Saturday, October 27, 2018

Terrorism Against the Left

This will be the lead blog post in "Escape from Egypt" for a while.  We're moving on to the next blog to cover the last ten or so days of the election campaign.   Of course this mad bomber first struck Monday evening when George Soros, a liberal Jew apparently,  got a pipe bomb sent to him  Then there was an explosion (pardon the pun) of mailings on Wednesday.  President Obama was targeted and Sec of State Hillery got a bomb as well as many other Democrats including Maxine Waters and James Clapper of the CIA and also Brennon of the CIA.  On Thursday it was Cory Brooker and Vice President Joe Byden and some Democrat from Berlengane.   Twelve bombs were sent in all and they were targeted to ten different recipients.  President Trump says it's a bad thing and we should get to the bottom of it.  However Trump is continuing to attack the media for talking about this bombing story rather than politics, which President Trump wants highlighted since he's been in campaign mode his entire administration and particularly this congressional campaign season.

This is a foggy Saturday morning after breakfast on October 27, 2018.  Nobody has seen the kitty either today or the previous two days and there are again rumors Augustine did something with it.  Yesterday morning I originally heard from Dorthey after nine that they had caught that mad bomber or whoever.  He was a 56 year old man from Florida with a criminal carrier.  The FBI spoke that these bombs were not hoaxes but potentially could go off with the right friction or heat.  However they could tell the bombs were poorly made.  They said they could tell whether the bomber was left or right handed by the twisting of the wires.  The guy eft fingerprints on the tape and also his DNA was found on the device and compared with DNA they already had on the guy.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke and said he would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and said he’ll get 58 years.   I needed to use the restroom at ten and the bathroom in our unit was locked up.  So I asked Nora for the key and she said to lock up afterwards.  Then I turned on the computer and radio.  KPFK didn’t have Thom Hartman but did what they do best and that’s money raising for the station.  On WCPT they had some substitute talking about the Trilatteral Comission but they played Thom Hartman’s music.  I continued to feel rather feverish and ill.  I needed to take a leak again just before lunch.  I noticed that the women’s restroom was cracked open and the light was on.  I used that facility. 

We had a fairly tasteless filet of chicken breast for lunch and a green salad for lunch but I wasn’t very hungry regardless.   Patty complained about Dianne Feinstein and said people like her should be term-limited out.  ButI mentioned that if they did that the lobbyists would run congress.  Then Patty began attacking George Soros and complained that he was funding this caravan migration from Mexico.  I said I had never heard that.  But she missed my point that Soros isn’t a lobbyist and it’s the lobbyists that right and make all of the laws congress passes now.  I told Bill, who had just returned from his appointment, that our bathroom was locked up.  But then when I returned I saw Nora in the hall in Cathy’s room and our door was locked and I came in and the bathroom door was wide open and the fan was on.  Previously I had heard that we might have to do without bathroom facilities till Tuesday when Augustine works on the problem downstairs.  It was more of the mad bomber on Gary and Shannon.  They had another news conference.  Then it was the four football picks at 12:20 and then “Draining the swamp” at the usual time.   On “Days of our Lives” the line now is that Abigail isn’t legally married to Chat but to Stephan and Stephan is protecting her from her family that wants to involuntarily have her committed “indefinitely” to an institution.  I guess in these hearings the patient doesn’t get to speak in her own defense, or at least that’s what they implied.  If you’re sane in the here and now that’s less important than if there is a lot of rumor and imuendo about you from others. 

We all know about the eighteen inning Dodgers game last night that lasted seven and a half hours till after twelve thirty in the morning.  The Dodgers won 3 to 2.   The other news is the stock market which is below 25,000 now and headed down.  Amazon says they won't be hiring as many people for the holiday season this year because the economy is slowing down.   In late news there is an active shooter situation now at Pittsburgh at a Jewish Synagogue.  

Monday, October 22, 2018

Trump Land and other News

President Trump is blowing up the nuclear proliferation treaty that President Reagan signed with Michael Gorbichev in 1987.  Trump claims that Russia has violated it.  This seems to be an about face for President Trump.  Trump has congratulated the President of Mexico for at least trying to turn back the tide of five thousand refugees from Honduras.  They are 1500 miles away from the Texas border right now.  Mexico has offered asylum to some of the refugees but they aren’t accepting it because they fear it’s a trap.  I with Trump wouldn’t blame the democrats for all of the stuff he doesn’t like in America.  In other news a dance floor collapsed in South Carolina when celebrants of the Climson Tigers win over NC State were all gathered together and dancing in unicin.  Proposition 7 is the proposition that eliminates Daylight Saving Time in California and takes us back to how things were in 1949, the year before I was born.  This proposition hasn’t had commercials.  Proposition 9 was kicked off the ballot.  This is the crazy measure that divided California into thirds.   Now the Arabs are saying that there was a body double who pretended to “be seen leaving” the embassy three weeks ago.  But the plan went wrong because nobody saw him.  Meanwhile the Saudis are still sticking with the fist fight theory as to how that Washington reporter “accidentally” met his death. 

