheasant                     Vice President Quayle
Randi Turner                                      Michelle Bachman
Phil Nolan                                           Paul Ryan
Jack Romulus                                     Mitt Romney
Governor Ricktoven                           Governor Rick Perry
Matt Banebridge                                Newt Gingrich
George Clinton                                   Bill Clinton
Al Gore                                               as Himself
There is a back story to what I was going to do written by Squire Malcolm Evans.  If you want the original version get it from Mal Evans yourself.  I haven’t had enough coffee this morning and slept through the Stephanie Miller show.  The back story on this whole drama is that President Hedgehog was ciriticzed for ending the Gulf War too quickly when Governor Ricktoven and other right wingers wanted the war to continue and to even send troops back to Iraq.  In 1988 now President Hedgehog ran against Mike Duface of Massachusetts, but he used a commercial done by Duface in the Primary against ex Nazi officer Joe Dieselforf   in the Primary because Dieseldorf was so war like and rode around the streets of Boston in a World War I vintage Prussian tank saying he was ready for war.  Actually Joe Dieselforf’s one claim to fame came in 1968 when he ran for congress and got one term as an independent, based on a heavily German district, but then lost the election in 1970 when his opponent accused him of being “too ethnic”.  So that Duface ran an ad saying that any troop who ever took another human life in the Viet Nam war, if it were he in charge, he as Governor would order death for such an individual by lethal execution.  Anyhow Duface won the Primary there and in the general election chose Lloyd Bland former Governor of Alaska.  He was impeached by his own people for the High Crime and Misdomeanor of being excessively boring and dull-whitted.  In the 1988 debate, Governor Bland complained that he couldn’t hear because he forgot to turn on his hearing aid.  Governor Bland was getting on in years. President Hedgehog had many challengers in the opposite party.  Nobody in the opposite party liked the guy they eventually picked Jack Romulus.  Other also rans that year were Randi Turner, twelve year congresswoman from Minisota.  But she had accused that there were members in the President Hedgehog administration who were secret members of the Moslem Brotherhood and she got her historical dates mixed up and couldn’t remember when Elvis’ birthday was.  Anyhow when Congresswoman Turner won hands down in the Iowa straw poll in August of 1991 her campaign was kicked into over-drive.  But when she tried to shift into a more neural stance for the major primaries she stripped her gears and ran into troubles that proved too overwhelming.  One time she talked about how Paul Revere organized the colonial troops at Plymouth Rock, which was a big rock that was moved to that location by a giant construction crane, on orders of Massachusetts Governor Jacoby as a border marker to end the border dispute between the cities of Lexington and Concord.  Jack Romulus had a lot of money to spend against his political opponents.  Actually Matt Banebridge of George proved to be Jack Romulus’ biggest challenger in the primaries, particularly in the South where he picked up his own state and South Carolina.  Jack Romulus threw in a lot of money into adds against Banebridge and though – as Chris Matthews was to say “Banebridge fought like a “Rocky”, it proved too much, what with all his millions.  Of course Rumulus won and picked Phil Nolan as his vice president with his controversial plan in congress to end medicare as we know it.  And he wanted to declare that the unborn fetus had person hood, and he also favored private accounts for Social Security, and also barring abortions for women even in the case of Rape or Incest.  He was also against ending preventative health care for women and old people, but wanted to cut old people’s subsedies for high cost prescription drugs.  Many called it the Nolan – Romulus ticket because Nolan was so far to the right.  Romulus attacked President Hedgehog for not objecting more to the massacre at Tienimen Square in China on June first of 1989.  Romulus in general said that Hedgehog’s foreign policies were a disgrace, and even the positive developments he didn’t deserve because we all know Norman Swartzkof was the real architect of the Gulf War with Saddam Hussein.  So basically you had the President and his party running and the opposition party running, and you also had Ross Perot.  The electoral college was deadlocked for 68 votes.  But on the sixty-ninth vote the stalemate was broken when they picked former Governor George Clinton of New York as President and just to give geographic balance, they picked Senator Al Gore of Tennessee.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Romney Interview That Will Never Happen

Here is a hypothetical press conference which will never take place at any time during this campaign.  The fact that it never will, puts the Lie to the assertion that the Romney and Ryan ticket believes in classic conservative principles.  I hear Romney and Ryan will appear together tonight on Sixty Minutes.  I can state to an almost metaphysical certainty that none of the questions covered in this mock interview will be asked..  Here we go.

Mr. Romney, there is a lot of concerned about certain agencies that over-regulate such as the FDA.  There are roomers that various health products will soon be barred from advertizing their nutritional benefits because the big vitamin industry wants to have exclusive control of the market.  There are other roomers that genetic food manipulation will only increase to a dangerous degree.  Will a Romney administration conduct a massive purging of the FDA?

Mr. Romney.  As you know many of the cherished conservative issues Bush campaigned on in 2000 never took place.  There were pledges of a balanced budget, and private social security accounts as an option, and also that the dreaded Roe verses Wade decision on abortion would be overturned.  When in the Romney administration can we expect to see real progress in any of these areas?

Mr. Romney. We know that good Christians believe in not hiding their religious faith under a bushel basket.  Why don’t you share more about YOUR faith and your own positive relation with the Later Day Saints, and the many good works you have done in this area?

Mr. Romney.  We know that your patriotism cannot be question and that every American should do his part.  Therefore when does the Romney administration plan on bringing back the military draft, and will an updated version of the draft now include women?