There is a saying that getting “into it” with President Trump (and some might say the same thing of Michelle) is like wrestling with a pig.  Both of you will get really muddy, but the only thing is- the pig likes it.  Trump has encouraged physical violence against people frequently.  He called Stormy Daniels “horse face”.  And of course he renigged on the Elizabeth Warren DNA thing.  He says “I won’t believe it till I perform the DNA tests myself”.  In other news there is some new narrow tunnel that runs from Hawthorne to “Pico and Supulvida” just like the song.  It “transports cars 150 miles per hour due to some automated thing.  (?)  They said something about it being open for use in early December of this year.  I saw the futuristic lighting thing.  Meanwhile starting the summer of 2019 they are going to begin construction under Beverly Hills High to extend the purple line subway from Korea Town to the West Side.  The move has passed all of the environmental hearings.  But still the students are dead set against it with middle school students saying “I don’t want to spend all four years at BH High with all that shaking and stuff.”    Last night I don’t get the significance of the mystery Star that they were trying to find on “God Friended Me’ having something to do with the Golden Mean, which of course is 1.618.   Last night’s plot seemed a little  - - flighty. 

[one week ago] The Federation’s football record this weekend was an embarrassment.  I haven’t talked about the Federation lately.  They’ve lost a lot of prestige.  They went with Cleveland over the LA Chargers in Cleveland.  The Chargers embarrassed Cleveland.  Then it was the Raiders being beaten badly by the Seattle Sea Hawks.  The Federation had predicted a Raiders victory in London.  Finally we come to last night’s game on KNBC.  Kansas City had a 5 and 0 undefeated record.  New England had had losses.  All the same Kansas City was being beaten up on by New England and the score was 25 to 9 at one point.  I don’t know the final score.   The Federation also announced “We’re not going to help the Rams against Denver this day”.   If the Federation had “helped” them the Rams might well have lost.  As it is the Rams won.  This was the afternoon game on FOX at one.   The Rams scored a majority of their points in the first half of the game.  It was 20 to 3 and then 20 to 10.  The score kind of froze there till the end of the game after I had gone to dinner.  Then the Rams scored a field goal making it 23 to 20.  Somehow the Broncos had scored ten more points after I left.  In the TV game at dinner it was Dallas playing Jacksonville, I believe.  Baltimore had a game with Tennessee.  

The other news topic is my health.  Last weekend I still felt sick, feverish, with a spasmotic cough.  Maybe I have TB but it  could also be Hepatitus B or perhaps Epstein Barr virus.  I might have to go to the hospital to be disgnosed.  The vitamins I've been taking are like plecibos, as well as the antibiotic I've been taking for a few days now.   The big breakthrough hasn't occurret- - at least yet.  

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Week's Events

.  I was thinking of typing a thesis on moral even-handedness and moral consistency in the Church.  I don’t see how Pat Robertson can engage in this Saudi Arabia cover-up of that reporter.  What’s in it for him to tout the Trump line.  What was in it for Chuck Smith while he was still alive to tout the most extreme of anti-Obama rhetoric.  Why does Terry Hill back up Justice Kavanaugh?   These are all mysteries.  Something is driving today’s Christianity that isn’t theological in nature.  It’s like this cult of Trump-ism is devouring everything it comes in contact with.   This is Friday October 19th and the following is material from events earlier this week.  I hope to type more on current events today or tomorrow.   

I had Stephanie Miller on.  At ten to nine Bill called up and wanted me to go buy him a pack of Time cigarettes for eight dollars out of my bank account and send them along with whoever is going to pick him up.  People I’ve asked about it say not to do it if I don’t want to.  I checked the lunch and dinner menus and I guess the meals are passable.  I came in from out back and Sarah told me Terry was at the front desk.  He had a big long box filled with individually wrapped thick slices of pumpkin bread.  And it’s nice and fresh.  Millie says that Cathy took seven or eight slices.  I wondered why the box went down so fast.  People came around when Terry was passing them out to people.  Then we went up to my room.  Terry is a Justice Kavanaugh freak and called his hearing a “witch hunt”.  That’s right out of FOX news.  He talked of political candidates calling him up and Terry wants to know where they stand on the moral issues and one of the moral issues was “political correctness”.
Yesterday I don’t know if I went for morning snacks or not.  We had – - two big tacos with shells but no hot sauce for lunch and fruit cocktail for desert.  I had Gary and Shannon on.  I watched Days of our Lives.  At two I went out for snacks and got two Oreos and an iced tea from Rico.  Nora came just as I was leaving and I was out of the room till two thirty.  Then I got on the computer for something.  I looked at my E mail and then wrote Paul a badly written letter about my illnesses.  But then I watched Eye Witness news at three.  I dozed off during the three thirty news and woke with just enough time at ten to four to go out for a smoke.  I only got a single decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  That didn’t fill me up.  Sarah said I should have asked for a triple decker if I wanted two layers of filling.  We had applesauce for dessert inside a container, and not apple crisp. Then I went with two dollars and bought a pack of Vanilla clippers.  Now President Trump says it’s “rogue elements” inside Saudi Arabia that abducted and hacked to death that Washington Post reporter.   The evening was usual.  I was awake for watching the ABC network news.  Elizabeth Warren does have Cherokee DNA in her genes.  But President Trump is not going to pay the million dollars he promised    I got my iron pill from Jan just before dinner.  There was a line at seven thirty.  But Jan didn’t give me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  It was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  Then it was “The Resident” at eight.  I had the TV on after nine but don’t remember the program.  I had an interesting dream the night before last about being able to regress and change time and play a “what if” situation. 
It's twenty minutes to three on Wednesday October 17, 2018 and the fifth Brewers and Dodgers game is being played right now at Dodger stadium.  I don’t know if it’s on FOX.  The Brewers won Monday night’s game and the Dodgers won the match last night that went thirteen inning and they won two to one.  There were a lot of surprises yesterday and today.  Yesterday morning I think I got morning snacks.  I was sitting out back intending to type some more when Sarah met me in the hall and said that someone was waiting for me at the front desk.  It was Terry.  He had a long box with him like curtain rods or something which he hadn’t opened up yet.  He said it was for me and Bill.  It was individually wrapped thick pumpkin bread slices.  I see I’ve already reported on that so I guess I typed after he had left.  I didn’t want to talk about Justice Kavanaugh with him.  For lunch we had a turkey toasted open faced sandwich with white gravy which Millie didn’t like.  I don’t remember the dessert.  I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  I never went to the store for Bill as he had requested.  I was getting my usual attack of noon drowsiness.  I decided to shave but did not use after shave.  I watched Days of our Lives.  Nora was about to come in this room when I departed to do stuff.  I didn’t try for the snack line. 
In the lobby in the med line to see Dr Saran Bill was already there just after two and he had picked a number just ahead of me to see the doctor.  He said Kathy cut in line without a number.  I saw Dr Saran.  He had my blood test results from several months ago.  Everything looked good (as of them).  I immediately began telling Dr Saran about all my symptoms.  I told him of the fever in the head and reduced appetite and tightness in the stomach.  I told him I had been sick since September 21st.  I told him about my morning backaches.  Dr Saran kept urging me to get a flu shot as he was giving out this time.  He said I’d get even sicker if I didn’t have one.  Finally he was talked into putting that off till next month.  He prescribed more cough syrup and anti-biotics.  My temperature was 97.9 and it would have been more believable if it had been 99.7.  My blood pressure was 124 over 64, which was back down to normal.   Then I got in the money draw line.  I never heard money draw announced.  The line wasn’t too long this time and one guy let me go in ahead of him.  I was behind John Kip.  I got in and took a piece of candy she had.  I had eleven dollars in my account, and I took all of that.  I went to get a pack of strawberry cigarettes.  Later on in the day I came back to get a 12 oz can of Coke.  I also bought a green lighter this day.  I gave Judy Dr Saran’s phone number because she wanted it.
I was watching the ABC nertwork news when Augustine finally came by to fix the sink and the toilet.  He put in a new sink trap and he plunged the toilet.  Both work fine now and Bill is satisfied.  I had four pieces of pumpkin bread this day and gave Bill the other three, which he ate.  We had ravioli for dinner with tomato sauce and a green salad.  I think we had fruit cocktail for dessert.  The evening was relatively normal I guess   Jan said I was late in getting my iron pill at five.  I spent a lot of time outside.  It was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  I went down for the medication line at seven thirty and there was a short line.  I didn’t then get cough medicine but I came back just after nine o clock and got cough syrup because I was agitated and coughing.  Bill wanted the window open complaining it was hot in the room.  I got cold in the room after three thirty in the morning.  Bill woke me up then making a lot of stirring around noises. 
      I got up and showered at ten before five.  I unwrapped the regular vitamins and have been taking them along with the C.   I had Bill Press and Stephanie Miller.  Bill was out of the room a lot.  I got medication just after five thirty and John gave me cough medicine.  I had eaten all of the pumpkin bread.  We had Rice Krispies for breakfast.  This was followed by a bagel and cream cheese and a sausage link and a hard boiled egg.  Larry had food on his plate and I ate some of that and taken some out to feed the cat with.  Dorthey was holding the cat at length once before breakfast and once afterwards.  I gave the cat the egg and the sausage.  Then I lay back down on the bed and relaxed a little.  Bill convinced me to turn on the KNXT news and I ended up dozing off a little.  “Let’s Make a Deal” came on at nine and “The Price is Right” was on at ten.  All the while Bill was sleeping.  I did not go out for morning snacks. 
Nora finally made it by at twenty to eleven after I had prepared the room.  I spent time out back with Millie and Dorthey.   We had sweet and sour pork and those oriental noodle things and broccoli.  I didn’t get seconds.  We had mandarin oranges for dessert.   I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  I was sitting out back when Dr Levy showed up in his marroon car.  He still has my records in his garage Days of our Lives was a revealing day.  Gabriel is going from bad to worse in terms of her personal ethics.  Ben and Sierra have a relation based on honesty and now Claire wants to undermine that with her cramming her own ideas down Ben’s throat.  In the afternoon I got two Oreos and an iced tea from Rico.   I came back up here to make a phone call to Judy asking her how her conversation with Dr Saran went today.  She couldn’t get through.  Now Bill has turned on Eye Witness news and wants me to exchange a cigarette lighter for him. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