Mr. Romney.  Nobody questions Vice President designate's solidarity in seeing Medicare as we have known it for the better part of fifty years done away with.  I just want to know - - how this squares with some misguided apologists of yours who claim that the way to KEEP medicare untouched is to not adopt Obama care, which as you have heard will steel funds from medicare.

Uh, Sir, I'd like to know in your vast background with muscle cars, what your own fastest personal time is in the quarter mile.  Also is it true that "size isn't everything" and how does the Chevy 409 cylinder block compare with the larger Dodge 425 hemi?
Romney speaks:  Look, buddy I don't know about all that but someone should have informed you that  this isn't an interview of cars.

Mr. Romney.  Christians believe in pursuing peace.  We know the French used to be in Viet Nam?  So I'd like to know how all your time as a Mormon Missionary in France culturally enriched you, and to you feel you learned more of French culture than you taught about Mormonism or visa versa?

Uh sir, I'l like to know why you do that little laugh of yours when you're under personal stress, just like you did with the last questioner.  You know, some people may get the wrong impression from it.

Mr. Romney.  The period from 2002 to 2006 was one of the best periods of the US economy in the past dozen years.  Given this- - why was your jobs performance while Governor of Massachusetts so poor?  Do you believe that maybe this is just was just one task you weren't up to?

Sir, as you know many people are attempting to tie in the unfortunate warm weather throughout much of the country to Global Warming.  How do you personally plan to reassure the American People that global warming has absolutely nothing to do with man made causes.

Mr. Romney.  We have heard for years that their oil reserves on the North Shore of Alaska as large as those of Saudi Arabia.  If this good news is being covered up by the American Media, what are you going to do to publicize the reality that all that oil is up there, just waiting to be taken?

Sir, we know that Dr. Phil Mc Graw teaches that “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.  In keeping with that spirit you have intoned in the primary campaign that you want to get tough with China.  How does this square with your actually faciliting the outsourcing of jobs to China during your time at Bain Capital?  And as a follow up question when do you plan to change our tax laws, so that moves off shore by corporations are not virtually subsidized by the US government?

Mr. Romney.  You have called yourself a “sever conservative”.  On the matter of immigration policy during the primary you said a lot of things including your opposition to the Dream act, which the President instituted a month ago.  Do you plan to make anti immigration a major emphasis during the fall campaign?  And by the way was this one motive behind your declining to pick Marco Rubio as your running mate- - because you were and are basically writing off the Latino vote?

Sir, we as Christians realize the importance of the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.  In that spirit, certainly this will be an important plank in your campaign platform.  Do we have your assurance that this issue will be moved to the forefront?

Mr. Romney, you say that when you assume office you will immediately get rid of Obama’s health care plan.  If this is so why to roomers persist that you secretly like Obama care and are not making it a big issue?  Also in that vein, why don’t you be more forthright in saying that mandentory insurance was a bit mistake and you wish you’d never done universal health care as governor of Massachusetts?

Mr. Future President.  I’d like to ask a related question.  We know that it will take a sixty vote majority in the US Senate to overturn Obama Health Care once you assume office?  Since this is unlikely to be achieved in one stroke, do you plan to push for an abolition of the Senate filibuster requirement - - to back before a hundred years when bills were passed by straight majority vote.  And what if the Democrats should ever - - - ?  Oh, do the Democrats control the Senate now?  OK, I’ll just shut up and sit down.  Never mind.

Sir, as you know President Obama gutted the space program.  Do you plan to bring NASA back under a Romney administration, and if you do, what will be the future objectives in the way of exploration of Mars or other planets?

Mr. Romney.  You have been called “an empty suit” and “without principles” by various people from our side such as Huckibee.  Do you regard this accusations as having any merit at all and if you do, what steps will you take to disabuse the American people of such notions?

Mr. Romney - - President Bush said that a major reason for going to war in the Middle East was to bring Democracy to Islamic countries.  Yet many people now such as Michelle Bachman say this is not such a good idea, for instance when Obama wants to do it.  Can you clarify your own stance on this issue?

Yes, I’m Jello Biafra of the Green Twilight Weekly.  I would like to know more about your stance on genetically modified and engineered vegetables, grains and insecticides.  I am having doubts as to whether you fully understand the ecological problem we are facing.  Please do comment on this.

Sir, I guess I’m having a problem reconciling some of your actions with the Lord’s teachings in the Bible on the proper way of conducting your economic business.  I can’t square your firing of so many innocent people and calling it collateral damage- - as somehow any other an embrace of the gospel of Gordon Gecko rather than Jesus Christ -  -
The candidate speaks:  Allright- - who let that guy in here.  Some escort him out now.

Mr. Romney.  You call yourself a tea party person.  And yet many early tea party people in congress came out against needless war adventurism that has proved expensive, and costly to both US resources and lives, that could be better be used elsewhere.  Yet you seem to have a virtual pledge now to start a whole new war with Iran.  Please comment on this.

I guess I’m next.  OK I’d like to know as a Christian how does the idea of total transparency and honesty square with your refusal to release any of the federal income taxes that the Democrats have been asking for.  It would seem that ANY year were deemed “presentable’ you’d at least release THAT year.  The fact that you have released NONE of them seems to add credence to fellow mormon Harry Reeds charge that you have something to hide, and as a follow up question does it strike you as Christian to label someone as a “dirty liar” in public, when the person speaking had no actual proof- - that Harry Reed WAS in fact - - Lying.

Response:  All right- I have sat here and listened to all your babbeling and distracting questions for long enough.  I came here to talk about the President’s failure to provide jobs for the many down and out Americans that I feel so sorry for.  If you’re going to abuse that privilege than I cannot go through with what obviously have become a farce of an interview.  Good-bye.