D J I Drops 835 Points Yesterday

.  They spent the first fifteen minutes of the ABC network news doing Hurricane Michael.  Hurricane Michael is the third lowest barometric pressure of all time behind Camille and that hurricane that hit in 1935.  This puts it past Andrew and Katrina.  It hit in Panama City, Florida but the path of the hurricane is curving to the right swinging past Atlanta and then headed to North Carolina and points to the north and east.  They say it’s the first hurricane to hit so deep into Georgia. In late news today the hurricane has moved eastward back toward the Atlantic Ocean and now they are predicting a US exit via the Atlantic after it hits the middle Atlantic states.  

The markets were down over eight hundred points on the D J I.  This signals real trouble because if interest rates are really headed upward for the first time in ten years, it could signal not just a one day flook but the first day of the new bear market.  Time will tell.  If the numbers keep dropping and dropping a lot every day, day after day, it may weigh on the voter who reads their newspapers every day.  It could help the democrats.  But if I were a democrat running for congress I'd say, and would have said before yesterday, that the economy will crash or at least go down sometime before 2020 because the Federal Reserve has deemed it time to raise interest rates.  Inflation is now at 2.8% and even the government admits that much.  Social Security will be increasing by that ammount.  In reality we know inflation is and has been Much higher than that.

KFI interrupted Leo for the senate vote on Kavanaugh.  There were a lot of protestors and the sound system was strange with noises you couldn’t make out.  I thought there were a lot more “Aye” votes than there turned out to be.  The final vote was 50 to 48.  But Lisa Marcusky canceled her “no” vote so that someone else could register their eye vote who couldn’t make it because they were at a wedding.  I guess it was really 51 to 49 or just what everyone thought.  The early game ended a little after one and then it was Miami and Florida State.  Rhapsody in Black wasn’t on.  I went out for two Oreos and an iced tea from Rico.  

Even a two degree C rise in the temperature of planet earth will be an unacceptable figure with widespread damage to coastal cities.  People say that 2030 could be the danger point where it may already be too late to do anything about it.  If the polar ice caps melt, there's no getting them back.  They are the things that reflect the sun's heat.  I know I haven't been blogging much and this is all I have for you today.  

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Our Utterly Corrupt Society

I tuned in Thom Hartman this morning at nine and he announced that the FBI had cleared Kavanaugh of any wrong doing.  But at the same time he announced there was a massive rise in the polls over the past two weeks of Kavanaugh’s popularity among Americans and that in key congressional races the Republicans are gaining.  Thom explains that this sudden rise in popularity in the Republicans  is due to mass advertising in other parts of the country.  It certainly hasn’t been around here.  This is all despite the fact that the FBI never questioned either Kavanaugh or Ford and basically they announced their investigation was over two days ago after only a day or two of questioning of witnesses.  Of course they wouldn’t question anybody that reported that Kavanaugh was a drunk or that he abused women, so I don’t know what the FBI’s game is.  Apparently the FBI overnight has gone from being an independent organization to being a rubber stamp for anything that President Trump wants them to say.  I bet when the FBI was investigating King back in the sixties they took a lot longer than two days.  Back then they were bent on coming up with evidence against King.  So it would seem that the full vote of the Senate will be tomorrow or Saturday and this whole thing will be wrapped up this week.   Of course this is despite evidence that Kavanaugh used the term “Alumnus” to describe women that he’s had sex with or that he rented out a place on the beach in Easter of 1983, which would be his senior year in High School.   He said that there would be a lot of drinking and puking and there was some concern that there would be enough beds to lay all the women.  Of course there are various other letters that Kavanaugh sent.  He would put four F’s for “find ‘em, feel ‘em, fuck ‘em and forget them” referring to his rape victims.  And of course he was in a fraternity at Yale with a bad reputation for abusing women.  And of course they would line the fraternity brothers up at the door to have them all have sex with the same woman.  I guess that was part of an initiation or something.  Who would guess that so called good Christians- - Catholics no less- - - would have such a record of moral debauchery.  I don’t know.  How do the Koch Brothers craft an ad on TV that would make such a person appealing as a Supreme Court justice?  People keep saying that the walls are closing in on President Trump, yet the evils of this administration keep going on and on and even at this date I can’t really say that there is light at the end of the tunnel.   

There are two other news items about Trump.  One is the NAFTA rewrite.  It seems that the new NAFTA treaty has some better provisions that help labor and get rid of unfair competetion and keep more US jobs here.  But also other provisions were thrown in to help the drug companies maintain prohibitively high prices by extending patents and also helping out the oil companies.  The other news are Trump's finances.  We all knew Trump was a crook and now we know for sure.  Gone at last is the myth that Trump got started with just a one million dollar loan from his father.  Now they say that by age eight Donald Trump was already a millionaire.  Also that in today's dollars Trump got over four hundred million from his father.  But they also said that the brothers got over a billion dollars from his father's estate when he died.  And of course there is massive tax fraud and we never got to see Donald Trump's tax returns.  In personal news my health has been poor the last two thirds of the month of September and I'm not really sure how it is now.  The flu has struck early around here and I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about it in the news yet.  

Monday, October 01, 2018

Sorry for the Eleven Day Hiatus

For lunch we had a breaded cod filet chunk and tartar sauce.  With it we had brown rice and Brussels sprouts.  We had light cake with fruit in it for dessert.  I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  According to California law you know if you commit a spur of the moment murder during a robbery it’s automatically first degree.  And you know the person who waits in the getaway car is just as guilty of the robbery as those who performed the act.  But the law takes it one step further saying the person, usually a woman, who is in the getaway car is just as guilty of the murder as if she’d done it even if the idea for the killing did not exist yet.  This seems to me to be inherently unfair but Gary and Shannon love it.  It doesn’t matter if the guy is a teenager in high school- - - he desserves many years in prison.  One legislator is trying to change this saying that women are unfairly discriminated against.  Gary and Shannon have that right wing streak in them saying no extremity of punishment is too great.
I watched Days of our Lives.  Today Trip and Sierra made love.  They better before Ben gets there because he was just let out of jail because it turns out the key evidence against him was planted after all.  Shawn took it to a lab and proved it.  Hatti Adams and John Black are now man and wife.  Christine is a maniac.  Samantha promised Stephan half of her estate if he would but tell her the secret as to where E J is now.  After this I went out for snacks from Rico and got a sugar free three pack of lemon cream cookies.
In yesterday’s morning game on CBS the Patriots beat Miami 31 to nothing or whatever it was.  They switched to Cincinatti and Atlanta after a while.  Then I switched to see Dallas beating the Detroit Lions.  Then as a bonus game they had Tennessee and the Eagles locked in overtime, but then FOX had to cut away from that game for some reason.  (There appeared to be none)  For lunch we had hearty chicken strips with some nice glaze sauce on them - - and brown rice that had a few dry cernals.  I don’t remember the dessert.  I didn’t attempt to tune in Leo on a Sunday.  I never had “Face the Nation” on.  I didn’t feel up to having the computer on any more.  I haven’t blogged since Thursday. 
In the afternoon game it was the Raiders and Cleveland.  No, I’m kidding.  It was the Chargers and the ‘49ers.  The ‘49ers jumped out to a fourteen to nothing lead but then the Chargers caught up.  Then the ‘49ers pulled ahead.  Then the Chargers came back.  At the end of the game all the Chargers had to do to win was run out the clock and didn’t even want to kick a field goal which would have increased their 29 to 27 lead from two to five.  They had the game on during dinner, and I watched it after dinner.  Of course I was talking out back a lot.  For dinner we had two cheese quesedas and a “Mexican salad” that I didn’t have any appetite for.  We had three sugar cookies for dessert.  Millie had talked about all of these phone calls she was going to make this Sunday but I don’t know the results of any of them.  She was going to call channel two.  I went out a little before dinner for instant coffee and another pack of cigarettes at the store and had two cups of instant coffee this evening.   Tim called between three and four.  If I had known he hadn’t talked to Paul I would have minced my words a little.  As it was I laid it on thick and heavy about my illness, which consists of a feverish head and tenseness and a touchy stomach, as well as a cough, which sometimes gets bad.  It was between six and seven that Bill and me and Millie and Gene and Dorthey were all talking about illnesses and how sick everybody was, but especially Bill.  Millie and Dorthey urged Bill to have himself admitted to the hospital tonight without delay.  At first Bill wasn’t sure about it but he resolved to do it.  They said “If you don’t do it, we’ll all be sitting around a week from now having the same conversation”.  I applied this to myself because I didn’t feel that great and as I told them all, “I’m looking forward to getting my medication”.   Bill went right in and changed his clothes but was too tired to shower.  He said he would wait out front.  I only delayed another minute or so and went to get my medication about twenty-five after seven.  I was surprised to see Bill there with the ambulance people.  They didn’t seem very sociable with me.  They didn’t want to hear what I had to say.  I urged Bill to be strident but clear with the hospital nurses and doctors about exactly what his symptoms were.  I don’t think the parameics were understanding just what his problem was.  I was getting my medication from Jan.  I got cough medicine, which I’ve had straight for a week and a half- - or so. 
Sixty Minutes had that Brett Cavana thing with that Flake senator fellow, and a democrat he has been friends with.  Flake needed to “flake off” the republican majority and he did.  But now the scuttlebutt is that the FBI background  check is deliberately restrictive.  For one thing they won’t interview anybody who remembered Cavana as a bulligerant drunk who abused women.  They aren’t going to interview that third complainer who described him like that, as well as many others.  The second segment was on this one drug pusher doctor who lived in Florida where they have really permissive laws when it comes to narcotics.  People come from all over America to get their drugs in Florida.  There are more drug outlets there than there are Mac Donald’s.   The third segment was on Paul Mc Cartney and I was disappointed with that.  They talked only about his years with the Beatles and nothing in the last 48 years of copious album production.  I was thinking Paul would be talking about and plugging his latest album, “Egypt Station”.  After this was the show “God Friended Me”, which I watched.  It lasted an hour.  Then it was NCIS Los Angeles, and I went to bed before that program was over.  I wasn’t feeling that great and I was waiting for the medication to kick in and then I could get some sleep. 
I got up at five o clock but didn’t shower because I was too tired.  I turned on the computer about twenty after five and watched “Bill Press” and “Stephanie Miller” and had the Rude Pundit on.   I guess Bill spent the night OK.  Encephelitus causes swelling of the brain they inform us.  I didn’t go out to the store before breakfast.  We had Cheerios followed by scrambled eggs and bacon and tater tots and toast, butter and jelly.  I had more of Stephanie Miller on.  The cat was hungry and restless responding to the rustle of the plastic of Nancy.   I was drowsy in the morning.  I didn’t go for morning snacks. 

I went to the liquor store just before three and bought a $2.50 big bottle of Pepsi using my debit card.  Then I watched Norman Goldman till a few minutes to four.  We had a turkey sandwich for dinner with tomatoes and lettuce.  We had peaches for dessert.  Then we had a piece of Millie’s blueberry pie she got from her sister.  She saved some of it.  Laurance was on his way in the hall.  I just turned on the news.